import std/[deques, tables, hashes, options, strformat, strutils, sequtils], chronos, web3, web3/ethtypes as web3Types, json, chronicles/timings, eth/common/eth_types, eth/async_utils, spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, helpers], ssz, beacon_chain_db, network_metadata, merkle_minimal, beacon_node_status export web3Types logScope: topics = "eth1" contract(DepositContract): proc deposit(pubkey: Bytes48, withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32, signature: Bytes96, deposit_data_root: FixedBytes[32]) proc get_deposit_root(): FixedBytes[32] proc get_deposit_count(): Bytes8 proc DepositEvent(pubkey: Bytes48, withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32, amount: Bytes8, signature: Bytes96, index: Bytes8) {.event.} # TODO # The raises list of this module are still not usable due to general # Exceptions being reported from Chronos's asyncfutures2. const web3Timeouts = 60.seconds hasDepositRootChecks = true # defined(has_deposit_root_checks) hasGenesisDetection* = defined(has_genesis_detection) type Eth1BlockNumber* = uint64 Eth1BlockTimestamp* = uint64 Eth1BlockHeader = web3Types.BlockHeader Database* = object Eth1Block* = ref object number*: Eth1BlockNumber timestamp*: Eth1BlockTimestamp deposits*: seq[DepositData] voteData*: Eth1Data voteDataVerified*: bool when hasGenesisDetection: activeValidatorsCount*: uint64 Eth1Chain* = object blocks: Deque[Eth1Block] blocksByHash: Table[BlockHash, Eth1Block] Eth1Monitor* = ref object db: BeaconChainDB preset: RuntimePreset dataProvider: Web3DataProviderRef latestEth1BlockNumber: Eth1BlockNumber eth1Progress: AsyncEvent eth1Chain: Eth1Chain knownStart: DepositContractSnapshot eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer: DepositsMerkleizer runFut: Future[void] when hasGenesisDetection: genesisState: NilableBeaconStateRef genesisStateFut: Future[void] Web3DataProvider* = object url: string web3: Web3 ns: Sender[DepositContract] blockHeadersSubscription: Subscription Web3DataProviderRef* = ref Web3DataProvider CorruptDataProvider = object of CatchableError DataProviderTimeout = object of CatchableError DisconnectHandler* = proc () {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} DepositEventHandler* = proc ( pubkey: Bytes48, withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32, amount: Bytes8, signature: Bytes96, merkleTreeIndex: Bytes8, j: JsonNode) {.raises: [Defect], gcsafe.} BlockProposalEth1Data* = object vote*: Eth1Data deposits*: seq[Deposit] hasMissingDeposits*: bool template depositContractAddress*(m: Eth1Monitor): Eth1Address = m.dataProvider.ns.contractAddress template web3Url*(m: Eth1Monitor): string = m.dataProvider.url template blocks*(m: Eth1Monitor): Deque[Eth1Block] = m.eth1Chain.blocks proc fixupWeb3Urls*(web3Url: var string) = ## Converts HTTP and HTTPS Infura URLs to their WebSocket equivalents ## because we are missing a functional HTTPS client. let normalizedUrl = toLowerAscii(web3Url) var pos = 0 template skip(x: string): bool {.dirty.} = if normalizedUrl.len - pos >= x.len and normalizedUrl.toOpenArray(pos, pos + x.len - 1) == x: pos += x.len true else: false if not (skip("https://") or skip("http://")): if not (skip("ws://") or skip("wss://")): web3Url = "ws://" & web3Url warn "The Web3 URL does not specify a protocol. Assuming a WebSocket server", web3Url return block infuraRewrite: var pos = pos let network = if skip("mainnet"): mainnet elif skip("goerli"): goerli else: break if not skip(""): break template infuraKey: string = normalizedUrl.substr(pos) web3Url = "wss://" & $network & "" & infuraKey return block gethRewrite: web3Url = "ws://" & normalizedUrl.substr(pos) warn "Only WebSocket web3 providers are supported. Rewriting URL", web3Url # TODO: Add preset validation # MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT should be larger than SLOTS_PER_EPOCH # doAssert SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * preset.