# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 4): {.push raises: [Defect].} else: {.push raises: [].} import chronicles, ./beacon_node logScope: topics = "beacnde" func shouldSyncOptimistically*(node: BeaconNode, wallSlot: Slot): bool = if node.eth1Monitor == nil: return false let optimisticHeader = node.lightClient.optimisticHeader.valueOr: return false shouldSyncOptimistically( optimisticSlot = optimisticHeader.slot, dagSlot = getStateField(node.dag.headState, slot), wallSlot = wallSlot) proc initLightClient*( node: BeaconNode, rng: ref HmacDrbgContext, cfg: RuntimeConfig, forkDigests: ref ForkDigests, getBeaconTime: GetBeaconTimeFn, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest) = template config(): auto = node.config # Creating a light client is not dependent on `syncLightClient` # because the light client module also handles gossip subscriptions # for broadcasting light client data as a server. let optimisticHandler = proc(signedBlock: ForkedMsgTrustedSignedBeaconBlock): Future[void] {.async.} = info "New LC optimistic block", opt = signedBlock.toBlockId(), dag = node.dag.head.bid, wallSlot = node.currentSlot withBlck(signedBlock): when stateFork == BeaconStateFork.EIP4844: debugRaiseAssert $eip4844ImplementationMissing & ": beacon_node_light_client.nim:initLightClient" elif stateFork >= BeaconStateFork.Bellatrix: if blck.message.is_execution_block: template payload(): auto = blck.message.body.execution_payload let eth1Monitor = node.eth1Monitor if eth1Monitor != nil and not payload.block_hash.isZero: # engine_newPayloadV1 discard await eth1Monitor.newExecutionPayload(payload) # Retain optimistic head for other `forkchoiceUpdated` callers. # May temporarily block `forkchoiceUpdatedV1` calls, e.g., Geth: # - Refuses `newPayload`: "Ignoring payload while snap syncing" # - Refuses `fcU`: "Forkchoice requested unknown head" # Once DAG sync catches up or as new optimistic heads are fetched # the situation recovers node.consensusManager[].setOptimisticHead( blck.toBlockId(), payload.block_hash) # engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1 let beaconHead = node.attestationPool[].getBeaconHead(nil) discard await eth1Monitor.runForkchoiceUpdated( headBlockRoot = payload.block_hash, safeBlockRoot = beaconHead.safeExecutionPayloadHash, finalizedBlockRoot = beaconHead.finalizedExecutionPayloadHash) else: discard optimisticProcessor = initOptimisticProcessor( getBeaconTime, optimisticHandler) lightClient = createLightClient( node.network, rng, config, cfg, forkDigests, getBeaconTime, genesis_validators_root, LightClientFinalizationMode.Strict) if config.syncLightClient: proc onOptimisticHeader( lightClient: LightClient, optimisticHeader: BeaconBlockHeader) = optimisticProcessor.setOptimisticHeader(optimisticHeader) lightClient.onOptimisticHeader = onOptimisticHeader lightClient.trustedBlockRoot = config.trustedBlockRoot elif config.trustedBlockRoot.isSome: warn "Ignoring `trustedBlockRoot`, light client not enabled", syncLightClient = config.syncLightClient, trustedBlockRoot = config.trustedBlockRoot node.optimisticProcessor = optimisticProcessor node.lightClient = lightClient proc startLightClient*(node: BeaconNode) = if not node.config.syncLightClient: return node.lightClient.start() proc installLightClientMessageValidators*(node: BeaconNode) = let eth2Processor = if node.config.lightClientDataServe: # Process gossip using both full node and light client node.processor elif node.config.syncLightClient: # Only process gossip using light client nil else: # Light client topics will never be subscribed to, no validators needed return node.lightClient.installMessageValidators(eth2Processor) proc updateLightClientGossipStatus*( node: BeaconNode, slot: Slot, dagIsBehind: bool) = let isBehind = if node.config.lightClientDataServe: # Forward DAG's readiness to handle light client gossip dagIsBehind else: # Full node is not interested in gossip true node.lightClient.updateGossipStatus(slot, some isBehind) proc updateLightClientFromDag*(node: BeaconNode) = if not node.config.syncLightClient: return if node.config.trustedBlockRoot.isSome: return let dagHead = node.dag.finalizedHead dagPeriod = dagHead.slot.sync_committee_period if dagHead.slot < node.dag.cfg.ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH.start_slot: return let lcHeader = node.lightClient.finalizedHeader if lcHeader.isSome: if dagPeriod <= lcHeader.get.slot.sync_committee_period: return let bdata = node.dag.getForkedBlock(dagHead.blck.bid).valueOr: return header = bdata.toBeaconBlockHeader current_sync_committee = block: let tmpState = assignClone(node.dag.headState) node.dag.currentSyncCommitteeForPeriod(tmpState[], dagPeriod).valueOr: return node.lightClient.resetToFinalizedHeader(header, current_sync_committee)