re-add minimal tests, now that const sanity checks gone (#2715)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,316 @@
## Official - SSZ consensus objects [Preset: minimal]
+ Rewards - all_balances_too_low_for_reward [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - duplicate_attestations_at_later_slots [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - empty [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - empty_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_all_correct [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_but_partial_participation [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_but_partial_participation_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_correct_target_incorrect_head [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_correct_target_incorrect_head_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_delay_max_slots [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_delay_one_slot [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_half_correct_target_incorrect_head [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_half_correct_target_incorrect_head_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_half_incorrect_target_correct_head [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_half_incorrect_target_correct_head_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_half_incorrect_target_incorrect_head [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_half_incorrect_target_incorrect_head_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_mixed_delay [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_0 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_1 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_2 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_3 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_five_epoch_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_low_balances_0 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_low_balances_1 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_misc_balances [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - full_random_ten_epoch_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - half_full [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - half_full_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - one_attestation_one_correct [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - one_attestation_one_correct_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - proposer_not_in_attestations [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - quarter_full [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - quarter_full_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - some_very_low_effective_balances_that_attested [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - some_very_low_effective_balances_that_attested_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - some_very_low_effective_balances_that_did_not_attest [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - some_very_low_effective_balances_that_did_not_attest_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - with_exited_validators [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - with_exited_validators_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - with_not_yet_activated_validators [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - with_not_yet_activated_validators_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - with_slashed_validators [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Rewards - with_slashed_validators_leak [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Slots - double_empty_epoch OK
+ Slots - empty_epoch OK
+ Slots - over_epoch_boundary OK
+ Slots - slots_1 OK
+ Slots - slots_2 OK
+ [Invalid] bad_merkle_proof OK
+ [Invalid] wrong_deposit_for_deposit_count OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - double_same_proposer_slashings_same_block OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - double_similar_proposer_slashings_same_bl OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - double_validator_exit_same_block [Preset: OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - duplicate_attester_slashing [Preset: mini OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - expected_deposit_in_block [Preset: minima OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - invalid_block_sig [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - invalid_proposer_index_sig_from_expected_ OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - invalid_proposer_index_sig_from_proposer_ OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - invalid_state_root [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - parent_from_same_slot [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - prev_slot_block_transition [Preset: minim OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - proposal_for_genesis_slot [Preset: minima OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - same_slot_block_transition [Preset: minim OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - slash_and_exit_same_index [Preset: minima OK
+ [Invalid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - zero_block_sig [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Invalid] after_epoch_slots OK
+ [Invalid] all_empty_indices OK
+ [Invalid] att1_bad_extra_index OK
+ [Invalid] att1_bad_replaced_index OK
+ [Invalid] att1_duplicate_index_double_signed OK
+ [Invalid] att1_duplicate_index_normal_signed OK
+ [Invalid] att1_empty_indices OK
+ [Invalid] att1_high_index OK
+ [Invalid] att2_bad_extra_index OK
+ [Invalid] att2_bad_replaced_index OK
+ [Invalid] att2_duplicate_index_double_signed OK
+ [Invalid] att2_duplicate_index_normal_signed OK
+ [Invalid] att2_empty_indices OK
+ [Invalid] att2_high_index OK
+ [Invalid] bad_source_root OK
+ [Invalid] before_inclusion_delay OK
+ [Invalid] correct_after_epoch_delay OK
+ [Invalid] empty_participants_seemingly_valid_sig OK
+ [Invalid] empty_participants_zeroes_sig OK
+ [Invalid] epochs_are_different OK
+ [Invalid] future_target_epoch OK
+ [Invalid] headers_are_same_sigs_are_different OK
+ [Invalid] headers_are_same_sigs_are_same OK
+ [Invalid] incorrect_head_after_epoch_delay OK
+ [Invalid] incorrect_head_and_target_after_epoch_delay OK
