# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import std/[os, stats, strformat, tables], snappy, chronicles, confutils, stew/[byteutils, io2], eth/db/kvstore_sqlite3, ../beacon_chain/networking/network_metadata, ../beacon_chain/[beacon_chain_db, era_db], ../beacon_chain/consensus_object_pools/[blockchain_dag], ../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/[phase0, altair, bellatrix], ../beacon_chain/spec/[ beaconstate, state_transition, state_transition_epoch, validator, ssz_codec], ../beacon_chain/sszdump, ../research/simutils, ./e2store, ./ncli_common, ./validator_db_aggregator when defined(posix): import system/ansi_c type Timers = enum tInit = "Initialize DB" tLoadBlock = "Load block from database" tLoadState = "Load state from database" tAdvanceSlot = "Advance slot, non-epoch" tAdvanceEpoch = "Advance slot, epoch" tApplyBlock = "Apply block, no slot processing" tDbLoad = "Database load" tDbStore = "Database store" type DbCmd* {.pure.} = enum bench = "Run a replay benchmark for block and epoch processing" dumpState = "Extract a state from the database as-is - only works for states that have been explicitly stored" putState = "Store a given BeaconState in the database" dumpBlock = "Extract a (trusted) SignedBeaconBlock from the database" putBlock = "Store a given SignedBeaconBlock in the database, potentially updating some of the pointers" rewindState = "Extract any state from the database based on a given block and slot, replaying if needed" verifyEra = "Verify a single era file" exportEra = "Write an experimental era file" importEra = "Import era files to the database" validatorPerf validatorDb = "Create or update attestation performance database" # TODO: # This should probably allow specifying a run-time preset DbConf = object databaseDir* {. defaultValue: "" desc: "Directory where `nbc.sqlite` is stored" name: "db" }: InputDir eth2Network* {. desc: "The Eth2 network preset to use" name: "network" }: Option[string] case cmd* {. command desc: "" .}: DbCmd of DbCmd.bench: benchSlot* {. defaultValue: 0 name: "start-slot" desc: "Starting slot, negative = backwards from head".}: int64 benchSlots* {. defaultValue: 50000 name: "slots" desc: "Number of slots to run benchmark for, 0 = all the way to head".}: uint64 storeBlocks* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Store each read block back into a separate database".}: bool storeStates* {. defaultValue: false name: "store-states" desc: "Store a state each epoch into a separate database".}: bool printTimes* {. defaultValue: true name: "print-times" desc: "Print csv of block processing time".}: bool resetCache* {. defaultValue: false name: "reset-cache" desc: "Process each block with a fresh cache".}: bool of DbCmd.dumpState: stateRoot* {. argument name: "state-root" desc: "State root(s) to save".}: seq[string] of DbCmd.putState: stateFile {. argument name: "file" desc: "Files to import".}: seq[string] of DbCmd.dumpBlock: blockRootx* {. argument name: "block-root" desc: "Block root(s) to save".}: seq[string] of DbCmd.putBlock: blckFile {. argument name: "file" desc: "Files to import".}: seq[string] setHead {. defaultValue: false name: "set-head" desc: "Update head to this block"}: bool setTail {. defaultValue: false name: "set-tail" desc: "Update tail to this block"}: bool setGenesis {. defaultValue: false name: "set-genesis" desc: "Update genesis to this block"}: bool of DbCmd.rewindState: blockRoot* {. argument name: "block-root" desc: "Block root".}: string slot* {. argument desc: "Slot".}: uint64 of DbCmd.verifyEra: eraFile* {. desc: "Era file name".}: string of DbCmd.exportEra: era* {. defaultValue: 0 desc: "The era number to write".}: uint64 eraCount* {. defaultValue: 0 name: "count" desc: "Number of eras to write (0=all)".}: uint64 of DbCmd.importEra: eraFiles* {. argument name: "file" desc: "The name of the era file(s) to import".}: seq[string] of DbCmd.validatorPerf: perfSlot* {. defaultValue: -128 * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH.int64 name: "start-slot" desc: "Starting slot, negative = backwards from head".