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE < GENESIS_DELAY, # "Invalid configuration: GENESIS_DELAY is set too low" # func compute_time_at_slot(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot): uint64 = state.genesis_time + slot * SECONDS_PER_SLOT # func voting_period_start_time*(state: BeaconState): uint64 = let eth1_voting_period_start_slot = state.slot - state.slot mod SLOTS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD.uint64 compute_time_at_slot(state, eth1_voting_period_start_slot) # func is_candidate_block(preset: RuntimePreset, blk: Eth1Block, period_start: uint64): bool = (blk.timestamp + SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * preset.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE <= period_start) and (blk.timestamp + SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK * preset.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE * 2 >= period_start) func asEth2Digest*(x: BlockHash): Eth2Digest = Eth2Digest(data: array[32, byte](x)) template asBlockHash(x: Eth2Digest): BlockHash = BlockHash( func shortLog*(b: Eth1Block): string = &"{b.number}:{shortLog b.voteData.block_hash}(deposits = {b.voteData.deposit_count})" template findBlock*(eth1Chain: Eth1Chain, eth1Data: Eth1Data): Eth1Block = getOrDefault(eth1Chain.blocksByHash, asBlockHash(eth1Data.block_hash), nil) func makeSuccessorWithoutDeposits(existingBlock: Eth1Block, successor: BlockObject): ETh1Block = result = Eth1Block( number: Eth1BlockNumber successor.number, timestamp: Eth1BlockTimestamp successor.timestamp, voteData: Eth1Data( block_hash: successor.hash.asEth2Digest, deposit_count: existingBlock.voteData.deposit_count, deposit_root: existingBlock.voteData.deposit_root)) when hasGenesisDetection: result.activeValidatorsCount = existingBlock.activeValidatorsCount func latestCandidateBlock(m: Eth1Monitor, periodStart: uint64): Eth1Block = for i in countdown(m.eth1Chain.blocks.len - 1, 0): let blk = m.eth1Chain.blocks[i] if is_candidate_block(m.preset, blk, periodStart): return blk func popFirst(eth1Chain: var Eth1Chain) = let removed = eth1Chain.blocks.popFirst eth1Chain.blocksByHash.del removed.voteData.block_hash.asBlockHash func addBlock(eth1Chain: var Eth1Chain, newBlock: Eth1Block) = eth1Chain.blocks.addLast newBlock eth1Chain.blocksByHash[newBlock.voteData.block_hash.asBlockHash] = newBlock func hash*(x: Eth1Data): Hash = hashData(unsafeAddr x, sizeof(x)) template hash*(x: Eth1Block): Hash = hash(x.voteData) proc close*(p: Web3DataProviderRef): Future[void] {.async.} = if p.blockHeadersSubscription != nil: await p.blockHeadersSubscription.unsubscribe() await p.web3.close() proc getBlockByHash*(p: Web3DataProviderRef, hash: BlockHash): Future[BlockObject] = return p.web3.provider.eth_getBlockByHash(hash, false) proc getBlockByNumber*(p: Web3DataProviderRef, number: Eth1BlockNumber): Future[BlockObject] = return p.web3.provider.eth_getBlockByNumber(&"0x{number:X}", false) template readJsonField(j: JsonNode, fieldName: string, ValueType: type): untyped = var res: ValueType fromJson(j[fieldName], fieldName, res) res proc depositEventsToBlocks(depositsList: JsonNode): seq[Eth1Block] = if depositsList.kind != JArray: raise newException(CatchableError, "Web3 provider didn't return a list of deposit events") var lastEth1Block: Eth1Block for logEvent in depositsList: let blockNumber = Eth1BlockNumber readJsonField(logEvent, "blockNumber", Quantity) blockHash = readJsonField(logEvent, "blockHash", BlockHash) logData = strip0xPrefix(logEvent["data"].getStr) if lastEth1Block == nil or lastEth1Block.number != blockNumber: lastEth1Block = Eth1Block( number: blockNumber, voteData: Eth1Data(block_hash: blockHash.asEth2Digest)) result.add lastEth1Block var pubkey: Bytes48 withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32 amount: Bytes8 signature: Bytes96 index: Bytes8 var offset = 0 offset += decode(logData, offset, pubkey) offset += decode(logData, offset, withdrawalCredentials) offset += decode(logData, offset, amount) offset += decode(logData, offset, signature) offset += decode(logData, offset, index) lastEth1Block.deposits.add DepositData( pubkey: ValidatorPubKey.init(array[48, byte](pubkey)), withdrawal_credentials: Eth2Digest(data: array[32, byte](withdrawalCredentials)), amount: bytes_to_uint64(array[8, byte](amount)), signature: ValidatorSig.init(array[96, byte](signature))) proc fetchTimestamp(p: Web3DataProviderRef, blk: Eth1Block) {.async.