{.push raises: [Defect].}

  typetraits, tables,
  stew/[results, objects, endians2, io2],
  serialization, chronicles, snappy,
  eth/db/[kvstore, kvstore_sqlite3],
  ./spec/[datatypes, digest, crypto, state_transition],
  ./ssz/[ssz_serialization, merkleization],
  merkle_minimal, filepath

  DbSeq*[T] = object
    insertStmt: SqliteStmt[openArray[byte], void]
    selectStmt: SqliteStmt[int64, openArray[byte]]
    recordCount: int64

  DbMap*[K, V] = object
    db: SqStoreRef
    keyspace: int

  DepositsSeq = DbSeq[DepositData]
  ImmutableValidatorDataSeq = seq[ImmutableValidatorData]
  ValidatorKeyToIndexMap = Table[ValidatorPubKey, ValidatorIndex]

  DepositsMerkleizer* = SszMerkleizer[depositContractLimit]

  DepositContractSnapshot* = object
    eth1Block*: Eth2Digest
    depositContractState*: DepositContractState

  BeaconChainDB* = ref object
    ## Database storing resolved blocks and states - resolved blocks are such
    ## blocks that form a chain back to the tail block.
    ## We assume that the database backend is working / not corrupt - as such,
    ## we will raise a Defect any time there is an issue. This should be
    ## revisited in the future, when/if the calling code safely can handle
    ## corruption of this kind.
    ## We do however make an effort not to crash on invalid data inside the
    ## database - this may have a number of "natural" causes such as switching
    ## between different versions of the client and accidentally using an old
    ## database.
    backend: KvStoreRef
    preset: RuntimePreset
    genesisDeposits*: DepositsSeq

  Keyspaces* = enum
    defaultKeyspace = "kvstore"

  DbKeyKind = enum
      ## Pointer to the most recent block selected by the fork choice
      ## Pointer to the earliest finalized block - this is the genesis block when
      ## the chain starts, but might advance as the database gets pruned
      ## TODO: determine how aggressively the database should be pruned. For a
      ##       healthy network sync, we probably need to store blocks at least
      ##       past the weak subjectivity period.
      ## BlockSlot -> state_root mapping
      ## Immutable reference to the network genesis state
      ## (needed for satisfying requests to the beacon node API).
      ## (Obsolete) Used to point to the the latest ETH1 block hash which
      ## satisfied the follow distance and had its deposits persisted to disk.
      ## A merkleizer checkpoint which can be used for computing the
      ## `deposit_root` of all eth1 finalized deposits (i.e. deposits
      ## confirmed by ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE blocks). The `deposit_root`
      ## is acknowledged and confirmed by the attached web3 provider.
      ## A merkleizer checkpoint used for computing merkle proofs of
      ## deposits added to Eth2 blocks (it may lag behind the finalized
      ## eth1 deposits checkpoint).
      ## Cache of beacon block summaries - during startup when we construct the
      ## chain dag, loading full blocks takes a lot of time - the block
      ## summary contains a minimal snapshot of what's needed to instanciate
      ## the BlockRef tree.
      ## A merkelizer checkpoint created on the basis of deposit events
      ## that we were not able to verify against a `deposit_root` served
      ## by the web3 provider. This may happen on Geth nodes that serve
      ## only recent contract state data (i.e. only recent `deposit_roots`).

  BeaconBlockSummary* = object
    slot*: Slot
    parent_root*: Eth2Digest

  # The largest object we're saving is the BeaconState, and by far, the largest
  # part of it is the validator - each validator takes up at least 129 bytes
  # in phase0,  which means 100k validators is >12mb - in addition to this,
  # there are several MB of hashes.
  maxDecompressedDbRecordSize = 64*1024*1024

