# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [Defect].} import chronicles, options, sequtils, tables, metrics, ../ssz/merkleization, ../beacon_chain_db, ../extras, ../spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers, validator, state_transition], block_pools_types declareCounter beacon_reorgs_total, "Total occurrences of reorganizations of the chain" # On fork choice declareCounter beacon_state_data_cache_hits, "dag.cachedStates hits" declareCounter beacon_state_data_cache_misses, "dag.cachedStates misses" logScope: topics = "hotdb" proc putBlock*( dag: var CandidateChains, blockRoot: Eth2Digest, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock) = dag.db.putBlock(blockRoot, signedBlock) proc updateStateData*( dag: CandidateChains, state: var StateData, bs: BlockSlot) {.gcsafe.} template withState*( dag: CandidateChains, cache: var StateData, blockSlot: BlockSlot, body: untyped): untyped = ## Helper template that updates state to a particular BlockSlot - usage of ## cache is unsafe outside of block. ## TODO async transformations will lead to a race where cache gets updated ## while waiting for future to complete - catch this here somehow? updateStateData(dag, cache, blockSlot) template hashedState(): HashedBeaconState {.inject, used.} = cache.data template state(): BeaconState {.inject, used.} = cache.data.data template blck(): BlockRef {.inject, used.} = cache.blck template root(): Eth2Digest {.inject, used.} = cache.data.root body func parent*(bs: BlockSlot): BlockSlot = ## Return a blockslot representing the previous slot, using the parent block ## if the current slot had a block if bs.slot == Slot(0): BlockSlot(blck: nil, slot: Slot(0)) else: BlockSlot( blck: if bs.slot > bs.blck.slot: bs.blck else: bs.blck.parent, slot: bs.slot - 1 ) func populateEpochCache(state: BeaconState, epoch: Epoch): EpochRef = result = (EpochRef)( epoch: state.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot, shuffled_active_validator_indices: get_shuffled_active_validator_indices(state, epoch)) func link*(parent, child: BlockRef) = doAssert (not (parent.root == Eth2Digest() or child.root == Eth2Digest())), "blocks missing root!" doAssert parent.root != child.root, "self-references not allowed" child.parent = parent parent.children.add(child) func isAncestorOf*(a, b: BlockRef): bool = var b = b var depth = 0 const maxDepth = (100'i64 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 div SECONDS_PER_SLOT.int) while true: if a == b: return true # for now, use an assert for block chain length since a chain this long # indicates a circular reference here.. doAssert depth < maxDepth depth += 1 if a.slot >= b.slot or b.parent.isNil: return false doAssert b.slot > b.parent.slot b = b.parent func getAncestorAt*(blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot): BlockRef = ## Return the most recent block as of the time at `slot` that not more recent ## than `blck` itself var blck = blck var depth = 0 const maxDepth = (100'i64 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 div SECONDS_PER_SLOT.int) while true: if blck.slot <= slot: return blck if blck.parent.isNil: return nil doAssert depth < maxDepth depth += 1 blck = blck.parent func get_ancestor*(blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot): BlockRef = ## https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.1/specs/phase0/fork-choice.md#get_ancestor ## Return ancestor at slot, or nil if queried block is older var blck = blck var depth = 0 const maxDepth = (100'i64 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 div SECONDS_PER_SLOT.int) while true: if blck.slot == slot: return blck if blck.slot < slot: return nil if blck.parent.isNil: return nil doAssert depth < maxDepth depth += 1 blck = blck.parent iterator get_ancestors_in_epoch(blockSlot: BlockSlot): BlockSlot = let min_slot = blockSlot.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot.compute_start_slot_at_epoch var blockSlot = blockSlot while true: for slot in countdown(blockSlot.slot, max(blockSlot.blck.slot, min_slot)): yield BlockSlot(blck: blockSlot.blck, slot: slot) if blockSlot.blck.parent.isNil or blockSlot.blck.slot <= min_slot: break doAssert blockSlot.blck.slot > blockSlot.blck.parent.slot blockSlot = BlockSlot(blck: blockSlot.blck.parent, slot: blockSlot.blck.slot - 1) func atSlot*(blck: BlockRef, slot: Slot): BlockSlot = ## Return a BlockSlot at a given slot, with the block set to the closest block ## available. If slot comes from before the block, a suitable block ancestor ## will be used, else blck is returned as if all slots after it were empty. ## This helper is useful when imagining what the chain looked like at a ## particular moment in time, or when imagining what it will look like in the ## near future if nothing happens (such as when looking ahead for the next ## block proposal) BlockSlot(blck: blck.getAncestorAt(slot), slot: slot) func getEpochInfo*(blck: BlockRef, state: BeaconState): EpochRef = # This is the only intended mechanism by which to get an EpochRef let state_epoch = state.