fix quarantine

This commit is contained in:
Agnish Ghosh 2024-10-03 01:39:18 +05:30
parent 2fb732a9f7
commit 52e8249e82

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@ -640,14 +640,25 @@ proc storeBlock(
# TODO with v1.4.0, not sure this is still relevant
# Establish blob viability before calling addHeadBlock to avoid
# writing the block in case of blob error.
# when typeof(signedBlock).kind >= ConsensusFork.Deneb:
# if dataColumnsOpt.isSome:
# let data_columns = dataColumnsOpt.get()
# let kzgCommits = signedBlock.message.body.blob_kzg_commitments.asSeq
# debugEcho "Hitting verification"
# if data_columns.len == 0 or kzgCommits.len == 0:
# debugEcho "Hitting verification 2"
# return err((VerifierError.Invalid, ProcessingStatus.completed))
when typeof(signedBlock).kind >= ConsensusFork.Deneb:
if dataColumnsOpt.isSome:
let data_columns = dataColumnsOpt.get()
debugEcho "dc len"
debugEcho data_columns.len
let kzgCommits = signedBlock.message.body.blob_kzg_commitments.asSeq
debugEcho "Hitting verification"
if data_columns.len > 0 and kzgCommits.len > 0:
for i in 0..<data_columns.len:
debugEcho "Verifying dc kzg proof store block"
let r = verify_data_column_sidecar_kzg_proofs(data_columns[i][])
if r.isErr():
debug "backfill data column validation failed",
blockRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.root),
column_sidecar = shortLog(data_columns[i][]),
blck = shortLog(signedBlock.message),
signature = shortLog(signedBlock.signature),
msg = r.error()
return err((VerifierError.Invalid, ProcessingStatus.completed))
type Trusted = typeof signedBlock.asTrusted()