Enable Snappy by default (using LibP2P steams for now)

This refactors the newly added Snappy streaming back-ends trying to
make them more similar and to reduce the code duplication to a minimum.
This commit is contained in:
Zahary Karadjov 2020-05-13 01:37:07 +03:00 committed by zah
parent f055fad08a
commit 75c1c6a95c
9 changed files with 319 additions and 295 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import
options as stdOptions, net as stdNet,
# Status libs
stew/[varints, base58, bitseqs], stew/shims/[macros, tables], stint,
faststreams/[inputs, outputs, buffers], snappy, snappy/framing,
stew/[varints, base58, bitseqs, results], stew/shims/[macros, tables],
stint, faststreams/[inputs, outputs, buffers], snappy, snappy/framing,
json_serialization, json_serialization/std/[net, options],
chronos, chronicles, metrics,
# TODO: create simpler to use libp2p modules that use re-exports
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import
version, multiaddress, peer_pool, peerinfo, p2pProtocol,
libp2p_json_serialization, ssz, peer
libp2p_json_serialization, ssz, peer, results
topics = "networking"
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ type
protocolStates*: seq[RootRef]
maxInactivityAllowed*: Duration
score*: int
supportsSnappy: bool
lacksSnappy: bool
ConnectionState* = enum
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ type
UntypedResponder = object
peer*: Peer
stream*: Connection
noSnappy*: bool
Responder*[MsgType] = distinct UntypedResponder
@ -133,6 +134,30 @@ type
TransmissionError* = object of CatchableError
Eth2NetworkingErrorKind* = enum
Eth2NetworkingError = object
case kind*: Eth2NetworkingErrorKind
of ReceivedErrorResponse:
responseCode: ResponseCode
errorMsg: string
NetRes*[T] = Result[T, Eth2NetworkingError]
## This is type returned from all network requests
clientId* = "Nimbus beacon node v" & fullVersionStr
networkKeyFilename = "privkey.protobuf"
@ -155,6 +180,9 @@ const
PeerScoreLimit* = 0
## Score after which peer will be kicked
template neterr(kindParam: Eth2NetworkingErrorKind): auto =
err(type(result), Eth2NetworkingError(kind: kindParam))
# Metrics for tracking attestation and beacon block loss
declareCounter gossip_messages_sent,
"Number of gossip messages sent by this peer"
@ -187,8 +215,23 @@ chronicles.formatIt(Peer): $it
template remote*(peer: Peer): untyped =
template openStream(node: Eth2Node, peer: Peer, protocolId: string): untyped =
dial(node.switch, peer.info, protocolId)
proc openStream(node: Eth2Node,
peer: Peer,
protocolId: string): Future[Connection] {.async.} =
let protocolId = protocolId & (if peer.lacksSnappy: "ssz" else: "ssz_snappy")
result = await dial(node.switch, peer.info, protocolId)
except CancelledError:
except CatchableError:
# TODO: LibP2P should raise a more specific exception here
if peer.lacksSnappy == false:
peer.lacksSnappy = true
trace "Snappy connection failed. Trying without Snappy",
peer, protocolId
return await openStream(node, peer, protocolId)
func peerId(conn: Connection): PeerID =
# TODO: Can this be `nil`?
@ -262,27 +305,36 @@ proc disconnectAndRaise(peer: Peer,
await peer.disconnect(r)
raisePeerDisconnected(msg, r)
proc encodeErrorMsg(responseCode: ResponseCode, errMsg: string): Bytes =
var s = memoryOutput()
s.write byte(responseCode)
s.writeVarint errMsg.len
s.writeValue SSZ, errMsg
proc writeChunk*(conn: Connection,
responseCode: Option[ResponseCode],
payload: Bytes,
noSnappy: bool) {.async.} =
var output = memoryOutput()
if responseCode.isSome:
output.write byte(responseCode.get)
output.write varintBytes(payload.len.uint64)
if noSnappy:
output.write(framingFormatCompress payload)
await conn.write(output.getOutput)
proc sendErrorResponse(peer: Peer,
conn: Connection,
noSnappy: bool,
responseCode: ResponseCode,
errMsg: string) {.async.} =
debug "Error processing request", peer, responseCode, errMsg
let responseBytes = encodeErrorMsg(ServerError, errMsg)
await conn.write(responseBytes)
await conn.close()
await conn.writeChunk(some responseCode, SSZ.encode(errMsg), noSnappy)
proc sendNotificationMsg(peer: Peer, protocolId: string, requestBytes: Bytes) {.async} =
deadline = sleepAsync RESP_TIMEOUT
protocolId = protocolId & (if peer.supportsSnappy: "ssz_snappy" else: "ssz")
streamFut = peer.network.openStream(peer, protocolId)
await streamFut or deadline
@ -293,42 +345,20 @@ proc sendNotificationMsg(peer: Peer, protocolId: string, requestBytes: Bytes) {.