} = let web3block = await p.getBlockByHash(blk.voteData.block_hash.asBlockHash) blk.timestamp = Eth1BlockTimestamp web3block.timestamp when hasDepositRootChecks: type DepositContractDataStatus = enum Fetched VerifiedCorrect DepositRootIncorrect DepositRootUnavailable DepositCountIncorrect DepositCountUnavailable const contractCallTimeout = seconds(60) template awaitOrRaiseOnTimeout[T](fut: Future[T], timeout: Duration): T = awaitWithTimeout(fut, timeout): raise newException(DataProviderTimeout, "Timeout") proc fetchDepositContractData(p: Web3DataProviderRef, blk: Eth1Block): Future[DepositContractDataStatus] {.async.} = let depositRoot = = blk.number) rawCount = = blk.number) try: let fetchedRoot = asEth2Digest( awaitOrRaiseOnTimeout(depositRoot, contractCallTimeout)) if blk.voteData.deposit_root == default(Eth2Digest): blk.voteData.deposit_root = fetchedRoot result = Fetched elif blk.voteData.deposit_root == fetchedRoot: result = VerifiedCorrect else: result = DepositRootIncorrect except CatchableError as err: debug "Failed to fetch deposits root", blockNumber = blk.number, err = err.msg result = DepositRootUnavailable try: let fetchedCount = bytes_to_uint64(array[8, byte]( awaitOrRaiseOnTimeout(rawCount, contractCallTimeout))) if blk.voteData.deposit_count == 0: blk.voteData.deposit_count = fetchedCount elif blk.voteData.deposit_count != fetchedCount: result = DepositCountIncorrect except CatchableError as err: debug "Failed to fetch deposits count", blockNumber = blk.number, err = err.msg result = DepositCountUnavailable proc onBlockHeaders*(p: Web3DataProviderRef, blockHeaderHandler: BlockHeaderHandler, errorHandler: SubscriptionErrorHandler) {.async.} = if p.blockHeadersSubscription != nil: await p.blockHeadersSubscription.unsubscribe() info "Waiting for new Eth1 block headers" p.blockHeadersSubscription = await p.web3.subscribeForBlockHeaders( blockHeaderHandler, errorHandler) {.push raises: [Defect].} func getDepositsRoot(m: DepositsMerkleizer): Eth2Digest = mixInLength(m.getFinalHash, int m.totalChunks) func depositCountU64(s: DepositContractState): uint64 = for i in 0 .. 23: doAssert s.deposit_count[i] == 0 uint64.fromBytesBE s.deposit_count[24..31] func toDepositContractState(merkleizer: DepositsMerkleizer): DepositContractState = # TODO There is an off by one discrepancy in the size of the arrays here that # need to be investigated. It shouldn't matter as long as the tree is # not populated to its maximum size. result.branch[0..31] = merkleizer.getCombinedChunks[0..31] result.deposit_count[24..31] = merkleizer.getChunkCount().toBytesBE func createMerkleizer(s: DepositContractSnapshot): DepositsMerkleizer = DepositsMerkleizer.init( s.depositContractState.branch, s.depositContractState.depositCountU64) func eth1DataFromMerkleizer(eth1Block: Eth2Digest, merkleizer: DepositsMerkleizer): Eth1Data = Eth1Data( block_hash: eth1Block, deposit_count: merkleizer.getChunkCount, deposit_root: merkleizer.getDepositsRoot) proc pruneOldBlocks(m: Eth1Monitor, depositIndex: uint64) = let initialChunks = m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer.getChunkCount var lastBlock: Eth1Block while m.eth1Chain.blocks.len > 0: let blk = m.eth1Chain.blocks.peekFirst if blk.voteData.deposit_count >= depositIndex: break else: for deposit in blk.deposits: m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer.addChunk hash_tree_root(deposit).data m.eth1Chain.popFirst() lastBlock = blk if m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer.getChunkCount > initialChunks: m.db.putEth2FinalizedTo DepositContractSnapshot( eth1Block: lastBlock.voteData.block_hash, depositContractState: m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer.toDepositContractState) proc advanceMerkleizer(eth1Chain: Eth1Chain, merkleizer: var DepositsMerkleizer, depositIndex: uint64): bool = if eth1Chain.blocks.len == 0: return depositIndex == merkleizer.getChunkCount if eth1Chain.blocks.peekLast.voteData.deposit_count < depositIndex: return false let firstBlock = eth1Chain.blocks[0] depositsInLastPrunedBlock = firstBlock.voteData.deposit_count - firstBlock.deposits.lenu64 # advanceMerkleizer should always be called shortly after prunning the chain doAssert depositsInLastPrunedBlock == merkleizer.getChunkCount for blk in eth1Chain.blocks: for deposit in blk.deposits: if merkleizer.getChunkCount < depositIndex: merkleizer.addChunk hash_tree_root(deposit).data else: return true return merkleizer.getChunkCount == depositIndex proc getDepositsRange(eth1Chain: Eth1Chain, first, last: uint64): seq[Deposit] = # TODO It's possible to make this faster by performing binary search that # will locate the blocks holding the `first` and `last` indices. # TODO There is an assumption here that the requested range will be present # in the Eth1Chain. This should hold true at the single call site right # now, but we need to guard the pre-conditions better. for blk in eth1Chain.blocks: if blk.voteData.deposit_count <= first: continue let firstDepositIdxInBlk = blk.voteData.deposit_count - blk.deposits.lenu64 if firstDepositIdxInBlk >= last: return for i in 0 ..< blk.deposits.lenu64: let globalIdx = firstDepositIdxInBlk + i if globalIdx >= first and globalIdx < last: result.add Deposit(data: blk.deposits[i]) # proc getBlockProposalData*(m: Eth1Monitor, state: BeaconState, finalizedEth1Data: Eth1Data, finalizedStateDepositIndex: uint64): BlockProposalEth1Data = let finalizedEth1Block = m.eth1Chain.findBlock(finalizedEth1Data) let hasLatestDeposits = if finalizedEth1Block != nil: if finalizedEth1Block.voteData.deposit_root == finalizedEth1Data.deposit_root: finalizedEth1Block.voteDataVerified = true true else: error "Corrupted deposits history detected", targetDepositsRoot = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_root, targetDepositsCount = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count, ourDepositsCount = finalizedEth1Block.voteData.deposit_count, ourDepositsRoot = finalizedEth1Block.voteData.deposit_root false else: debug "Finalized Eth1 checkpoint not present in local chain", checkpointHash = finalizedEth1Data.block_hash, checkpointDeposits = finalizedEth1Data.deposit_count, localChainStart = shortLog(m.eth1Chain.blocks.peekFirst), localChainEnd = shortLog(m.eth1Chain.blocks.peekLast) false if hasLatestDeposits: # TODO(zah) # To make block proposal cheaper, we can perform this action more regularly # (e.g. in BeaconNode.onSlot). But keep in mind that this action needs to be # performed only when there are validators attached to the node. m.pruneOldBlocks(finalizedStateDepositIndex) let periodStart = voting_period_start_time(state) var otherVotesCountTable = initCountTable[Eth1Data]() for vote in state.eth1_data_votes: let eth1Block = m.eth1Chain.findBlock(vote) isSuccessor = vote.deposit_count >= state.eth1_data.deposit_count # TODO(zah) # There is a slight deviation from the spec here to deal with the following # problem: the in-memory database of eth1 blocks for a restarted node will # be empty which will lead a "no change" vote. To fix this, we'll need to # add rolling persistance for all potentially voted on blocks. isCandidate = (eth1Block == nil or is_candidate_block(m.preset, eth1Block, periodStart)) if isSuccessor and isCandidate: vote else: debug "Ignoring eth1 vote", root = vote.block_hash, isSuccessor, isCandidate var pendingDepositsCount = state.eth1_data.deposit_count - state.eth1_deposit_index if otherVotesCountTable.len > 0: let (winningVote, votes) = otherVotesCountTable.largest debug "Voting on eth1 head with majority", votes = winningVote if uint64((votes + 1) * 2) > SLOTS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD: pendingDepositsCount = winningVote.deposit_count - state.eth1_deposit_index else: let latestBlock = m.latestCandidateBlock(periodStart) if latestBlock == nil: debug "No acceptable eth1 votes and no recent candidates. Voting no change" = state.eth1_data else: debug "No acceptable eth1 votes. Voting for latest candidate" = latestBlock.voteData if pendingDepositsCount > 0: if hasLatestDeposits: let totalDepositsInNewBlock = min(MAX_DEPOSITS, pendingDepositsCount) var deposits = m.eth1Chain.getDepositsRange( state.eth1_deposit_index, state.eth1_deposit_index + totalDepositsInNewBlock) let depositRoots = mapIt(deposits, hash_tree_root( var scratchMerkleizer = copy m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer if m.eth1Chain.advanceMerkleizer(scratchMerkleizer, state.eth1_deposit_index): let proofs = scratchMerkleizer.addChunksAndGenMerkleProofs(depositRoots) for i in 0 ..