# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [Defect].} import std/[options, sequtils], stew/byteutils, chronicles, json_rpc/servers/httpserver, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/enr, libp2p/[multiaddress, multicodec, peerstore], ../beacon_node, ../version, ../networking/[eth2_network, peer_pool], ../sync/sync_manager, ../spec/datatypes/base, ./rpc_utils logScope: topics = "nodeapi" type RpcServer = RpcHttpServer proc validateState(state: Option[seq[string]]): Option[set[ConnectionState]] = var res: set[ConnectionState] if state.isSome(): let states = state.get() for item in states: case item of "disconnected": if ConnectionState.Disconnected notin res: res.incl(ConnectionState.Disconnected) else: # `state` values should be unique return none(set[ConnectionState]) of "connecting": if ConnectionState.Disconnected notin res: res.incl(ConnectionState.Connecting) else: # `state` values should be unique return none(set[ConnectionState]) of "connected": if ConnectionState.Connected notin res: res.incl(ConnectionState.Connected) else: # `state` values should be unique return none(set[ConnectionState]) of "disconnecting": if ConnectionState.Disconnecting notin res: res.incl(ConnectionState.Disconnecting) else: # `state` values should be unique return none(set[ConnectionState]) else: # Found incorrect `state` string value return none(set[ConnectionState]) if res == {}: res = {ConnectionState.Connecting, ConnectionState.Connected, ConnectionState.Disconnecting, ConnectionState.Disconnected} some(res) proc validateDirection(direction: Option[seq[string]]): Option[set[PeerType]] = var res: set[PeerType] if direction.isSome(): let directions = direction.get() for item in directions: case item of "inbound": if PeerType.Incoming notin res: res.incl(PeerType.Incoming) else: # `direction` values should be unique return none(set[PeerType]) of "outbound": if PeerType.Outgoing notin res: res.incl(PeerType.Outgoing) else: # `direction` values should be unique return none(set[PeerType]) else: # Found incorrect `direction` string value return none(set[PeerType]) if res == {}: res = {PeerType.Incoming, PeerType.Outgoing} some(res) proc toString(state: ConnectionState): string = case state of ConnectionState.Disconnected: "disconnected" of ConnectionState.Connecting: "connecting" of ConnectionState.Connected: "connected" of ConnectionState.Disconnecting: "disconnecting" else: "" proc toString(direction: PeerType): string = case direction: of PeerType.Incoming: "inbound" of PeerType.Outgoing: "outbound" proc getLastSeenAddress(node: BeaconNode, id: PeerId): string = # TODO (cheatfate): We need to provide filter here, which will be able to # filter such multiaddresses like `/ip4/` or local addresses or # addresses with peer ids. let addrs = node.network.switch.peerStore.addressBook.get(id).toSeq() if len(addrs) > 0: $addrs[len(addrs) - 1] else: "" proc getDiscoveryAddresses(node: BeaconNode): Option[seq[string]] = let restr = node.network.enrRecord().toTypedRecord() if restr.isErr(): return none[seq[string]]() let respa = restr.get().toPeerAddr(udpProtocol) if respa.isErr(): return none[seq[string]]() let pa = respa.get() let mpa = MultiAddress.init(multicodec("p2p"), pa.peerId) if mpa.isErr(): return none[seq[string]]() var addresses = newSeqOfCap[string](len(pa.addrs)) for item in pa.addrs: let resa = concat(item, mpa.get()) if resa.isOk(): addresses.add($(resa.get())) return some(addresses) proc getP2PAddresses(node: BeaconNode): Option[seq[string]] = let pinfo = node.network.switch.peerInfo let mpa = MultiAddress.init(multicodec("p2p"), pinfo.peerId) if mpa.isErr(): return none[seq[string]]() var addresses = newSeqOfCap[string](len(pinfo.addrs)) for item in pinfo.addrs: let resa = concat(item, mpa.get()) if resa.isOk(): addresses.add($(resa.get())) return some(addresses) proc installNodeApiHandlers*(rpcServer: RpcServer, node: BeaconNode) {. raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} = rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_identity") do () -> RpcNodeIdentity: let discoveryAddresses = block: let res = node.getDiscoveryAddresses() if res.isSome(): res.get() else: newSeq[string](0) let p2pAddresses = block: let res = node.getP2PAddresses() if res.isSome(): res.get() else: newSeq[string]() return ( peer_id: $node.network.peerId(), enr: node.network.enrRecord().toUri(), p2p_addresses: p2pAddresses, discovery_addresses: discoveryAddresses, metadata: (node.network.metadata.seq_number, to0xHex(node.network.metadata.attnets.bytes)) ) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_peers") do (state: Option[seq[string]], direction: Option[seq[string]]) -> seq[RpcNodePeer]: var res = newSeq[RpcNodePeer]() let rstates = validateState(state) if rstates.isNone(): raise newException(CatchableError, "Incorrect state parameter") let rdirs = validateDirection(direction) if rdirs.isNone(): raise newException(CatchableError, "Incorrect direction parameter") let states = rstates.get() let dirs = rdirs.get() for peer in node.network.peers.values(): if (peer.connectionState in states) and (peer.direction in dirs): let resPeer = ( peer_id: $peer.peerId, enr: if peer.enr.isSome(): peer.enr.get().toUri() else: "", last_seen_p2p_address: getLastSeenAddress(node, peer.peerId), state: peer.connectionState.toString(), direction: peer.direction.toString(), agent: node.network.switch.peerStore.agentBook.get(peer.peerId), # Fields `agent` and `proto` are not proto: node.network.switch.peerStore.protoVersionBook.get(peer.peerId) # part of specification ) res.add(resPeer) return res rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_peer_count") do () -> RpcNodePeerCount: var res: RpcNodePeerCount for item in node.network.peers.values(): case item.connectionState of ConnectionState.Connecting: inc(res.connecting) of ConnectionState.Connected: inc(res.connected) of ConnectionState.Disconnecting: inc(res.disconnecting) of ConnectionState.Disconnected: inc(res.disconnected) of ConnectionState.None: discard return res rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_peers_peerId") do ( peer_id: string) -> RpcNodePeer: let pres = PeerID.init(peer_id) if pres.isErr(): raise newException(CatchableError, "The peer ID supplied could not be parsed") let pid = pres.get() let peer = node.network.peers.getOrDefault(pid) if isNil(peer): raise newException(CatchableError, "Peer not found") return ( peer_id: $peer.peerId, enr: if peer.enr.isSome(): peer.enr.get().toUri() else: "", last_seen_p2p_address: getLastSeenAddress(node, peer.peerId), state: peer.connectionState.toString(), direction: peer.direction.toString(), agent: node.network.switch.peerStore.agentBook.get(peer.peerId), # Fields `agent` and `proto` are not proto: node.network.switch.peerStore.protoVersionBook.get(peer.peerId) # part of specification ) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_version") do () -> JsonNode: return %*{"version": "Nimbus/" & fullVersionStr} rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_syncing") do () -> RpcSyncInfo: return node.syncManager.getInfo() rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_node_health") do () -> JsonNode: # TODO: There currently no way to situation when we node has issues, so # its impossible to return HTTP ERROR 503 according to specification. if node.syncManager.inProgress: # We need to return HTTP ERROR 206 according to specification return %*{"health": 206} else: return %*{"health": 200}