let stream = streamFut.read
var s = memoryOutput()
s.writeVarint requestBytes.len.uint64
if peer.supportsSnappy:
framing_format_compress(s, requestBytes)
s.write requestBytes
let bytes = s.getOutput
await stream.write(bytes)
await stream.writeChunk(none ResponseCode, requestBytes, peer.lacksSnappy)
await safeClose(stream)
# TODO There is too much duplication in the responder functions, but
# I hope to reduce this when I increse the reliance on output streams.
proc sendResponseChunkBytes(responder: UntypedResponder, payload: Bytes) {.async.} =
var s = memoryOutput()
s.write byte(Success)
s.writeVarint payload.len.uint64
s.write payload
let bytes = s.getOutput
await responder.stream.write(bytes)
await responder.stream.writeChunk(some Success, payload, responder.noSnappy)
proc sendResponseChunkObj(responder: UntypedResponder, val: auto) {.async.} =
var s = memoryOutput()
s.write byte(Success)
s.writeValue SSZ, sizePrefixed(val)
let bytes = s.getOutput
await responder.stream.write(bytes)
await responder.stream.writeChunk(some Success, SSZ.encode(val),
proc sendResponseChunks[T](responder: UntypedResponder, chunks: seq[T]) {.async.} =
var s = memoryOutput()
for chunk in chunks:
s.write byte(Success)
s.writeValue SSZ, sizePrefixed(chunk)
let bytes = s.getOutput
await responder.stream.write(bytes)
await sendResponseChunkObj(responder, chunk)
when useNativeSnappy:
include faststreams_backend
@ -348,36 +378,29 @@ template awaitWithTimeout[T](operation: Future[T],
proc makeEth2Request(peer: Peer, protocolId: string, requestBytes: Bytes,
ResponseMsg: type,
timeout: Duration): Future[Option[ResponseMsg]] {.gcsafe, async.} =
deadline = sleepAsync timeout
protocolId = protocolId & (if peer.supportsSnappy: "ssz_snappy" else: "ssz")
timeout: Duration): Future[NetRes[ResponseMsg]]
{.gcsafe, async.} =
var deadline = sleepAsync timeout
let stream = awaitWithTimeout(peer.network.openStream(peer, protocolId),
deadline): return none(ResponseMsg)
deadline): return neterr StreamOpenTimeout
# Send the request
var s = memoryOutput()
s.writeVarint requestBytes.len.uint64
if peer.supportsSnappy:
framing_format_compress(s, requestBytes)
s.write requestBytes
let bytes = s.getOutput
await stream.write(bytes)
await stream.writeChunk(none ResponseCode, requestBytes, peer.lacksSnappy)
# Read the response
when useNativeSnappy:
return awaitWithTimeout(readResponse(libp2pInput(stream), ResponseMsg),
deadline, none(ResponseMsg))
return await readResponse(stream, ResponseMsg, deadline)
return awaitWithTimeout(
readResponse(when useNativeSnappy: libp2pInput(stream)
else: stream,
deadline, neterr(ReadResponseTimeout))
await safeClose(stream)
proc init*[MsgType](T: type Responder[MsgType],
peer: Peer, conn: Connection): T =
T(UntypedResponder(peer: peer, stream: conn))
peer: Peer, conn: Connection, noSnappy: bool): T =
T(UntypedResponder(peer: peer, stream: conn, noSnappy: noSnappy))
template write*[M](r: var Responder[M], val: auto): auto =
mixin send
@ -451,7 +474,7 @@ proc implementSendProcBody(sendProc: SendProc) =
proc handleIncomingStream(network: Eth2Node,
conn: Connection,
useSnappy: bool,
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: type) {.async, gcsafe.} =
mixin callUserHandler, RecType
@ -469,73 +492,68 @@ proc handleIncomingStream(network: Eth2Node,
let peer = peerFromStream(network, conn)
when useNativeSnappy:
let s = libp2pInput(conn)
if s.timeoutToNextByte(TTFB_TIMEOUT):
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, InvalidRequest,
"Request first byte not sent in time")
template returnInvalidRequest(msg: string) =
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, noSnappy, InvalidRequest, msg)
let s = when useNativeSnappy:
let fs = libp2pInput(conn)
if fs.timeoutToNextByte(TTFB_TIMEOUT):
returnInvalidRequest "Request first byte not sent in time"
# TODO The TTFB timeout is not implemented in LibP2P streams back-end
let deadline = sleepAsync RESP_TIMEOUT
let processingFut = if useSnappy:
readSszValue MsgRec)
s.readSszValue MsgRec
let msg = try:
awaitWithTimeout(readChunkPayload(s, noSnappy, MsgRec), deadline):
returnInvalidRequest "Request full data not sent in time"
await processingFut or deadline
