# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. {.used.} import options, sequtils, unittest, ./testutil, ./testblockutil, ../beacon_chain/spec/[datatypes, digest, helpers, state_transition, presets], ../beacon_chain/[beacon_node_types, block_pool, ssz] when isMainModule: import chronicles # or some random compile error happens... suiteReport "BlockRef and helpers" & preset(): timedTest "isAncestorOf sanity" & preset(): let s0 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(0)) s1 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(1), parent: s0) s2 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(2), parent: s1) check: s0.isAncestorOf(s0) s0.isAncestorOf(s1) s0.isAncestorOf(s2) s1.isAncestorOf(s1) s1.isAncestorOf(s2) not s2.isAncestorOf(s0) not s2.isAncestorOf(s1) not s1.isAncestorOf(s0) timedTest "getAncestorAt sanity" & preset(): let s0 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(0)) s1 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(1), parent: s0) s2 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(2), parent: s1) s4 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(4), parent: s2) check: s0.getAncestorAt(Slot(0)) == s0 s0.getAncestorAt(Slot(1)) == s0 s1.getAncestorAt(Slot(0)) == s0 s1.getAncestorAt(Slot(1)) == s1 s4.getAncestorAt(Slot(0)) == s0 s4.getAncestorAt(Slot(1)) == s1 s4.getAncestorAt(Slot(2)) == s2 s4.getAncestorAt(Slot(3)) == s2 s4.getAncestorAt(Slot(4)) == s4 suiteReport "BlockSlot and helpers" & preset(): timedTest "atSlot sanity" & preset(): let s0 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(0)) s1 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(1), parent: s0) s2 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(2), parent: s1) s4 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(4), parent: s2) check: s0.atSlot(Slot(0)).blck == s0 s0.atSlot(Slot(0)) == s1.atSlot(Slot(0)) s1.atSlot(Slot(1)).blck == s1 s4.atSlot(Slot(0)).blck == s0 timedTest "parent sanity" & preset(): let s0 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(0)) s00 = BlockSlot(blck: s0, slot: Slot(0)) s01 = BlockSlot(blck: s0, slot: Slot(1)) s2 = BlockRef(slot: Slot(2), parent: s0) s22 = BlockSlot(blck: s2, slot: Slot(2)) s24 = BlockSlot(blck: s2, slot: Slot(4)) check: s00.parent == BlockSlot(blck: nil, slot: Slot(0)) s01.parent == s00 s22.parent == s01 s24.parent == BlockSlot(blck: s2, slot: Slot(3)) s24.parent.parent == s22 suiteReport "Block pool processing" & preset(): setup: var db = makeTestDB(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) pool = BlockPool.init(defaultRuntimePreset, db) stateData = newClone(pool.loadTailState()) cache = StateCache() b1 = addTestBlock(stateData.data, pool.tail.root, cache) b1Root = hash_tree_root(b1.message) b2 = addTestBlock(stateData.data, b1Root, cache) b2Root {.used.} = hash_tree_root(b2.message) timedTest "getRef returns nil for missing blocks": check: pool.getRef(default Eth2Digest) == nil timedTest "loadTailState gets genesis block on first load" & preset(): let b0 = pool.get(pool.tail.root) check: b0.isSome() timedTest "Simple block add&get" & preset(): let b1Add = pool.addRawBlock(b1, nil) b1Get = pool.get(b1.root) check: b1Get.isSome() b1Get.get().refs.root == b1Root b1Add[].root == b1Get.get().refs.root pool.heads.len == 1 pool.heads[0] == b1Add[] let b2Add = pool.addRawBlock(b2, nil) b2Get = pool.get(b2.root) check: b2Get.isSome() b2Get.get().refs.root == b2.root b2Add[].root == b2Get.get().refs.root pool.heads.len == 1 pool.heads[0] == b2Add[] # Skip one slot to get a gap check: process_slots(stateData.data, stateData.data.data.slot + 1) let b4 = addTestBlock(stateData.data, b2.root, cache) b4Add = pool.addRawBlock(b4, nil) check: b4Add[].parent == b2Add[] pool.updateHead(b4Add[]) var blocks: array[3, BlockRef] check: pool.getBlockRange(Slot(0), 1, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 0)) == 0 blocks[0..<1] == [pool.tail] pool.getBlockRange(Slot(0), 1, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 1)) == 0 blocks[0..<2] == [pool.tail, b1Add[]] pool.getBlockRange(Slot(0), 2, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 1)) == 0 blocks[0..<2] == [pool.tail, b2Add[]] pool.getBlockRange(Slot(0), 3, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 1)) == 1 blocks[0..<2] == [nil, pool.tail] # block 3 is missing! pool.getBlockRange(Slot(2), 2, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 1)) == 0 blocks[0..<2] == [b2Add[], b4Add[]] # block 3 is missing! # empty length pool.getBlockRange(Slot(2), 2, blocks.toOpenArray(0, -1)) == 0 # No blocks in sight pool.getBlockRange(Slot(5), 1, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 1)) == 2 # No blocks in sight either due to gaps pool.getBlockRange(Slot(3), 2, blocks.toOpenArray(0, 1)) == 2 blocks[0..