rebase/add: rebased kzgpeerdas to wip-peerdas, no conflicts with unstable

This commit is contained in:
Agnish Ghosh 2024-05-28 13:59:31 +05:30
parent eb0e40a5f0
commit 4c390323d3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7E927C221EBA4F6E
1 changed files with 144 additions and 709 deletions

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@ -10,648 +10,20 @@
# Uncategorized helper functions from the spec
./[beacon_time, crypto],
./datatypes/[eip7594, deneb]
#### `cell_to_coset_evals`
# proc cell_to_coset_evals(cell: Cell): CosetEvals =
# discard """
# Convert an untrusted ``Cell`` into a trusted ``CosetEvals``.
# """
# # evals = []
# # for i in range(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL):
# # end = (i + 1) * BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT
# # value = bytes_to_bls_field(cell[start:end])
# # evals.append(value)
# # return CosetEvals(evals)
# #### `coset_evals_to_cell`
# proc coset_evals_to_cell(coset_evals: CosetEvals): Cell =
# discard """
# Convert a trusted ``CosetEval`` into an untrusted ``Cell``.
# """
# # cell = []
# # for i in range(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL):
# # cell += bls_field_to_bytes(coset_evals[i])
# # return Cell(cell)
# ### Linear combinations
# #### `g2_lincomb`
# proc g2_lincomb(points: openArray[G2Point], scalars: seq[BLSFieldElement]): Bytes96 =
# discard """
# BLS multiscalar multiplication in G2. This can be naively implemented using double-and-add.
# """
# # assert len(points) == len(scalars)
# # if len(points) == 0:
# # return bls.G2_to_bytes96(bls.Z2())
# # points_g2 = []
# # for point in points:
# # points_g2.append(bls.bytes96_to_G2(point))
# # result = bls.multi_exp(points_g2, scalars)
# # return Bytes96(bls.G2_to_bytes96(result))
# ### FFTs
# #### `_fft_field`
# proc xfft_field(vals: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# roots_of_unity: openArray[BLSFieldElement]): seq[BLSFieldElement] =
# # if len(vals) == 1:
# # return vals
# # L = _fft_field(vals[::2], roots_of_unity[::2])
# # R = _fft_field(vals[1::2], roots_of_unity[::2])
# # o = [BLSFieldElement(0) for _ in vals]
# # for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(L, R)):
# # y_times_root = (int(y) * int(roots_of_unity[i])) % BLS_MODULUS
# # o[i] = BLSFieldElement((int(x) + y_times_root) % BLS_MODULUS)
# # o[i + len(L)] = BLSFieldElement((int(x) - y_times_root + BLS_MODULUS) % BLS_MODULUS)
# # return o
# discard
# #### `fft_field`
# proc fft_field(vals: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# roots_of_unity: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# inv: bool=false): openArray[BLSFieldElement] =
# # if inv:
# # # Inverse FFT
# # invlen = pow(len(vals), BLS_MODULUS - 2, BLS_MODULUS)
# # return [BLSFieldElement((int(x) * invlen) % BLS_MODULUS)
# # for x in xfft_field(vals, list(roots_of_unity[0:1]) + list(roots_of_unity[:0:-1]))]
# # else:
# # # Regular FFT
# # return xfft_field(vals, roots_of_unity)
# discard
# ### Polynomials in coefficient form
# #### `polynomial_eval_to_coeff`
# proc polynomial_eval_to_coeff(polynomial: Polynomial): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Interpolates a polynomial (given in evaluation form) to a polynomial in coefficient form.
# """
# # let roots_of_unity = compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB)
# # let polynomial_coeff = fft_field(bit_reversal_permutation(list(polynomial)), roots_of_unity, inv=True)
# # return polynomial_coeff
# discard
# #### `add_polynomialcoeff`
# proc add_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff, b: PolynomialCoeff): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Sum the coefficient form polynomials ``a`` and ``b``.
