{.push raises: [Defect].} import chronos, chronicles, spec/datatypes from times import Time, getTime, fromUnix, `<`, `-`, inNanoseconds type BeaconClock* = object ## The beacon clock represents time as it passes on a beacon chain. Beacon ## time is locked to unix time, starting at a particular offset set during ## beacon chain instantiation. ## ## Time on the beacon chain determines what actions should be taken and ## which blocks are valid - in particular, blocks are not valid if they ## come from the future as seen from the local clock. ## ## https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/blob/v1.0.0/specs/phase0/fork-choice.md#fork-choice ## # TODO replace time in chronos with a proper unit type, then this code can # follow: # https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/issues/15 # TODO consider NTP and network-adjusted timestamps as outlined here: # https://ethresear.ch/t/network-adjusted-timestamps/4187 genesis: Time BeaconTime* = distinct Duration ## Nanoseconds from beacon genesis time proc init*(T: type BeaconClock, genesis_time: uint64): T = let unixGenesis = fromUnix(genesis_time.int64) # GENESIS_SLOT offsets slot time, but to simplify calculations, we apply that # offset to genesis instead of applying it at every time conversion unixGenesisOffset = times.seconds(int(GENESIS_SLOT * SECONDS_PER_SLOT)) T(genesis: unixGenesis - unixGenesisOffset) proc init*(T: type BeaconClock, state: BeaconState): T = ## Initialize time from a beacon state. The genesis time of a beacon state is ## constant throughout its lifetime, so the state from any slot will do, ## including the genesis state. BeaconClock.init(state.genesis_time) template `<`*(a, b: BeaconTime): bool = Duration(a) < Duration(b) template `<=`*(a, b: BeaconTime): bool = Duration(a) <= Duration(b) template `+`*(t: BeaconTime, offset: Duration): BeaconTime = BeaconTime(Duration(t) + offset) template `-`*(t: BeaconTime, offset: Duration): BeaconTime = BeaconTime(nanoseconds(nanoseconds(Duration(t)) - nanoseconds(offset))) template `-`*(a, b: BeaconTime): Duration = nanoseconds(nanoseconds(Duration(a)) - nanoseconds(Duration(b))) func toSlot*(t: BeaconTime): tuple[afterGenesis: bool, slot: Slot] = let ti = seconds(Duration(t)) if ti >= 0: (true, Slot(uint64(ti) div SECONDS_PER_SLOT)) else: (false, Slot(uint64(-ti) div SECONDS_PER_SLOT)) func slotOrZero*(time: BeaconTime): Slot = let exSlot = time.toSlot if exSlot.afterGenesis: exSlot.slot else: Slot(0) func toBeaconTime*(c: BeaconClock, t: Time): BeaconTime = BeaconTime(nanoseconds(inNanoseconds(t - c.genesis))) func toSlot*(c: BeaconClock, t: Time): tuple[afterGenesis: bool, slot: Slot] = c.toBeaconTime(t).toSlot() func toBeaconTime*(s: Slot, offset = Duration()): BeaconTime = BeaconTime(seconds(int64(uint64(s) * SECONDS_PER_SLOT)) + offset) proc now*(c: BeaconClock): BeaconTime = ## Current time, in slots - this may end up being less than GENESIS_SLOT(!) toBeaconTime(c, getTime()) proc fromNow*(c: BeaconClock, t: BeaconTime): tuple[inFuture: bool, offset: Duration] = let now = c.now() if t > now: (true, t - now) else: (false, now - t) proc fromNow*(c: BeaconClock, slot: Slot): tuple[inFuture: bool, offset: Duration] = c.fromNow(slot.toBeaconTime()) func saturate*(d: tuple[inFuture: bool, offset: Duration]): Duration = if d.inFuture: d.offset else: seconds(0) proc addTimer*(fromNow: Duration, cb: CallbackFunc, udata: pointer = nil) = try: discard setTimer(Moment.now() + fromNow, cb, udata) except Exception as e: # TODO https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/issues/94 # shouldn't happen because we should have initialized chronos by now # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/10288 - sigh raiseAssert e.msg func humaneStr*(a: Duration): string {.inline.} = ## Returns a "humane" string representation of the duration that uses ## the most appropriate unit type depending on the actual Duration. var v = a.nanoseconds let days = v div nanoseconds(Day) if days > 0: if days >= 14: return $(v div nanoseconds(Week)) & " weeks" elif days >= 2: return $days & " days" let hours = v div nanoseconds(Hour) if hours > 0: if hours >= 2: result = $hours & " hours" else: result = "1 hour" v = v mod nanoseconds(Hour) let minutes = v div nanoseconds(Minute) if minutes > 0: if hours > 0: result.add " " if minutes >= 2: result.add $minutes result.add " minutes" else: result.add "1 minute" v = v mod nanoseconds(Minute) let isMoreThanAMinute = minutes > 0 or hours > 0 seconds = v div nanoseconds(Second) if seconds > 0: if isMoreThanAMinute: result.add " " if seconds >= 2: result.add $seconds result.add " seconds" else: result.add "1 second" else: result = $seconds v = v mod nanoseconds(Second) let milliseconds = v div nanoseconds(Millisecond) if milliseconds > 0: let millisecondsStr = $milliseconds result.add "." for _ in millisecondsStr.len ..< 3: result.add "0" result.add millisecondsStr elif seconds == 1: return "1 second" result.add " seconds" return if isMoreThanAMinute: return let milliseconds = v div nanoseconds(Millisecond) if milliseconds >= 2: return $milliseconds & " milliseconds" let microseconds = v div nanoseconds(Microsecond) if microseconds >= 2: return $microseconds & " microseconds" let nanoseconds = v div nanoseconds(Nanosecond) if nanoseconds == 1: return "1 nanosecond" return $nanoseconds & " nanoseconds" func shortLog*(d: Duration): string = $d func toFloatSeconds*(d: Duration): float = float(milliseconds(d)) / 1000.0 func `$`*(v: BeaconTime): string = $Duration(v) func shortLog*(v: BeaconTime): string = humaneStr Duration(v) chronicles.formatIt Duration: humaneStr(it) chronicles.formatIt BeaconTime: humaneStr(Duration it)