except SerializationError as err:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, InvalidRequest, err.formatMsg("msg"))
returnInvalidRequest err.formatMsg("msg")
except SnappyError as err:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, InvalidRequest, err.msg)
returnInvalidRequest err.msg
if msg.isErr:
let (responseCode, errMsg) = case msg.error.kind
of UnexpectedEOF, PotentiallyExpectedEOF:
(InvalidRequest, "Incomplete request")
of InvalidSnappyBytes:
(InvalidRequest, "Failed to decompress snappy payload")
of InvalidSszBytes:
(InvalidRequest, "Failed to decode SSZ payload")
of ZeroSizePrefix:
(InvalidRequest, "The request chunk cannot have a size of zero")
of SizePrefixOverflow:
(InvalidRequest, "The chunk size exceed the maximum allowed")
of InvalidResponseCode, ReceivedErrorResponse,
StreamOpenTimeout, ReadResponseTimeout:
# These shouldn't be possible in a request, because
# there are no response codes being read, no stream
# openings and no reading of responses:
(ServerError, "Internal server error")
of BrokenConnection:
if not processingFut.finished:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, InvalidRequest,
"Request full data not sent in time")
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, noSnappy, responseCode, errMsg)
logReceivedMsg(peer, MsgType(processingFut.read))
await callUserHandler(peer, conn, processingFut.read)
logReceivedMsg(peer, MsgType(msg.get))
await callUserHandler(peer, conn, noSnappy, msg.get)
except CatchableError as err:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, ServerError, err.msg)
let deadline = sleepAsync RESP_TIMEOUT
var msgBytes = await readMsgBytes(conn, false, deadline)
if msgBytes.len == 0:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, ServerError, readTimeoutErrorMsg)
if useSnappy:
msgBytes = framingFormatUncompress(msgBytes)
var msg: MsgRec
msg = decode(SSZ, msgBytes, MsgRec)
except SerializationError as err:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, InvalidRequest, err.formatMsg("msg"))
except Exception as err:
# TODO. This is temporary code that should be removed after interop.
# It can be enabled only in certain diagnostic builds where it should
# re-raise the exception.
debug "Crash during serialization", inputBytes = toHex(msgBytes), msgName
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, ServerError, err.msg)
raise err
logReceivedMsg(peer, MsgType(msg))
await callUserHandler(peer, conn, msg)
except CatchableError as err:
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, ServerError, err.msg)
await sendErrorResponse(peer, conn, noSnappy, ServerError, err.msg)
except CatchableError as err:
debug "Error processing an incoming request", err = err.msg
@ -720,6 +738,7 @@ proc registerMsg(protocol: ProtocolInfo,
proc p2pProtocolBackendImpl*(p: P2PProtocol): Backend =
Format = ident "SSZ"
Bool = bindSym "bool"
Responder = bindSym "Responder"
Connection = bindSym "Connection"
Peer = bindSym "Peer"
@ -729,6 +748,7 @@ proc p2pProtocolBackendImpl*(p: P2PProtocol): Backend =
msgVar = ident "msg"
networkVar = ident "network"
callUserHandler = ident "callUserHandler"
noSnappyVar = ident "noSnappy"
p.useRequestIds = false
p.useSingleRecordInlining = true
@ -740,6 +760,7 @@ proc p2pProtocolBackendImpl*(p: P2PProtocol): Backend =
result.registerProtocol = bindSym "registerProtocol"
result.setEventHandlers = bindSym "setEventHandlers"
result.SerializationFormat = Format
result.RequestResultsWrapper = ident "NetRes"
result.ResponderType = Responder
result.afterProtocolInit = proc (p: P2PProtocol) =
@ -758,7 +779,8 @@ proc p2pProtocolBackendImpl*(p: P2PProtocol): Backend =
# Request procs need an extra param - the stream where the response
# should be written:
msg.userHandler.params.insert(2, newIdentDefs(streamVar, Connection))
msg.initResponderCall.add streamVar
msg.userHandler.params.insert(3, newIdentdefs(noSnappyVar, Bool))
msg.initResponderCall.add [streamVar, noSnappyVar]
## Implement the Thunk:
@ -775,20 +797,22 @@ proc p2pProtocolBackendImpl*(p: P2PProtocol): Backend =
protocolMounterName = ident(msgName & "_mounter")
userHandlerCall = msg.genUserHandlerCall(msgVar, [peerVar, streamVar])
userHandlerCall = msg.genUserHandlerCall(
msgVar, [peerVar, streamVar, noSnappyVar])
