# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.push raises: [].} import stew/[base10, results], chronicles, chronos, eth/async_utils, ./sync/sync_manager, ./consensus_object_pools/[block_clearance, blockchain_dag], ./spec/eth2_apis/rest_beacon_client, ./spec/[beaconstate, eth2_merkleization, forks, presets, state_transition, deposit_snapshots], "."/[beacon_clock, beacon_chain_db, era_db] from presto import RestDecodingError const largeRequestsTimeout = 60.seconds # Downloading large items such as states. smallRequestsTimeout = 30.seconds # Downloading smaller items such as blocks and deposit snapshots. proc fetchDepositSnapshot(client: RestClientRef): Future[Result[DepositTreeSnapshot, string]] {.async.} = let resp = try: awaitWithTimeout(client.getDepositSnapshot(), smallRequestsTimeout): return err "Fetching /eth/v1/beacon/deposit_snapshot timed out" except CatchableError as e: return err("The trusted node likely does not support the /eth/v1/beacon/deposit_snapshot end-point:" & e.msg) let data = resp.data.data let snapshot = DepositTreeSnapshot( eth1Block: data.execution_block_hash, depositContractState: DepositContractState( branch: data.finalized, deposit_count: depositCountBytes(data.deposit_count)), blockHeight: data.execution_block_height) if not snapshot.isValid(data.deposit_root): return err "The obtained deposit snapshot contains self-contradictory data" return ok snapshot from ./spec/datatypes/eip4844 import asSigVerified, shortLog proc doTrustedNodeSync*( cfg: RuntimeConfig, databaseDir: string, eraDir: string, restUrl: string, stateId: string, backfill: bool, reindex: bool, downloadDepositSnapshot: bool, genesisState: ref ForkedHashedBeaconState = nil) {.async.} = logScope: restUrl stateId notice "Starting trusted node sync", databaseDir, backfill, reindex var client = RestClientRef.new(restUrl).valueOr: error "Cannot connect to server", error = error quit 1 let db = BeaconChainDB.new(databaseDir, cfg, inMemory = false) defer: db.close() # If possible, we'll store the genesis state in the database - this is not # strictly necessary but renders the resulting database compatible with # versions prior to 22.11 and makes reindexing possible let genesisState = if (let genesisRoot = db.getGenesisBlock(); genesisRoot.isSome()): let genesisBlock = db.getForkedBlock(genesisRoot.get()).valueOr: error "Cannot load genesis block from database", genesisRoot = genesisRoot.get() quit 1 genesisStateRoot = getForkedBlockField(genesisBlock, state_root) stateFork = cfg.consensusForkAtEpoch(GENESIS_EPOCH) tmp = (ref ForkedHashedBeaconState)(kind: stateFork) if not db.getState(stateFork, genesisStateRoot, tmp[], noRollback): error "Cannot load genesis state from database", genesisStateRoot quit 1 if (genesisState != nil) and (getStateRoot(tmp[]) != getStateRoot(genesisState[])): error "Unexpected genesis state in database, is this the same network?", databaseRoot = getStateRoot(tmp[]), genesisRoot = getStateRoot(genesisState[]) quit 1 tmp else: let tmp = if genesisState != nil: genesisState else: notice "Downloading genesis state", restUrl try: awaitWithTimeout( client.getStateV2(StateIdent.init(StateIdentType.Genesis), cfg), largeRequestsTimeout): info "Attempt to download genesis state timed out" nil except CatchableError as exc: info "Unable to download genesis state", error = exc.msg, restUrl nil if isNil(tmp): notice "Server is missing genesis state, node will not be able to reindex history", restUrl tmp let dbHead = db.getHeadBlock() head = if dbHead.isSome(): let bid = db.getBlockId(dbHead.get()).valueOr: error "Database missing head block summary - database too old or corrupt", headRoot = dbHead.get() quit 1 Opt.some bid else: # When we don't have a head, we'll use the given checkpoint as head Opt.none(BlockId) if head.isNone: notice "Downloading checkpoint state" let state = try: let id = block: let tmp = StateIdent.decodeString(stateId).valueOr: error "Cannot decode checkpoint state id, must be a slot, hash, 'finalized' or 'head'" quit 1 if tmp.kind == StateQueryKind.Slot and not tmp.slot.is_epoch(): notice "Rounding given slot to epoch" StateIdent.init(tmp.slot.epoch().start_slot) else: tmp awaitWithTimeout(client.getStateV2(id, cfg), largeRequestsTimeout): error "Attempt to download checkpoint state timed out" quit 1 except CatchableError as exc: error "Unable to download checkpoint state", error = exc.msg quit 1 if state == nil: error "No state found a given checkpoint", stateId quit 1 if not getStateField(state[], slot).is_epoch(): error "State slot must fall on an epoch boundary", slot = getStateField(state[], slot), offset = getStateField(state[], slot) - getStateField(state[], slot).epoch.start_slot quit 1 if genesisState != nil: if getStateField(state[], genesis_validators_root) != getStateField(genesisState[], genesis_validators_root): error "Checkpoint state does not match genesis", rootInCheckpoint = getStateField(state[], genesis_validators_root), rootInGenesis = getStateField(genesisState[], genesis_validators_root) quit 1 ChainDAGRef.preInit(db, genesisState[]) if getStateField(genesisState[], slot) != getStateField(state[], slot): ChainDAGRef.preInit(db, state[]) else: ChainDAGRef.preInit(db, state[]) if