< deposits.lenu64: deposits[i].proof[0..31] = proofs.getProof( deposits[i].proof[32].data[0..7] = toBytesLE uint64(state.eth1_deposit_index + i + 1) swap(result.deposits, deposits) else: error "The Eth1 chain is in inconsistent state" # This should not really happen result.hasMissingDeposits = true else: result.hasMissingDeposits = true {.pop.} proc new(T: type Web3DataProvider, depositContractAddress: Eth1Address, web3Url: string): Future[Result[Web3DataProviderRef, string]] {.async.} = let web3Fut = newWeb3(web3Url) yield web3Fut or sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(5)) if (not web3Fut.finished) or web3Fut.failed: await cancelAndWait(web3Fut) return err "Failed to setup web3 connection" let web3 = ns = web3.contractSender(DepositContract, depositContractAddress) return ok Web3DataProviderRef(url: web3Url, web3: web3, ns: ns) proc init*(T: type Eth1Monitor, db: BeaconChainDB, preset: RuntimePreset, web3Url: string, depositContractAddress: Eth1Address, depositContractSnapshot: DepositContractSnapshot, eth1Network: Option[Eth1Network]): Future[Result[T, string]] {.async.} = var web3Url = web3Url fixupWeb3Urls web3Url try: let dataProviderRes = await, web3Url) if dataProviderRes.isErr: return err(dataProviderRes.error) let dataProvider = dataProviderRes.get web3 = dataProvider.web3 if eth1Network.isSome: let providerNetwork = await web3.provider.net_version() expectedNetwork = case eth1Network.get of mainnet: "1" of rinkeby: "4" of goerli: "5" if expectedNetwork != providerNetwork: return err("The specified web3 provider is not attached to the " & $eth1Network.get & " network") return ok T( db: db, preset: preset, knownStart: depositContractSnapshot, dataProvider: dataProvider, eth1Progress: newAsyncEvent()) except CatchableError as err: return err("Failed to initialize the Eth1 monitor") proc safeCancel(fut: var Future[void]) = if not fut.isNil and not fut.finished: fut.cancel() fut = nil proc clear(chain: var Eth1Chain) = chain.blocks.clear() chain.blocksByHash.clear() proc stop*(m: Eth1Monitor) = safeCancel m.runFut m.eth1Chain.clear() m.latestEth1BlockNumber = 0 const votedBlocksSafetyMargin = 50 proc earliestBlockOfInterest(m: Eth1Monitor): Eth1BlockNumber = m.latestEth1BlockNumber - (2 * m.preset.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE) - votedBlocksSafetyMargin proc syncBlockRange(m: Eth1Monitor, merkleizer: ref DepositsMerkleizer, fromBlock, toBlock, fullSyncFromBlock: Eth1BlockNumber) {.async.} = doAssert m.eth1Chain.blocks.len > 0 var currentBlock = fromBlock while currentBlock <= toBlock: var depositLogs: JsonNode = nil blocksPerRequest = 5000'u64 # This is roughly a day of Eth1 blocks maxBlockNumberRequested: Eth1BlockNumber while true: maxBlockNumberRequested = min(toBlock, currentBlock + blocksPerRequest - 1) template retryOrRaise(err: ref CatchableError) = blocksPerRequest = blocksPerRequest div 2 if blocksPerRequest == 0: raise err continue debug "Obtaining deposit log events", fromBlock = currentBlock, toBlock = maxBlockNumberRequested debug.logTime "Deposit logs obtained": let jsonLogsFut = m.dataProvider.ns.getJsonLogs( DepositEvent, fromBlock = some blockId(currentBlock), toBlock = some blockId(maxBlockNumberRequested)) depositLogs = try: # Downloading large amounts of deposits can be quite slow awaitWithTimeout(jsonLogsFut, seconds(600)): retryOrRaise newException(DataProviderTimeout, "Request time out while obtaining json logs") except CatchableError as err: retryOrRaise err currentBlock = maxBlockNumberRequested + 1 break debug.logTime "Deposits grouped in blocks": let blocksWithDeposits = depositEventsToBlocks(depositLogs) var # A temporary sequence for stroing all new blocks aiming to make the # updates to m.eth1Chain more atomic/transactional. blocksToAddToChain = newSeq[Eth1Block]() for i in 0 ..