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot matching_epochinfo = blck.epochsInfo.filterIt(it.epoch == state_epoch) if matching_epochinfo.len == 0: let cache = populateEpochCache(state, state_epoch) blck.epochsInfo.add(cache) trace "candidate_chains.getEpochInfo: back-filling parent.epochInfo", state_slot = state.slot cache elif matching_epochinfo.len == 1: matching_epochinfo[0] else: raiseAssert "multiple EpochRefs per epoch per BlockRef invalid" func getEpochCache*(blck: BlockRef, state: BeaconState): StateCache = let epochInfo = getEpochInfo(blck, state) result = get_empty_per_epoch_cache() result.shuffled_active_validator_indices[ state.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot] = epochInfo.shuffled_active_validator_indices func init(T: type BlockRef, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): BlockRef = BlockRef( root: root, slot: slot ) func init*(T: type BlockRef, root: Eth2Digest, blck: SomeBeaconBlock): BlockRef = BlockRef.init(root, blck.slot) proc init*(T: type CandidateChains, db: BeaconChainDB, updateFlags: UpdateFlags = {}): CandidateChains = # TODO we require that the db contains both a head and a tail block - # asserting here doesn't seem like the right way to go about it however.. let tailBlockRoot = db.getTailBlock() headBlockRoot = db.getHeadBlock() doAssert tailBlockRoot.isSome(), "Missing tail block, database corrupt?" doAssert headBlockRoot.isSome(), "Missing head block, database corrupt?" let tailRoot = tailBlockRoot.get() tailBlock = db.getBlock(tailRoot).get() tailRef = BlockRef.init(tailRoot, tailBlock.message) headRoot = headBlockRoot.get() var blocks = {tailRef.root: tailRef}.toTable() headRef: BlockRef if headRoot != tailRoot: var curRef: BlockRef for root, blck in db.getAncestors(headRoot): if root == tailRef.root: doAssert(not curRef.isNil) link(tailRef, curRef) curRef = curRef.parent break let newRef = BlockRef.init(root, blck.message) if curRef == nil: curRef = newRef headRef = newRef else: link(newRef, curRef) curRef = curRef.parent blocks[curRef.root] = curRef trace "Populating block dag", key = curRef.root, val = curRef doAssert curRef == tailRef, "head block does not lead to tail, database corrupt?" else: headRef = tailRef var bs = headRef.atSlot(headRef.slot) tmpState = (ref StateData)() # Now that we have a head block, we need to find the most recent state that # we have saved in the database while bs.blck != nil: let root = db.getStateRoot(bs.blck.root, bs.slot) if root.isSome(): # TODO load StateData from BeaconChainDB # We save state root separately for empty slots which means we might # sometimes not find a state even though we saved its state root if db.getState(root.get(), tmpState.data.data, noRollback): tmpState.data.root = root.get() tmpState.blck = bs.blck break bs = bs.parent() # Iterate slot by slot in case there's a gap! if tmpState.blck == nil: warn "No state found in head history, database corrupt?" # TODO Potentially we could recover from here instead of crashing - what # would be a good recovery model? raiseAssert "No state found in head history, database corrupt?" # We presently save states on the epoch boundary - it means that the latest # state we loaded might be older than head block - nonetheless, it will be # from the same epoch as the head, thus the finalized and justified slots are # the same - these only change on epoch boundaries. let finalizedSlot = tmpState.data.data.finalized_checkpoint.epoch.compute_start_slot_at_epoch() finalizedHead = headRef.atSlot(finalizedSlot) justifiedSlot = tmpState.data.data.