downloadDepositSnapshot: # Fetch deposit snapshot. This API endpoint is still optional. let depositSnapshot = await fetchDepositSnapshot(client) if depositSnapshot.isOk: if depositSnapshot.get.matches(getStateField(state[], eth1_data)): info "Writing deposit contracts snapshot", depositRoot = depositSnapshot.get.getDepositRoot(), depositCount = depositSnapshot.get.getDepositCountU64 db.putDepositTreeSnapshot(depositSnapshot.get) else: warn "The downloaded deposit snapshot does not agree with the downloaded state" else: warn "Deposit tree snapshot was not imported", reason = depositSnapshot.error else: notice "Skipping checkpoint download, database already exists (remove db directory to get a fresh snapshot)", databaseDir, head = shortLog(head.get()) # Coming this far, we've done what ChainDAGRef.preInit would normally do - # we can now load a ChainDAG to start backfilling it let validatorMonitor = newClone(ValidatorMonitor.init(false, false)) dag = ChainDAGRef.init(cfg, db, validatorMonitor, {}, eraPath = eraDir) backfillSlot = dag.backfill.slot horizon = max(dag.horizon, dag.frontfill.valueOr(BlockId()).slot) let canReindex = if backfillSlot <= horizon: info "Database backfilled", backfill = dag.backfill, horizon true elif backfill: # +1 because we need to download the frontfill slot for the frontfill match # detection to kick in, in addBackfillBlock let missingSlots = dag.backfill.slot - horizon + 1 notice "Downloading historical blocks - you can interrupt this process at any time and it automatically be completed when you start the beacon node", backfillSlot, horizon, missingSlots var # Same averaging as SyncManager syncCount = 0 processed = 0'u64 avgSyncSpeed = 0.0 stamp = SyncMoment.now(0) proc downloadBlock(slot: Slot): Future[Option[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]] {.async.} = # Download block at given slot, retrying a few times, var lastError: ref CatchableError for i in 0..<3: try: return awaitWithTimeout(client.getBlockV2(BlockIdent.init(slot), cfg), smallRequestsTimeout): raise newException(CatchableError, "Request timed out") except RestResponseError as exc: lastError = exc notice "Server does not support block downloads / backfilling - blocks will be downloaded later", msg = exc.msg break except CatchableError as exc: # We'll assume this may be a connectivity error or something similar lastError = exc warn "Retrying download of block", slot, err = exc.msg client = RestClientRef.new(restUrl).valueOr: error "Cannot connect to server", url = restUrl, error = error quit 1 raise lastError # Download several blocks in parallel but process them serially proc processBlock(blck: Option[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]) = let newStamp = SyncMoment.now(processed) if newStamp.stamp - stamp.stamp > 12.seconds: syncCount += 1 let remaining = dag.backfill.slot - horizon slotsPerSec = speed(stamp, newStamp) avgSyncSpeed = avgSyncSpeed + (slotsPerSec - avgSyncSpeed) / float(syncCount) info "Backfilling", timeleft = toTimeLeftString( if avgSyncSpeed >= 0.001: Duration.fromFloatSeconds(remaining.float / avgSyncSpeed) else: InfiniteDuration), slotsPerSecond = avgSyncSpeed, remainingSlots = remaining stamp = newStamp processed += 1 if blck.isSome(): let data = blck.get() withBlck(data[]): if (let res = dag.addBackfillBlock(blck.asSigVerified()); res.isErr()): case res.error() of VerifierError.Invalid, VerifierError.MissingParent, VerifierError.UnviableFork: error "Got invalid block from trusted node - is it on the right network?", blck = shortLog(blck), err = res.error() quit 1 of VerifierError.Duplicate: discard # Download blocks backwards from the backfill slot, ie the first slot for # which we don't have a block, when walking backwards from the head try: var gets: array[16, Future[Option[ref ForkedSignedBeaconBlock]]] for i in 0.uint64..missingSlots + gets.lenu64: if i >= gets.lenu64(): let fut = gets[int(i mod gets.lenu64)] processBlock(await fut) if i <= backfillSlot: let slot = backfillSlot - i gets[int(i mod gets.lenu64)] = downloadBlock(slot) if i mod 1024 == 0: db.checkpoint() # Transfer stuff from wal periodically true except CatchableError as exc: # Block download failed notice "Backfilling incomplete - blocks will be downloaded when starting the node", msg = exc.msg false else: let missingSlots = dag.backfill.slot - horizon notice "Database initialized, historical blocks will be backfilled when starting the node", missingSlots, backfill = dag.backfill, horizon false if reindex and canReindex: notice "Reindexing historical state lookup tables (you can interrupt this process at any time)" # Build a DAG dag.rebuildIndex() notice "Done, your beacon node is ready to serve you! Don't forget to check that you're on the canonical chain by comparing the checkpoint root with other online sources. See https://nimbus.guide/trusted-node-sync.html for more information.", checkpoint = dag.head when isMainModule: import std/[os], networking/network_metadata let backfill = os.paramCount() > 5 and os.paramStr(6) == "true" waitFor doTrustedNodeSync( getRuntimeConfig(some os.paramStr(1)), os.paramStr(2), os.paramStr(3), os.paramStr(4), os.paramStr(5), backfill, false, true)