# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import stew/[io2, byteutils], chronicles, confutils, snappy, ../beacon_chain/spec/datatypes/base, ./ncli_common type AggregatorConf = object startEpoch {. name: "start-epoch" abbr: "s" desc: "The first epoch which to be aggregated. " & "By default use the first epoch for which has a file" .}: Option[uint64] endEpoch {. name: "end-epoch" abbr: "e" desc: "The last epoch which to be aggregated. " & "By default use the last epoch for which has a file" .}: Option[uint64] resolution {. defaultValue: 225, name: "resolution" abbr: "r" desc: "How many epochs to be aggregated in a single file" .}: uint inputDir {. name: "input-dir" abbr: "i" desc: "The directory with the epoch info files" .}: InputDir outputDir {. defaultValue: "" name: "output-dir" abbr: "o" desc: "The directory where aggregated file to be written. " & "By default use the same directory as the input one"}: InputDir ValidatorDbAggregator* {.requiresInit.} = object outputDir: string resolution: uint endEpoch: Epoch epochsAggregated: uint aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties: seq[RewardsAndPenalties] participationEpochsCount: seq[uint] inclusionDelaysCount: seq[uint] func init*(T: type ValidatorDbAggregator, outputDir: string, resolution: uint, endEpoch: Epoch): T = const initialCapacity = 1 shl 16 ValidatorDbAggregator( outputDir: outputDir, resolution: resolution, endEpoch: endEpoch, epochsAggregated: 0, aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties: newSeqOfCap[RewardsAndPenalties](initialCapacity), participationEpochsCount: newSeqOfCap[uint](initialCapacity), inclusionDelaysCount: newSeqOfCap[uint](initialCapacity)) func `+=`(lhs: var RewardsAndPenalties, rhs: RewardsAndPenalties) = lhs.source_outcome += rhs.source_outcome lhs.max_source_reward += rhs.max_source_reward lhs.target_outcome += rhs.target_outcome lhs.max_target_reward += rhs.max_target_reward lhs.head_outcome += rhs.head_outcome lhs.max_head_reward += rhs.max_head_reward lhs.inclusion_delay_outcome += rhs.inclusion_delay_outcome lhs.max_inclusion_delay_reward += rhs.max_inclusion_delay_reward lhs.sync_committee_outcome += rhs.sync_committee_outcome lhs.max_sync_committee_reward += rhs.max_sync_committee_reward lhs.proposer_outcome += rhs.proposer_outcome lhs.inactivity_penalty += rhs.inactivity_penalty lhs.slashing_outcome += rhs.slashing_outcome lhs.deposits += rhs.deposits if lhs.inclusion_delay.isSome: if rhs.inclusion_delay.isSome: lhs.inclusion_delay.get += rhs.inclusion_delay.get else: if rhs.inclusion_delay.isSome: lhs.inclusion_delay = some(rhs.inclusion_delay.get) func average(rp: var RewardsAndPenalties, averageInclusionDelay: var Option[float], epochsCount: uint, inclusionDelaysCount: uint64) = rp.source_outcome = rp.source_outcome div epochsCount.int64 rp.max_source_reward = rp.max_source_reward div epochsCount rp.target_outcome = rp.target_outcome div epochsCount.int64 rp.max_target_reward = rp.max_target_reward div epochsCount rp.head_outcome = rp.head_outcome div epochsCount.int64 rp.max_head_reward = rp.max_head_reward div epochsCount rp.inclusion_delay_outcome = rp.inclusion_delay_outcome div epochsCount.int64 rp.max_inclusion_delay_reward = rp.max_inclusion_delay_reward div epochsCount rp.sync_committee_outcome = rp.sync_committee_outcome div epochsCount.int64 rp.max_sync_committee_reward = rp.max_sync_committee_reward div epochsCount rp.proposer_outcome = rp.proposer_outcome div epochsCount.int64 rp.inactivity_penalty = rp.inactivity_penalty div epochsCount rp.slashing_outcome = rp.slashing_outcome div epochsCount.int64 if rp.inclusion_delay.isSome: doAssert inclusionDelaysCount != 0 averageInclusionDelay = some( rp.inclusion_delay.get.float / inclusionDelaysCount.float) else: doAssert inclusionDelaysCount == 0 averageInclusionDelay = none(float) func addValidatorData*(aggregator: var ValidatorDbAggregator, index: int, rp: RewardsAndPenalties) = if index >= aggregator.participationEpochsCount.len: aggregator.aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties.add rp aggregator.participationEpochsCount.add 1 if rp.inclusion_delay.isSome: aggregator.inclusionDelaysCount.add 1 else: aggregator.inclusionDelaysCount.add 0 else: aggregator.aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties[index] += rp inc aggregator.participationEpochsCount[index] if rp.inclusion_delay.isSome: inc aggregator.inclusionDelaysCount[index] proc advanceEpochs*(aggregator: var ValidatorDbAggregator, epoch: Epoch, shouldShutDown: bool) = inc aggregator.epochsAggregated if aggregator.epochsAggregated != aggregator.resolution and aggregator.endEpoch != epoch and not shouldShutDown: return var csvLines = newStringOfCap(1000000) for i in 0 ..