# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [Defect].} import std/[parseutils, sequtils, strutils, sets], stew/[byteutils, results], json_rpc/servers/httpserver, chronicles, ../beacon_node, ../networking/eth2_network, ../validators/validator_duties, ../consensus_object_pools/blockchain_dag, ../spec/[eth2_merkleization, forks, network, validator], ../spec/datatypes/[phase0], ./rpc_utils logScope: topics = "beaconapi" type RpcServer = RpcHttpServer ValidatorQuery = object # Security note / threat model: # - The validator pubkey are stored in their raw bytes representation # in the `keyset`. # - While the input is from unknown source (as far as the beacon node is concerned), # users are asked to not expose their # RPC endpoints to untrusted network or use a reverse proxy in front. # - At usage time, keys in the keyset are compared to keys registered # in the Ethereum BeaconState which are valid keyset: HashSet[ValidatorPubKey] ids: seq[uint64] StatusQuery = object statset: HashSet[string] template unimplemented() = raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: "Unimplemented") proc createIdQuery(ids: openArray[string]): Result[ValidatorQuery, cstring] = # validatorIds array should have maximum 30 items, and all items should be # unique. if len(ids) > 30: return err("The number of ids exceeds the limit") # All ids in validatorIds must be unique. if len(ids) != len(toHashSet(ids)): return err("ids array must have unique item") var res = ValidatorQuery( keyset: initHashSet[ValidatorPubKey](), ids: newSeq[uint64]() ) for item in ids: if item.startsWith("0x"): let pubkey = ? ValidatorPubkey.fromHex(item) res.keyset.incl(pubkey) else: var tmp: uint64 try: if parseBiggestUInt(item, tmp) != len(item): return err("Incorrect index value") except ValueError: return err("Cannot parse index value") res.ids.add(tmp) ok(res) proc createStatusQuery(status: openArray[string]): Result[StatusQuery, string] = const AllowedStatuses = [ "pending", "pending_initialized", "pending_queued", "active", "active_ongoing", "active_exiting", "active_slashed", "exited", "exited_unslashed", "exited_slashed", "withdrawal", "withdrawal_possible", "withdrawal_done" ] if len(status) > len(AllowedStatuses): return err("The number of statuses exceeds the limit") var res = StatusQuery(statset: initHashSet[string]()) # All ids in validatorIds must be unique. if len(status) != len(toHashSet(status)): return err("Status array must have unique items") for item in status: if item notin AllowedStatuses: return err("Invalid status requested") case item of "pending": res.statset.incl("pending_initialized") res.statset.incl("pending_queued") of "active": res.statset.incl("active_ongoing") res.statset.incl("active_exiting") res.statset.incl("active_slashed") of "exited": res.statset.incl("exited_unslashed") res.statset.incl("exited_slashed") of "withdrawal": res.statset.incl("withdrawal_possible") res.statset.incl("withdrawal_done") else: res.statset.incl(item) proc getStatus(validator: Validator, current_epoch: Epoch): Result[string, string] = if validator.activation_epoch > current_epoch: # pending if validator.activation_eligibility_epoch == FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH: ok("pending_initialized") else: # validator.activation_eligibility_epoch < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH: ok("pending_queued") elif (validator.activation_epoch <= current_epoch) and (current_epoch < validator.exit_epoch): # active if validator.exit_epoch == FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH: ok("active_ongoing") elif not validator.slashed: # validator.exit_epoch < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH ok("active_exiting") else: # validator.exit_epoch < FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH and validator.slashed: ok("active_slashed") elif (validator.exit_epoch <= current_epoch) and (current_epoch < validator.withdrawable_epoch): # exited if not validator.slashed: ok("exited_unslashed") else: # validator.slashed ok("exited_slashed") elif validator.withdrawable_epoch <= current_epoch: # withdrawal if validator.effective_balance != 0: ok("withdrawal_possible") else: # validator.effective_balance == 0 ok("withdrawal_done") else: err("Invalid validator status") proc getForkedBlockFromBlockId( node: BeaconNode, blockId: string): ForkedTrustedSignedBeaconBlock {. raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} = case blockId: of "head": node.dag.getForkedBlock(node.dag.head.bid).valueOr: raise newException(CatchableError, "Block not found") of "genesis": node.dag.getForkedBlock(node.dag.genesis).valueOr: raise newException(CatchableError, "Block not found") of "finalized": node.dag.getForkedBlock(node.dag.finalizedHead.blck.bid).valueOr: raise newException(CatchableError, "Block not found") else: if blockId.startsWith("0x"): let blckRoot = parseRoot(blockId) node.dag.getForkedBlock(blckRoot).valueOr: raise newException(CatchableError, "Block not found") else: let bid = node.getBlockIdFromString(blockId) node.dag.getForkedBlock(bid).valueOr: raise newException(CatchableError, "Block not found") proc installBeaconApiHandlers*(rpcServer: RpcServer, node: BeaconNode) {. raises: [Defect, CatchableError].} = rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_genesis") do () -> RpcBeaconGenesis: return ( genesis_time: getStateField(node.dag.headState, genesis_time), genesis_validators_root: getStateField(node.dag.headState, genesis_validators_root), genesis_fork_version: node.dag.cfg.GENESIS_FORK_VERSION ) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_root") do (stateId: string) -> Eth2Digest: withStateForStateId(stateId): return stateRoot rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_fork") do (stateId: string) -> Fork: withStateForStateId(stateId): return getStateField(state, fork) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_finality_checkpoints") do ( stateId: string) -> RpcBeaconStatesFinalityCheckpoints: withStateForStateId(stateId): return (previous_justified: getStateField(state, previous_justified_checkpoint), current_justified: getStateField(state, current_justified_checkpoint), finalized: getStateField(state, finalized_checkpoint)) rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_validators") do ( stateId: string, validatorIds: Option[seq[string]], status: Option[seq[string]]) -> seq[RpcBeaconStatesValidators]: var vquery: ValidatorQuery var squery: StatusQuery let current_epoch = getStateField(node.dag.headState, slot).epoch template statusCheck(status, statusQuery, vstatus, current_epoch): bool = if status.isNone(): true else: if vstatus in squery.statset: true else: false var res: seq[RpcBeaconStatesValidators] withStateForStateId(stateId): if status.isSome: let sqres = createStatusQuery(status.get()) if sqres.isErr: raise newException(CatchableError, sqres.error) squery = sqres.get() if validatorIds.isSome: let vqres = createIdQuery(validatorIds.get()) if vqres.isErr: raise newException(CatchableError, $vqres.error) vquery = vqres.get() if validatorIds.isNone(): for index, validator in getStateField(state, validators).pairs(): let sres = validator.getStatus(current_epoch) if sres.isOk: let vstatus = sres.get() let includeFlag = statusCheck(status, squery, vstatus, current_epoch) if includeFlag: res.add((validator: validator, index: uint64(index), status: vstatus, balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index])) else: for index in vquery.ids: if index < lenu64(getStateField(state, validators)): let validator = getStateField(state, validators).asSeq()[index] let sres = validator.getStatus(current_epoch) if sres.isOk: let vstatus = sres.get() let includeFlag = statusCheck(status, squery, vstatus, current_epoch) if includeFlag: vquery.keyset.excl(validator.pubkey) res.add((validator: validator, index: uint64(index), status: vstatus, balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index])) for index, validator in getStateField(state, validators).pairs(): if validator.pubkey in vquery.keyset: let sres = validator.getStatus(current_epoch) if sres.isOk: let vstatus = sres.get() let includeFlag = statusCheck(status, squery, vstatus, current_epoch) if includeFlag: res.add((validator: validator, index: uint64(index), status: vstatus, balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index])) return res rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_validators_validatorId") do ( stateId: string, validatorId: string) -> RpcBeaconStatesValidators: let current_epoch = getStateField(node.dag.headState, slot).epoch let vqres = createIdQuery([validatorId]) if vqres.isErr: raise newException(CatchableError, $vqres.error) let vquery = vqres.get() withStateForStateId(stateId): if len(vquery.ids) > 0: let index = vquery.ids[0] if index < lenu64(getStateField(state, validators)): let validator = getStateField(state, validators).asSeq()[index] let sres = validator.getStatus(current_epoch) if sres.isOk: return (validator: validator, index: uint64(index), status: sres.get(), balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index]) else: raise newException(CatchableError, "Incorrect validator's state") else: for index, validator in getStateField(state, validators).pairs(): if validator.pubkey in vquery.keyset: let sres = validator.getStatus(current_epoch) if sres.isOk: return (validator: validator, index: uint64(index), status: sres.get(), balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index]) else: raise newException(CatchableError, "Incorrect validator's state") rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_validator_balances") do ( stateId: string, validatorsId: Option[seq[string]]) -> seq[RpcBalance]: var res: seq[RpcBalance] withStateForStateId(stateId): if validatorsId.isNone(): for index, value in getStateField(state, balances).pairs(): let balance = (index: uint64(index), balance: value) res.add(balance) else: let vqres = createIdQuery(validatorsId.get()) if vqres.isErr: raise newException(CatchableError, $vqres.error) var vquery = vqres.get() for index in vquery.ids: if index < lenu64(getStateField(state, validators)): let validator = getStateField(state, validators).asSeq()[index] vquery.keyset.excl(validator.pubkey) let balance = (index: uint64(index), balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index]) res.add(balance) for index, validator in getStateField(state, validators).pairs(): if validator.pubkey in vquery.keyset: let balance = (index: uint64(index), balance: getStateField(state, balances).asSeq()[index]) res.add(balance) return res rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_states_stateId_committees_epoch") do ( stateId: string, epoch: Option[uint64], index: Option[uint64], slot: Option[uint64]) -> seq[RpcBeaconStatesCommittees]: withStateForStateId(stateId): proc getCommittee(slot: Slot, index: CommitteeIndex): RpcBeaconStatesCommittees = let vals = get_beacon_committee( state, slot, index, cache).mapIt(it.uint64) return (index: index.uint64, slot: slot.uint64, validators: vals) proc forSlot(slot: Slot, res: var seq[RpcBeaconStatesCommittees]) = let committees_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot(state, slot.epoch, cache) if index.isNone: for committee_index in get_committee_indices(committees_per_slot): res.add(getCommittee(slot, committee_index)) else: if index.get() < committees_per_slot: let cindex = CommitteeIndex.init(index.get()).expect( "valid because verified against committees_per_slot") res.add(getCommittee(slot, cindex)) var res: seq[RpcBeaconStatesCommittees] let qepoch = if epoch.isNone: epoch(getStateField(state, slot)) else: Epoch(epoch.get()) if slot.isNone: for slot in qepoch.slots(): forSlot(slot, res) else: forSlot(Slot(slot.get()), res) return res rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_headers") do ( slot: Option[uint64], parent_root: Option[string]) -> seq[RpcBeaconHeaders]: unimplemented() rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_headers_blockId") do ( blockId: string) -> tuple[canonical: bool, header: SignedBeaconBlockHeader]: let bd = node.getForkedBlockFromBlockId(blockId) return withBlck(bd): static: doAssert blck.signature is TrustedSig and sizeof(ValidatorSig) == sizeof(blck.signature) ( canonical: node.dag.isCanonical( BlockId(root: blck.root, slot: blck.message.slot)), header: SignedBeaconBlockHeader( message: blck.toBeaconBlockHeader ) ) rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_beacon_blocks") do (blck: phase0.SignedBeaconBlock) -> int: let res = await sendBeaconBlock(node, ForkedSignedBeaconBlock.init(blck)) if res.isErr(): raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: $res.error()) if res.get(): # The block was validated successfully and has been broadcast. # It has also been integrated into the beacon node's database. return 200 else: # The block failed validation, but was successfully broadcast anyway. # It was not integrated into the beacon node''s database. return 202 rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_blocks_blockId") do ( blockId: string) -> phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock: let blck = node.getForkedBlockFromBlockId(blockId) if blck.kind == BeaconBlockFork.Phase0: return blck.phase0Data else: raiseNoAltairSupport() rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_blocks_blockId_root") do ( blockId: string) -> Eth2Digest: return withBlck(node.getForkedBlockFromBlockId(blockId)): blck.root rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_blocks_blockId_attestations") do ( blockId: string) -> seq[TrustedAttestation]: return withBlck(node.getForkedBlockFromBlockId(blockId)): blck.message.body.attestations.asSeq rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_pool_attestations") do ( slot: Option[uint64], committee_index: Option[uint64]) -> seq[RpcAttestation]: var res: seq[RpcAttestation] let qslot = if slot.isSome(): some(Slot(slot.get())) else: none[Slot]() let qindex = if committee_index.isSome(): some(CommitteeIndex(committee_index.get())) else: none[CommitteeIndex]() for item in node.attestationPool[].attestations(qslot, qindex): let atuple = ( aggregation_bits: to0xHex(item.aggregation_bits.bytes), data: item.data, signature: item.signature ) res.add(atuple) return res rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_beacon_pool_attestations") do ( attestation: Attestation) -> bool: let res = await node.sendAttestation(attestation) if not res.isOk(): raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: $res.error()) return true rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_pool_attester_slashings") do ( ) -> seq[AttesterSlashing]: var res: seq[AttesterSlashing] if isNil(node.exitPool): return res let length = len(node.exitPool.attester_slashings) res = newSeqOfCap[AttesterSlashing](length) for item in node.exitPool.attester_slashings.items(): res.add(item) return res rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_beacon_pool_attester_slashings") do ( slashing: AttesterSlashing) -> bool: let res = node.sendAttesterSlashing(slashing) if not res.isOk(): raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: $res.error()) return true rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_pool_proposer_slashings") do ( ) -> seq[ProposerSlashing]: var res: seq[ProposerSlashing] if isNil(node.exitPool): return res let length = len(node.exitPool.proposer_slashings) res = newSeqOfCap[ProposerSlashing](length) for item in node.exitPool.proposer_slashings.items(): res.add(item) return res rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_beacon_pool_proposer_slashings") do ( slashing: ProposerSlashing) -> bool: let res = node.sendProposerSlashing(slashing) if not res.isOk(): raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: $res.error()) return true rpcServer.rpc("get_v1_beacon_pool_voluntary_exits") do ( ) -> seq[SignedVoluntaryExit]: var res: seq[SignedVoluntaryExit] if isNil(node.exitPool): return res let length = len(node.exitPool.voluntary_exits) res = newSeqOfCap[SignedVoluntaryExit](length) for item in node.exitPool.voluntary_exits.items(): res.add(item) return res rpcServer.rpc("post_v1_beacon_pool_voluntary_exits") do ( exit: SignedVoluntaryExit) -> bool: let res = node.sendVoluntaryExit(exit) if not res.isOk(): raise (ref CatchableError)(msg: $res.error()) return true