Add a record create and print command

This commit is contained in:
kdeme 2020-11-25 00:23:28 +01:00 committed by zah
parent 3a13750734
commit e69b5ff473
3 changed files with 72 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import
confutils, confutils/defs, confutils/std/net, stew/shims/net as stewNet,
stew/io2, unicodedb/properties, normalize,
eth/common/eth_types as commonEthTypes,
json_serialization, web3/[ethtypes, confutils_defs],
spec/[crypto, keystore, digest, datatypes, network],
network_metadata, filepath
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ type
WalletsCmd* {.pure.} = enum
create = "Creates a new EIP-2386 wallet"
@ -36,6 +38,10 @@ type
VCStartUpCmd* = enum
RecordCmd* {.pure.} = enum
create = "Create a new ENR"
print = "Print the content of a given ENR"
BeaconNodeConf* = object
logLevel* {.
defaultValue: "INFO"
@ -353,6 +359,36 @@ type
of DepositsCmd.status:
of record:
case recordCmd* {.command.}: RecordCmd
of RecordCmd.create:
ipExt* {.
desc: "External IP address"
name: "ip" .}: ValidIpAddress
tcpPortExt* {.
desc: "External TCP port"
name: "tcp-port" .}: Port
udpPortExt* {.
desc: "External UDP port"
name: "udp-port" .}: Port
seqNumber* {.
defaultValue: 1,
desc: "Record sequence number"
name: "seq-number" .}: uint
fields* {.
desc: "Additional record key pairs, provide as <string>:<bytes in hex>"
name: "field" .}: seq[(string)]
of RecordCmd.print:
recordPrint* {.
desc: "ENR URI of the record to print"
name: "enr" .}: Record
ValidatorClientConf* = object
logLevel* {.
defaultValue: "INFO"
@ -496,6 +532,14 @@ func parseCmdArg*(T: type WalletName, input: TaintedString): T
func completeCmdArg*(T: type WalletName, input: TaintedString): seq[string] =
return @[]
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, p: TaintedString): T
{.raises: [ConfigurationError, Defect].} =
if not fromURI(result, p):
raise newException(ConfigurationError, "Invalid ENR")
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, val: TaintedString): seq[string] =
return @[]
func validatorsDir*(conf: BeaconNodeConf|ValidatorClientConf): string =
string conf.validatorsDirFlag.get(InputDir(conf.dataDir / "validators"))

View File

@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ template tcpEndPoint(address, port): auto =
proc getPersistentNetKeys*(rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
conf: BeaconNodeConf): KeyPair =
case conf.cmd
of noCommand:
of noCommand, record:
if conf.netKeyFile == "random":
let res = PrivateKey.random(Secp256k1, rng)
if res.isErr():

View File

@ -1335,3 +1335,30 @@ programMain:
of WalletsCmd.restore:
restoreWalletInteractively(rng[], config)
of record:
case config.recordCmd:
of RecordCmd.create:
let netKeys = getPersistentNetKeys(rng[], config)
var fieldPairs: seq[FieldPair]
for field in config.fields:
let fieldPair = field.split(":")
if fieldPair.len > 1:
fieldPairs.add(toFieldPair(fieldPair[0], hexToSeqByte(fieldPair[1])))
fatal "Invalid field pair"
quit QuitFailure
let record = enr.Record.init(
fieldPairs).expect("Record within size limits")
echo record.toURI()
of RecordCmd.print:
echo $config.recordPrint