}: int64 perfSlots* {. defaultValue: 0 name: "slots" desc: "Number of slots to run benchmark for, 0 = all the way to head".}: uint64 of DbCmd.validatorDb: outDir* {. name: "out-dir" abbr: "o" desc: "Output directory".}: string startEpoch* {. name: "start-epoch" abbr: "s" desc: "Epoch from which to start recording statistics." & "By default one past the last epoch in the output directory".}: Option[uint] endEpoch* {. name: "end-epoch" abbr: "e" desc: "The last for which to record statistics." & "By default the last epoch in the input database".}: Option[uint] resolution {. defaultValue: 225, name: "resolution" abbr: "r" desc: "How many epochs to be aggregated in a single compacted file" .}: uint writeAggregatedFiles {. name: "aggregated" defaultValue: true abbr: "a" desc: "Whether to write aggregated files for a range of epochs with a given resolution" .}: bool writeUnaggregatedFiles {. name: "unaggregated" defaultValue: true abbr: "u" desc: "Whether to write unaggregated file for each epoch" .}: bool var shouldShutDown = false func getSlotRange(dag: ChainDAGRef, startSlot: int64, count: uint64): (Slot, Slot) = let start = if startSlot >= 0: Slot(startSlot) elif uint64(-startSlot) >= dag.head.slot: Slot(0) else: dag.head.slot - uint64(-startSlot) ends = if count == 0: dag.head.slot + 1 else: start + count (start, ends) proc cmdBench(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = var timers: array[Timers, RunningStat] echo "Opening database..." let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string,) dbBenchmark = BeaconChainDB.new("benchmark") defer: db.close() dbBenchmark.close() if (let v = ChainDAGRef.isInitialized(db); v.isErr()): echo "Database not initialized: ", v.error() quit 1 echo "Initializing block pool..." let validatorMonitor = newClone(ValidatorMonitor.init()) dag = withTimerRet(timers[tInit]): ChainDAGRef.init(cfg, db, validatorMonitor, {}) var (start, ends) = dag.getSlotRange(conf.benchSlot, conf.benchSlots) blockRefs = dag.getBlockRange(start, ends) blocks: ( seq[phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock], seq[altair.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock], seq[bellatrix.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock]) echo &"Loaded head slot {dag.head.slot}, selected {blockRefs.len} blocks" doAssert blockRefs.len() > 0, "Must select at least one block" for b in 0 ..< blockRefs.len: let blck = blockRefs[blockRefs.len - b - 1] withTimer(timers[tLoadBlock]): case cfg.blockForkAtEpoch(blck.slot.epoch) of BeaconBlockFork.Phase0: blocks[0].add dag.db.getBlock( blck.root, phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock).get() of BeaconBlockFork.Altair: blocks[1].add dag.db.getBlock( blck.root, altair.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock).get() of BeaconBlockFork.Bellatrix: blocks[2].add dag.db.getBlock( blck.root, bellatrix.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock).get() let stateData = newClone(dag.headState) var cache = StateCache() info = ForkedEpochInfo() loadedState = ( (ref phase0.HashedBeaconState)(), (ref altair.HashedBeaconState)(), (ref bellatrix.HashedBeaconState)()) withTimer(timers[tLoadState]): doAssert dag.updateState( stateData[], dag.atSlot(blockRefs[^1], blockRefs[^1].slot - 1).expect("not nil"), false, cache) template processBlocks(blocks: auto) = for b in blocks.mitems(): if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess while getStateField(stateData[], slot) < b.message.slot: let isEpoch = (getStateField(stateData[], slot) + 1).is_epoch() withTimer(timers[if isEpoch: tAdvanceEpoch else: tAdvanceSlot]): process_slots( dag.cfg, stateData[], getStateField(stateData[], slot) + 1, cache, info, {}).expect("Slot processing can't fail with correct inputs") var start = Moment.now() withTimer(timers[tApplyBlock]): if conf.resetCache: cache = StateCache() let res = state_transition_block( dag.cfg, stateData[], b, cache, {}, noRollback) if res.isErr(): dump("./", b) echo "State transition failed (!) ", res.error() quit 1 if conf.printTimes: echo