< blocksWithDeposits.len: let blk = blocksWithDeposits[i] debug.logTime "New deposit_root computed": for deposit in blk.deposits: merkleizer[].addChunk hash_tree_root(deposit).data blk.voteData.deposit_count = merkleizer[].getChunkCount blk.voteData.deposit_root = merkleizer[].getDepositsRoot if blk.number > fullSyncFromBlock: let lastBlock = if blocksToAddToChain.len > 0: blocksToAddToChain[^1] else: m.eth1Chain.blocks.peekLast for n in max(lastBlock.number + 1, fullSyncFromBlock) ..< blk.number: let blockWithoutDeposits = await m.dataProvider.getBlockByNumber(n) blocksToAddToChain.add( lastBlock.makeSuccessorWithoutDeposits(blockWithoutDeposits)) blocksToAddToChain.add blk if blocksWithDeposits.len > 0: let lastIdx = blocksWithDeposits.len - 1 template lastBlock: auto = blocksWithDeposits[lastIdx] let status = when hasDepositRootChecks: await m.dataProvider.fetchDepositContractData(lastBlock) else: DepositRootUnavailable when hasDepositRootChecks: debug "Deposit contract state verified", status = $status, ourCount = lastBlock.voteData.deposit_count, ourRoot = lastBlock.voteData.deposit_root let depositContractState = DepositContractSnapshot( eth1Block: lastBlock.voteData.block_hash, depositContractState: merkleizer[].toDepositContractState) case status of DepositRootIncorrect, DepositCountIncorrect: raise newException(CorruptDataProvider, "The deposit log events disagree with the deposit contract state") of VerifiedCorrect: for blk in blocksToAddToChain: blk.voteDataVerified = true else: discard notice "Eth1 sync progress", blockNumber = lastBlock.number, depositsProcessed = lastBlock.voteData.deposit_count for blk in blocksToAddToChain: m.eth1Chain.addBlock blk when hasGenesisDetection: if m.genesisStateFut != nil: for blk in blocksWithDeposits: for deposit in blk.deposits: if skipBlsCheck or verify_deposit_signature(m.preset, deposit): let pubkey = deposit.pubkey if pubkey notin validatorKeyToIndex: let idx = ValidatorIndex validators.len validators.add ImmutableValidatorData( pubkey: pubkey, withdrawal_credentials: deposit.withdrawal_credentials) validatorKeyToIndex.insert(pubkey, idx) blk.activeValidatorsCount = m.db.immutableValidatorData.lenu64 if m.genesisStateFut != nil and m.chainHasEnoughValidators: let lastIdx = m.eth1Chain.blocks.len - 1 template lastBlock: auto = m.eth1Chain.blocks[lastIdx] if maxBlockNumberRequested == toBlock and (m.eth1Chain.blocks.len == 0 or lastBlock.number != toBlock): let web3Block = await m.dataProvider.getBlockByNumber(toBlock) debug "Latest block doesn't hold deposits. Obtaining it", ts = web3Block.timestamp.uint64, number = web3Block.number.uint64 m.eth1Chain.addBlock lastBlock.makeSuccessorWithoutDeposits(web3Block) else: await m.dataProvider.fetchTimestamp(lastBlock) var genesisBlockIdx = m.eth1Chain.blocks.len - 1 if m.isAfterMinGenesisTime(m.eth1Chain.blocks[genesisBlockIdx]): for i in 1 ..< eth1Blocks.len: let idx = (m.eth1Chain.blocks.len - 1) - i let blk = m.eth1Chain.blocks[idx] await m.dataProvider.fetchTimestamp(blk) if m.isGenesisCandidate(blk): genesisBlockIdx = idx else: break # We have a candidate state on our hands, but our current Eth1Chain # may consist only of blocks that have deposits attached to them # while the real genesis may have happened in a block without any # deposits (triggered by MIN_GENESIS_TIME). # # This can happen when the beacon node is launched after the genesis # event. We take a short cut when constructing the initial Eth1Chain # by downloading only deposit log entries. Thus, we'll see all the # blocks with deposits, but not the regular blocks in between. # # We'll handle this special case below by examing whether we are in # this potential scenario and we'll use a fast guessing algorith to # discover the ETh1 block with minimal valid genesis time. var genesisBlock = m.eth1Chain.blocks[genesisBlockIdx] if genesisBlockIdx > 0: let genesisParent = m.eth1Chain.blocks[genesisBlockIdx - 1] if genesisParent.timestamp == 0: await m.dataProvider.fetchTimestamp(genesisParent) if m.hasEnoughValidators(genesisParent) and genesisBlock.number - genesisParent.number > 1: genesisBlock = await m.findGenesisBlockInRange(genesisParent, genesisBlock) m.signalGenesis m.createGenesisState(genesisBlock) proc startEth1Syncing(m: Eth1Monitor) {.async.