This commit introduces `unittest2`, driven by the need to fix several
long-standing issues with `unittest`, in particular exception handling,
test isolation, timing and others.
Upgrading to `unittest2` generally requires updating the unittest import
and potentially fixing the code to support the new `one-proc-per-test`
* nim-unittest2 has been moved from Stefans repository to status-im - fixes some exception
handling issues and brings it in line with latest nim devel - a notable
difference to unittest is that each test is run inside a proc which
gives it a fresh stack and removes a lot of globals, meaning tests
should run under conditions more similar to "normal" code and interfere
with each other less - this is a crucial first step to improving the
testing experience in general, that stefan implemented for the
multithreading support
* the multithreading in unittest2 is optional, and disabled by default
* nim-testutils contains utilities for fuzzing, as well as other
"large:ish" features that have dependencies - pulls in unittest2 so
unittest2 can be kept "low-dependency"
* nim-chronos needs the above unittest changes to test its own new,
stricter exception handling - - the strictess
introduced is expected to increase with time
* simplify data storage to key-value, tries are not relevant for NBC
* locked-down version of lmdb dependency
* easier to build / maintain on various platforms
* Update fixtures to 0.8.3
* v0.8.1 tests use new test path
* LFS caching: handle multiple versions of json_tests
* Enable paths > 260 characters in appveyor
* Appveyor: use git clone core.longpaths + the env variable at startup
* improve and cleanup submodules
* initial commit of official state tests
* sanity check fixture
* Parsing official state test is mostly working
(Except BLS signature)
* Successfully load state test
* Use json-serialization instead of json and display deserialized and from scratch beacon state hashes
* Add official state test as a smoke parsing test