# Subkeys essentially create "tables" within the key-value store by prefixing
# each entry with a table id

func subkey(kind: DbKeyKind): array[1, byte] =
  result[0] = byte ord(kind)

func subkey[N: static int](kind: DbKeyKind, key: array[N, byte]):
    array[N + 1, byte] =
  result[0] = byte ord(kind)
  result[1 .. ^1] = key

func subkey(kind: type BeaconState, key: Eth2Digest): auto =
  subkey(kHashToState, key.data)

func subkey(kind: type SignedBeaconBlock, key: Eth2Digest): auto =
  subkey(kHashToBlock, key.data)

func subkey(kind: type BeaconBlockSummary, key: Eth2Digest): auto =
  subkey(kHashToBlockSummary, key.data)

func subkey(root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot): array[40, byte] =
  var ret: array[40, byte]
  # big endian to get a naturally ascending order on slots in sorted indices
  ret[0..<8] = toBytesBE(slot.uint64)
  # .. but 7 bytes should be enough for slots - in return, we get a nicely
  # rounded key length
  ret[0] = byte ord(kBlockSlotStateRoot)
  ret[8..<40] = root.data


template panic =
  # TODO(zah): Could we recover from a corrupted database?
  #            Review all usages.
  raiseAssert "The database should not be corrupted"

proc init*[T](Seq: type DbSeq[T], db: SqStoreRef, name: string): Seq =
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS """ & name & """(
       value BLOB
  """).expect "working database"

    insertStmt = db.prepareStmt(
      "INSERT INTO " & name & "(value) VALUES (?);",
      openArray[byte], void).expect("this is a valid statement")

    selectStmt = db.prepareStmt(
      "SELECT value FROM " & name & " WHERE id = ?;",
      int64, openArray[byte]).expect("this is a valid statement")

    countStmt = db.prepareStmt(
      "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM " & name & ";",
      NoParams, int64).expect("this is a valid statement")

  var recordCount = int64 0
  let countQueryRes = countStmt.exec do (res: int64):
    recordCount = res

  let found = countQueryRes.expect("working database")
  if not found: panic()

  Seq(insertStmt: insertStmt,
      selectStmt: selectStmt,
      recordCount: recordCount)

proc add*[T](s: var DbSeq[T], val: T) =
  var bytes = SSZ.encode(val)
  s.insertStmt.exec(bytes).expect "working database"
  inc s.recordCount

template len*[T](s: DbSeq[T]): uint64 =

proc get*[T](s: DbSeq[T], idx: uint64): T =
  # This is used only locally
  let resultAddr = addr result

  let queryRes = s.selectStmt.exec(int64(idx) + 1) do (recordBytes: openArray[byte]):
      resultAddr[] = decode(SSZ, recordBytes, T)
    except SerializationError:

  let found = queryRes.expect("working database")
  if not found: panic()

proc createMap*(db: SqStoreRef, keyspace: int;
                K, V: distinct type): DbMap[K, V] =
  DbMap[K, V](db: db, keyspace: keyspace)

proc insert*[K, V](m: var DbMap[K, V], key: K, value: V) =
  m.db.put(m.keyspace, SSZ.encode key, SSZ.encode value).expect("working database")

proc contains*[K, V](m: DbMap[K, V], key: K): bool =
  contains(m.db, SSZ.encode key).expect("working database")

template insert*[K, V](t: var Table[K, V], key: K, value: V) =
  add(t, key, value)

proc init*(T: type BeaconChainDB,
           preset: RuntimePreset,
           dir: string,
           inMemory = false): BeaconChainDB =
  if inMemory:
    # TODO
    # To support testing, the inMemory store should offer the complete
    # functionalityof the database-backed one (i.e. tracking of deposits
    # and validators)
    T(backend: kvStore MemStoreRef.init(),
      preset: preset)
    let s = secureCreatePath(dir)
    doAssert s.isOk # TODO(zah) Handle this in a better way

    let sqliteStore = SqStoreRef.init(dir, "nbc", Keyspaces).expect(
      "working database")

    # Remove the deposits table we used before we switched
    # to storing only deposit contract checkpoints
    if sqliteStore.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS deposits;").isErr:
      debug "Failed to drop the deposits table"

      validatorKeyToIndex = initTable[ValidatorPubKey, ValidatorIndex]()
      genesisDepositsSeq = DbSeq[DepositData].init(sqliteStore, "genesis_deposits")

    let isPyrmont =
      not pyrmontMetadata.incompatible and preset == pyrmontMetadata.runtimePreset

