# Nimbus # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.used.} import std/[algorithm, options, sequtils], unittest2, ../beacon_chain/[beacon_chain_db, extras, interop, ssz], ../beacon_chain/spec/[ beaconstate, datatypes, digest, crypto, state_transition, presets], ../beacon_chain/consensus_object_pools/blockchain_dag, eth/db/kvstore, # test utilies ./testutil, ./testdbutil, ./testblockutil, ./teststateutil when isMainModule: import chronicles # or some random compile error happens... proc getStateRef(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest): NilableBeaconStateRef = # load beaconstate the way the block pool does it - into an existing instance let res = BeaconStateRef() if db.getState(root, res[], noRollback): return res func withDigest(blck: TrustedBeaconBlock): TrustedSignedBeaconBlock = TrustedSignedBeaconBlock( message: blck, root: hash_tree_root(blck) ) suite "Beacon chain DB" & preset(): test "empty database" & preset(): var db = BeaconChainDB.new(defaultRuntimePreset, "", inMemory = true) check: db.getStateRef(Eth2Digest()).isNil db.getBlock(Eth2Digest()).isNone test "sanity check blocks" & preset(): var db = BeaconChainDB.new(defaultRuntimePreset, "", inMemory = true) let signedBlock = withDigest(TrustedBeaconBlock()) root = hash_tree_root(signedBlock.message) db.putBlock(signedBlock) check: db.containsBlock(root) db.getBlock(root).get() == signedBlock db.putStateRoot(root, signedBlock.message.slot, root) var root2 = root root2.data[0] = root.data[0] + 1 db.putStateRoot(root, signedBlock.message.slot + 1, root2) check: db.getStateRoot(root, signedBlock.message.slot).get() == root db.getStateRoot(root, signedBlock.message.slot + 1).get() == root2 db.close() test "sanity check states" & preset(): var db = makeTestDB(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) dag = init(ChainDAGRef, defaultRuntimePreset, db) testStates = getTestStates(dag.headState.data) # Ensure transitions beyond just adding validators and increasing slots sort(testStates) do (x, y: ref HashedBeaconState) -> int: cmp($x.root, $y.root) for state in testStates: db.putState(state[].data) let root = hash_tree_root(state[].data) check: db.containsState(root) hash_tree_root(db.getStateRef(root)[]) == root db.delState(root) check: not db.containsState(root) db.close() test "sanity check states, reusing buffers" & preset(): var db = makeTestDB(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) dag = init(ChainDAGRef, defaultRuntimePreset, db) let stateBuffer = BeaconStateRef() var testStates = getTestStates(dag.headState.data) # Ensure transitions beyond just adding validators and increasing slots sort(testStates) do (x, y: ref HashedBeaconState) -> int: cmp($x.root, $y.root) for state in testStates: db.putState(state[].data) let root = hash_tree_root(state[].data) check: db.getState(root, stateBuffer[], noRollback) db.containsState(root) hash_tree_root(stateBuffer[]) == root db.delState(root) check: not db.containsState(root) db.close() test "find ancestors" & preset(): var db = BeaconChainDB.new(defaultRuntimePreset, "", inMemory = true) let a0 = withDigest( TrustedBeaconBlock(slot: GENESIS_SLOT + 0)) a1 = withDigest( TrustedBeaconBlock(slot: GENESIS_SLOT + 1, parent_root: a0.root)) a2 = withDigest( TrustedBeaconBlock(slot: GENESIS_SLOT + 2, parent_root: a1.root)) doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a0.root)) == [] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a2.root)) == [] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a0.root)).len == 0 doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a2.root)).len == 0 db.putBlock(a2) doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a0.root)) == [] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a2.root)) == [a2] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a0.root)).len == 0 doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a2.root)).len == 1 db.putBlock(a1) doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a0.root)) == [] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a2.root)) == [a2, a1] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a0.root)).len == 0 doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a2.root)).len == 2 db.putBlock(a0) doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a0.root)) == [a0] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestors(a2.root)) == [a2, a1, a0] doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a0.root)).len == 1 doAssert toSeq(db.getAncestorSummaries(a2.root)).len == 3 test "sanity check genesis roundtrip" & preset(): # This is a really dumb way of checking that we can roundtrip a genesis # state. We've been bit by this because we've had a bug in the BLS # serialization where an all-zero default-initialized bls signature could # not be deserialized because the deserialization was too strict. var db = BeaconChainDB.new(defaultRuntimePreset, "", inMemory = true) let state = initialize_beacon_state_from_eth1( defaultRuntimePreset, eth1BlockHash, 0, makeInitialDeposits(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH), {skipBlsValidation}) root = hash_tree_root(state[]) db.putState(state[]) check db.containsState(root) let state2 = db.getStateRef(root) db.delState(root) check not db.containsState(root) db.close() check: hash_tree_root(state2[]) == root test "sanity check state diff roundtrip" & preset(): var db = BeaconChainDB.new(defaultRuntimePreset, "", inMemory = true) # TODO htr(diff) probably not interesting/useful, but stand-in let stateDiff = BeaconStateDiff() root = hash_tree_root(stateDiff) db.putStateDiff(root, stateDiff) let state2 = db.getStateDiff(root) db.delStateDiff(root) check db.getStateDiff(root).isNone() db.close() check: hash_tree_root(state2[]) == root