import tables, sets, macros, base64, asyncdispatch2, nimcrypto/sysrand, chronicles, rlp, json_serialization, eth_p2p, eth_p2p/[rlpx, peer_pool], spec/[datatypes, crypto] type TopicMsgHandler = proc(msg: string): Future[void] GossipSubPeer* = ref object sentMessages: HashSet[string] subscribedFor: HashSet[string] GossipSubNetwork* = ref object topicSubscribers: Table[string, TopicMsgHandler] handledMessages: HashSet[string] proc initProtocolState*(network: GossipSubNetwork, _: EthereumNode) = network.topicSubscribers = initTable[string, TopicMsgHandler]() network.handledMessages = initSet[string]() proc initProtocolState*(peer: GossipSubPeer, _: Peer) = peer.sentMessages = initSet[string]() peer.subscribedFor = initSet[string]() p2pProtocol GossipSub(version = 1, shortName = "gss", peerState = GossipSubPeer, networkState = GossipSubNetwork): # This is a very barebones emulation of the GossipSub protocol # available in LibP2P: onPeerConnected do (peer: Peer): info "GossipSub Peer connected", peer let gossipNet = peer.networkState for topic, _ in gossipNet.topicSubscribers: asyncCheck peer.subscribeFor(topic) onPeerDisconnected do (peer: Peer, reason: DisconnectionReason): info "GossipSub Peer disconnected", peer, reason writeStackTrace() proc subscribeFor(peer: Peer, topic: string) = peer.state.subscribedFor.incl topic proc emit(peer: Peer, topic: string, msgId: string, msg: string) = if msgId in peer.networkState.handledMessages: trace "Ignored previously handled message", msgId return peer.networkState.handledMessages.incl msgId for p in if msgId notin p.state.sentMessages and topic in p.state.subscribedFor: p.state.sentMessages.incl msgId asyncCheck p.emit(topic, msgId, msg) let handler = peer.networkState.topicSubscribers.getOrDefault(topic) if handler != nil: await handler(msg) proc subscribeImpl(node: EthereumNode, topic: string, subscriber: TopicMsgHandler) = var gossipNet = node.protocolState(GossipSub) gossipNet.topicSubscribers[topic] = subscriber for peer in node.peers(GossipSub): discard peer.subscribeFor(topic) proc broadcastImpl(node: EthereumNode, topic: string, msg: string): seq[Future[void]] {.gcsafe.} = var randBytes: array[10, byte]; if randomBytes(randBytes) != 10: warn "Failed to generate random message id" let msgId = base64.encode(randBytes) trace "Sending GossipSub message", msgId for peer in node.peers(GossipSub): if topic in peer.state(GossipSub).subscribedFor: result.add peer.emit(topic, msgId, msg) proc makeMessageHandler[MsgType](userHandler: proc(msg: MsgType): Future[void]): TopicMsgHandler = result = proc (msg: string): Future[void] = userHandler Json.decode(msg, MsgType) macro subscribe*(node: EthereumNode, topic: string, handler: untyped): untyped = handler.addPragma ident"async" result = newCall(bindSym"subscribeImpl", node, topic, newCall(bindSym"makeMessageHandler", handler)) proc broadcast*(node: EthereumNode, topic: string, msg: auto) {.async.} = await all(node.broadcastImpl(topic, Json.encode(msg)))