# beacon_chain # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. import # Stdlib std/[typetraits, strutils, algorithm], # Status eth/db/[kvstore, kvstore_sqlite3], stew/results, stew/byteutils, serialization, json_serialization, chronicles, # Internal ../spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto] export serialization, json_serialization # Generic sandwich https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11225 # Slashing Protection Interop # -------------------------------------------- # We use the SPDIR type as an intermediate representation # between database versions and to generate # the serialized interchanged format. # # References: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 # # SPDIR: Nimbus-specific, Slashing Protection Database Intermediate Representation # SPDIF: Cross-client, json, Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format type SPDIR* = object ## Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format metadata*: SPDIR_Meta data*: seq[SPDIR_Validator] Eth2Digest0x* = distinct Eth2Digest ## The spec mandates "0x" prefix on serialization ## So we need to set custom read/write PubKeyBytes* = array[RawPubKeySize, byte] ## This is the serialized byte representation ## of a Validator Public Key. ## Portable between Miracl/BLST ## and limits serialization/deserialization call PubKey0x* = distinct PubKeyBytes ## The spec mandates "0x" prefix on serialization ## So we need to set custom read/write ## We also assume that pubkeys in the database ## are valid points on the BLS12-381 G1 curve ## (so we skip fromRaw/serialization checks) SlotString* = distinct Slot ## The spec mandates string serialization for wide compatibility (javascript) EpochString* = distinct Epoch ## The spec mandates string serialization for wide compatibility (javascript) SPDIR_Meta* = object interchange_format_version*: string genesis_validators_root*: Eth2Digest0x SPDIR_Validator* = object pubkey*: PubKey0x signed_blocks*: seq[SPDIR_SignedBlock] signed_attestations*: seq[SPDIR_SignedAttestation] SPDIR_SignedBlock* = object slot*: SlotString signing_root*: Eth2Digest0x # compute_signing_root(block, domain) SPDIR_SignedAttestation* = object source_epoch*: EpochString target_epoch*: EpochString signing_root*: Eth2Digest0x # compute_signing_root(attestation, domain) # Slashing Protection types # -------------------------------------------- type SlashingProtectionDB_Concept* = concept db, type DB ## Database storing the blocks attested ## by validators attached to a beacon node ## or validator client. # Metadata # -------------------------------------------- DB.version is int # Resource Management # -------------------------------------------- DB is ref DB.init(Eth2Digest, string, string) is DB # DB.init(genesis_root, dir, filename) DB.loadUnchecked(string, string, bool) is DB # DB.load(dir, filename, readOnly) db.close() # Queries # -------------------------------------------- db.checkSlashableBlockProposal(ValidatorPubKey, Slot) is Result[void, BadProposal] # db.checkSlashableBlockProposal(validator, slot) db.checkSlashableAttestation(ValidatorPubKey, Epoch, Epoch) is Result[void, BadVote] # db.checkSlashableAttestation(validator, source, target) # Updates # -------------------------------------------- db.registerBlock(ValidatorPubKey, Slot, Eth2Digest) # db.checkSlashableAttestation(validator, slot, block_root) db.registerAttestation(ValidatorPubKey, Epoch, Epoch, Eth2Digest) # db.checkSlashableAttestation(validator, source, target, block_root) # Pruning # -------------------------------------------- db.pruneBlocks(ValidatorPubKey, Slot) db.pruneAttestations(ValidatorPubKey, int64, int64) db.pruneAfterFinalization(Epoch) # Interchange # -------------------------------------------- db.toSPDIR() is SPDIR # to Slashing Protection Data Intermediate Representation # db.toSPDIR() db.inclSPDIR(SPDIR) is SlashingImportStatus # include the content of Slashing Protection Data Intermediate Representation # in the database # db.inclSPDIR(path) SlashingImportStatus* = enum siSuccess siFailure siPartial BadVoteKind* = enum ## Attestation bad vote kind # h: height (i.e. epoch for attestation, slot for blocks) # t: target # s: source # 1: existing attestations # 2: candidate attestation # Spec slashing condition DoubleVote # h(t1) == h(t2) SurroundedVote # h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1) SurroundingVote # h(s2) < h(s1) < h(t1) < h(t2) # Non-spec, should never happen in a well functioning client TargetPrecedesSource # h(t1) < h(s1) - current epoch precedes last justified epoch # EIP-3067 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076) MinSourceViolation # h(s2) < h(s1) - EIP3067 condition 4 (strict inequality) MinTargetViolation # h(t2) <= h(t1) - EIP3067 condition 5 BadVote* = object case kind*: BadVoteKind of DoubleVote: existingAttestation*: Eth2Digest of SurroundedVote, SurroundingVote: existingAttestationRoot*: Eth2Digest # Many roots might be in conflict sourceExisting*, targetExisting*: Epoch sourceSlashable*, targetSlashable*: Epoch of TargetPrecedesSource: discard of MinSourceViolation: minSource*: Epoch candidateSource*: Epoch of MinTargetViolation: minTarget*: Epoch candidateTarget*: Epoch BadProposalKind* = enum # Spec slashing condition DoubleProposal # h(t1) == h(t2) # EIP-3067 (https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076) MinSlotViolation # h(t2) <= h(t1) BadProposal* = object case kind*: BadProposalKind of DoubleProposal: existingBlock*: Eth2Digest of MinSlotViolation: minSlot*: Slot candidateSlot*: Slot func `==`*(a, b: BadVote): bool = ## Comparison operator. ## Used implictily by Result when comparing the ## result of multiple DB versions if a.kind != b.kind: false elif a.kind == DoubleVote: a.existingAttestation == b.existingAttestation elif a.kind in {SurroundedVote, SurroundingVote}: (a.existingAttestationRoot == b.existingAttestationRoot) and (a.sourceExisting == b.sourceExisting) and (a.targetExisting == b.targetExisting) and (a.sourceSlashable == b.sourceSlashable) and (a.targetSlashable == b.targetSlashable) elif a.kind == TargetPrecedesSource: true elif a.kind == MinSourceViolation: (a.minSource == b.minSource) and (a.candidateSource == b.candidateSource) elif a.kind == MinTargetViolation: (a.minTarget == b.minTarget) and (a.candidateTarget == b.candidateTarget) else: # Unreachable false func `==`*(a, b: BadProposal): bool = ## Comparison operator. ## Used implictily by Result when comparing the ## result of multiple DB versions ## ## Except that V1 doesn't support low-watermark... if a.kind != b.kind: false elif a.kind == DoubleProposal: a.existingBlock == b.existingBlock elif a.kind == MinSlotViolation: a.minSlot == b.minSlot and a.candidateSlot == b.candidateSlot else: # Unreachable false # Serialization # -------------------------------------------- proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: PubKey0x) {.inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} = writer.writeValue("0x" & value.PubKeyBytes.toHex()) proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var PubKey0x) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} = try: value = PubKey0x reader.readValue(string).hexToByteArray[:RawPubKeySize]() except ValueError: raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Hex string expected") proc writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter, a: Eth2Digest0x) {.inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} = w.writeValue "0x" & a.Eth2Digest.data.toHex() proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, a: var Eth2Digest0x) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} = try: a = Eth2Digest0x fromHex(Eth2Digest, r.readValue(string)) except ValueError: raiseUnexpectedValue(r, "Hex string expected") proc writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter, a: SlotString or EpochString) {.inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} = w.writeValue $distinctBase(a) proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, a: var (SlotString or EpochString)) {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} = try: a = (typeof a)(r.readValue(string).parseBiggestUint()) except ValueError: raiseUnexpectedValue(r, "Integer in a string expected") proc exportSlashingInterchange*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_Concept, path: string, prettify = true) = ## Export a database to the Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format let spdir = db.toSPDIR() Json.saveFile(path, spdir, prettify) echo "Exported slashing protection DB to '", path, "'" proc importSlashingInterchange*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_Concept, path: string): SlashingImportStatus = ## Import a Slashing Protection Database Interchange Format ## into a Nimbus DB. ## This adds data to already existing data. let spdir = Json.loadFile(path, SPDIR) return db.inclSPDIR(spdir) # Logging # -------------------------------------------- func shortLog*(v: SPDIR_SignedBlock): auto = ( slot: shortLog(v.slot.Slot), signing_root: shortLog(v.signing_root.Eth2Digest) ) func shortLog*(v: SPDIR_SignedAttestation): auto = ( source_epoch: shortLog(v.source_epoch.Epoch), target_epoch: shortLog(v.target_epoch.Epoch), signing_root: shortLog(v.signing_root.Eth2Digest) ) chronicles.formatIt SlotString: it.Slot.shortLog chronicles.formatIt EpochString: it.Slot.shortLog chronicles.formatIt Eth2Digest0x: it.Eth2Digest.shortLog chronicles.formatIt SPDIR_SignedBlock: it.shortLog chronicles.formatIt SPDIR_SignedAttestation: it.shortLog # Interchange import # -------------------------------------------- proc importInterchangeV5Impl*( db: SlashingProtectionDB_Concept, spdir: var SPDIR ): SlashingImportStatus {.