* update to Altair as of v1.1.0-alpha.7
* introduce Altair types into attestation pool
* avoid allocating/copying pubkeys excessively in get_next_sync_committee()
* proposed structure for hf1
* refactor datatypes.nim into datatypes/{base, phase0, hf1}.nim
* hf1 is Altair
* some syncing with alpha 2
* adjust epoch processing to disambiguate access to RewardFlags
* relocate StateData to stay consistent with meaning phase 0 StateData
* passes v1.1.0 alpha 5 SSZ consensus object tests
* Altair block header test fixtures work
* fix slash_validator() so that Altair attester slashings, proposer slashings, and voluntary exit textures work
* deposit operation Altair test fixtures work
* slot sanity and all but a couple epoch transition tests switched to Altair
* attestation Altair test fixtures work
* Altair block sanity test fixtures work
* add working altair sync committee tests
* improve workarounds for sum-types-across-modules Nim bug; incorporate SignedBeaconBlock root reconstuction to SSZ byte reader
* update some v1.1.0 alpha1 to alpha2
* remove unused getDepositMessage overload and move other out of datatypes/base
* bump nim-eth2-scenarios to download v1.1.0-alpha.2 test vectors
* construct object rather than result
* update ve1.0.0-rc.0 preset spec references
* remove runtime preset ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE from preset files; remove two CI build items to try to keep Travis from timing out
This also assigns precise types to the constants in the minimal
and mainnet presets in order to reduce the chance of compilation
errors when custom presets are used (previously, only the custom
presets have precisely assigned types for the constants).
* re-add minimal preset constant checking; organize presets to better support multiple spec versions
* bump spec ref
* increase Azure timeout to 90 minutes to accomodate Nim compiler building
* update more spec refs in beacon_chain/spec/presets; skip skipped constant sanity checks also from markdown reports' perspectives
* mark skipped as skipped in markdown
* fix warnings by switching from deprecated chronos API addTimer(...) to setTimer(...) and removing especially some unnecessary chronicles and extras imports from test suite modules
* update a couple v0.10.1 spec references to v0.11.1
* remove all but one UnusedImport warning
* bump a few more spec version references from v0.10.1 to v0.11.1
* more v0.10.1 spec reference updates/removals
* yet more v0.10.1 spec reference updates
* refactor and fix merkle proof construction in test suite and thereby remove most remaining skipMerkleValidation flags, now unnecessary
* a few non-semantic comment update/removals