# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # At the time of writing, the exact definitions of what should be used for # cryptography in the spec is in flux, with sizes and test vectors still being # hashed out. This layer helps isolate those chagnes. # Useful conversation about BLS signatures (TODO: condense this) # # I can probably google this somehow, but bls signatures, anyone knows off the # top of their head if they have to be combined one by one, or can two group # signatures be combined? what happens to overlap then? # Danny Ryan # @djrtwo # Dec 21 12:00 # Yeah, you can do any linear combination of signatures. but you have to # remember the linear combination of pubkeys that constructed # if you have two instances of a signature from pubkey p, then you need 2*p in # the group pubkey # because the attestation bitfield is only 1 bit per pubkey right now, # attestations do not support this # it could be extended to support N overlaps up to N times per pubkey if we # had N bits per validator instead of 1 # We are shying away from this for the time being. If there end up being # substantial difficulties in network layer aggregation, then adding bits # to aid in supporting overlaps is one potential solution # Jacek Sieka # @arnetheduck # Dec 21 12:02 # ah nice, you anticipated my followup question there :) so it's not a # straight-off set union operation # Danny Ryan # @djrtwo # Dec 21 12:02 # depending on the particular network level troubles we run into # right # aggregatng sigs and pubkeys are both just ec adds # https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm/blob/d82b10ae361cde6abbac62f171fcea7809c4e3cf/eth/_utils/bls.py#L191-L202 # subtractions work too (i suppose this is obvious). You can linearly combine # sigs or pubs in any way import sequtils, stew/objects, hashes, eth/rlp, nimcrypto/utils, blscurve, json_serialization, digest export json_serialization export blscurve.init, blscurve.getBytes, blscurve.combine, blscurve.`$`, blscurve.`==` type BlsValueType* = enum Real OpaqueBlob BlsValue*[T] = object # TODO This is a temporary type needed until we sort out the # issues with invalid BLS values appearing in the SSZ test suites. case kind*: BlsValueType of Real: blsValue*: T of OpaqueBlob: when T is blscurve.Signature: blob*: array[96, byte] else: blob*: array[48, byte] ValidatorPubKey* = BlsValue[blscurve.VerKey] # ValidatorPubKey* = blscurve.VerKey # ValidatorPubKey* = array[48, byte] # The use of byte arrays proved to be a dead end pretty quickly. # Plenty of code needs to be modified for a successful build and # the changes will negatively affect the performance. # ValidatorPrivKey* = BlsValue[blscurve.SigKey] ValidatorPrivKey* = blscurve.SigKey ValidatorSig* = BlsValue[blscurve.Signature] BlsCurveType* = VerKey|SigKey|Signature ValidatorPKI* = ValidatorPrivKey|ValidatorPubKey|ValidatorSig proc init*[T](BLS: type BlsValue[T], val: auto): BLS = result.kind = BlsValueType.Real result.blsValue = init(T, val) func `$`*(x: BlsValue): string = if x.kind == Real: $x.blsValue else: "r:" & toHex(x.blob) func `==`*(a, b: BlsValue): bool = if a.kind != b.kind: return false if a.kind == Real: return a.blsValue == b.blsValue else: return a.blob == b.blob func getBytes*(x: BlsValue): auto = if x.kind == Real: getBytes x.blsValue else: x.blob func shortLog*(x: BlsValue): string = ($x)[0..7] func shortLog*(x: BlsCurveType): string = ($x)[0..7] proc hash*(x: BlsValue): Hash {.inline.} = if x.kind == Real: hash x.blsValue.getBytes() else: hash x.blob template hash*(x: BlsCurveType): Hash = hash(getBytes(x)) template `==`*[T](a: BlsValue[T], b: T): bool = a.blsValue == b template `==`*[T](a: T, b: BlsValue[T]): bool = a == b.blsValue func pubKey*(pk: ValidatorPrivKey): ValidatorPubKey = when ValidatorPubKey is BlsValue: ValidatorPubKey(kind: Real, blsValue: pk.getKey()) elif ValidatorPubKey is array: pk.getKey.getBytes else: pk.getKey proc combine*[T](a: openarray[BlsValue[T]]): T = doAssert a.len > 0 and a[0].kind == Real result = a[0].blsValue for i in 1 ..