FROM arm64v8/debian:bullseye-slim SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] # We need the host's registered binfmt_misc "interpreter" inside the container, # for that transparent virtualisation to work. COPY "qemu-aarch64-static" "/usr/bin/" # Likely to match the first regular user:group created on the host. RUN addgroup --gid 1000 user; \ adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' --uid 1000 --gid 1000 user; USER user STOPSIGNAL SIGINT # Docker refuses to copy the source directory here, so read it as "nimbus-eth2/*" COPY "nimbus-eth2" "/home/user/nimbus-eth2/" WORKDIR "/home/user/nimbus-eth2/" ENTRYPOINT ["/home/user/nimbus-eth2/build/nimbus_beacon_node"]