< aggregator.participationEpochsCount.len: var averageInclusionDelay: Option[float] average(aggregator.aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties[i], averageInclusionDelay, aggregator.participationEpochsCount[i], aggregator.inclusionDelaysCount[i]) csvLines &= serializeToCsv( aggregator.aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties[i], averageInclusionDelay) let fileName = getFilePathForEpochs( epoch - aggregator.epochsAggregated + 1, epoch, aggregator.outputDir) info "Writing file ...", fileName = fileName var result = io2.removeFile(fileName) doAssert result.isOk result = io2.writeFile(fileName, snappy.encode(csvLines.toBytes)) doAssert result.isOk aggregator.participationEpochsCount.setLen(0) aggregator.aggregatedRewardsAndPenalties.setLen(0) aggregator.inclusionDelaysCount.setLen(0) aggregator.epochsAggregated = 0 when isMainModule: import std/streams from std/os import fileExists from std/parsecsv import CsvParser, CsvRow, open, readRow from std/strutils import parseBiggestInt, parseBiggestUInt when defined(posix): import system/ansi_c var shouldShutDown = false proc determineStartAndEndEpochs(config: AggregatorConf): tuple[startEpoch, endEpoch: Epoch] = if config.startEpoch.isNone or config.endEpoch.isNone: (result.startEpoch, result.endEpoch) = getUnaggregatedFilesEpochRange( config.inputDir.string) if config.startEpoch.isSome: result.startEpoch = config.startEpoch.get.Epoch if config.endEpoch.isSome: result.endEpoch = config.endEpoch.get.Epoch if result.startEpoch > result.endEpoch: fatal "Start epoch cannot be bigger than the end epoch.", startEpoch = result.startEpoch, endEpoch = result.endEpoch quit QuitFailure proc checkIntegrity(startEpoch, endEpoch: Epoch, dir: string) = for epoch in startEpoch .. endEpoch: let filePath = getFilePathForEpoch(epoch, dir) if not filePath.fileExists: fatal "File for epoch does not exist.", epoch = epoch, filePath = filePath quit QuitFailure func parseRow(csvRow: CsvRow): RewardsAndPenalties = result = RewardsAndPenalties( source_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[0]), max_source_reward: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[1]), target_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[2]), max_target_reward: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[3]), head_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[4]), max_head_reward: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[5]), inclusion_delay_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[6]), max_inclusion_delay_reward: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[7]), sync_committee_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[8]), max_sync_committee_reward: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[9]), proposer_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[10]), inactivity_penalty: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[11]), slashing_outcome: parseBiggestInt(csvRow[12]), deposits: parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[13])) if csvRow[14].len > 0: result.inclusion_delay = some(parseBiggestUInt(csvRow[14])) proc aggregateEpochs(startEpoch, endEpoch: Epoch, resolution: uint, inputDir, outputDir: string) = if startEpoch > endEpoch: fatal "Start epoch cannot be larger than the end one.", startEpoch = startEpoch, endEpoch = endEpoch quit QuitFailure info "Aggregating epochs ...", startEpoch = startEpoch, endEpoch = endEpoch, inputDir = inputDir, outputDir = outputDir var aggregator = ValidatorDbAggregator.init(outputDir, resolution, endEpoch) for epoch in startEpoch .. endEpoch: let filePath = getFilePathForEpoch(epoch, inputDir) info "Processing file ...", file = filePath let data = io2.readAllBytes(filePath) doAssert data.isOk let dataStream = newStringStream( string.fromBytes(snappy.decode( data.get.toOpenArray(0, data.get.len - 1)))) var csvParser: CsvParser csvParser.open(dataStream, filePath) var validatorsCount = 0 while csvParser.readRow: inc validatorsCount let rp = parseRow(csvParser.row) aggregator.addValidatorData(validatorsCount - 1, rp) aggregator.advanceEpochs(epoch, shouldShutDown) if shouldShutDown: quit QuitSuccess proc controlCHook {.noconv.} = notice "Shutting down after having received SIGINT." shouldShutDown = true proc exitOnSigterm(signal: cint) {.noconv.} = notice "Shutting down after having received SIGTERM." shouldShutDown = true proc main = setControlCHook(controlCHook) when defined(posix): c_signal(SIGTERM, exitOnSigterm) let config = load AggregatorConf let (startEpoch, endEpoch) = config.determineStartAndEndEpochs if endEpoch == 0: fatal "Not found epoch info files in the directory.", inputDir = config.inputDir quit QuitFailure checkIntegrity(startEpoch, endEpoch, config.inputDir.string) let outputDir = if config.outputDir.string.len > 0: config.outputDir else: config.inputDir aggregateEpochs(startEpoch, endEpoch, config.resolution, config.inputDir.string, outputDir.string) main()