#!/usr/bin/env groovy
/* beacon_chain
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
 * Licensed and distributed under either of
 *   * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
 *   * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
 * at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
library 'status-jenkins-lib@v1.8.14'

pipeline {
  /* This way we run the same Jenkinsfile on different platforms. */
  agent { label params.AGENT_LABEL }

  parameters {
      name: 'AGENT_LABEL',
      description: 'Label for targetted CI slave host: linux/macos',
      defaultValue: params.AGENT_LABEL ?: getAgentLabel(),
      name: 'VERBOSITY',
      description: 'Value for the V make flag to increase log verbosity',
      choices: [0, 1, 2]
      name: 'NIM_COMMIT',
      description: 'Value for the NIM_COMMIT make flag to choose Nim commit',
      defaultValue: nimCommitForJob(),

  options {
    /* This also includes wait time in the queue. */
    timeout(time: 24, unit: 'HOURS')
    /* Limit builds retained. */
      numToKeepStr: '5',
      daysToKeepStr: '30',
      artifactNumToKeepStr: '3',
    /* Throttle number of concurrent builds. */
      throttleEnabled: true,
      throttleOption: 'category',
      categories: ['nimbus-eth2'],
      maxConcurrentPerNode: 1,
      maxConcurrentTotal: 9
    /* Abort old builds for non-main branches. */
      abortPrevious: !isMainBranch()

  environment {
    NPROC = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
    MAKEFLAGS = "V=${params.VERBOSITY} NIM_COMMIT=${params.NIM_COMMIT} -j${env.NPROC}"

  stages {
    stage('Setup') {
      when { expression { NODE_LABELS.contains("macos") } }
      steps { script {
        def brew_prefix = brew.prefix()
        /* Explicit PATH to avoid using HomeBrew LLVM. */
        env.PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:${brew_prefix}/bin"
        /* Newer Clang 18.0 from Homebrew on macOS, XCode provides 15.0.
         * Temp fix for BLST issue: https://github.com/supranational/blst/issues/209 */
        if (utils.arch() == 'arm64') {
          env.PATH     = "${brew_prefix}/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"
          env.LDFLAGS  = "-L${brew_prefix}/opt/llvm/lib"
          env.CPPFLAGS = "-I${brew_prefix}/opt/llvm/include"
      } }

    stage('Deps') {
      steps { timeout(20) {
        /* To allow the following parallel stages. */
        sh 'make QUICK_AND_DIRTY_COMPILER=1 update'
        /* Allow the following parallel stages. */
        sh 'make deps'
        /* Download test vectors. */
        sh './scripts/setup_scenarios.sh'
      } }

    stage('Build') {
      steps { timeout(50) {
        sh 'make LOG_LEVEL=TRACE'
      } }

    stage('Check Docs') {
      steps {
        sh './scripts/check_docs_help_msg.sh'

    stage('Tests') {
      parallel {
        stage('General') {
          steps { timeout(60) {
            sh 'make DISABLE_TEST_FIXTURES_SCRIPT=1 test'
            sh 'git diff --exit-code --ignore-submodules=all'  /* Check no uncommitted changes. */
          } }

        stage('REST') {
          steps { timeout(5) {
            sh 'make restapi-test'
          } }
          post { always {
            sh 'tar cjf restapi-test.tar.gz resttest0_data/*.txt'
          } }
      post { always { timeout(5) {
        archiveArtifacts(artifacts: '*.tar.gz', allowEmptyArchive: true)
      } } }

    stage('Finalizations') {
      stages {  /* parallel builds of minimal / mainnet not yet supported */
        stage('minimal') {
          steps { timeout(26) {
            sh 'make local-testnet-minimal'
          } }
          post { always {
            sh 'tar cjf local-testnet-minimal.tar.gz local-testnet-minimal/logs/*'
          } }

        stage('mainnet') {
          steps { timeout(62) {
            sh 'make local-testnet-mainnet'
          } }
          post { always {
            sh 'tar cjf local-testnet-mainnet.tar.gz local-testnet-mainnet/logs/*'
          } }
      post { always { timeout(5) {
          artifacts: '*.tar.gz',
          excludes: '**/geth-*.tar.gz',  /* `scripts/geth_binaries.sh` */
          allowEmptyArchive: true
      } } }

  post {
    always {
        disableDeferredWipeout: true,
        deleteDirs: true

def isMainBranch() {
  return ['stable', 'testing', 'unstable'].contains(env.BRANCH_NAME)

/* This allows us to use one Jenkinsfile and run
 * jobs on different platforms based on job name. */
def getAgentLabel() {
    if (params.AGENT_LABEL) { return params.AGENT_LABEL }
    /* We extract the name of the job from currentThread because
     * before an agent is picket env is not available. */
    def tokens = Thread.currentThread().getName().split('/')
    def labels = []
    /* Check if the job path contains any of the valid labels. */
    ['linux', 'macos', 'x86_64', 'aarch64', 'arm64'].each {
        if (tokens.contains(it)) { labels.add(it) }
    return labels.join(' && ')

def nimCommitForJob() {
  return JOB_NAME.contains('nimv2') ? 'upstream/version-2-0' : ''