} = let eth2PreviouslyFinalizedTo = m.db.getEth2FinalizedTo() if eth2PreviouslyFinalizedTo.isOk: m.knownStart = eth2PreviouslyFinalizedTo.get m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer = m.knownStart.createMerkleizer let startBlock = awaitWithTimeout( m.dataProvider.getBlockByHash(m.knownStart.eth1Block.asBlockHash), web3Timeouts): error "Eth1 sync failed to obtain information about the starting block in time" return doAssert m.eth1Chain.blocks.len == 0 m.eth1Chain.addBlock Eth1Block( number: Eth1BlockNumber startBlock.number, timestamp: Eth1BlockTimestamp startBlock.timestamp, voteData: eth1DataFromMerkleizer( m.knownStart.eth1Block, m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer)) var eth1SyncedTo = Eth1BlockNumber startBlock.number var scratchMerkleizer = newClone(copy m.eth2FinalizedDepositsMerkleizer) while true: if bnStatus == BeaconNodeStatus.Stopping: when hasGenesisDetection: if not m.genesisStateFut.isNil: m.genesisStateFut.complete() m.genesisStateFut = nil m.stop() return await m.eth1Progress.wait() m.eth1Progress.clear() if m.latestEth1BlockNumber <= m.preset.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE: continue let targetBlock = m.latestEth1BlockNumber - m.preset.ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE if targetBlock <= eth1SyncedTo: continue let earliestBlockOfInterest = m.earliestBlockOfInterest() await m.syncBlockRange(scratchMerkleizer, eth1SyncedTo + 1, targetBlock, earliestBlockOfInterest) eth1SyncedTo = targetBlock proc run(m: Eth1Monitor, delayBeforeStart: Duration) {.async.} = if delayBeforeStart != ZeroDuration: await sleepAsync(delayBeforeStart) info "Starting Eth1 deposit contract monitoring", contract = $m.depositContractAddress, url = m.web3Url await m.dataProvider.onBlockHeaders do (blk: Eth1BlockHeader) {.raises: [Defect], gcsafe.}: try: if blk.number.uint64 > m.latestEth1BlockNumber: m.latestEth1BlockNumber = blk.number.uint64 except Exception: # TODO Investigate why this exception is being raised raiseAssert " should not raise exceptions" do (err: CatchableError): debug "Error while processing Eth1 block headers subscription", err = err.msg await m.startEth1Syncing() proc start(m: Eth1Monitor, delayBeforeStart: Duration) = if m.runFut.isNil: let runFut = m.runFut = runFut runFut.addCallback do (p: pointer): if runFut.failed: if runFut.error[] of CatchableError: if runFut == m.runFut: error "Eth1 chain monitoring failure, restarting", err = runFut.error.msg m.stop() else: fatal "Fatal exception reached", err = runFut.error.msg quit 1 m.runFut = nil m.start(5.seconds) proc start*(m: Eth1Monitor) = m.start(0.seconds) proc getEth1BlockHash*(url: string, blockId: RtBlockIdentifier): Future[BlockHash] {.async.} = let web3 = await newWeb3(url) try: let blk = await web3.provider.eth_getBlockByNumber(blockId, false) return blk.hash finally: await web3.close() when hasGenesisDetection: proc init*(T: type Eth1Monitor, db: BeaconChainDB, preset: RuntimePreset, web3Url: string, depositContractAddress: Eth1Address, depositContractDeployedAt: BlockHashOrNumber, eth1Network: Option[Eth1Network]): Future[Result[T, string]] {.async.} = try: let dataProviderRes =, web3Url) if dataProviderRes.isErr: return err(dataProviderRes.error) let dataProvider = dataProviderRes.get let knownStartBlockHash = if depositContractDeployedAt.isHash: depositContractDeployedAt.hash else: var blk: BlockObject while true: try: blk = await dataProvider.getBlockByNumber(depositContractDeployedAt.number) break except CatchableError as err: error "Failed to obtain details for the starting block " & "of the deposit contract sync. The Web3 provider " & "may still be not fully synced", error = err.msg await sleepAsync(chronos.seconds(10)) # TODO: After a single failure, the web3 object may enter a state # where it's no longer possible to make additional requests. # Until this is fixed upstream, we'll just try to recreate # the web3 provider before retrying. In case this fails, # the Eth1Monitor will be restarted. dataProvider = tryGet( await, web3Url)) blk.hash.asEth2Digest let depositContractSnapshot = DepositContractSnapshot( eth1Block: knownStartBlockHash) return await Eth1Monitor.init( db, preset, web3Url, depositContarctAddress, depositContractSnapshot, eth1Network) except CatchableError as err: return err("Failed to initialize the Eth1 monitor") proc allGenesisDepositsUpTo(m: Eth1Monitor, totalDeposits: uint64): seq[DepositData] = for i in 0'u64 ..