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} = ## Common implementation of interchange import ## according to https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3076 ## spdir needs to be `var` as it will be sorted in-place result = siSuccess for v in 0 ..< spdir.data.len: let parsedKey = block: let key = ValidatorPubKey.fromRaw(spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes) if key.isErr: # The bytes does not describe a valid encoding (length error) error "Invalid public key.", pubkey = "0x" & spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex() result = siPartial continue if key.get().loadWithCache().isNone(): # The bytes don't deserialize to a valid BLS G1 elliptic curve point. # Deserialization is costly but done only once per validator. # and SlashingDB import is a very rare event. error "Invalid public key.", pubkey = "0x" & spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex() result = siPartial continue key.get() # Sort by ascending minimum slot so that we don't trigger MinSlotViolation spdir.data[v].signed_blocks.sort do (a, b: SPDIR_SignedBlock) -> int: result = cmp(a.slot.int, b.slot.int) spdir.data[v].signed_attestations.sort do (a, b: SPDIR_SignedAttestation) -> int: result = cmp(a.source_epoch.int, b.source_epoch.int) if result == 0: # Same epoch result = cmp(a.target_epoch.int, b.target_epoch.int) const ZeroDigest = Eth2Digest() # Blocks # --------------------------------------------------- # After import we need to prune the DB from everything # besides the last imported block slot. # This ensures that even if 2 slashing DB are imported in the wrong order # (the last before the earliest) the minSlotViolation check stays consistent. var maxValidSlotSeen = -1 for b in 0 ..< spdir.data[v].signed_blocks.len: template B: untyped = spdir.data[v].signed_blocks[b] let status = db.checkSlashableBlockProposal( parsedKey, B.slot.Slot ) if status.isErr(): # We might be importing a duplicate which EIP-3076 allows # there is no reason during normal operation to integrate # a duplicate so checkSlashableBlockProposal would have rejected it. # We special-case that for imports. # Note: rule 2 mentions repeat signing in the MinSlotViolation case # having 2 blocks with the same signing root and different slots # would break the blockchain so we only check for exact slot. if status.error.kind == DoubleProposal and B.signing_root.Eth2Digest != ZeroDigest and status.error.existingBlock == B.signing_root.Eth2Digest: warn "Block already exists in the DB", pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(), candidateBlock = B continue else: error "Slashable block. Skipping its import.", pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(), candidateBlock = B, conflict = status.error() result = siPartial continue if B.slot.int > maxValidSlotSeen: maxValidSlotSeen = B.slot.int db.registerBlock( parsedKey, B.slot.Slot, B.signing_root.Eth2Digest ) # Now prune everything that predates # this interchange file max slot db.pruneBlocks(parsedKey, Slot maxValidSlotSeen) # Attestations # --------------------------------------------------- # After import we need to prune the DB from everything # besides the last imported attestation source and target epochs. # This ensures that even if 2 slashing DB are imported in the wrong order # (the last before the earliest) the minEpochViolation check stays consistent. var maxValidSourceEpochSeen = -1 var maxValidTargetEpochSeen = -1 for a in 0 ..< spdir.data[v].signed_attestations.len: template A: untyped = spdir.data[v].signed_attestations[a] let status = db.checkSlashableAttestation( parsedKey, A.source_epoch.Epoch, A.target_epoch.Epoch ) if status.isErr(): # We might be importing a duplicate which EIP-3076 allows # there is no reason during normal operation to integrate # a duplicate so checkSlashableAttestation would have rejected it. # We special-case that for imports. if status.error.kind == DoubleVote and A.signing_root.Eth2Digest != ZeroDigest and status.error.existingAttestation == A.signing_root.Eth2Digest: warn "Attestation already exists in the DB", pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(), candidateAttestation = A continue else: error "Slashable vote. Skipping its import.", pubkey = spdir.data[v].pubkey.PubKeyBytes.toHex(), candidateAttestation = A, conflict = status.error() result = siPartial continue if A.source_epoch.int > maxValidSourceEpochSeen: maxValidSourceEpochSeen = A.source_epoch.int if A.target_epoch.int > maxValidTargetEpochSeen: maxValidTargetEpochSeen = A.target_epoch.int db.registerAttestation( parsedKey, A.source_epoch.Epoch, A.target_epoch.Epoch, A.signing_root.Eth2Digest ) # Now prune everything that predates # this interchange file max slot if maxValidSourceEpochSeen < 0 or maxValidTargetEpochSeen < 0: doAssert maxValidSourceEpochSeen == -1 and maxValidTargetEpochSeen == -1 notice "No attestation found in slashing interchange file" return db.pruneAttestations(parsedKey, maxValidSourceEpochSeen, maxValidTargetEpochSeen)