# """
# # a, b = (a, b) if len(a) >= len(b) else (b, a)
# # length_a = len(a)
# # length_b = len(b)
# # return [(a[i] + (b[i] if i < length_b else 0)) % BLS_MODULUS for i in range(length_a)]
# discard
# #### `neg_polynomialcoeff`
# proc neg_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Negative of coefficient form polynomial ``a``
# """
# # return [(BLS_MODULUS - x) % BLS_MODULUS for x in a]
# discard
# #### `multiply_polynomialcoeff`
# proc multiply_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff, b: PolynomialCoeff): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Multiplies the coefficient form polynomials ``a`` and ``b``
# """
# # assert len(a) + len(b) <= FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # r = [0]
# # for power, coef in enumerate(a):
# # summand = [0] * power + [int(coef) * int(x) % BLS_MODULUS for x in b]
# # r = add_polynomialcoeff(r, summand)
# # return r
# discard
# #### `divide_polynomialcoeff`
# proc divide_polynomialcoeff(a: PolynomialCoeff, b: PolynomialCoeff): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Long polynomial division for two coefficient form polynomials ``a`` and ``b``
# """
# # a = a.copy() # Make a copy since `a` is passed by reference
# # o: List[BLSFieldElement] = []
# # apos = len(a) - 1
# # bpos = len(b) - 1
# # diff = apos - bpos
# # while diff >= 0:
# # quot = div(a[apos], b[bpos])
# # o.insert(0, quot)
# # for i in range(bpos, -1, -1):
# # a[diff + i] = (int(a[diff + i]) - int(b[i] + BLS_MODULUS) * int(quot)) % BLS_MODULUS
# # apos -= 1
# # diff -= 1
# # return [x % BLS_MODULUS for x in o]
# discard
# #### `shift_polynomialcoeff`
# proc shift_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff: PolynomialCoeff, factor: BLSFieldElement): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Shift the evaluation of a polynomial in coefficient form by factor.
# This results in a new polynomial g(x) = f(factor * x)
# """
# # factor_power = 1
# # inv_factor = pow(int(factor), BLS_MODULUS - 2, BLS_MODULUS)
# # o = []
# # for p in polynomial_coeff:
# # o.append(int(p) * factor_power % BLS_MODULUS)
# # factor_power = factor_power * inv_factor % BLS_MODULUS
# # return o
# discard
# #### `interpolate_polynomialcoeff`
# proc interpolate_polynomialcoeff(xs: openArray[BLSFieldElement], ys: openArray[BLSFieldElement]): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Lagrange interpolation: Finds the lowest degree polynomial that takes the value ``ys[i]`` at ``x[i]``
# for all i.
# Outputs a coefficient form polynomial. Leading coefficients may be zero.
# """
# # assert len(xs) == len(ys)
# # r = [0]
# # for i in range(len(xs)):
# # summand = [ys[i]]
# # for j in range(len(ys)):
# # if j != i:
# # weight_adjustment = bls_modular_inverse(int(xs[i]) - int(xs[j]))
# # summand = multiply_polynomialcoeff(
# # summand, [((BLS_MODULUS - int(weight_adjustment)) * int(xs[j])) % BLS_MODULUS, weight_adjustment]
# # )
# # r = add_polynomialcoeff(r, summand)
# # return r
# discard
# #### `vanishing_polynomialcoeff`
# proc vanishing_polynomialcoeff(xs: openArray[BLSFieldElement]): PolynomialCoeff =
# discard """
# Compute the vanishing polynomial on ``xs`` (in coefficient form)
# """
# # p = [1]
# # for x in xs:
# # p = multiply_polynomialcoeff(p, [-int(x) + BLS_MODULUS, 1])
# # return p
# discard
# #### `evaluate_polynomialcoeff`
# proc evaluate_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff: PolynomialCoeff, z: BLSFieldElement): BLSFieldElement =