+ [Invalid] incorrect_target_after_epoch_delay OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_attestation_signature OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_current_source_root OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_different_proposer_indices OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_index OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_multiple_blocks_single_slot OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_parent_root OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_proposer_index OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_sig_1 OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_sig_1_and_2 OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_sig_1_and_2_swap OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_sig_2 OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_signature OK
+ [Invalid] invalid_slot_block_header OK
+ [Invalid] mismatched_target_and_slot OK
+ [Invalid] new_source_epoch OK
+ [Invalid] no_double_or_surround OK
+ [Invalid] old_source_epoch OK
+ [Invalid] old_target_epoch OK
+ [Invalid] participants_already_slashed OK
+ [Invalid] proposer_is_not_activated OK
+ [Invalid] proposer_is_slashed OK
+ [Invalid] proposer_is_withdrawn OK
+ [Invalid] proposer_slashed OK
+ [Invalid] same_data OK
+ [Invalid] source_root_is_target_root OK
+ [Invalid] too_few_aggregation_bits OK
+ [Invalid] too_many_aggregation_bits OK
+ [Invalid] unsorted_att_1 OK
+ [Invalid] unsorted_att_2 OK
+ [Invalid] validator_already_exited OK
+ [Invalid] validator_exit_in_future OK
+ [Invalid] validator_invalid_validator_index OK
+ [Invalid] validator_not_active OK
+ [Invalid] validator_not_active_long_enough OK
+ [Invalid] wrong_index_for_committee_signature OK
+ [Invalid] wrong_index_for_slot_0 OK
+ [Invalid] wrong_index_for_slot_1 OK
+ [Valid] invalid_sig_new_deposit OK
+ [Valid] invalid_sig_other_version OK
+ [Valid] invalid_sig_top_up OK
+ [Valid] invalid_withdrawal_credentials_top_up OK
+ [Valid] new_deposit_eth1_withdrawal_credentials OK
+ [Valid] new_deposit_max OK
+ [Valid] new_deposit_non_versioned_withdrawal_credentials OK
+ [Valid] new_deposit_over_max OK
+ [Valid] new_deposit_under_max OK
+ [Valid] success_top_up OK
+ [Valid] valid_sig_but_forked_state OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_no_updates_at_genesis [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_rule_1 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_rule_2 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_rule_3 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_rule_4 [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - attestation [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - attester_slashing [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - balance_driven_status_transitions [Preset OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - deposit_in_block [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - deposit_top_up [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - empty_block_transition [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - empty_block_transition_large_validator_se OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - empty_epoch_transition [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - empty_epoch_transition_large_validator_se OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - empty_epoch_transition_not_finalizing [Pr OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - full_random_operations_0 [Preset: minimal OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - full_random_operations_1 [Preset: minimal OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - full_random_operations_2 [Preset: minimal OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - full_random_operations_3 [Preset: minimal OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - high_proposer_index [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - historical_batch [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - multiple_attester_slashings_no_overlap [P OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - multiple_attester_slashings_partial_overl OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - multiple_different_proposer_slashings_sam OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - multiple_different_validator_exits_same_b OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - proposer_after_inactive_index [Preset: mi OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - proposer_self_slashing [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - proposer_slashing [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - skipped_slots [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - slash_and_exit_diff_index [Preset: minima OK
+ [Valid] Official - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] correct_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] correct_min_inclusion_delay OK
+ [Valid] correct_sqrt_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] default_exit_epoch_subsequent_exit OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_head_and_target_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_head_and_target_min_inclusion_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_head_and_target_sqrt_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_head_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_head_min_inclusion_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_head_sqrt_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_target_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_target_min_inclusion_delay OK
+ [Valid] incorrect_target_sqrt_epoch_delay OK
+ [Valid] success OK
+ [Valid] success_already_exited_long_ago OK
+ [Valid] success_already_exited_recent OK
+ [Valid] success_attestation_from_future OK
+ [Valid] success_block_header OK
+ [Valid] success_block_header_from_future OK
+ [Valid] success_double OK
+ [Valid] success_exit_queue OK
+ [Valid] success_low_balances OK
+ [Valid] success_misc_balances OK
+ [Valid] success_multi_proposer_index_iterations OK
+ [Valid] success_previous_epoch OK
+ [Valid] success_proposer_index_slashed OK
+ [Valid] success_slashed_and_proposer_index_the_same OK
+ [Valid] success_surround OK
+ [Valid] success_with_effective_balance_disparity OK
OK: 202/202 Fail: 0/202 Skip: 0/202
## Official - Altair - SSZ consensus objects [Preset: minimal]
+ Testing AggregateAndProof OK
+ Testing Attestation OK
+ Testing AttestationData OK
+ Testing AttesterSlashing OK
+ Testing BeaconBlock OK
+ Testing BeaconBlockBody OK
+ Testing BeaconBlockHeader OK
+ Testing BeaconState OK
+ Testing Checkpoint OK
+ Testing ContributionAndProof OK
+ Testing Deposit OK
+ Testing DepositData OK
+ Testing DepositMessage OK
+ Testing Eth1Block OK
+ Testing Eth1Data OK