< a.len: doAssert a[i].kind == Real result.combine a[i].blsValue proc combine*[T](x: var BlsValue[T], other: BlsValue[T]) = doAssert x.kind == Real and other.kind == Real x.blsValue.combine(other.blsValue) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.8.1/specs/bls_signature.md#bls_aggregate_pubkeys func bls_aggregate_pubkeys*(keys: openArray[ValidatorPubKey]): ValidatorPubKey = var empty = true for key in keys: if empty: result = key empty = false else: result.combine(key) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.8.1/specs/bls_signature.md#bls_verify func bls_verify*( pubkey: ValidatorPubKey, msg: openArray[byte], sig: ValidatorSig, domain: uint64): bool = # name from spec! when ValidatorPubKey is BlsValue: doAssert sig.kind == Real and pubkey.kind == Real sig.blsValue.verify(msg, domain, pubkey.blsValue) else: sig.verify(msg, domain, pubkey) # https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v0.8.1/specs/bls_signature.md#bls_verify_multiple func bls_verify_multiple*( pubkeys: seq[ValidatorPubKey], message_hashes: openArray[Eth2Digest], sig: ValidatorSig, domain: uint64): bool = let L = len(pubkeys) doAssert L == len(message_hashes) # TODO optimize using multiPairing for pubkey_message_hash in zip(pubkeys, message_hashes): let (pubkey, message_hash) = pubkey_message_hash # TODO spec doesn't say to handle this specially, but it's silly to # validate without any actual public keys. if not pubkey.bls_verify(message_hash.data, sig, domain): return false true when ValidatorPrivKey is BlsValue: func bls_sign*(key: ValidatorPrivKey, msg: openarray[byte], domain: uint64): ValidatorSig = # name from spec! if key.kind == Real: ValidatorSig(kind: Real, blsValue: key.blsValue.sign(domain, msg)) else: ValidatorSig(kind: OpaqueBlob) else: func bls_sign*(key: ValidatorPrivKey, msg: openarray[byte], domain: uint64): ValidatorSig = # name from spec! ValidatorSig(kind: Real, blsValue: key.sign(domain, msg)) proc fromBytes*[T](R: type BlsValue[T], bytes: openarray[byte]): R = when defined(ssz_testing): result = R(kind: OpaqueBlob, blob: toArray(result.blob.len, bytes)) else: result = R(kind: Real, blsValue: init(T, bytes)) proc initFromBytes*[T](val: var BlsValue[T], bytes: openarray[byte]) = val = fromBytes(BlsValue[T], bytes) proc initFromBytes*(val: var BlsCurveType, bytes: openarray[byte]) = val = init(type(val), bytes) proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: ValidatorPubKey) {.inline.} = when value is BlsValue: doAssert value.kind == Real writer.writeValue($value.blsValue) else: writer.writeValue($value) proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ValidatorPubKey) {.inline.} = value.initFromBytes(fromHex reader.readValue(string)) proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: ValidatorSig) {.inline.} = when value is BlsValue: doAssert value.kind == Real writer.writeValue($value.blsValue) else: writer.writeValue($value) proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ValidatorSig) {.inline.} = value.initFromBytes(fromHex reader.readValue(string)) proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: ValidatorPrivKey) {.inline.} = when value is BlsValue: doAssert value.kind == Real writer.writeValue($value.blsValue) else: writer.writeValue($value) proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var ValidatorPrivKey) {.inline.} = value.initFromBytes(fromHex reader.readValue(string)) when ValidatorPrivKey is BlsValue: proc newPrivKey*(): ValidatorPrivKey = ValidatorPrivKey(kind: Real, blsValue: SigKey.random()) else: proc newPrivKey*(): ValidatorPrivKey = SigKey.random() # RLP serialization (TODO: remove if no longer necessary) when ValidatorPubKey is BlsValue: proc append*(writer: var RlpWriter, value: ValidatorPubKey) = writer.append if value.kind == Real: value.blsValue.getBytes() else: value.blob else: proc append*(writer: var RlpWriter, value: ValidatorPubKey) = writer.append value.getBytes() proc read*(rlp: var Rlp, T: type ValidatorPubKey): T {.inline.} = result fromBytes(T, rlp.toBytes) when ValidatorSig is BlsValue: proc append*(writer: var RlpWriter, value: ValidatorSig) = writer.append if value.kind == Real: value.blsValue.getBytes() else: value.blob else: proc append*(writer: var RlpWriter, value: ValidatorSig) = writer.append value.getBytes() proc read*(rlp: var Rlp, T: type ValidatorSig): T {.inline.} = let bytes = fromBytes(T, rlp.toBytes)