var mounter: NimNode
if msg.userHandler != nil:
protocol.outRecvProcs.add quote do:
template `callUserHandler`(`peerVar`: `Peer`,
`streamVar`: `Connection`,
`noSnappyVar`: bool,
`msgVar`: `MsgRecName`): untyped =
proc `protocolMounterName`(`networkVar`: `Eth2Node`) =
proc sszThunk(`streamVar`: `Connection`,
proto: string): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
return handleIncomingStream(`networkVar`, `streamVar`, false,
return handleIncomingStream(`networkVar`, `streamVar`, true,
mount `networkVar`.switch,
@ -797,7 +821,7 @@ proc p2pProtocolBackendImpl*(p: P2PProtocol): Backend =
proc snappyThunk(`streamVar`: `Connection`,
proto: string): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
return handleIncomingStream(`networkVar`, `streamVar`, true,
return handleIncomingStream(`networkVar`, `streamVar`, false,
mount `networkVar`.switch,

View File

@ -49,70 +49,86 @@ func libp2pInput*(conn: Connection,
buffers: initPageBuffers(pageSize),
conn: conn)
proc readSizePrefix(s: AsyncInputStream, maxSize: uint64): Future[int] {.async.} =
trace "about to read msg size prefix"
var parser: VarintParser[uint64, ProtoBuf]
proc readSizePrefix(s: AsyncInputStream,
maxSize: uint32): Future[NetRes[uint32]] {.async.} =
var parser: VarintParser[uint32, ProtoBuf]
while s.readable:
case parser.feedByte(s.read)
of Done:
let res = parser.getResult
if res > maxSize:
trace "size prefix outside of range", res
return -1
return neterr SizePrefixOverflow
trace "got size prefix", res
return int(res)
return ok res
of Overflow:
trace "size prefix overflow"
return -1
return neterr SizePrefixOverflow
of Incomplete:
proc readSszValue(s: AsyncInputStream, MsgType: type): Future[MsgType] {.async.} =
let size = await s.readSizePrefix(uint64(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE))
if size > 0 and s.readable(size):
return neterr UnexpectedEOF
proc readSszValue(s: AsyncInputStream,
size: int,
MsgType: type): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.async.} =
if s.readable(size):
s.withReadableRange(size, r):
return r.readValue(SSZ, MsgType)
raise newException(CatchableError,
"Failed to read an incoming message size prefix")
return neterr UnexpectedEOF
proc readResponseCode(s: AsyncInputStream): Future[Result[bool, string]] {.async.} =
if s.readable:
let responseCode = s.read
static: assert responseCode.type.low == 0
if responseCode > ResponseCode.high.byte:
return err("Invalid response code")
proc readChunkPayload(s: AsyncInputStream,
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: type): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.async.} =
let prefix = await readSizePrefix(s, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
let size = if prefix.isOk: prefix.value.int
else: return err(prefix.error)
case ResponseCode(responseCode):
if size > 0:
let processingFut = if noSnappy:
readSszValue(s, size, MsgType)
readSszValue(size, MsgType))
return await processingFut
return neterr ZeroSizePrefix
proc readResponseChunk(s: AsyncInputStream,
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: typedesc): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.async.} =
let responseCodeByte = s.read
static: assert ResponseCode.low.ord == 0
if responseCodeByte > ResponseCode.high.byte:
return neterr InvalidResponseCode
let responseCode = ResponseCode responseCodeByte
case responseCode:
of InvalidRequest, ServerError:
return err(await s.readSszValue(string))
let errorMsgChunk = await readChunkPayload(s, noSnappy, string)
let errorMsg = if errorMsgChunk.isOk: errorMsgChunk.value
else: return err(errorMsgChunk.error)
return err Eth2NetworkingError(kind: ReceivedErrorResponse,
responseCode: responseCode,
errorMsg: errorMsg)
of Success:
return ok true
return ok false
proc readChunk(s: AsyncInputStream,
MsgType: typedesc): Future[Option[MsgType]] {.async.} =
let rc = await s.readResponseCode()
if rc.isOk:
if rc[]:
return some(await readSszValue(s, MsgType))
trace "Failed to read response code",
reason = rc.error
return await readChunkPayload(s, noSnappy, MsgType)
proc readResponse(s: AsyncInputStream,
MsgType: type): Future[Option[MsgType]] {.gcsafe, async.} =
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: type): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.gcsafe, async.} =