< totalDeposits: result.add m.db.genesisDeposits.get(i) proc createGenesisState(m: Eth1Monitor, eth1Block: Eth1Block): BeaconStateRef = notice "Generating genesis state", blockNum = eth1Block.number, blockHash = eth1Block.voteData.block_hash, blockTimestamp = eth1Block.timestamp, totalDeposits = eth1Block.voteData.deposit_count, activeValidators = eth1Block.activeValidatorsCount var deposits = m.allGenesisDepositsUpTo(eth1Block.voteData.deposit_count) result = initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1( m.preset, eth1Block.voteData.block_hash, eth1Block.timestamp.uint64, deposits, {}) doAssert result.validators.lenu64 == eth1Block.activeValidatorsCount proc signalGenesis(m: Eth1Monitor, genesisState: BeaconStateRef) = m.genesisState = genesisState if not m.genesisStateFut.isNil: m.genesisStateFut.complete() m.genesisStateFut = nil template hasEnoughValidators(m: Eth1Monitor, blk: Eth1Block): bool = blk.activeValidatorsCount >= m.preset.MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT func chainHasEnoughValidators(m: Eth1Monitor): bool = if m.eth1Chain.blocks.len > 0: m.hasEnoughValidators(m.eth1Chain.blocks[^1]) else: m.knownStart.depositContractState.depositCountU64 >= m.preset.MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT func isAfterMinGenesisTime(m: Eth1Monitor, blk: Eth1Block): bool = doAssert blk.timestamp != 0 let t = genesis_time_from_eth1_timestamp(m.preset, uint64 blk.timestamp) t >= m.preset.MIN_GENESIS_TIME func isGenesisCandidate(m: Eth1Monitor, blk: Eth1Block): bool = m.hasEnoughValidators(blk) and m.isAfterMinGenesisTime(blk) proc findGenesisBlockInRange(m: Eth1Monitor, startBlock, endBlock: Eth1Block): Future[Eth1Block] {.async.} = doAssert startBlock.timestamp != 0 and not m.isAfterMinGenesisTime(startBlock) doAssert endBlock.timestamp != 0 and m.isAfterMinGenesisTime(endBlock) doAssert m.hasEnoughValidators(startBlock) doAssert m.hasEnoughValidators(endBlock) var startBlock = startBlock endBlock = endBlock depositData = startBlock.voteData activeValidatorsCountDuringRange = startBlock.activeValidatorsCount while startBlock.number + 1 < endBlock.number: let MIN_GENESIS_TIME = m.preset.MIN_GENESIS_TIME startBlockTime = genesis_time_from_eth1_timestamp(m.preset, startBlock.timestamp) secondsPerBlock = float(endBlock.timestamp - startBlock.timestamp) / float(endBlock.number - startBlock.number) blocksToJump = max(float(MIN_GENESIS_TIME - startBlockTime) / secondsPerBlock, 1.0) candidateNumber = min(endBlock.number - 1, startBlock.number + blocksToJump.uint64) candidateBlock = await m.dataProvider.getBlockByNumber(candidateNumber) var candidateAsEth1Block = Eth1Block(number: candidateBlock.number.uint64, timestamp: candidateBlock.timestamp.uint64, voteData: depositData) candidateAsEth1Block.voteData.block_hash = candidateBlock.hash.asEth2Digest let candidateGenesisTime = genesis_time_from_eth1_timestamp( m.preset, candidateBlock.timestamp.uint64) notice "Probing possible genesis block", `block` = candidateBlock.number.uint64, candidateGenesisTime if candidateGenesisTime < MIN_GENESIS_TIME: startBlock = candidateAsEth1Block else: endBlock = candidateAsEth1Block if endBlock.activeValidatorsCount == 0: endBlock.activeValidatorsCount = activeValidatorsCountDuringRange return endBlock proc waitGenesis*(m: Eth1Monitor): Future[BeaconStateRef] {.async.} = if m.genesisState.isNil: m.start() if m.genesisStateFut.isNil: m.genesisStateFut = newFuture[void]("waitGenesis") info "Awaiting genesis event" await m.genesisStateFut m.genesisStateFut = nil if m.genesisState != nil: return m.genesisState else: doAssert bnStatus == BeaconNodeStatus.Stopping return new BeaconStateRef # cannot return nil...