# discard """
# Evaluate a coefficient form polynomial at ``z`` using Horner's schema
# """
# # y = 0
# # for coef in polynomial_coeff[::-1]:
# # y = (int(y) * int(z) + int(coef)) % BLS_MODULUS
# # return BLSFieldElement(y % BLS_MODULUS)
# discard
# ### KZG multiproofs
# # Extended KZG functions for multiproofs
# #### `compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl`
# proc compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl(
# polynomial_coeff: PolynomialCoeff,
# zs: Coset): (KzgProof, CosetEvals) =
# discard """
# Compute a KZG multi-evaluation proof for a set of `k` points.
# This is done by committing to the following quotient polynomial:
# Q(X) = f(X) - I(X) / Z(X)
# Where:
# - I(X) is the degree `k-1` polynomial that agrees with f(x) at all `k` points
# - Z(X) is the degree `k` polynomial that evaluates to zero on all `k` points
# We further note that since the degree of I(X) is less than the degree of Z(X),
# the computation can be simplified in monomial form to Q(X) = f(X) / Z(X)
# """
# # # For all points, compute the evaluation of those points
# # ys = [evaluate_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff, z) for z in zs]
# # # Compute Z(X)
# # denominator_poly = vanishing_polynomialcoeff(zs)
# # # Compute the quotient polynomial directly in monomial form
# # quotient_polynomial = divide_polynomialcoeff(polynomial_coeff, denominator_poly)
# # return KZGProof(g1_lincomb(KZG_SETUP_G1_MONOMIAL[:len(quotient_polynomial)], quotient_polynomial)), ys
# discard
# #### `verify_kzg_proof_multi_impl`
# proc verify_kzg_proof_multi_impl(commitment: KzgCommitment,
# zs: Coset,
# ys: CosetEvals,
# proof: KZGProof): bool =
# discard """
# Verify a KZG multi-evaluation proof for a set of `k` points.
# This is done by checking if the following equation holds:
# Q(x) Z(x) = f(X) - I(X)
# Where:
# f(X) is the polynomial that we want to verify opens at `k` points to `k` values
# Q(X) is the quotient polynomial computed by the prover
# I(X) is the degree k-1 polynomial that evaluates to `ys` at all `zs`` points
# Z(X) is the polynomial that evaluates to zero on all `k` points
# The verifier receives the commitments to Q(X) and f(X), so they check the equation
# holds by using the following pairing equation:
# e([Q(X)]_1, [Z(X)]_2) == e([f(X)]_1 - [I(X)]_1, [1]_2)
# """
# # assert len(zs) == len(ys)
# # # Compute [Z(X)]_2
# # zero_poly = g2_lincomb(KZG_SETUP_G2_MONOMIAL[:len(zs) + 1], vanishing_polynomialcoeff(zs))
# # # Compute [I(X)]_1
# # interpolated_poly = g1_lincomb(KZG_SETUP_G1_MONOMIAL[:len(zs)], interpolate_polynomialcoeff(zs, ys))
# # return (bls.pairing_check([
# # [bls.bytes48_to_G1(proof), bls.bytes96_to_G2(zero_poly)],
# # [
# # bls.add(bls.bytes48_to_G1(commitment), bls.neg(bls.bytes48_to_G1(interpolated_poly))),
# # bls.neg(bls.bytes96_to_G2(KZG_SETUP_G2_MONOMIAL[0])),
# # ],
# # ]))
# ### Cell cosets
# #### `coset_for_cell`
# proc coset_for_cell(cell_id: CellID): Coset =
# discard """
# Get the coset for a given ``cell_id``
# """
# # assert cell_id < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # roots_of_unity_brp = bit_reversal_permutation(
# # compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB)
# # )
# # return Coset(roots_of_unity_brp[FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * cell_id:FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL * (cell_id + 1)])
