* remove all but one UnusedImport warning
* bump a few more spec version references from v0.10.1 to v0.11.1
* more v0.10.1 spec reference updates/removals
* yet more v0.10.1 spec reference updates
* refactor and fix merkle proof construction in test suite and thereby remove most remaining skipMerkleValidation flags, now unnecessary
* a few non-semantic comment update/removals
* initial 0.11.1 spec commit; no test regressions and finalizes in eth2_network_simulation
* with BLS 0.10/0.11 available, stop skipping attester slashing, proposer slashing, and voluntary exist operations fixture tests
* switch param orders to group state.{fork, genesis_validators_root}; bump spec/datatypes spec version for network purposes
* mark attestation construction and broadcast and some minimal/mainnet constants as 0.11.1-compatible; remove phase 1 sharding constants from minimal which don't exist in that preset
* update to 0.10.1
* SSZ Generic and nbench uses the v0.10.1 fixtures
* Tests + spec links: v0.10.0 -> v0.10.1
* Add v0.10.1 TODO in get_latest_attesting_balance (forkchoice)
* SSZ Bytes are now ByteList
* Remove nim-result submodules that was leftover/added by mistake in the branch
The loader has been tested with the presets published by Lighthouse.
You can try connecting to one of their testnets by running:
cd nim-beacon-chain
./connect-to-testnet lighthouse/testnet0
* rename compute_epoch_of_slot(...) to compute_epoch_at_slot(...)
* remove some unnecessary imports; remove some crosslink-related code and tests; complete renaming of compute_epoch_of_slot(...) to compute_epoch_at_slot(...)
* rm more transfer-related code and tests; rm more unnecessary strutils imports
* rm remaining unused imports
* remove useless get_empty_per_epoch_cache(...)/compute_start_slot_of_epoch(...) calls
* rename compute_start_slot_of_epoch(...) to compute_start_slot_at_epoch(...)
* update domain types to 0.9.0
* mark AttesterSlashing, IndexedAttestation, AttestationDataAndCustodyBit, DepositData, BeaconBlockHeader, Fork, integer_squareroot(...), and process_voluntary_exit(...) as 0.9.0
* mark increase_balance(...), decrease_balance(...), get_block_root(...), CheckPoint, Deposit, PendingAttestation, HistoricalBatch, is_active_validator(...), and is_slashable_attestation_data(...) as 0.9.0
* mark compute_activation_exit_epoch(...), bls_verify(...), Validator, get_active_validator_indices(...), get_current_epoch(...), get_total_active_balance(...), and get_previous_epoch(...) as 0.9.0
* mark get_block_root_at_slot(...), ProposerSlashing, get_domain(...), VoluntaryExit, mainnet preset Gwei values, minimal preset max operations, process_block_header(...), and is_slashable_validator(...) as 0.9.0
* mark makeWithdrawalCredentials(...), get_validator_churn_limit(...), get_total_balance(...), is_valid_indexed_attestation(...), bls_aggregate_pubkeys(...), initial genesis value/constants, Attestation, get_randao_mix(...), mainnet preset max operations per block constants, minimal preset Gwei values and time parameters, process_eth1_data(...), get_shuffled_seq(...), compute_committee(...), and process_slots(...) as 0.9.0; partially update get_indexed_attestation(...) to 0.9.0 by removing crosslink refs and associated tests
* mark initiate_validator_exit(...), process_registry_updates(...), BeaconBlock, Eth1Data, compute_domain(...), process_randao(...), process_attester_slashing(...), get_base_reward(...), and process_slot(...) as 0.9.0
* fix network sim
* mark BeaconState, state list/vector lengths, misc values, get_base_reward(...), verifyStateRoot(...), and process_slot(...) as 0.8.3; update minimal/mainnet config initial values to 0.8.3 by removing GENESIS_FORK_VERSION
* remove some low-hanging perf silliness from get_winning_crosslink_and_attesting_indices(...) and switch inner/outer loop nesting order to get 10-15x function speedup for 128 and 512 validator cases by avoiding accidentally quadratic behavior, while keeping function signature unchanged and allowing easy ongoing verification of correctness of optimization
* avoid memory allocation with an openarray rather than seq
* update get_crosslink_deltas(...) to 0.8.0
* move non-spec ValidatorSetDeltaFlags from datatypes.nim to sync_protocol; fix mainnet MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY preset; update get_attestation_deltas(...) to 0.8.0; for 512 validators, get 90x speedup for get_attestation_deltas(...) from 179s to 2s
* explain purpose of when false portions, so they can be removed once accomplished
* replace BeaconState.finalized_{epoch,root} with BeaconState.finalized_checkpoint; rename get_delayed_activation_exit_epoch(...) to compute_activation_exit_epoch(...) and mark as 0.8.0; update get_churn_limit(...)/get_validator_churn_limit(...) to 0.8.0; update process_registry_updates(...) to 0.8.0
* update process_crosslinks(...) to 0.8.0; mark compute_start_slot_of_epoch(...) and get_committee_count(...) as 0.8.0
* mark Fork, is_slashable_validator(...), and get_beacon_proposer_index(...) as 0.8.0
* rename LATEST_SLASHED_EXIT_LENGTH to EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR; update process_slashings(...) to 0.8.0; remove pointless type conversion warning in get_previous_epoch(...)
