# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import validator_client/[common, fallback_service, duties_service, attestation_service, fork_service, sync_committee_service] proc initGenesis(vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[RestGenesis] {.async.} = info "Initializing genesis", nodes_count = len(vc.beaconNodes) var nodes = vc.beaconNodes while true: var pending: seq[Future[RestResponse[GetGenesisResponse]]] for node in nodes: debug "Requesting genesis information", endpoint = node pending.add(node.client.getGenesis()) try: await allFutures(pending) except CancelledError as exc: warn "Unexpected cancellation interrupt" raise exc let (errorNodes, genesisList) = block: var gres: seq[RestGenesis] var bres: seq[BeaconNodeServerRef] for i in 0 ..< len(pending): let fut = pending[i] if fut.done(): let resp = fut.read() if resp.status == 200: debug "Received genesis information", endpoint = nodes[i], genesis_time = resp.data.data.genesis_time, genesis_fork_version = resp.data.data.genesis_fork_version, genesis_root = resp.data.data.genesis_validators_root gres.add(resp.data.data) else: debug "Received unsuccessful response code", endpoint = nodes[i], response_code = resp.status bres.add(nodes[i]) elif fut.failed(): let error = fut.readError() debug "Could not obtain genesis information from beacon node", endpoint = nodes[i], error_name = error.name, error_msg = error.msg bres.add(nodes[i]) else: debug "Interrupted while requesting information from beacon node", endpoint = nodes[i] bres.add(nodes[i]) (bres, gres) if len(genesisList) == 0: let sleepDuration = 2.seconds info "Could not obtain network genesis information from nodes, repeating", sleep_time = sleepDuration await sleepAsync(sleepDuration) nodes = errorNodes else: # Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm var melem: RestGenesis var counter = 0 for item in genesisList: if counter == 0: melem = item inc(counter) else: if melem == item: inc(counter) else: dec(counter) return melem proc initValidators(vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[bool] {.async.} = info "Initializaing validators", path = vc.config.validatorsDir() var duplicates: seq[ValidatorPubKey] for keystore in listLoadableKeystores(vc.config): let pubkey = keystore.pubkey if pubkey in duplicates: error "Duplicate validator's key found", validator_pubkey = pubkey return false elif keystore.kind == KeystoreKind.Remote: info "Remote validator client was skipped", validator_pubkey = pubkey continue else: duplicates.add(pubkey) vc.attachedValidators.addLocalValidator(keystore) return true proc initClock(vc: ValidatorClientRef): Future[BeaconClock] {.async.} = # This procedure performs initialization of BeaconClock using current genesis # information. It also performs waiting for genesis. let res = BeaconClock.init(vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_time) let currentSlot = res.now().slotOrZero() let currentEpoch = currentSlot.epoch() info "Initializing beacon clock", genesis_time = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_time, current_slot = currentSlot, current_epoch = currentEpoch let genesisTime = res.fromNow(start_beacon_time(Slot(0))) if genesisTime.inFuture: notice "Waiting for genesis", genesisIn = genesisTime.offset await sleepAsync(genesisTime.offset) return res proc asyncInit(vc: ValidatorClientRef) {.async.} = vc.beaconGenesis = await vc.initGenesis() info "Genesis information", genesis_time = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_time, genesis_fork_version = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_fork_version, genesis_root = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root vc.beaconClock = await vc.initClock() if not(await initValidators(vc)): fatal "Could not initialize local validators" info "Initializing slashing protection", path = vc.config.validatorsDir() vc.attachedValidators.slashingProtection = SlashingProtectionDB.init( vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root, vc.config.validatorsDir(), "slashing_protection" ) vc.fallbackService = await FallbackServiceRef.init(vc) vc.forkService = await ForkServiceRef.init(vc) vc.dutiesService = await DutiesServiceRef.init(vc) vc.attestationService = await AttestationServiceRef.init(vc) vc.syncCommitteeService = await SyncCommitteeServiceRef.init(vc) proc onSlotStart(vc: ValidatorClientRef, wallTime: BeaconTime, lastSlot: Slot) {.async.} = ## Called at the beginning of a slot - usually every slot, but sometimes might ## skip a few in case we're running late. ## wallTime: current system time - we will strive to perform all duties up ## to this point in time ## lastSlot: the last slot that we successfully processed, so we know where to ## start work from - there might be jumps if processing is delayed let # The slot we should be at, according to the clock beaconTime = wallTime wallSlot = wallTime.toSlot() let # If everything was working perfectly, the slot that we should be processing expectedSlot = lastSlot + 1 delay = wallTime - expectedSlot.start_beacon_time() checkIfShouldStopAtEpoch(wallSlot.slot, vc.config.stopAtEpoch) info "Slot start", slot = shortLog(wallSlot.slot), attestationIn = vc.getDurationToNextAttestation(wallSlot.slot), blockIn = vc.getDurationToNextBlock(wallSlot.slot), delay = shortLog(delay) proc asyncRun(vc: ValidatorClientRef) {.async.} = vc.fallbackService.start() vc.forkService.start() vc.dutiesService.start() vc.attestationService.start() vc.syncCommitteeService.start() await runSlotLoop(vc, vc.beaconClock.now(), onSlotStart) programMain: let config = makeBannerAndConfig("Nimbus validator client " & fullVersionStr, ValidatorClientConf) setupLogging(config.logLevel, config.logStdout, config.logFile) let beaconNodes = block: var servers: seq[BeaconNodeServerRef] let flags = {RestClientFlag.CommaSeparatedArray} for url in config.beaconNodes: let res = RestClientRef.new(url, flags = flags) if res.isErr(): warn "Unable to resolve remote beacon node server's hostname", url = url else: servers.add(BeaconNodeServerRef(client: res.get(), endpoint: url)) servers if len(beaconNodes) == 0: # This should not happen, thanks to defaults in `conf.nim` fatal "Not enough beacon nodes in command line" quit 1 notice "Launching validator client", version = fullVersionStr, cmdParams = commandLineParams(), config, beacon_nodes_count = len(beaconNodes) var vc = ValidatorClientRef( config: config, beaconNodes: beaconNodes, graffitiBytes: config.graffiti.get(defaultGraffitiBytes()), nodesAvailable: newAsyncEvent(), forksAvailable: newAsyncEvent() ) waitFor asyncInit(vc) waitFor asyncRun(vc)