#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail SCRIPTS_DIR="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" . "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/nimbus_el_vars.sh" NIMBUS_ETH1_ENODES=() NIMBUS_ETH1_DATA_DIRS=() wait_for_port() { for EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF in {1..10}; do nc -w 1 -z $1 $2 > /dev/null && break; DELAY=$((2**$EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF)) echo "Port ${2} not yet available. Waiting ${DELAY} seconds" sleep $DELAY done } if [ -d /opt/homebrew/lib ]; then # BEWARE # The recent versions of homebrew/macOS can't add the libraries # installed by Homebrew in the system's library search path, so # Nimbus will fail to load RocksDB on start-up. THe new rules in # macOS make it very difficult for the user to solve the problem # in their profile, so we add an override here as the lessed evil: export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:-}:/opt/homebrew/lib" # See https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/issues/13481 for more details fi PROCS_TO_KILL+="(${NIMBUS_ETH1_BINARY})" for NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX in $(seq 0 $NIMBUS_ETH1_LAST_NODE_IDX); do NIMBUS_ETH1_DATA_DIR=$(mktemp -d "${DATA_DIR}/nimbus-eth1-data-XXXXXX") NIMBUS_ETH1_DATA_DIRS+=("${NIMBUS_ETH1_DATA_DIR}") ${NIMBUS_ETH1_BINARY} \ --data-dir="${NIMBUS_ETH1_DATA_DIR}" \ --custom-network="${EXECUTION_GENESIS_JSON}" \ --discovery=None \ --tcp-port="${NIMBUS_ETH1_NET_PORTS[NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX]}" \ --jwt-secret="${JWT_FILE}" \ --engine-api --engine-api-port="${NIMBUS_ETH1_AUTH_RPC_PORTS[NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX]}" \ --rpc --rpc-port="${NIMBUS_ETH1_RPC_PORTS[NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX]}" \ &> "${DATA_DIR}/nimbus_eth1_log${NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX}.txt" & done echo "Waiting for the Nimbus ETH1 nodes to come online..." for NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX in $(seq 0 $NIMBUS_ETH1_LAST_NODE_IDX); do wait_for_port localhost "${NIMBUS_ETH1_RPC_PORTS[NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX]}" NODE_ID=$( "${CURL_BINARY}" -sS -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"id","method":"net_nodeInfo"}' \ "http://localhost:${NIMBUS_ETH1_RPC_PORTS[NIMBUS_ETH1_NODE_IDX]}" | "${JQ_BINARY}" .result.enode) log "EL Node ID" "${NODE_ID}" NIMBUS_ETH1_ENODES+=("${NODE_ID}") done # TODO Here we should connect to the Geth nodes as well echo "Connect all nodes though the nimbus_addPeer RPC call..." for enode in "${NIMBUS_ETH1_ENODES[@]}" do for port in "${NIMBUS_ETH1_RPC_PORTS[@]}" do "${CURL_BINARY}" -sS -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"nimbus_addPeer","params": ['"${enode}"']}' \ "http://localhost:${port}" & done done echo "Nimbus ETH1 HTTP Ports: ${NIMBUS_ETH1_RPC_PORTS[*]}"