b.message.slot, ",", toHex(b.root.data), ",", nanoseconds(Moment.now() - start) if conf.storeBlocks: withTimer(timers[tDbStore]): dbBenchmark.putBlock(b) withState(stateData[]): if forkyState.data.slot.is_epoch and conf.storeStates: if forkyState.data.slot.epoch < 2: dbBenchmark.putState(forkyState.root, forkyState.data) dbBenchmark.checkpoint() else: withTimer(timers[tDbStore]): dbBenchmark.putState(forkyState.root, forkyState.data) dbBenchmark.checkpoint() withTimer(timers[tDbLoad]): case stateFork of BeaconStateFork.Phase0: doAssert dbBenchmark.getState( forkyState.root, loadedState[0][].data, noRollback) of BeaconStateFork.Altair: doAssert dbBenchmark.getState( forkyState.root, loadedState[1][].data, noRollback) of BeaconStateFork.Bellatrix: doAssert dbBenchmark.getState( forkyState.root, loadedState[2][].data, noRollback) if forkyState.data.slot.epoch mod 16 == 0: let loadedRoot = case stateFork of BeaconStateFork.Phase0: hash_tree_root(loadedState[0][].data) of BeaconStateFork.Altair: hash_tree_root(loadedState[1][].data) of BeaconStateFork.Bellatrix: hash_tree_root(loadedState[2][].data) doAssert hash_tree_root(forkyState.data) == loadedRoot processBlocks(blocks[0]) processBlocks(blocks[1]) processBlocks(blocks[2]) printTimers(false, timers) proc cmdDumpState(conf: DbConf) = let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string, readOnly = true) defer: db.close() let phase0State = (ref phase0.HashedBeaconState)() altairState = (ref altair.HashedBeaconState)() bellatrixState = (ref bellatrix.HashedBeaconState)() for stateRoot in conf.stateRoot: if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess template doit(state: untyped) = try: state.root = Eth2Digest.fromHex(stateRoot) if db.getState(state.root, state.data, noRollback): dump("./", state) continue except CatchableError as e: echo "Couldn't load ", state.root, ": ", e.msg doit(phase0State[]) doit(altairState[]) doit(bellatrixState[]) echo "Couldn't load ", stateRoot proc cmdPutState(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string) defer: db.close() for file in conf.stateFile: if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess let state = newClone(readSszForkedHashedBeaconState( cfg, readAllBytes(file).tryGet())) withState(state[]): db.putState(forkyState) proc cmdDumpBlock(conf: DbConf) = let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string, readOnly = true) defer: db.close() for blockRoot in conf.blockRootx: if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess try: let root = Eth2Digest.fromHex(blockRoot) if (let blck = db.getBlock( root, phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock); blck.isSome): dump("./", blck.get()) elif (let blck = db.getBlock( root, altair.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock); blck.isSome): dump("./", blck.get()) elif (let blck = db.getBlock(root, bellatrix.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock); blck.isSome): dump("./", blck.get()) else: echo "Couldn't load ", blockRoot except CatchableError as e: echo "Couldn't load ", blockRoot, ": ", e.msg proc cmdPutBlock(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string) defer: db.close() for file in conf.blckFile: if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess let blck = readSszForkedSignedBeaconBlock( cfg, readAllBytes(file).tryGet()) withBlck(blck.asTrusted()): db.putBlock(blck) if conf.setHead: db.putHeadBlock(blck.root) if conf.setTail: db.putTailBlock(blck.root) if conf.setGenesis: db.putGenesisBlock(blck.root) proc cmdRewindState(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = echo "Opening database..." let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string, readOnly = true) defer: db.close() if (let v = ChainDAGRef.isInitialized(db); v.isErr()): echo "Database not initialized: ", v.error() quit 1 echo "Initializing block pool..." let validatorMonitor = newClone(ValidatorMonitor.init()) dag = init(ChainDAGRef, cfg, db, validatorMonitor, {}) let bid = dag.getBlockId(fromHex(Eth2Digest, conf.blockRoot)).valueOr: echo "Block not found in database" return