+ Testing Fork OK
+ Testing ForkData OK
+ Testing HistoricalBatch OK
+ Testing IndexedAttestation OK
+ Testing LightClientSnapshot OK
+ Testing LightClientUpdate OK
+ Testing PendingAttestation OK
+ Testing ProposerSlashing OK
+ Testing SignedAggregateAndProof OK
+ Testing SignedBeaconBlock OK
+ Testing SignedBeaconBlockHeader OK
+ Testing SignedContributionAndProof OK
+ Testing SignedVoluntaryExit OK
+ Testing SigningData OK
+ Testing SyncAggregate OK
+ Testing SyncAggregatorSelectionData OK
+ Testing SyncCommittee OK
+ Testing SyncCommitteeContribution OK
+ Testing SyncCommitteeMessage OK
+ Testing Validator OK
+ Testing VoluntaryExit OK
OK: 36/36 Fail: 0/36 Skip: 0/36
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Effective balance updates [Preset: minimal]
+ Effective balance updates - effective_balance_hysteresis [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Eth1 data reset [Preset: minimal]
+ Eth1 data reset - eth1_vote_no_reset [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Eth1 data reset - eth1_vote_reset [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 2/2 Fail: 0/2 Skip: 0/2
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Historical roots update [Preset: minimal]
+ Historical roots update - historical_root_accumulator [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Justification & Finalization [Preset: minimal]
+ Justification & Finalization - 123_ok_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 123_poor_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 12_ok_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 12_ok_support_messed_target [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 12_poor_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 234_ok_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 234_poor_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 23_ok_support [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Justification & Finalization - 23_poor_support [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 9/9 Fail: 0/9 Skip: 0/9
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Participation record updates [Preset: minimal]
+ Participation record updates - updated_participation_record [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - RANDAO mixes reset [Preset: minimal]
+ RANDAO mixes reset - updated_randao_mixes [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Registry updates [Preset: minimal]
+ Registry updates - activation_queue_activation_and_ejection [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - activation_queue_efficiency [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - activation_queue_no_activation_no_finality [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - activation_queue_sorting [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - activation_queue_to_activated_if_finalized [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - add_to_activation_queue [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - ejection [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Registry updates - ejection_past_churn_limit [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 8/8 Fail: 0/8 Skip: 0/8
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Slashings [Preset: minimal]
+ Slashings - low_penalty [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Slashings - max_penalties [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Slashings - minimal_penalty [Preset: minimal] OK
+ Slashings - scaled_penalties [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 4/4 Fail: 0/4 Skip: 0/4
## Official - Phase 0 - Epoch Processing - Slashings reset [Preset: minimal]
+ Slashings reset - flush_slashings [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 1/1 Fail: 0/1 Skip: 0/1
## Official - Phase 0 - SSZ consensus objects [Preset: minimal]
+ Testing AggregateAndProof OK
+ Testing AggregateAndProof OK
+ Testing Attestation OK
+ Testing Attestation OK
@ -33,4 +343,4 @@ FixtureSSZConsensus-minimal
OK: 27/27 Fail: 0/27 Skip: 0/27
OK: 27/27 Fail: 0/27 Skip: 0/27
OK: 27/27 Fail: 0/27 Skip: 0/27
OK: 293/293 Fail: 0/293 Skip: 0/293
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ libbacktrace:
test_fixture_ssz_generic_types \
test_fixture_ssz_generic_types \
all_fixtures_require_ssz \
all_fixtures_require_ssz \
all_fixtures_require_ssz_minimal \
test_official_interchange_vectors \
test_official_interchange_vectors \
all_tests \
all_tests \
@ -181,6 +182,14 @@ all_fixtures_require_ssz: | build deps
$(NIM_PARAMS) -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE -d:const_preset=mainnet -d:chronicles_sinks="json[file]" && \
$(NIM_PARAMS) -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE -d:const_preset=mainnet -d:chronicles_sinks="json[file]" && \
echo -e $(BUILD_END_MSG) "build/$@"
echo -e $(BUILD_END_MSG) "build/$@"
all_fixtures_require_ssz_minimal: | build deps
+ echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
MAKE="$(MAKE)" V="$(V)" $(ENV_SCRIPT) scripts/ \
$@ \
"tests/official/all_fixtures_require_ssz.nim" \
$(NIM_PARAMS) -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE -d:const_preset=minimal -d:chronicles_sinks="json[file]" && \
echo -e $(BUILD_END_MSG) "build/$@"
# EIP-3076 - Slashing interchange
# EIP-3076 - Slashing interchange
test_official_interchange_vectors: | build deps
test_official_interchange_vectors: | build deps
+ echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
+ echo -e $(BUILD_MSG) "build/$@" && \
@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ proc runTest(identifier: string) =
`testImpl _ fork _ identifier`()
`testImpl _ fork _ identifier`()
suite "Official - Altair - Fork " & preset():
suite "Official - Altair - Fork " & preset():
# TODO investigate and fix in miminal presets
when const_preset == "mainnet":
for kind, path in walkDir(OpForkDir, relative = true, checkDir = true):
for kind, path in walkDir(OpForkDir, relative = true, checkDir = true):
@ -86,5 +86,7 @@ proc runTest(testName, testDir, unitTestName: string) =
`testImpl _ blck _ testName`()
`testImpl _ blck _ testName`()
suite "Official - Altair - Transition " & preset():
suite "Official - Altair - Transition " & preset():
# TODO investigate why this isn't working in minimal preset
when const_preset == "mainnet":
for kind, path in walkDir(TransitionDir, relative = true, checkDir = true):
for kind, path in walkDir(TransitionDir, relative = true, checkDir = true):
runTest("Official - Altair - Transition", TransitionDir, path)
runTest("Official - Altair - Transition", TransitionDir, path)
Reference in New Issue