when MsgType is seq:
type E = ElemType(MsgType)
var results: MsgType
while true:
let nextRes = await s.readChunk(E)
if nextRes.isNone: break
results.add nextRes.get
if results.len > 0:
return some(results)
while s.readable:
results.add(? await s.readResponseChunk(noSnappy, E))
return ok results
return await s.readChunk(MsgType)
if s.readable:
return await s.readResponseChunk(noSnappy, MsgType)
return neterr UnexpectedEOF

View File

@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
# TODO: How can this be tested?
proc uncompressFramedStream*(conn: Connection, output: OutputStream): Future[Result[void, cstring]] {.async.} =
proc uncompressFramedStream*(conn: Connection,
output: OutputStream,
expectedSize: int): Future[Result[void, cstring]]
{.async.} =
var header: array[STREAM_HEADER.len, byte]
await conn.readExactly(addr header[0], header.len)
except LPStreamEOFError:
return err "Unexpected EOF before snappy header"
if header != STREAM_HEADER.toOpenArrayByte(0, STREAM_HEADER.len-1):
if header != STREAM_HEADER.toOpenArrayByte(0, STREAM_HEADER.high):
return err "Incorrect snappy header"
var totalBytesDecompressed = 0
var uncompressedData = newSeq[byte](MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_DATA_LEN)
while true:
while totalBytesDecompressed < expectedSize:
var frameHeader: array[4, byte]
await conn.readExactly(addr frameHeader[0], frameHeader.len)
except LPStreamEOFError:
return ok()
let x = uint32.fromBytesLE frameHeader
let id = x and 0xFF
@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ proc uncompressFramedStream*(conn: Connection, output: OutputStream): Future[Res
crc = uint32.fromBytesLE frameData[0..3]
uncompressedLen = snappyUncompress(frameData.toOpenArray(4, frameData.len - 1), uncompressedData)
uncompressedLen = snappyUncompress(frameData.toOpenArray(4, frameData.high), uncompressedData)
if uncompressedLen <= 0:
return err "Failed to decompress snappy frame"
@ -45,14 +49,18 @@ proc uncompressFramedStream*(conn: Connection, output: OutputStream): Future[Res
if not checkCrcAndAppend(output, uncompressedData.toOpenArray(0, uncompressedLen-1), crc):
return err "Snappy content CRC checksum failed"
totalBytesDecompressed += uncompressedLen
if dataLen < 4:
return err "Snappy frame size too low to contain CRC checksum"
let crc = uint32.fromBytesLE frameData[0..3]
if not checkCrcAndAppend(output, frameData.toOpenArray(4, frameData.len - 1), crc):
if not checkCrcAndAppend(output, frameData.toOpenArray(4, frameData.high), crc):
return err "Snappy content CRC checksum failed"
totalBytesDecompressed += frameData.len - 4
elif id < 0x80:
# Reserved unskippable chunks (chunk types 0x02-0x7f)
# if we encounter this type of chunk, stop decoding
@ -64,125 +72,101 @@ proc uncompressFramedStream*(conn: Connection, output: OutputStream): Future[Res
# including STREAM_HEADER (0xff) should be skipped
proc readChunk(conn: Connection,
MsgType: type,
withResponseCode: bool,
deadline: Future[void]): Future[Option[MsgType]] {.gcsafe.}
return ok()
proc readSizePrefix(conn: Connection,
deadline: Future[void]): Future[int] {.async.} =
maxSize: uint32): Future[NetRes[uint32]] {.async.} =
trace "about to read msg size prefix"
var parser: VarintParser[uint64, ProtoBuf]
var parser: VarintParser[uint32, ProtoBuf]
while true:
var nextByte: byte
var readNextByte = conn.readExactly(addr nextByte, 1)
await readNextByte or deadline
if not readNextByte.finished:
trace "size prefix byte not received in time"
return -1
await conn.readExactly(addr nextByte, 1)
case parser.feedByte(nextByte)
of Done:
let res = parser.getResult
if res > uint64(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE):
trace "size prefix outside of range", res
return -1
if res > maxSize:
return neterr SizePrefixOverflow
trace "got size prefix", res
return int(res)
return ok res
of Overflow:
trace "size prefix overflow"
return -1
return neterr SizePrefixOverflow
of Incomplete:
proc readMsgBytes(conn: Connection,
withResponseCode: bool,
deadline: Future[void]): Future[Bytes] {.async.} =
trace "about to read message bytes", withResponseCode
if withResponseCode:
var responseCode: byte
trace "about to read response code"