let tmpState = assignClone(dag.headState) dag.withUpdatedState( tmpState[], dag.atSlot(bid, Slot(conf.slot)).expect("block found")) do: echo "Writing state..." withState(state): dump("./", forkyState) do: raiseAssert "withUpdatedState failed" func atCanonicalSlot(dag: ChainDAGRef, bid: BlockId, slot: Slot): Opt[BlockSlotId] = if slot == 0: ok dag.genesis.atSlot() else: ok BlockSlotId.init((? dag.atSlot(bid, slot - 1)).bid, slot) proc cmdVerifyEra(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = let f = EraFile.open(conf.eraFile).valueOr: echo error quit 1 root = f.verify(cfg).valueOr: echo error quit 1 echo root proc cmdExportEra(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string, readOnly = true) defer: db.close() if (let v = ChainDAGRef.isInitialized(db); v.isErr()): echo "Database not initialized: ", v.error() quit 1 type Timers = enum tState tBlocks echo "Initializing block pool..." let validatorMonitor = newClone(ValidatorMonitor.init()) dag = init(ChainDAGRef, cfg, db, validatorMonitor, {}) let tmpState = assignClone(dag.headState) var tmp: seq[byte] timers: array[Timers, RunningStat] var era = Era(conf.era) while conf.eraCount == 0 or era < Era(conf.era) + conf.eraCount: if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess # Era files hold the blocks for the "previous" era, and the first state in # the era itself let firstSlot = if era == 0: none(Slot) else: some((era - 1).start_slot) endSlot = era.start_slot eraBid = dag.atSlot(dag.head.bid, endSlot).valueOr: echo "Skipping ", era, ", blocks not available" continue if endSlot > dag.head.slot: echo "Written all complete eras" break let eraRoot = withState(dag.headState): eraRoot( forkyState.data.genesis_validators_root, forkyState.data.historical_roots.asSeq, era).expect("have era root since we checked slot") name = eraFileName(cfg, era, eraRoot) if isFile(name): echo "Skipping ", name, " (already exists)" else: echo "Writing ", name let e2 = openFile(name, {OpenFlags.Write, OpenFlags.Create}).get() defer: discard closeFile(e2) var group = EraGroup.init(e2, firstSlot).get() if firstSlot.isSome(): withTimer(timers[tBlocks]): var blocks: array[SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT.int, BlockId] for i in dag.getBlockRange(firstSlot.get(), 1, blocks).. 0, "Must select at least one block" echo "# Analyzing performance for epochs ", blockRefs[^1].slot.epoch, " - ", blockRefs[0].slot.epoch let state = newClone(dag.headState) doAssert dag.updateState( state[], dag.atSlot(blockRefs[^1], blockRefs[^1].slot - 1).expect("block found"), false, cache) proc processEpoch() = let prev_epoch_target_slot = state[].get_previous_epoch().start_slot() penultimate_epoch_end_slot = if prev_epoch_target_slot == 0: Slot(0) else: prev_epoch_target_slot - 1 first_slot_empty = state[].get_block_root_at_slot(prev_epoch_target_slot) == state[].get_block_root_at_slot(penultimate_epoch_end_slot) let first_slot_attesters = block: let committees_per_slot = state[].get_committee_count_per_slot( prev_epoch_target_slot.epoch, cache) var indices = HashSet[ValidatorIndex]() for committee_index in get_committee_indices(committees_per_slot): for validator_index in state[].get_beacon_committee( prev_epoch_target_slot, committee_index, cache): indices.incl(validator_index) indices case info.kind of EpochInfoFork.Phase0: template info: untyped = info.phase0Data for i, s in info.validators: let perf = addr perfs[i] if RewardFlags.isActiveInPreviousEpoch in s.flags: if s.is_previous_epoch_attester.isSome(): perf.attestation_hits += 1; if RewardFlags.isPreviousEpochHeadAttester in s.flags: perf.head_attestation_hits += 1 else: perf.head_attestation_misses += 1 if RewardFlags.isPreviousEpochTargetAttester in s.flags: perf.target_attestation_hits += 1 else: perf.target_attestation_misses += 1 if i.ValidatorIndex in first_slot_attesters: if first_slot_empty: perf.first_slot_head_attester_when_first_slot_empty += 1 else: perf.first_slot_head_attester_when_first_slot_not_empty += 1 if s.is_previous_epoch_attester.isSome(): perf.delays.mgetOrPut( s.is_previous_epoch_attester.get().delay, 0'u64) += 1 else: perf.attestation_misses += 1; of EpochInfoFork.Altair: echo "TODO altair" if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess for bi in 0 ..