Address #1691 More pervasive handling of Ctrl+C

This commit is contained in:
Zahary Karadjov 2020-10-09 16:57:45 +03:00 committed by zah
parent 8a6281aad2
commit cd949a2b81

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@ -1070,6 +1070,21 @@ programMain:
setupLogging(config.logLevel, config.logFile)
## This Ctrl+C handler exits the program in non-graceful way.
## It's responsible for handling Ctrl+C in sub-commands such
## as `wallets *` and `deposits *`. In a regular beacon node
## run, it will be overwritten later with a different handler
## performing a graceful exit.
proc exitImmediatelyOnCtrlC() {.noconv.} =
when defined(windows):
# workaround for
echo "" # If we interrupt during an interactive prompt, this
# will move the cursor to the next line
notice "Shutting down after having received SIGINT"
quit 0
if config.eth2Network.isSome:
let metadata = getMetadataForNetwork(config.eth2Network.get)
config.runtimePreset = metadata.runtimePreset