* convert remaining references to finalized_epoch to finalized_checkpoint.epoch
* update slash_validator(...) to 0.8.0; mark inital value, Gwei, and time constants as 0.8.0; mark hash(...) and processBlockHeader(...) as 0.8.0
* rename WHISTLEBLOWING_REWARD_QUOTIENT to WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT; rename LATEST_ACTIVE_INDEX_ROOTS_LENGTH to EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR (randao will also get merged into this); remove get_active_index_root(...); mark time parameter, signature domain types, and max operations per block constants as 0.8.0; update rewards and penalties constants to 0.8.0
* update is_valid_indexed_attestation(...) to 0.8.0; mark process_slot(...) as 0.8.0
* replace BeaconState.{current,previous}_justified_{epoch,root} with BeaconState.{current,previous}_justified_checkpoint
* rename slot_to_epoch(...) to compute_epoch_of_slot(...)
* rename aggregation_bitfield/custody_bitfield fields to aggregation_bits/custody_bits; rename convert_to_indexed(...) to get_indexed_attestation(...); mark BeaconBlockHeader as 0.8.0; update minimal preset MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY/time parameters in general to 0.8
* fix beacon node compilation; it used slightly different capitalizations of slot_to_epoch/slotToEpoch
* mark integer_squareroot(...), Deposit, VoluntaryExit, and Transfer as 0.8.0; rename get_epoch_start_slot(...) to compute_start_slot_of_epoch(...)
* add new Domain alias for uint64; rename bls_domain(...) to compute_domain(...), MAX_INDICES_PER_ATTESTATION to MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE, and SignatureDomain to DomainType; update get_domain(...) to 0.8.0
* update/mark initiate_validator_exit(...) and Crosslink as 0.8.0; rename BeaconState.latest_block_roots -> BeaconState.block_roots; mark HistoricalBatch as 0.8.0
* update Deposit and BeaconBlockHeader to 0.7.0
* update get_total_balance(...) and get_base_reward(...) to 0.7.0
* mark minimal presets as entirely migrated to 0.7.0; update process_rewards_and_penalties(...) to 0.7.0
* specify that targeting 0.7.0; adopt 0.7.0 refactoring of bls_domain/get_domain to update get_domain(...) to 0.7.0; mark that mainnet constant presets and block header processing are 0.7.0-consistent; update process_justification_and_finalization to 0.7.0 to fix potential underflow errors
* address mratsim's comment to copy whole spec comment
* 0.7.0 updates which don't change semantics; mostly comment changes
* mark get_attesting_indices, bls_verify, ProposerSlashing, BeaconBlockBody, deposit contract constants, state list length constants, compute_committee, get_crosslink_committee, is_slashable_attestation_data, processAttesterSlashings as 0.7.0; rename BASE_REWARD_QUOTIENT to BASE_REWARD_FACTOR
* complete marking unchanged-in-0.7.0 datatypes as such; a few more have trivial field renamings, etc
* update IndexedAttestation, verify_slashable_attestation/verify_indexed_attestation, and attester slashing processing to 0.6.3
* rm debug scaffolding
* rename Attestation.aggregate_signature -> Attestation.signature; convert various references to AttestationData.slot to get_attestation_slot; implement convert_to_indexed; update checkAttestation and processAttestations to 0.6.3; remove spurious assertion in beacon node related to invalid attestations
* replace 0.5 get_winning_root_and_participants with 0.6 get_winning_crosslink_and_attesting_indices; update process_crosslinks to 0.6.3
* mark both remaining 0.6.0 spec implementations as 0.6.3
* clear out all remaining spec version 0.6.1 refs
* rm 0.5 get_attestation_participants in favor of 0.6 get_attesting_indices
* address mratsim's comment
* time can be equal to genesis
* fix invalid block assertions; those were essentially spurious
* allow toBeaconTime to handle time before genesis (in accordance with now(...) which states time can exist before GENESIS)