    T(backend: kvStore sqliteStore,
      preset: preset,
      genesisDeposits: genesisDepositsSeq)

proc snappyEncode(inp: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
  except CatchableError as err:
    raiseAssert err.msg

proc put(db: BeaconChainDB, key: openArray[byte], v: Eth2Digest) =
  db.backend.put(key, v.data).expect("working database")

proc put(db: BeaconChainDB, key: openArray[byte], v: auto) =
  db.backend.put(key, snappyEncode(SSZ.encode(v))).expect("working database")

proc get(db: BeaconChainDB, key: openArray[byte], T: type Eth2Digest): Opt[T] =
  var res: Opt[T]
  proc decode(data: openArray[byte]) =
    if data.len == 32:
      res.ok Eth2Digest(data: toArray(32, data))
      # If the data can't be deserialized, it could be because it's from a
      # version of the software that uses a different SSZ encoding
      warn "Unable to deserialize data, old database?",
       typ = name(T), dataLen = data.len

  discard db.backend.get(key, decode).expect("working database")


type GetResult = enum
  found = "Found"
  notFound = "Not found"
  corrupted = "Corrupted"

proc get[T](db: BeaconChainDB, key: openArray[byte], output: var T): GetResult =
  var status = GetResult.notFound

  # TODO address is needed because there's no way to express lifetimes in nim
  #      we'll use unsafeAddr to find the code later
  var outputPtr = unsafeAddr output # callback is local, ptr wont escape
  proc decode(data: openArray[byte]) =
      let decompressed = snappy.decode(data, maxDecompressedDbRecordSize)
      if decompressed.len > 0:
        outputPtr[] = SSZ.decode(decompressed, T, updateRoot = false)
        status = GetResult.found
        warn "Corrupt snappy record found in database", typ = name(T)
        status = GetResult.corrupted
    except SerializationError as e:
      # If the data can't be deserialized, it could be because it's from a
      # version of the software that uses a different SSZ encoding
      warn "Unable to deserialize data, old database?",
        err = e.msg, typ = name(T), dataLen = data.len
      status = GetResult.corrupted

  discard db.backend.get(key, decode).expect("working database")


proc close*(db: BeaconChainDB) =
  discard db.backend.close()

func toBeaconBlockSummary(v: SomeBeaconBlock): BeaconBlockSummary =
    slot: v.slot,
    parent_root: v.parent_root,

proc putBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, value: SignedBeaconBlock) =
  db.put(subkey(type value, value.root), value)
  db.put(subkey(BeaconBlockSummary, value.root), value.message.toBeaconBlockSummary())
proc putBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, value: TrustedSignedBeaconBlock) =
  db.put(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, value.root), value)
  db.put(subkey(BeaconBlockSummary, value.root), value.message.toBeaconBlockSummary())

proc putState*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest, value: BeaconState) =
  # TODO prune old states - this is less easy than it seems as we never know
  #      when or if a particular state will become finalized.

  db.put(subkey(type value, key), value)

proc putState*(db: BeaconChainDB, value: BeaconState) =
  db.putState(hash_tree_root(value), value)

proc putStateRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot,
    value: Eth2Digest) =
  db.put(subkey(root, slot), value)

proc delBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) =
  db.backend.del(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, key)).expect("working database")
  db.backend.del(subkey(BeaconBlockSummary, key)).expect("working database")

proc delState*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) =
  db.backend.del(subkey(BeaconState, key)).expect("working database")

proc delStateRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot) =
  db.backend.del(subkey(root, slot)).expect("working database")

proc putHeadBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) =
  db.put(subkey(kHeadBlock), key)

proc putTailBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) =
  db.put(subkey(kTailBlock), key)

proc putGenesisBlockRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest) =
  db.put(subkey(kGenesisBlockRoot), key)

proc putEth1FinalizedTo*(db: BeaconChainDB,
                         eth1Checkpoint: DepositContractSnapshot) =
  db.put(subkey(kDepositsFinalizedByEth1), eth1Checkpoint)

proc putEth2FinalizedTo*(db: BeaconChainDB,
                         eth1Checkpoint: DepositContractSnapshot) =
  db.put(subkey(kDepositsFinalizedByEth2), eth1Checkpoint)