< blockRefs.len: blck = db.getBlock( blockRefs[blockRefs.len - bi - 1].root, phase0.TrustedSignedBeaconBlock).get() while getStateField(state[], slot) < blck.message.slot: let nextSlot = getStateField(state[], slot) + 1 flags = if nextSlot == blck.message.slot: {skipLastStateRootCalculation} else: {} process_slots( dag.cfg, state[], nextSlot, cache, info, flags).expect( "Slot processing can't fail with correct inputs") if getStateField(state[], slot).is_epoch(): processEpoch() let res = state_transition_block( dag.cfg, state[], blck, cache, {}, noRollback) if res.isErr: echo "State transition failed (!) ", res.error() quit 1 # Capture rewards of empty slots as well while getStateField(state[], slot) < ends: process_slots( dag.cfg, state[], getStateField(state[], slot) + 1, cache, info, {}).expect("Slot processing can't fail with correct inputs") if getStateField(state[], slot).is_epoch(): processEpoch() echo "validator_index,attestation_hits,attestation_misses,head_attestation_hits,head_attestation_misses,target_attestation_hits,target_attestation_misses,delay_avg,first_slot_head_attester_when_first_slot_empty,first_slot_head_attester_when_first_slot_not_empty" for i, perf in perfs: var count = 0'u64 sum = 0'u64 for delay, n in perf.delays: count += n sum += delay * n echo i,",", perf.attestation_hits,",", perf.attestation_misses,",", perf.head_attestation_hits,",", perf.head_attestation_misses,",", perf.target_attestation_hits,",", perf.target_attestation_misses,",", if count == 0: 0.0 else: sum.float / count.float,",", perf.first_slot_head_attester_when_first_slot_empty,",", perf.first_slot_head_attester_when_first_slot_not_empty proc createValidatorsRawTable(db: SqStoreRef) = db.exec(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS validators_raw( validator_index INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, pubkey BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE ); """).expect("DB") proc createValidatorsView(db: SqStoreRef) = db.exec(""" CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS validators AS SELECT validator_index, '0x' || lower(hex(pubkey)) as pubkey FROM validators_raw; """).expect("DB") proc createInsertValidatorProc(db: SqStoreRef): auto = db.prepareStmt(""" INSERT OR IGNORE INTO validators_raw( validator_index, pubkey) VALUES(?, ?);""", (int64, array[48, byte]), void).expect("DB") proc collectBalances(balances: var seq[uint64], forkedState: ForkedHashedBeaconState) = withState(forkedState): balances = seq[uint64](forkyState.data.balances.data) proc calculateDelta(info: RewardsAndPenalties): int64 = info.source_outcome + info.target_outcome + info.head_outcome + info.inclusion_delay_outcome + info.sync_committee_outcome + info.proposer_outcome + info.slashing_outcome - info.inactivity_penalty.int64 + info.deposits.int64 proc printComponents(info: RewardsAndPenalties) = echo "Components:" echo "Source outcome: ", info.source_outcome echo "Target outcome: ", info.target_outcome echo "Head outcome: ", info.head_outcome echo "Inclusion delay outcome: ", info.inclusion_delay_outcome echo "Sync committee outcome: ", info.sync_committee_outcome echo "Proposer outcome: ", info.proposer_outcome echo "Slashing outcome: ", info.slashing_outcome echo "Inactivity penalty: ", info.inactivity_penalty echo "Deposits: ", info.deposits proc checkBalance(validatorIndex: int64, validator: RewardStatus | ParticipationInfo, currentEpochBalance, previousEpochBalance: int64, validatorInfo: RewardsAndPenalties) = let delta = validatorInfo.calculateDelta if currentEpochBalance == previousEpochBalance + delta: return echo "Validator: ", validatorIndex echo "Is eligible: ", is_eligible_validator(validator) echo "Current epoch balance: ", currentEpochBalance echo "Previous epoch balance: ", previousEpochBalance echo "State delta: ", currentEpochBalance - previousEpochBalance echo "Computed