var readResponseCode = conn.readExactly(addr responseCode, 1)
await readResponseCode or deadline
except LPStreamEOFError:
trace "end of stream received"
return neterr UnexpectedEOF
if not readResponseCode.finished:
trace "response code not received in time"
proc readChunkPayload(conn: Connection,
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: type): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.async.} =
let prefix = await readSizePrefix(conn, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
let size = if prefix.isOk: prefix.value.int
else: return err(prefix.error)
if responseCode > ResponseCode.high.byte:
trace "invalid response code", responseCode
if size > 0:
if noSnappy:
var bytes = newSeq[byte](size)
await conn.readExactly(addr bytes[0], bytes.len)
return ok SSZ.decode(bytes, MsgType)
var snappyOutput = memoryOutput()
let status = await conn.uncompressFramedStream(snappyOutput, size)
if status.isOk:
var decompressedBytes = snappyOutput.getOutput
if decompressedBytes.len != size:
return neterr InvalidSnappyBytes
return ok SSZ.decode(decompressedBytes, MsgType)
return neterr InvalidSnappyBytes
return neterr ZeroSizePrefix
logScope: responseCode = ResponseCode(responseCode)
trace "got response code"
proc readResponseChunk(conn: Connection,
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: typedesc): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.async.} =
var responseCodeByte: byte
await conn.readExactly(addr responseCodeByte, 1)
except LPStreamEOFError:
return neterr PotentiallyExpectedEOF
case ResponseCode(responseCode)
static: assert ResponseCode.low.ord == 0
if responseCodeByte > ResponseCode.high.byte:
return neterr InvalidResponseCode
let responseCode = ResponseCode responseCodeByte
case responseCode:
of InvalidRequest, ServerError:
let responseErrMsg = await conn.readChunk(string, false, deadline)
debug "P2P request resulted in error", responseErrMsg
let errorMsgChunk = await readChunkPayload(conn, noSnappy, string)
let errorMsg = if errorMsgChunk.isOk: errorMsgChunk.value
else: return err(errorMsgChunk.error)
return err Eth2NetworkingError(kind: ReceivedErrorResponse,
responseCode: responseCode,
errorMsg: errorMsg)
of Success:
# The response is OK, the execution continues below
var sizePrefix = await conn.readSizePrefix(deadline)
trace "got msg size prefix", sizePrefix
return await readChunkPayload(conn, noSnappy, MsgType)
if sizePrefix == -1:
debug "Failed to read an incoming message size prefix", peer = conn.peerId
if sizePrefix == 0:
debug "Received SSZ with zero size", peer = conn.peerId
trace "about to read msg bytes", len = sizePrefix
var msgBytes = newSeq[byte](sizePrefix)
var readBody = conn.readExactly(addr msgBytes[0], sizePrefix)
await readBody or deadline
if not readBody.finished:
trace "msg bytes not received in time"
trace "got message bytes", len = sizePrefix
return msgBytes
except TransportIncompleteError:
return @[]
proc readChunk(conn: Connection,
MsgType: type,
withResponseCode: bool,
deadline: Future[void]): Future[Option[MsgType]] {.gcsafe, async.} =
var msgBytes = await conn.readMsgBytes(withResponseCode, deadline)
if msgBytes.len > 0:
return some SSZ.decode(msgBytes, MsgType)
except SerializationError as err:
debug "Failed to decode a network message",
msgBytes, errMsg = err.formatMsg("<msg>")
proc readResponse(
conn: Connection,
MsgType: type,
deadline: Future[void]): Future[Option[MsgType]] {.gcsafe, async.} =
except LPStreamEOFError:
return neterr UnexpectedEOF
proc readResponse(conn: Connection,
noSnappy: bool,
MsgType: type): Future[NetRes[MsgType]] {.gcsafe, async.} =
when MsgType is seq:
type E = ElemType(MsgType)
var results: MsgType
while true:
let nextRes = await conn.readChunk(E, true, deadline)
if nextRes.isNone: break
results.add nextRes.get
if results.len > 0:
return some(results)
let nextRes = await conn.readResponseChunk(noSnappy, E)
if nextRes.isErr:
if nextRes.error.kind == PotentiallyExpectedEOF:
return ok results
return err nextRes.error
return await conn.readChunk(MsgType, true, deadline)
results.add nextRes.value
return await conn.readResponseChunk(noSnappy, MsgType)

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ proc fetchAncestorBlocksFromPeer(