<2] == [BlockRef nil, nil] # block 3 is missing! timedTest "Reverse order block add & get" & preset(): let missing = pool.addRawBlock(b2, nil) check: missing.error == MissingParent check: pool.get(b2.root).isNone() # Unresolved, shouldn't show up FetchRecord(root: b1.root) in pool.checkMissing() let status = pool.addRawBlock(b1, nil) check: status.isOk let b1Get = pool.get(b1.root) b2Get = pool.get(b2.root) check: b1Get.isSome() b2Get.isSome() b2Get.get().refs.parent == b1Get.get().refs pool.updateHead(b2Get.get().refs) # The heads structure should have been updated to contain only the new # b2 head check: pool.heads.mapIt(it) == @[b2Get.get().refs] # check that init also reloads block graph var pool2 = BlockPool.init(defaultRuntimePreset, db) check: # ensure we loaded the correct head state pool2.head.root == b2Root hash_tree_root(pool2.headState.data.data) == b2.message.state_root pool2.get(b1Root).isSome() pool2.get(b2Root).isSome() pool2.heads.len == 1 pool2.heads[0].root == b2Root timedTest "Adding the same block twice returns a Duplicate error" & preset(): let b10 = pool.addRawBlock(b1, nil) b11 = pool.addRawBlock(b1, nil) check: b11.error == Duplicate not b10[].isNil timedTest "updateHead updates head and headState" & preset(): let b1Add = pool.addRawBlock(b1, nil) pool.updateHead(b1Add[]) check: pool.head == b1Add[] pool.headState.data.data.slot == b1Add[].slot timedTest "updateStateData sanity" & preset(): let b1Add = pool.addRawBlock(b1, nil) b2Add = pool.addRawBlock(b2, nil) bs1 = BlockSlot(blck: b1Add[], slot: b1.message.slot) bs1_3 = b1Add[].atSlot(3.Slot) bs2_3 = b2Add[].atSlot(3.Slot) var tmpState = assignClone(pool.headState) # move to specific block pool.updateStateData(tmpState[], bs1) check: tmpState.blck == b1Add[] tmpState.data.data.slot == bs1.slot # Skip slots pool.updateStateData(tmpState[], bs1_3) # skip slots check: tmpState.blck == b1Add[] tmpState.data.data.slot == bs1_3.slot # Move back slots, but not blocks pool.updateStateData(tmpState[], bs1_3.parent()) check: tmpState.blck == b1Add[] tmpState.data.data.slot == bs1_3.parent().slot # Move to different block and slot pool.updateStateData(tmpState[], bs2_3) check: tmpState.blck == b2Add[] tmpState.data.data.slot == bs2_3.slot # Move back slot and block pool.updateStateData(tmpState[], bs1) check: tmpState.blck == b1Add[] tmpState.data.data.slot == bs1.slot # Move back to genesis pool.updateStateData(tmpState[], bs1.parent()) check: tmpState.blck == b1Add[].parent tmpState.data.data.slot == bs1.parent.slot suiteReport "BlockPool finalization tests" & preset(): setup: var db = makeTestDB(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) pool = BlockPool.init(defaultRuntimePreset, db) cache = StateCache() timedTest "prune heads on finalization" & preset(): # Create a fork that will not be taken var blck = makeTestBlock(pool.headState.data, pool.head.root, cache) tmpState = assignClone(pool.headState.data) check: process_slots( tmpState[], tmpState.data.slot + (5 * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH).uint64) let lateBlock = makeTestBlock(tmpState[], pool.head.root, cache) block: let status = pool.addRawBlock(blck, nil) check: status.isOk() for i in 0 ..< (SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 6): if i == 1: # There are 2 heads now because of the fork at slot 1 check: pool.heads.len == 2 blck = makeTestBlock( pool.headState.data, pool.head.root, cache, attestations = makeFullAttestations( pool.headState.data.data, pool.head.root, pool.headState.data.data.slot, cache, {})) let added = pool.addRawBlock(blck, nil) check: added.isOk() pool.updateHead(added[]) check: pool.heads.len() == 1 block: # The late block is a block whose parent was finalized long ago and thus # is no longer a viable head candidate let status = pool.addRawBlock(lateBlock, nil) check: status.error == Unviable let pool2 = BlockPool.init(defaultRuntimePreset, db) # check that the state reloaded from database resembles what we had before check: pool2.tail.root == pool.tail.root pool2.head.root == pool.head.root pool2.finalizedHead.blck.root == pool.finalizedHead.blck.root pool2.finalizedHead.slot == pool.finalizedHead.slot hash_tree_root(pool2.headState.data.data) == hash_tree_root(pool.headState.data.data) # timedTest "init with gaps" & preset(): # var cache = StateCache() # for i in 0 ..< (SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 6 - 2): # var # blck = makeTestBlock( # pool.headState.data, pool.head.blck.root, cache, # attestations = makeFullAttestations( # pool.headState.data.data, pool.head.blck.root, # pool.headState.data.data.slot, cache, {})) # let added = pool.addRawBlock(hash_tree_root(blck.message), blck) do (validBlock: BlockRef): # discard # check: added.isOk() # pool.updateHead(added[]) # # Advance past epoch so that the epoch transition is gapped # check: # process_slots( # pool.headState.data, Slot(SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 6 + 2) ) # var blck = makeTestBlock( # pool.headState.data, pool.head.blck.root, cache, # attestations = makeFullAttestations( # pool.headState.data.data, pool.head.blck.root, # pool.headState.data.data.slot, cache, {})) # let added = pool.addRawBlock(hash_tree_root(blck.message), blck) do (validBlock: BlockRef): # discard # check: added.isOk() # pool.updateHead(added[]) # let # pool2 = BlockPool.init(db) # # check that the state reloaded from database resembles what we had before # check: # pool2.tail.root == pool.tail.root # pool2.head.blck.root == pool.head.blck.root # pool2.finalizedHead.blck.root == pool.finalizedHead.blck.root # pool2.finalizedHead.slot == pool.finalizedHead.slot # hash_tree_root(pool2.headState.data.data) == # hash_tree_root(pool.headState.data.data)