Add check for late attestation sent messages in logtrace tool.

This commit is contained in:
cheatfate 2020-07-01 10:06:05 +03:00 committed by zah
parent 26b7202af3
commit 76c12d493e
2 changed files with 135 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
import confutils, json, times, streams, os, strutils, options, chronicles
import json_serialization
LogTraceName* = "Beacon-Chain LogTrace Tool"
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ const
StartUpCommand* {.pure.} = enum
pubsub, attest
LogTraceConf* = object
logFiles* {.
@ -37,16 +38,73 @@ type
case cmd* {.command.}: StartUpCommand
of pubsub:
of attest:
GossipDirection* = enum
None, Incoming, Outgoing
LogMessage* = object of RootObj
level* {.serializedFieldName: "lvl" .}: string
timestamp* {.serializedFieldName: "ts" .}: DateTime
msg*: string
topics*: string
tid*: int
SlotStartMessage* = object of LogMessage
beaconTime*: uint64
finalizedEpoch*: uint64
finalizedRoot*: string
finalizedSlot*: uint64
headEpoch*: uint64
headRoot*: string
headSlot*: uint64
lastSlot*: uint64
peers*: uint64
scheduledSlot*: uint64
AttestationDataObject* = object
slot*: uint64
index*: uint64
beaconBlockRoot* {.serializedFieldName: "beacon_block_root".}: string
sourceEpoch* {.serializedFieldName: "source_epoch".}: uint64
sourceRoot* {.serializedFieldName: "source_root".}: string
targetEpoch* {.serializedFieldName: "target_epoch".}: uint64
targetRoot* {.serializedFieldName: "target_root".}: string
AttestationObject* = object
aggregationBits* {.serializedFieldName: "aggregation_bits".}: string
data*: AttestationDataObject
signature*: string
AttestationSentMessage* = object of LogMessage
attestation*: AttestationObject
indexInCommittee*: uint64
validator*: string
GossipMessage* = object
kind*: GossipDirection
id*: string
datetime*: DateTime
processed*: bool
SaMessageType* = enum
AttestationSent, SlotStart
SlotAttMessage* = object
case kind*: SaMessageType
of SaMessageType.AttestationSent:
asmsg*: AttestationSentMessage
of SaMessageType.SlotStart:
ssmsg*: SlotStartMessage
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var DateTime) =
let s = reader.readValue(string)
value = parse(s, "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:sszzz")
except CatchableError:
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Invalid date time")
proc init(t: typedesc[GossipMessage], kind: GossipDirection, id,
datestr: string): GossipMessage =
result = GossipMessage(kind: kind, id: id,
@ -70,6 +128,41 @@ proc readLogFile(file: string): seq[JsonNode] =
proc readLogFileForAttsMessages(file: string): seq[SlotAttMessage] =
var res = newSeq[SlotAttMessage]()
var stream = newFileStream(file)
var line: string
var counter = 0
while not(stream.atEnd()):
line = stream.readLine()
let m = Json.decode(line, LogMessage, forwardCompatible = true)
if m.msg == "Attestation sent":
let am = Json.decode(line, AttestationSentMessage,
forwardCompatible = true)
let m = SlotAttMessage(kind: SaMessageType.AttestationSent,
asmsg: am)
elif m.msg == "Slot start":
let sm = Json.decode(line, SlotStartMessage,
forwardCompatible = true)
let m = SlotAttMessage(kind: SaMessageType.SlotStart,
ssmsg: sm)
if counter mod 10_000 == 0:
info "Processing file", file = file, lines_processed = counter,
lines_filtered = len(res)
result = res
except SerializationError as exc:
error "Serialization error while reading data from file", file = file,
errorMsg = exc.formatMsg(line)
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error reading data from file", file = file, errorMsg = exc.msg
proc filterGossipMessages(log: seq[JsonNode]): seq[GossipMessage] =
# Because of times.DateTime object we forced to turn off [ProveInit] warnings
# You can remove this pragmas when Nim compiler or times.nim will be fixed.
@ -160,6 +253,44 @@ proc runPubsub(logConf: LogTraceConf, logFiles: seq[string]) =
warn "Number of missing messages found", count = $misses
proc runAttSend(logConf: LogTraceConf, logFiles: seq[string]) =
info "Check for late `attestation sent` messages"
if len(logFiles) < 1:
error "Number of log files are not enough to process pubsub messages",
logs_count = len(logFiles)
let minDuration = initDuration(seconds = 4)
var slotMessagesCount = 0
var attsMessagesCount = 0
var lateAttsMessagesCount = 0
for item in logFiles:
info "Processing log file", logFile = item
let data = readLogFileForAttsMessages(item)
var currentSlot: Option[SlotStartMessage]
for item in data:
if item.kind == SaMessageType.SlotStart:
currentSlot = some(item.ssmsg)
elif item.kind == SaMessageType.AttestationSent:
if currentSlot.isSome():
let attestationTime = currentSlot.get().timestamp -
if attestationTime > minDuration:
warn "Found an attestation that was sent later than necessary",
lateness = $attestationTime, slot = currentSlot.get(),
attestation = item.asmsg
warn "`Attestation sent` message appears before `Start slot` message",
attestation = item.asmsg
info "Check finished", attestation_sent_messages = attsMessagesCount,
slot_messages = slotMessagesCount,
late_attestation_messages = lateAttsMessagesCount
proc run(conf: LogTraceConf) =
var logFiles: seq[string]
@ -179,6 +310,8 @@ proc run(conf: LogTraceConf) =
if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.pubsub:
runPubsub(conf, logFiles)
elif conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.attest:
runAttSend(conf, logFiles)
when isMainModule:
echo LogTraceHeader

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 463a0cf1b79f5e586b537c0ce7518e2d1ee85984
Subproject commit 1cf51931f1037a2c44fa0912386273c01a0e0e42