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch.compute_start_slot_at_epoch() justifiedHead = headRef.atSlot(justifiedSlot) head = Head(blck: headRef, justified: justifiedHead) doAssert justifiedHead.slot >= finalizedHead.slot, "justified head comes before finalized head - database corrupt?" let res = CandidateChains( blocks: blocks, tail: tailRef, head: head, finalizedHead: finalizedHead, db: db, heads: @[head], headState: tmpState[], justifiedState: tmpState[], # This is wrong but we'll update it below tmpState: tmpState[], # The only allowed flag right now is verifyFinalization, as the others all # allow skipping some validation. updateFlags: {verifyFinalization} * updateFlags ) doAssert res.updateFlags in [{}, {verifyFinalization}] res.updateStateData(res.justifiedState, justifiedHead) res.updateStateData(res.headState, headRef.atSlot(headRef.slot)) info "Block dag initialized", head = head.blck, justifiedHead, finalizedHead, tail = tailRef, totalBlocks = blocks.len res proc getState( dag: CandidateChains, db: BeaconChainDB, stateRoot: Eth2Digest, blck: BlockRef, output: var StateData): bool = let outputAddr = unsafeAddr output # local scope func restore(v: var BeaconState) = if outputAddr == (unsafeAddr dag.headState): # TODO seeing the headState in the restore shouldn't happen - we load # head states only when updating the head position, and by that time # the database will have gone through enough sanity checks that # SSZ exceptions shouldn't happen, which is when restore happens. # Nonetheless, this is an ugly workaround that needs to go away doAssert false, "Cannot alias headState" assign(outputAddr[], dag.headState) if not db.getState(stateRoot, output.data.data, restore): return false output.blck = blck output.data.root = stateRoot true func getStateCacheIndex(dag: CandidateChains, blockRoot: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): int = for i, cachedState in dag.cachedStates: let (cacheBlockRoot, cacheSlot, _) = cachedState if cacheBlockRoot == blockRoot and cacheSlot == slot: return i -1 func putStateCache( dag: CandidateChains, state: HashedBeaconState, blck: BlockRef) = # Need to be able to efficiently access states for both attestation # aggregation and to process block proposals going back to the last # finalized slot. Ideally to avoid potential combinatiorial forking # storage and/or memory constraints could CoW, up to and including, # in particular, hash_tree_root() which is expensive to do 30 times # since the previous epoch, to efficiently state_transition back to # desired slot. However, none of that's in place, so there are both # expensive, repeated BeaconState copies as well as computationally # time-consuming-near-end-of-epoch hash tree roots. The latter are, # effectively, naïvely O(n^2) in slot number otherwise, so when the # slots become in the mid-to-high-20s it's spending all its time in # pointlessly repeated calculations of prefix-state-transitions. An # intermediate time/memory workaround involves storing only mapping # between BlockRefs, or BlockSlots, and the BeaconState tree roots, # but that still involves tens of megabytes worth of copying, along # with the concomitant memory allocator and GC load. Instead, use a # more memory-intensive (but more conceptually straightforward, and # faster) strategy to just store, for the most recent slots. let stateCacheIndex = dag.getStateCacheIndex(blck.root, state.data.slot) if stateCacheIndex == -1: # Could use a deque or similar, but want simpler structure, and the data # items are small and few. const MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 32 let cacheLen = dag.cachedStates.len doAssert cacheLen <= MAX_CACHE_SIZE let entry = if dag.cachedStates.len == MAX_CACHE_SIZE: dag.cachedStates.pop().state else: (ref HashedBeaconState)() assign(entry[], state) insert(dag.cachedStates, (blck.root, state.data.slot, entry)) trace "CandidateChains.putState(): state cache updated", cacheLen, root = shortLog(blck.root), slot = state.data.slot proc putState*(dag: CandidateChains, state: HashedBeaconState, blck: BlockRef) = # TODO we save state at every epoch start but never remove them - we also # potentially save multiple states per slot if reorgs happen, meaning # we could easily see a state explosion logScope: pcs = "save_state_at_epoch_start" var rootWritten = false if state.data.slot != blck.slot: # This is a state that was produced by a skip slot for which there is no # block - we'll save the state root in the database in case we need to # replay the skip dag.db.putStateRoot(blck.root, state.data.slot, state.root) rootWritten = true if state.data.slot.isEpoch: if not dag.db.containsState(state.root): info "Storing state", blck = shortLog(blck), stateSlot = shortLog(state.data.slot), stateRoot = shortLog(state.root), cat = "caching" dag.db.putState(state.root, state.data) if not rootWritten: dag.db.putStateRoot(blck.root, state.data.slot, state.root) putStateCache(dag, state, blck) func getRef*(dag: CandidateChains, root: Eth2Digest): BlockRef = ## Retrieve a resolved block reference, if available dag.blocks.getOrDefault(root, nil) func getBlockRange*( dag: CandidateChains, startSlot: Slot, skipStep: Natural, output: var openArray[BlockRef]): Natural = ## This function populates an `output` buffer of blocks ## with a slots ranging from `startSlot` up to, but not including, ## `startSlot + skipStep * output.len`, skipping any slots that don't have ## a block. ## ## Blocks will be written to `output` from the end without gaps, even if ## a block is missing in a particular slot. The return value shows how ## many slots were missing blocks - to iterate over the result, start ## at this index. ## ## If there were no blocks in the range, `output.len` will be returned. let count = output.len trace "getBlockRange entered", head = shortLog(dag.head.blck.root), count, startSlot, skipStep let skipStep = max(1, skipStep) # Treat 0 step as 1 endSlot = startSlot + uint64(count * skipStep) var b = dag.head.blck.atSlot(endSlot) o = count for i in 0..= 0: assign(state.data, dag.cachedStates[idx].state[]) let ancestor = ancestors.pop() state.blck = ancestor beacon_state_data_cache_hits.inc() trace "Replaying state transitions via in-memory cache", stateSlot = shortLog(state.data.data.slot), ancestorStateRoot = shortLog(state.data.root), ancestorStateSlot = shortLog(state.data.data.slot), slot = shortLog(bs.slot), blockRoot = shortLog(bs.blck.root), ancestors = ancestors.len, cat = "replay_state" return ancestors beacon_state_data_cache_misses.inc() if (let tmp = dag.db.getStateRoot(parBs.blck.root, parBs.slot); tmp.isSome()): if dag.db.containsState(tmp.get): stateRoot = tmp break curBs = parBs if stateRoot.isNone(): # TODO this should only happen if the database is corrupt - we walked the # list of parent blocks and couldn't find a corresponding state in the # database, which should never happen (at least we should have the # tail state in there!) error "Couldn't find ancestor state root!", blockRoot = shortLog(bs.blck.root), blockSlot = shortLog(bs.blck.slot), slot = shortLog(bs.slot), cat = "crash" doAssert false, "Oh noes, we passed big bang!" let ancestor = ancestors.pop() root = stateRoot.get() found = dag.getState(dag.db, root, ancestor, state) if not found: # TODO this should only happen if the database is corrupt - we walked the # list of parent blocks and couldn't find a corresponding state in the # database, which should never happen (at least we should have the # tail state in there!) error "Couldn't find ancestor state or block parent missing!", blockRoot = shortLog(bs.blck.root), blockSlot = shortLog(bs.blck.slot), slot = shortLog(bs.slot), cat = "crash" doAssert false, "Oh noes, we passed big bang!" trace "Replaying state transitions", stateSlot = shortLog(state.data.data.slot), ancestorStateSlot = shortLog(state.data.data.slot), slot = shortLog(bs.slot), blockRoot = shortLog(bs.blck.root), ancestors = ancestors.len, cat = "replay_state" ancestors proc getStateDataCached(dag: CandidateChains, state: var StateData, bs: BlockSlot): bool = # This pointedly does not run rewindState or state_transition, but otherwise # mostly matches updateStateData(...), because it's too expensive to run the # rewindState(...)/skipAndUpdateState(...)/state_transition(...) procs, when # each hash_tree_root(...) consumes a nontrivial fraction of a second. when false: # For debugging/development purposes to assess required lookback window for # any given use case. doAssert state.data.data.slot <= bs.slot + 4 let idx = dag.getStateCacheIndex(bs.blck.root, bs.slot) if idx >= 0: assign(state.data, dag.cachedStates[idx].state[]) state.blck = bs.blck beacon_state_data_cache_hits.inc() return true # In-memory caches didn't hit. Try main blockpool database. This is slower # than the caches due to SSZ (de)serializing and disk I/O, so prefer them. beacon_state_data_cache_misses.inc() if (let tmp = dag.db.getStateRoot(bs.blck.root, bs.slot); tmp.isSome()): return dag.getState(dag.db, tmp.get(), bs.blck, state) false template withEpochState*( dag: CandidateChains, cache: var StateData, blockSlot: BlockSlot, body: untyped): untyped = ## Helper template that updates state to a particular BlockSlot - usage of ## cache is unsafe outside of block. ## TODO async transformations will lead to a race where cache gets updated ## while waiting for future to complete - catch this here somehow? for ancestor in get_ancestors_in_epoch(blockSlot): if getStateDataCached(dag, cache, ancestor): break template hashedState(): HashedBeaconState {.inject, used.} = cache.data template state(): BeaconState {.inject, used.} = cache.data.data template blck(): BlockRef {.inject, used.} = cache.blck template root(): Eth2Digest {.inject, used.