delta: ", delta printComponents(validatorInfo) raiseAssert("Validator's previous epoch balance plus computed validator's " & "delta is not equal to the validator's current epoch balance.") proc getDbValidatorsCount(db: SqStoreRef): int64 = var res: int64 discard db.exec("SELECT count(*) FROM validators", ()) do (r: int64): res = r return res template inTransaction(db: SqStoreRef, dbName: string, body: untyped) = try: db.exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION;").expect(dbName) body finally: db.exec("END TRANSACTION;").expect(dbName) proc insertValidators(db: SqStoreRef, state: ForkedHashedBeaconState, startIndex, endIndex: int64) = var insertValidator {.global.}: SqliteStmt[ (int64, array[48, byte]), void] once: insertValidator = db.createInsertValidatorProc withState(state): db.inTransaction("DB"): for i in startIndex ..< endIndex: insertValidator.exec( (i, forkyState.data.validators[i].pubkey.toRaw)).expect("DB") proc cmdValidatorDb(conf: DbConf, cfg: RuntimeConfig) = # Create a database with performance information for every epoch info "Opening database..." let db = BeaconChainDB.new(conf.databaseDir.string, false, true) defer: db.close() if (let v = ChainDAGRef.isInitialized(db); v.isErr()): echo "Database not initialized" quit 1 echo "Initializing block pool..." let validatorMonitor = newClone(ValidatorMonitor.init()) dag = ChainDAGRef.init(cfg, db, validatorMonitor, {}) let outDb = SqStoreRef.init(conf.outDir, "validatorDb").expect("DB") defer: outDb.close() outDb.createValidatorsRawTable outDb.createValidatorsView let unaggregatedFilesOutputDir = conf.outDir / "unaggregated" aggregatedFilesOutputDir = conf.outDir / "aggregated" startEpoch = if conf.startEpoch.isSome: Epoch(conf.startEpoch.get) else: let unaggregatedFilesNextEpoch = getUnaggregatedFilesLastEpoch( unaggregatedFilesOutputDir) + 1 let aggregatedFilesNextEpoch = getAggregatedFilesLastEpoch( aggregatedFilesOutputDir) + 1 if conf.writeUnaggregatedFiles and conf.writeAggregatedFiles: min(unaggregatedFilesNextEpoch, aggregatedFilesNextEpoch) elif conf.writeUnaggregatedFiles: unaggregatedFilesNextEpoch elif conf.writeAggregatedFiles: aggregatedFilesNextEpoch else: min(unaggregatedFilesNextEpoch, aggregatedFilesNextEpoch) endEpoch = if conf.endEpoch.isSome: Epoch(conf.endEpoch.get) else: dag.finalizedHead.slot.epoch # Avoid dealing with changes if startEpoch > endEpoch: fatal "Start epoch cannot be bigger than end epoch.", startEpoch = startEpoch, endEpoch = endEpoch quit QuitFailure info "Analyzing performance for epochs.", startEpoch = startEpoch, endEpoch = endEpoch let startSlot = startEpoch.start_slot endSlot = endEpoch.start_slot + SLOTS_PER_EPOCH blockRefs = dag.getBlockRange(startSlot, endSlot) if not unaggregatedFilesOutputDir.dirExists: unaggregatedFilesOutputDir.createDir if not aggregatedFilesOutputDir.dirExists: aggregatedFilesOutputDir.createDir let tmpState = newClone(dag.headState) var cache = StateCache() let slot = if startSlot > 0: startSlot - 1 else: 0.Slot if blockRefs.len > 0: discard dag.updateState( tmpState[], dag.atSlot(blockRefs[^1], slot).expect("block"), false, cache) else: discard dag.updateState( tmpState[], dag.getBlockIdAtSlot(slot).expect("block"), false, cache) let savedValidatorsCount = outDb.getDbValidatorsCount var validatorsCount = getStateField(tmpState[], validators).len outDb.insertValidators(tmpState[], savedValidatorsCount, validatorsCount) var previousEpochBalances: seq[uint64] collectBalances(previousEpochBalances, tmpState[]) var forkedInfo = ForkedEpochInfo() var rewardsAndPenalties: seq[RewardsAndPenalties] rewardsAndPenalties.setLen(validatorsCount) var auxiliaryState: AuxiliaryState auxiliaryState.copyParticipationFlags(tmpState[]) var aggregator = ValidatorDbAggregator.init( aggregatedFilesOutputDir, conf.resolution, endEpoch) proc processEpoch() = let epoch = getStateField(tmpState[], slot).epoch info "Processing epoch ...", epoch = epoch var csvLines = newStringOfCap(1000000) withState(tmpState[]): withEpochInfo(forkedInfo): doAssert forkyState.data.balances.len == info.validators.len doAssert forkyState.data.balances.len == previousEpochBalances.len doAssert forkyState.data.balances.len == rewardsAndPenalties.len for index, validator in info.validators: template rp: untyped = rewardsAndPenalties[index] checkBalance( index, validator, forkyState.data.balances.item(index).int64, previousEpochBalances[index].int64, rp) when infoFork == EpochInfoFork.Phase0: rp.inclusion_delay = block: let notSlashed = (RewardFlags.isSlashed notin validator.flags) if notSlashed and validator.is_previous_epoch_attester.isSome(): some(validator.is_previous_epoch_attester.get().delay.uint64) else: none(uint64) if conf.writeUnaggregatedFiles: csvLines.add rp.serializeToCsv if conf.writeAggregatedFiles: aggregator.addValidatorData(index, rp) if conf.writeUnaggregatedFiles: let fileName = getFilePathForEpoch(epoch, unaggregatedFilesOutputDir) var res = io2.removeFile(fileName) doAssert res.isOk res = io2.writeFile(fileName, snappy.encode(csvLines.toBytes)) doAssert res.isOk if conf.writeAggregatedFiles: aggregator.advanceEpochs(epoch, shouldShutDown) if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess collectBalances(previousEpochBalances, tmpState[]) proc processSlots(ends: Slot, endsFlags: UpdateFlags) = var currentSlot = getStateField(tmpState[], slot) while currentSlot < ends: let nextSlot = currentSlot + 1 let flags = if nextSlot == ends: endsFlags else: {} if nextSlot.is_epoch: withState(tmpState[]): var stateData = newClone(forkyState.data) rewardsAndPenalties.collectEpochRewardsAndPenalties( stateData[], cache, cfg, flags) let res = process_slots(cfg, tmpState[], nextSlot, cache, forkedInfo, flags) doAssert res.isOk, "Slot processing can't fail with correct inputs" currentSlot = nextSlot if currentSlot.is_epoch: processEpoch() rewardsAndPenalties.setLen(0) rewardsAndPenalties.setLen(validatorsCount) auxiliaryState.copyParticipationFlags(tmpState[]) clear cache for bi in 0 ..< blockRefs.len: let forkedBlock = dag.getForkedBlock(blockRefs[blockRefs.len - bi - 1]).get() withBlck(forkedBlock): processSlots(blck.message.slot, {skipLastStateRootCalculation}) rewardsAndPenalties.collectBlockRewardsAndPenalties( tmpState[], forkedBlock, auxiliaryState, cache, cfg) let res = state_transition_block( cfg, tmpState[], blck, cache, {}, noRollback) if res.isErr: fatal "State transition failed (!)" quit QuitFailure let newValidatorsCount = getStateField(tmpState[], validators).len if newValidatorsCount > validatorsCount: # Resize the structures in case a new validator has appeared after # the state_transition_block procedure call ... rewardsAndPenalties.setLen(newValidatorsCount) previousEpochBalances.setLen(newValidatorsCount) # ... and add the new validators to the database. outDb.insertValidators( tmpState[], validatorsCount, newValidatorsCount) validatorsCount = newValidatorsCount # Capture rewards of empty slots as well, including the epoch that got # finalized processSlots(endSlot, {}) proc controlCHook {.noconv.} = notice "Shutting down after having received SIGINT." shouldShutDown = true proc exitOnSigterm(signal: cint) {.noconv.} = notice "Shutting down after having received SIGTERM." shouldShutDown = true when isMainModule: setControlCHook(controlCHook) when defined(posix): c_signal(SIGTERM, exitOnSigterm) var conf = DbConf.load() cfg = getRuntimeConfig(conf.eth2Network) case conf.cmd of DbCmd.bench: cmdBench(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.dumpState: cmdDumpState(conf) of DbCmd.putState: cmdPutState(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.dumpBlock: cmdDumpBlock(conf) of DbCmd.putBlock: cmdPutBlock(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.rewindState: cmdRewindState(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.verifyEra: cmdVerifyEra(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.exportEra: cmdExportEra(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.importEra: cmdImportEra(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.validatorPerf: cmdValidatorPerf(conf, cfg) of DbCmd.validatorDb: cmdValidatorDb(conf, cfg)