# ## Cells
# ### Cell computation
# #### `compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs`
# proc compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs(blob: Blob): Tuple[
# Vector[Cell, CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB],
# Vector[KZGProof, CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB]] =
# discard """
# Compute all the cell proofs for an extended blob. This is an inefficient O(n^2) algorithm,
# for performant implementation the FK20 algorithm that runs in O(n log n) should be
# used instead.
# Public method.
# """
# # assert len(blob) == BYTES_PER_BLOB
# # polynomial = blob_to_polynomial(blob)
# # polynomial_coeff = polynomial_eval_to_coeff(polynomial)
# # cells = []
# # proofs = []
# # for i in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB):
# # coset = coset_for_cell(CellID(i))
# # proof, ys = compute_kzg_proof_multi_impl(polynomial_coeff, coset)
# # cells.append(coset_evals_to_cell(ys))
# # proofs.append(proof)
# # return cells, proofs
# #### `compute_cells`
# proc compute_cells(blob: Blob): array[CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB, Cell]:
# discard """
# Compute the cell data for an extended blob (without computing the proofs).
# Public method.
# """
# # assert len(blob) == BYTES_PER_BLOB
# # polynomial = blob_to_polynomial(blob)
# # polynomial_coeff = polynomial_eval_to_coeff(polynomial)
# # extended_data = fft_field(polynomial_coeff + [0] * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB,
# # compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB))
# # extended_data_rbo = bit_reversal_permutation(extended_data)
# # cells = []
# # for cell_id in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB):
# # start = cell_id * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # end = (cell_id + 1) * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # cells.append(coset_evals_to_cell(CosetEvals(extended_data_rbo[start:end])))
# # return cells
# ### Cell verification
# #### `verify_cell_kzg_proof`
# proc verify_cell_kzg_proof(commitment_bytes: Bytes48,
# cell_id: CellID,
# cell: Cell,
# proof_bytes: Bytes48): bool =
# discard """
# Check a cell proof
# Public method.
# """
# # assert len(commitment_bytes) == BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT
# # assert cell_id < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # assert len(cell) == BYTES_PER_CELL
# # assert len(proof_bytes) == BYTES_PER_PROOF
# # coset = coset_for_cell(cell_id)
# # return verify_kzg_proof_multi_impl(
# # bytes_to_kzg_commitment(commitment_bytes),
# # coset,
# # cell_to_coset_evals(cell),
# # bytes_to_kzg_proof(proof_bytes))
# #### `verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch`
# proc verify_cell_kzg_proof_batch(row_commitments_bytes: openArray[Bytes48],
# row_indices: openArray[RowIndex],
# column_indices: openArray[ColumnIndex],
# cells: openArray[Cell],
# proofs_bytes: openArray[Bytes48]): bool =
# discard """
# Verify a set of cells, given their corresponding proofs and their coordinates (row_id, column_id) in the blob
# matrix. The list of all commitments is also provided in row_commitments_bytes.
# This function implements the naive algorithm of checking every cell
# individually; an efficient algorithm can be found here:
# This implementation does not require randomness, but for the algorithm that
# requires it, `RANDOM_CHALLENGE_KZG_CELL_BATCH_DOMAIN` should be used to compute
# the challenge value.
# Public method.
# """
# # assert len(cells) == len(proofs_bytes) == len(row_indices) == len(column_indices)
# # for commitment_bytes in row_commitments_bytes:
# # assert len(commitment_bytes) == BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT
# # for row_index in row_indices:
# # assert row_index < len(row_commitments_bytes)
# # for column_index in column_indices:
# # assert column_index < CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # for cell in cells:
# # assert len(cell) == BYTES_PER_CELL
# # for proof_bytes in proofs_bytes:
# # assert len(proof_bytes) == BYTES_PER_PROOF
# # # Get commitments via row IDs
# # commitments_bytes = [row_commitments_bytes[row_index] for row_index in row_indices]
# # # Get objects from bytes
# # commitments = [bytes_to_kzg_commitment(commitment_bytes) for commitment_bytes in commitments_bytes]
# # cosets_evals = [cell_to_coset_evals(cell) for cell in cells]
# # proofs = [bytes_to_kzg_proof(proof_bytes) for proof_bytes in proofs_bytes]
# # return all(
# # verify_kzg_proof_multi_impl(commitment, coset_for_cell(column_index), coset_evals, proof)
# # for commitment, column_index, coset_evals, proof in zip(commitments, column_indices, cosets_evals, proofs)
# # )
# ## Reconstruction
# ### `construct_vanishing_polynomial`
# proc construct_vanishing_polynomial(missing_cell_ids: openArray[CellID]) -> tuple[
# seq[BLSFieldElement],
# seq[BLSFieldElement]]:
# discard """
# Given the cells that are missing from the data, compute the polynomial that vanishes at every point that
# corresponds to a missing field element.
# """
# # # Get the small domain
# # roots_of_unity_reduced = compute_roots_of_unity(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB)
# # # Compute polynomial that vanishes at all the missing cells (over the small domain)
# # short_zero_poly = vanishing_polynomialcoeff([
# # roots_of_unity_reduced[reverse_bits(missing_cell_id, CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB)]
# # for missing_cell_id in missing_cell_ids
# # ])
# # # Extend vanishing polynomial to full domain using the closed form of the vanishing polynomial over a coset
# # zero_poly_coeff = [BLSFieldElement(0)] * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # for i, coeff in enumerate(short_zero_poly):
# # zero_poly_coeff[i * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL] = coeff
# # # Compute evaluations of the extended vanishing polynomial
# # zero_poly_eval = fft_field(zero_poly_coeff,
# # compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB))
# # zero_poly_eval_brp = bit_reversal_permutation(zero_poly_eval)
# # # Sanity check
# # for cell_id in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB):
# # start = cell_id * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # end = (cell_id + 1) * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # if cell_id in missing_cell_ids:
# # assert all(a == 0 for a in zero_poly_eval_brp[start:end])
# # else: # cell_id in cell_ids
# # assert all(a != 0 for a in zero_poly_eval_brp[start:end])
# # return zero_poly_coeff, zero_poly_eval
# ### `recover_shifted_data`
# proc recover_shifted_data(cell_ids: openArray[CellID],
# cells: openArray[Cell],
# zero_poly_eval: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# zero_poly_coeff: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# roots_of_unity_extended: openArray[BLSFieldElement]): tuple[
