@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
{.push raises: [].}
# Types specific to phase0 (i.e. known to have changed across hard forks) - see
# `base` for types and guidelines common across forks
# TODO Careful, not nil analysis is broken / incomplete and the semantics will
# likely change in future versions of the language:
# https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/250
{.experimental: "notnil".}
export base
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#beaconstate
BeaconState* = object
# Versioning
genesis_time*: uint64
genesis_validators_root*: Eth2Digest
slot*: Slot
fork*: Fork
# History
latest_block_header*: BeaconBlockHeader
## `latest_block_header.state_root == ZERO_HASH` temporarily
block_roots*: HashArray[Limit SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT, Eth2Digest]
## Needed to process attestations, older to newer
state_roots*: HashArray[Limit SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT, Eth2Digest]
historical_roots*: HashList[Eth2Digest, Limit HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT]
# Eth1
eth1_data*: Eth1Data
eth1_deposit_index*: uint64
# Registry
validators*: HashList[Validator, Limit VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
balances*: HashList[Gwei, Limit VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT]
# Randomness
randao_mixes*: HashArray[Limit EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR, Eth2Digest]
# Slashings
slashings*: HashArray[Limit EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR, Gwei]
## Per-epoch sums of slashed effective balances
# Attestations
HashList[PendingAttestation, Limit(MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH)]
HashList[PendingAttestation, Limit(MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH)]
# Finality
justification_bits*: JustificationBits
## Bit set for every recent justified epoch
previous_justified_checkpoint*: Checkpoint
## Previous epoch snapshot
current_justified_checkpoint*: Checkpoint
finalized_checkpoint*: Checkpoint
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_total_balance
TotalBalances* = object
# The total effective balance of all active validators during the _current_
# epoch.
current_epoch_raw*: Gwei
# The total effective balance of all active validators during the _previous_
# epoch.
previous_epoch_raw*: Gwei
# The total effective balance of all validators who attested during the
# _current_ epoch.
current_epoch_attesters_raw*: Gwei
# The total effective balance of all validators who attested during the
# _current_ epoch and agreed with the state about the beacon block at the
# first slot of the _current_ epoch.
current_epoch_target_attesters_raw*: Gwei
# The total effective balance of all validators who attested during the
# _previous_ epoch.
previous_epoch_attesters_raw*: Gwei
# The total effective balance of all validators who attested during the
# _previous_ epoch and agreed with the state about the beacon block at the
# first slot of the _previous_ epoch.
previous_epoch_target_attesters_raw*: Gwei
# The total effective balance of all validators who attested during the
# _previous_ epoch and agreed with the state about the beacon block at the
# time of attestation.
previous_epoch_head_attesters_raw*: Gwei
# TODO Careful, not nil analysis is broken / incomplete and the semantics will
# likely change in future versions of the language:
# https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/250
BeaconStateRef* = ref BeaconState not nil
NilableBeaconStateRef* = ref BeaconState
# TODO: There should be only a single generic HashedBeaconState definition
HashedBeaconState* = object
data*: BeaconState
root*: Eth2Digest # hash_tree_root(data)
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#beaconblock
BeaconBlock* = object
## For each slot, a proposer is chosen from the validator pool to propose
## a new block. Once the block as been proposed, it is transmitted to
## validators that will have a chance to vote on it through attestations.
## Each block collects attestations, or votes, on past blocks, thus a chain
## is formed.
slot*: Slot
proposer_index*: uint64 # `ValidatorIndex` after validation
parent_root*: Eth2Digest
## Root hash of the previous block
state_root*: Eth2Digest
## The state root, _after_ this block has been processed
body*: BeaconBlockBody
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#beaconblockbody
BeaconBlockBody* = object
randao_reveal*: ValidatorSig
eth1_data*: Eth1Data
## Eth1 data vote
graffiti*: GraffitiBytes
## Arbitrary data
# Operations
proposer_slashings*: List[ProposerSlashing, Limit MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS]
attester_slashings*: List[AttesterSlashing, Limit MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS]
attestations*: List[Attestation, Limit MAX_ATTESTATIONS]
deposits*: List[Deposit, Limit MAX_DEPOSITS]
voluntary_exits*: List[SignedVoluntaryExit, Limit MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS]
# https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.4.0-beta.6/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#signedbeaconblock
SignedBeaconBlock* = object
message*: BeaconBlock
signature*: ValidatorSig
root* {.dontSerialize.}: Eth2Digest # cached root of signed beacon block
SomeSignedBeaconBlock* = SignedBeaconBlock
SomeBeaconBlock* = BeaconBlock
SomeBeaconBlockBody* = BeaconBlockBody
EpochInfo* = object
## Information about the outcome of epoch processing
validators*: seq[RewardStatus]
balances*: TotalBalances
func clear*(info: var EpochInfo) =
info.balances = TotalBalances()
func shortLog*(v: SomeBeaconBlock): auto =
slot: shortLog(v.slot),
proposer_index: v.proposer_index,
parent_root: shortLog(v.parent_root),
state_root: shortLog(v.state_root),
eth1data: v.body.eth1_data,
graffiti: $v.body.graffiti,
proposer_slashings_len: v.body.proposer_slashings.len(),
attester_slashings_len: v.body.attester_slashings.len(),
attestations_len: v.body.attestations.len(),
deposits_len: v.body.deposits.len(),
voluntary_exits_len: v.body.voluntary_exits.len(),
sync_committee_participants: -1, # Altair logging compatibility
block_number: 0'u64, # Bellatrix compat
block_hash: "", # Bellatrix compat
parent_hash: "", # Bellatrix compat
fee_recipient: "", # Bellatrix compat
bls_to_execution_changes_len: 0, # Capella compat
blob_kzg_commitments_len: 0, # Deneb compat
# TODO: There should be only a single generic HashedBeaconState definition
func initHashedBeaconState*(s: BeaconState): HashedBeaconState =
HashedBeaconState(data: s)
func shortLog*(v: SomeSignedBeaconBlock): auto =
blck: shortLog(v.message),
signature: shortLog(v.signature)