import std/[os, strutils, stats], confutils, chronicles, json_serialization, stew/byteutils, ../research/simutils, ../beacon_chain/spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers, state_transition], ../beacon_chain/extras, ../beacon_chain/network_metadata, ../beacon_chain/ssz/[merkleization, ssz_serialization] type Cmd* = enum hashTreeRoot = "Compute hash tree root of SSZ object" pretty = "Pretty-print SSZ object" transition = "Run state transition function" slots = "Apply empty slots" NcliConf* = object eth2Network* {. desc: "The Eth2 network preset to use" name: "network" }: Option[string] # TODO confutils argument pragma doesn't seem to do much; also, the cases # are largely equivalent, but this helps create command line usage text case cmd* {.command}: Cmd of hashTreeRoot: htrKind* {. argument desc: "kind of SSZ object: attester_slashing, attestation, signed_block, block, block_body, block_header, deposit, deposit_data, eth1_data, state, proposer_slashing, or voluntary_exit"}: string htrFile* {. argument desc: "filename of SSZ or JSON-encoded object of which to compute hash tree root"}: string of pretty: prettyKind* {. argument desc: "kind of SSZ object: attester_slashing, attestation, signed_block, block, block_body, block_header, deposit, deposit_data, eth1_data, state, proposer_slashing, or voluntary_exit"}: string prettyFile* {. argument desc: "filename of SSZ or JSON-encoded object to pretty-print"}: string of transition: preState* {. argument desc: "State to which to apply specified block"}: string blck* {. argument desc: "Block to apply to preState"}: string postState* {. argument desc: "Filename of state resulting from applying blck to preState"}: string verifyStateRoot* {. argument desc: "Verify state root (default true)" defaultValue: true}: bool of slots: preState2* {. argument desc: "State to which to apply specified block"}: string slot* {. argument desc: "Block to apply to preState"}: uint64 postState2* {. argument desc: "Filename of state resulting from applying blck to preState"}: string proc doTransition(conf: NcliConf) = let stateY = (ref HashedBeaconState)( data: SSZ.loadFile(conf.preState, BeaconState), ) blckX = SSZ.loadFile(conf.blck, SignedBeaconBlock) flags = if not conf.verifyStateRoot: {skipStateRootValidation} else: {} stateY.root = hash_tree_root( if not state_transition(getRuntimePresetForNetwork(conf.eth2Network), stateY[], blckX, flags, noRollback): error "State transition failed" quit 1 else: SSZ.saveFile(conf.postState, proc doSlots(conf: NcliConf) = type Timers = enum tLoadState = "Load state from file" tApplySlot = "Apply slot" tApplyEpochSlot = "Apply epoch slot" tSaveState = "Save state to file" var timers: array[Timers, RunningStat] let stateY = withTimerRet(timers[tLoadState]): (ref HashedBeaconState)( data: SSZ.loadFile(conf.preState2, BeaconState), ) stateY.root = hash_tree_root( var cache: StateCache for i in 0'u64..