proc putSpeculativeDeposits*(db: BeaconChainDB,
                             eth1Checkpoint: DepositContractSnapshot) =
  db.put(subkey(kSpeculativeDeposits), eth1Checkpoint)

proc getBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): Opt[TrustedSignedBeaconBlock] =
  # We only store blocks that we trust in the database
  if db.get(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, key), result.get) != GetResult.found:
    # set root after deserializing (so it doesn't get zeroed)
    result.get().root = key

proc getBlockSummary*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): Opt[BeaconBlockSummary] =
  # We only store blocks that we trust in the database
  if db.get(subkey(BeaconBlockSummary, key), result.get) != GetResult.found:

proc getState*(
    db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest, output: var BeaconState,
    rollback: RollbackProc): bool =
  ## Load state into `output` - BeaconState is large so we want to avoid
  ## re-allocating it if possible
  ## Return `true` iff the entry was found in the database and `output` was
  ## overwritten.
  ## Rollback will be called only if output was partially written - if it was
  ## not found at all, rollback will not be called
  # TODO rollback is needed to deal with bug - use `noRollback` to ignore:
  #      https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/14126
  # TODO RVO is inefficient for large objects:
  #      https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/13879
  case db.get(subkey(BeaconState, key), output)
  of GetResult.found:
  of GetResult.notFound:
  of GetResult.corrupted:

proc getStateRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB,
                   root: Eth2Digest,
                   slot: Slot): Opt[Eth2Digest] =
  db.get(subkey(root, slot), Eth2Digest)

proc getHeadBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[Eth2Digest] =
  db.get(subkey(kHeadBlock), Eth2Digest)

proc getTailBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[Eth2Digest] =
  db.get(subkey(kTailBlock), Eth2Digest)

proc getGenesisBlockRoot*(db: BeaconChainDB): Eth2Digest =
  db.get(subkey(kGenesisBlockRoot), Eth2Digest).expect(
    "The database must be seeded with the genesis state")

proc getEth1FinalizedTo*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[DepositContractSnapshot] =
  let r = db.get(subkey(kDepositsFinalizedByEth1), result.get)
  if r != found: result.err()

proc getEth2FinalizedTo*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[DepositContractSnapshot] =
  let r = db.get(subkey(kDepositsFinalizedByEth2), result.get)
  if r != found: result.err()

proc getSpeculativeDeposits*(db: BeaconChainDB): Opt[DepositContractSnapshot] =
  let r = db.get(subkey(kSpeculativeDeposits), result.get)
  if r != found: result.err()

proc delSpeculativeDeposits*(db: BeaconChainDB) =
  db.backend.del(subkey(kSpeculativeDeposits)).expect("working database")

proc containsBlock*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): bool =
  db.backend.contains(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, key)).expect("working database")

proc containsState*(db: BeaconChainDB, key: Eth2Digest): bool =
  db.backend.contains(subkey(BeaconState, key)).expect("working database")

iterator getAncestors*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest):
    TrustedSignedBeaconBlock =
  ## Load a chain of ancestors for blck - returns a list of blocks with the
  ## oldest block last (blck will be at result[0]).
  ## The search will go on until the ancestor cannot be found.

    res: TrustedSignedBeaconBlock
    root = root
  while db.get(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, root), res) == GetResult.found:
    res.root = root
    yield res
    root = res.message.parent_root

iterator getAncestorSummaries*(db: BeaconChainDB, root: Eth2Digest):
    tuple[root: Eth2Digest, summary: BeaconBlockSummary] =
  ## Load a chain of ancestors for blck - returns a list of blocks with the
  ## oldest block last (blck will be at result[0]).
  ## The search will go on until the ancestor cannot be found.

    res: tuple[root: Eth2Digest, summary: BeaconBlockSummary]
    tmp: TrustedSignedBeaconBlock
    root = root

  while true:
    if db.get(subkey(BeaconBlockSummary, root), res.summary) == GetResult.found:
      res.root = root
      yield res
    elif db.get(subkey(SignedBeaconBlock, root), tmp) == GetResult.found:
      res.summary = tmp.message.toBeaconBlockSummary()
      db.put(subkey(BeaconBlockSummary, root), res.summary)
      res.root = root
      yield res

    root = res.summary.parent_root