# blocks starting N positions before this slot number.
let blocks = await peer.beaconBlocksByRoot([rec.root])
if blocks.isSome:
if blocks.isOk:
for b in blocks.get:
except CatchableError as err:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ proc fetchAncestorBlocksFromNetwork(
peer = await network.peerPool.acquire()
let blocks = await peer.beaconBlocksByRoot([rec.root])
if blocks.isSome:
if blocks.isOk:
for b in blocks.get:
except CatchableError as err:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import chronicles
import options, deques, heapqueue, tables, strutils, sequtils
import stew/bitseqs, chronos, chronicles
import spec/datatypes, spec/digest, peer_pool
import spec/datatypes, spec/digest, peer_pool, eth2_network
export datatypes, digest, chronos, chronicles
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ type
queue: SyncQueue
SyncManagerError* = object of CatchableError
OptionBeaconBlocks* = Option[seq[SignedBeaconBlock]]
BeaconBlocksRes* = NetRes[seq[SignedBeaconBlock]]
proc getShortMap*(req: SyncRequest,
data: openarray[SignedBeaconBlock]): string =
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ proc newSyncManager*[A, B](pool: PeerPool[A, B],
proc getBlocks*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B], peer: A,
req: SyncRequest): Future[OptionBeaconBlocks] {.async.} =
req: SyncRequest): Future[BeaconBlocksRes] {.async.} =
mixin beaconBlocksByRange, getScore, `==`
doAssert(not(req.isEmpty()), "Request must not be empty!")
debug "Requesting blocks from peer", peer = peer,
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ proc getBlocks*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B], peer: A,
errMsg = workFut.readError().msg, topics = "syncman"
let res = workFut.read()
if res.isNone():
if res.isErr:
debug "Error, while reading getBlocks response",
peer = peer, slot = req.slot, count = req.count,
step = req.step, topics = "syncman"
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ proc syncWorker*[A, B](man: SyncManager[A, B],
peer_score = peer.getScore(), topics = "syncman"
let blocks = await man.getBlocks(peer, req)
if blocks.isSome():
if blocks.isOk:
let data = blocks.get()
let smap = getShortMap(req, data)
debug "Received blocks on request", blocks_count = len(data),

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ p2pProtocol BeaconSync(version = 1,
# respond in time due to high CPU load in our single thread.
theirStatus = await peer.status(ourStatus, timeout = 60.seconds)
if theirStatus.isSome:
if theirStatus.isOk:
await peer.handleStatus(peer.networkState,
ourStatus, theirStatus.get())
@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ proc updateStatus*(peer: Peer): Future[bool] {.async.} =
result = false
let theirStatus = theirFut.read()
if theirStatus.isSome():
if theirStatus.isOk:
result = true
proc hasInitialStatus*(peer: Peer): bool {.inline.} =

vendor/nim-eth vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b2afb82b9135a37b1c11974b010a648166578024
Subproject commit 67bb54b6a5d6bb29d13fd80eab382cff14a7f341

vendor/nim-snappy vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 20cc8ce1c26e5fbf36e094062dc103440d1c7c6c
Subproject commit b4cd68e27a56dbda2a56d7b90e666b644cfd5be6

vendor/nim-stew vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c500d3dda1f3cb9df0aed8ded83ef58af293cfb1
Subproject commit d0f5be4971ad34d115b9749d9fb69bdd2aecf525