} = cache.data.root body proc updateStateData*(dag: CandidateChains, state: var StateData, bs: BlockSlot) = ## Rewind or advance state such that it matches the given block and slot - ## this may include replaying from an earlier snapshot if blck is on a ## different branch or has advanced to a higher slot number than slot ## If slot is higher than blck.slot, replay will fill in with empty/non-block ## slots, else it is ignored # We need to check the slot because the state might have moved forwards # without blocks if state.blck.root == bs.blck.root and state.data.data.slot <= bs.slot: if state.data.data.slot != bs.slot: # Might be that we're moving to the same block but later slot dag.skipAndUpdateState(state.data, bs.blck, bs.slot, true) return # State already at the right spot if dag.getStateDataCached(state, bs): return let ancestors = rewindState(dag, state, bs) # If we come this far, we found the state root. The last block on the stack # is the one that produced this particular state, so we can pop it # TODO it might be possible to use the latest block hashes from the state to # do this more efficiently.. whatever! # Time to replay all the blocks between then and now. We skip one because # it's the one that we found the state with, and it has already been # applied. Pathologically quadratic in slot number, naïvely. for i in countdown(ancestors.len - 1, 0): # Because the ancestors are in the database, there's no need to persist them # again. Also, because we're applying blocks that were loaded from the # database, we can skip certain checks that have already been performed # before adding the block to the database. In particular, this means that # no state root calculation will take place here, because we can load # the final state root from the block itself. let ok = dag.skipAndUpdateState(state, dag.get(ancestors[i]), {}, false) doAssert ok, "Blocks in database should never fail to apply.." # We save states here - blocks were guaranteed to have passed through the save # function once at least, but not so for empty slots! dag.skipAndUpdateState(state.data, bs.blck, bs.slot, true) state.blck = bs.blck proc loadTailState*(dag: CandidateChains): StateData = ## Load the state associated with the current tail in the dag let stateRoot = dag.db.getBlock(dag.tail.root).get().message.state_root let found = dag.getState(dag.db, stateRoot, dag.tail, result) # TODO turn into regular error, this can happen doAssert found, "Failed to load tail state, database corrupt?" proc delState(dag: CandidateChains, bs: BlockSlot) = # Delete state state and mapping for a particular block+slot if (let root = dag.db.getStateRoot(bs.blck.root, bs.slot); root.isSome()): dag.db.delState(root.get()) proc updateHead*(dag: CandidateChains, newHead: BlockRef) = ## Update what we consider to be the current head, as given by the fork ## choice. ## The choice of head affects the choice of finalization point - the order ## of operations naturally becomes important here - after updating the head, ## blocks that were once considered potential candidates for a tree will ## now fall from grace, or no longer be considered resolved. doAssert newHead.parent != nil or newHead.slot == 0 logScope: pcs = "fork_choice" if dag.head.blck == newHead: info "No head block update", head = shortLog(newHead), cat = "fork_choice" return let lastHead = dag.head dag.db.putHeadBlock(newHead.root) # Start off by making sure we have the right state updateStateData( dag, dag.headState, BlockSlot(blck: newHead, slot: newHead.slot)) let justifiedSlot = dag.headState.data.data .current_justified_checkpoint .epoch .compute_start_slot_at_epoch() justifiedBS = newHead.atSlot(justifiedSlot) dag.head = Head(blck: newHead, justified: justifiedBS) updateStateData(dag, dag.justifiedState, justifiedBS) # TODO isAncestorOf may be expensive - too expensive? if not lastHead.blck.isAncestorOf(newHead): info "Updated head block (new parent)", lastHead = shortLog(lastHead.blck), headParent = shortLog(newHead.parent), stateRoot = shortLog(dag.headState.data.root), headBlock = shortLog(dag.headState.blck), stateSlot = shortLog(dag.headState.data.data.slot), justifiedEpoch = shortLog(dag.headState.data.data.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch), finalizedEpoch = shortLog(dag.headState.data.data.finalized_checkpoint.epoch), cat = "fork_choice" # A reasonable criterion for "reorganizations of the chain" beacon_reorgs_total.inc() else: info "Updated head block", stateRoot = shortLog(dag.headState.data.root), headBlock = shortLog(dag.headState.blck), stateSlot = shortLog(dag.headState.data.data.slot), justifiedEpoch = shortLog(dag.headState.data.data.