# seq[BLSFieldElement],
# seq[BLSFieldElement],
# BLSFieldElement] =
# discard """
# Given Z(x), return polynomial Q_1(x)=(E*Z)(k*x) and Q_2(x)=Z(k*x) and k^{-1}.
# """
# # shift_factor = BLSFieldElement(PRIMITIVE_ROOT_OF_UNITY)
# # shift_inv = div(BLSFieldElement(1), shift_factor)
# # extended_evaluation_rbo = [0] * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # for cell_id, cell in zip(cell_ids, cells):
# # start = cell_id * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # end = (cell_id + 1) * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # extended_evaluation_rbo[start:end] = cell
# # extended_evaluation = bit_reversal_permutation(extended_evaluation_rbo)
# # # Compute (E*Z)(x)
# # extended_evaluation_times_zero = [BLSFieldElement(int(a) * int(b) % BLS_MODULUS)
# # for a, b in zip(zero_poly_eval, extended_evaluation)]
# # extended_evaluations_fft = fft_field(extended_evaluation_times_zero, roots_of_unity_extended, inv=True)
# # # Compute (E*Z)(k*x)
# # shifted_extended_evaluation = shift_polynomialcoeff(extended_evaluations_fft, shift_factor)
# # # Compute Z(k*x)
# # shifted_zero_poly = shift_polynomialcoeff(zero_poly_coeff, shift_factor)
# # eval_shifted_extended_evaluation = fft_field(shifted_extended_evaluation, roots_of_unity_extended)
# # eval_shifted_zero_poly = fft_field(shifted_zero_poly, roots_of_unity_extended)
# # return eval_shifted_extended_evaluation, eval_shifted_zero_poly, shift_inv
# ### `recover_original_data`
# proc recover_original_data(eval_shifted_extended_evaluation: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# eval_shifted_zero_poly: openArray[BLSFieldElement],
# shift_inv: BLSFieldElement,
# roots_of_unity_extended: openArray[BLSFieldElement]): seq[BLSFieldElement] =
# discard """
# Given Q_1, Q_2 and k^{-1}, compute P(x).
# """
# # # Compute Q_3 = Q_1(x)/Q_2(x) = P(k*x)
# # eval_shifted_reconstructed_poly = [
# # div(a, b)
# # for a, b in zip(eval_shifted_extended_evaluation, eval_shifted_zero_poly)
# # ]
# # shifted_reconstructed_poly = fft_field(eval_shifted_reconstructed_poly, roots_of_unity_extended, inv=True)
# # # Unshift P(k*x) by k^{-1} to get P(x)
# # reconstructed_poly = shift_polynomialcoeff(shifted_reconstructed_poly, shift_inv)
# # reconstructed_data = bit_reversal_permutation(fft_field(reconstructed_poly, roots_of_unity_extended))
# # return reconstructed_data
# ### `recover_all_cells`
# proc recover_all_cells(cell_ids: openArray[CellID], cells: openArray[Cell]): openArray[Cell] =
# discard """
# Recover all of the cells in the extended blob from FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB evaluations,