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch), finalizedEpoch = shortLog(dag.headState.data.data.finalized_checkpoint.epoch), cat = "fork_choice" let finalizedEpochStartSlot = dag.headState.data.data.finalized_checkpoint.epoch. compute_start_slot_at_epoch() # TODO there might not be a block at the epoch boundary - what then? finalizedHead = newHead.atSlot(finalizedEpochStartSlot) doAssert (not finalizedHead.blck.isNil), "Block graph should always lead to a finalized block" if finalizedHead != dag.finalizedHead: block: # Remove states, walking slot by slot discard # TODO this is very aggressive - in theory all our operations start at # the finalized block so all states before that can be wiped.. # TODO this is disabled for now because the logic for initializing the # block dag and potentially a few other places depend on certain # states (like the tail state) being present. It's also problematic # because it is not clear what happens when tail and finalized states # happen on an empty slot.. # var cur = finalizedHead # while cur != dag.finalizedHead: # cur = cur.parent # dag.delState(cur) block: # Clean up block refs, walking block by block var cur = finalizedHead.blck while cur != dag.finalizedHead.blck: # Finalization means that we choose a single chain as the canonical one - # it also means we're no longer interested in any branches from that chain # up to the finalization point. # The new finalized head should not be cleaned! We start at its parent and # clean everything including the old finalized head. cur = cur.parent # TODO what about attestations? we need to drop those too, though they # *should* be pretty harmless if cur.parent != nil: # This happens for the genesis / tail block for child in cur.parent.children: if child != cur: # TODO also remove states associated with the unviable forks! # TODO the easiest thing to do here would probably be to use # dag.heads to find unviable heads, then walk those chains # and remove everything.. currently, if there's a child with # children of its own, those children will not be pruned # correctly from the database dag.blocks.del(child.root) dag.db.delBlock(child.root) cur.parent.children = @[cur] dag.finalizedHead = finalizedHead let hlen = dag.heads.len for i in 0.. 0, "We should have at least the genesis block in heads" doAssert (not dag.head.blck.isNil()), "Genesis block will be head, if nothing else" # Prefer stability: use justified block from current head to break ties! result = dag.head.justified for head in dag.heads[1 ..< ^0]: if head.justified.slot > result.slot: result = head.justified proc isInitialized*(T: type CandidateChains, db: BeaconChainDB): bool = let headBlockRoot = db.getHeadBlock() tailBlockRoot = db.getTailBlock() if not (headBlockRoot.isSome() and tailBlockRoot.isSome()): return false let headBlock = db.getBlock(headBlockRoot.get()) tailBlock = db.getBlock(tailBlockRoot.get()) if not (headBlock.isSome() and tailBlock.isSome()): return false if not db.containsState(tailBlock.get().message.state_root): return false return true proc preInit*( T: type CandidateChains, db: BeaconChainDB, state: BeaconState, signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock) = # write a genesis state, the way the CandidateChains expects it to be stored in # database # TODO probably should just init a blockpool with the freshly written # state - but there's more refactoring needed to make it nice - doing # a minimal patch for now.. let blockRoot = hash_tree_root(signedBlock.message) doAssert signedBlock.message.state_root == hash_tree_root(state) notice "New database from snapshot", blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot), stateRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.message.state_root), fork = state.fork, validators = state.validators.len(), cat = "initialization" db.putState(state) db.putBlock(signedBlock) db.putTailBlock(blockRoot) db.putHeadBlock(blockRoot) db.putStateRoot(blockRoot, state.slot, signedBlock.message.state_root) proc getProposer*( dag: CandidateChains, head: BlockRef, slot: Slot): Option[(ValidatorIndex, ValidatorPubKey)] = dag.withState(dag.tmpState, head.atSlot(slot)): var cache = get_empty_per_epoch_cache() # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.11.3/specs/phase0/validator.md#validator-assignments let proposerIdx = get_beacon_proposer_index(state, cache) if proposerIdx.isNone: warn "Missing proposer index", slot=slot, epoch=slot.compute_epoch_at_slot, num_validators=state.validators.len, active_validators= get_active_validator_indices(state, slot.compute_epoch_at_slot), balances=state.balances return return some((proposerIdx.get(), state.validators[proposerIdx.get()].pubkey))