# half of which can be missing.
# This algorithm uses FFTs to recover cells faster than using Lagrange implementation, as can be seen here:
# A faster version thanks to Qi Zhou can be found here:
# Public method.
# """
# # assert len(cell_ids) == len(cells)
# # # Check we have enough cells to be able to perform the reconstruction
# # assert CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB / 2 <= len(cell_ids) <= CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB
# # # Check for duplicates
# # assert len(cell_ids) == len(set(cell_ids))
# # # Check that each cell is the correct length
# # for cell in cells:
# # assert len(cell) == BYTES_PER_CELL
# # # Get the extended domain
# # roots_of_unity_extended = compute_roots_of_unity(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_EXT_BLOB)
# # # Convert cells to coset evals
# # cosets_evals = [cell_to_coset_evals(cell) for cell in cells]
# # missing_cell_ids = [CellID(cell_id) for cell_id in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB) if cell_id not in cell_ids]
# # zero_poly_coeff, zero_poly_eval = construct_vanishing_polynomial(missing_cell_ids)
# # eval_shifted_extended_evaluation, eval_shifted_zero_poly, shift_inv = recover_shifted_data(
# # cell_ids,
# # cosets_evals,
# # zero_poly_eval,
# # zero_poly_coeff,
# # roots_of_unity_extended,
# # )
# # reconstructed_data = recover_original_data(
# # eval_shifted_extended_evaluation,
# # eval_shifted_zero_poly,
# # shift_inv,
# # roots_of_unity_extended,
# # )
# # for cell_id, coset_evals in zip(cell_ids, cosets_evals):
# # start = cell_id * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # end = (cell_id + 1) * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL
# # assert reconstructed_data[start:end] == coset_evals
# # reconstructed_data_as_cells = [
# # coset_evals_to_cell(reconstructed_data[i * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL:(i + 1) * FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_CELL])
# # for i in range(CELLS_PER_EXT_BLOB)]
# # return reconstructed_data_as_cells
# #### `get_custody_columns`
proc sortedColumnIndices*(columnsPerSubnet: ColumnIndex, subnetIds: HashSet[uint64]): seq[ColumnIndex] =
var res: seq[ColumnIndex] = @[]
for i in 0 ..< columnsPerSubnet:
@ -663,101 +35,164 @@ proc sortedColumnIndices*(columnsPerSubnet: ColumnIndex, subnetIds: HashSet[uint
proc get_custody_columns*(node_id: NodeId, custody_subnet_count: uint64): Result[seq[ColumnIndex], cstring] =
# assert custody_subnet_count <= DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT
if not (custody_subnet_count <= DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT):
return err("Eip7594: Custody subnet count exceeds the DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT")
# assert custody_subnet_count <= DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT
if not (custody_subnet_count <= DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT):
return err("Eip7594: Custody subnet count exceeds the DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT")
var subnet_ids: HashSet[uint64]
var current_id = node_id
var subnet_ids: HashSet[uint64]
var current_id = node_id
while subnet_ids.len < int(custody_subnet_count):
while subnet_ids.len < int(custody_subnet_count):
# var subnet_id_bytes: seq[byte]
let subnet_id_bytes = eth2digest(current_id.toBytesLE().toOpenArray(0,8))
var subnet_id = bytes_to_uint64( mod DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT
# var subnet_id_bytes: seq[byte]
let subnet_id_bytes = eth2digest(current_id.toBytesLE().toOpenArray(0,8))
var subnet_id = bytes_to_uint64( mod DATA_COLUMN_SIDECAR_SUBNET_COUNT
if subnet_id notin subnet_ids:
if subnet_id notin subnet_ids:
if current_id == UInt256.high.NodeId:
# Overflow prevention
current_id = NodeId(StUint[256].zero)
current_id += NodeId(StUint[256].one)
if current_id == UInt256.high.NodeId:
# Overflow prevention
current_id = NodeId(StUint[256].zero)
current_id += NodeId(StUint[256].one)
# assert len(subnet_ids) == len(set(subnet_ids))
if not (subnet_ids.len == subnet_ids.len):
return err("Eip7594: Subnet ids are not unique")
# assert len(subnet_ids) == len(set(subnet_ids))
if not (subnet_ids.len == subnet_ids.len):
return err("Eip7594: Subnet ids are not unique")
ok(sortedColumnIndices(ColumnIndex(columns_per_subnet), subnet_ids))
ok(sortedColumnIndices(ColumnIndex(columns_per_subnet), subnet_ids))
# #### `compute_extended_matrix`
proc compute_extended_matrix* (blobs: seq[KzgBlob]): Result[ExtendedMatrix, cstring] =
# This helper demonstrates the relationship between blobs and `ExtendedMatrix`
var extended_matrix: ExtendedMatrix
for blob in blobs:
let computed_cell = computeCellsAndKzgProofs(blob)
discard extended_matrix.add(computed_cell)
proc recover_matrix*(cells_dict: Table[(BlobIndex, CellID), Cell], blobCount: uint64): Result[ExtendedMatrix, cstring] =
# This helper demonstrates how to apply recover_all_cells
# The data structure for storing cells is implementation-dependent
# proc compute_extended_matrix(blobs: openArray[Blob]): ExtendedMatrix =
# discard """
# Return the full ``ExtendedMatrix``.
var extended_matrix: ExtendedMatrix
# This helper demonstrates the relationship between blobs and ``ExtendedMatrix``.
# The data structure for storing cells is implementation-dependent.
# """
# # extended_matrix = []
# # for blob in blobs:
# # extended_matrix.extend(compute_cells(blob))
# # return ExtendedMatrix(extended_matrix)
for blobIndex in 0'u64..<blobCount:
var cellIds: seq[CellID] = @[]
var blIdx: BlobIndex
var cellId: CellID
let key = (blIdx, cellId)
for key, cell in pairs(cells_dict):
if blIdx == blobIndex:
# #### `recover_matrix`
var cells: seq[Cell] = @[]
for cellId in cellIds:
var interim_key = (BlobIndex(blobIndex), cellId)
if cells_dict.hasKey(interim_key):
let cell = cells_dict[interim_key]
debug "DataColumn: Key not found in Cell Dictionary", interim_key
var allCellsForRow: Cells
allCellsForRow = recoverAllCells(cellIds, cells)
discard extended_matrix.add(allCellsForRow)
# proc recover_matrix(cells_dict: Table[(BlobIndex, CellID), Cell], blob_count: uint64): ExtendedMatrix =
# discard """
# Return the recovered ``ExtendedMatrix``.
# This helper demonstrates how to apply ``recover_all_cells``.
# The data structure for storing cells is implementation-dependent.
# """
# # extended_matrix: List[Cell] = []
# # for blob_index in range(blob_count):
# # cell_ids = [cell_id for b_index, cell_id in cells_dict.keys() if b_index == blob_index]
# # cells = [cells_dict[(BlobIndex(blob_index), cell_id)] for cell_id in cell_ids]
# # all_cells_for_row = recover_all_cells(cell_ids, cells)
# # extended_matrix.extend(all_cells_for_row)
# # return ExtendedMatrix(extended_matrix)
proc get_data_column_sidecars*(signed_block: deneb.SignedBeaconBlock, blobs: seq[KzgBlob]): Result[seq[DataColumnSidecar]] =
# #### `get_data_column_sidecars`
var signed_block_header: deneb.SignedBeaconBlockHeader
var blck = signed_block.message
kzgCommitmentInclusionProof = build_proof(blck.body, 32'u64)
# proc get_data_column_sidecars(signed_block: SignedBeaconBlock,
# blobs: openArray[Blob]): openArray[DataColumnSidecar] =
# # signed_block_header = compute_signed_block_header(signed_block)
# # block = signed_block.message
# # kzg_commitments_inclusion_proof = compute_merkle_proof(
# # block.body,
# # get_generalized_index(BeaconBlockBody, 'blob_kzg_commitments'),
# # )
# # cells_and_proofs = [compute_cells_and_kzg_proofs(blob) for blob in blobs]
# # blob_count = len(blobs)
# # cells = [cells_and_proofs[i][0] for i in range(blob_count)]
# # proofs = [cells_and_proofs[i][1] for i in range(blob_count)]
# # sidecars = []
# # for column_index in range(NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS):
# # column = DataColumn([cells[row_index][column_index]
# # for row_index in range(blob_count)])
# # kzg_proof_of_column = [proofs[row_index][column_index]
# # for row_index in range(blob_count)]
# # sidecars.append(DataColumnSidecar(
# # index=column_index,
# # column=column,
# # kzg_commitments=block.body.blob_kzg_commitments,
# # kzg_proofs=kzg_proof_of_column,
# # signed_block_header=signed_block_header,
# # kzg_commitments_inclusion_proof=kzg_commitments_inclusion_proof,
# # ))
# # return sidecars
# discard
if kzgCommitmentInclusionProof.isErr():
fatal "EIP7549: Could not compute Merkle proof"
var cellsAndProofs: seq[CellsAndProofs]
for blob in blobs:
computed_cell = computeCellsAndKzgProofs(blob)
if computed_cell.isErr():
fatal "EIP7549: Could not compute cells"
let blobCount = blobs.len
var cells: seq[seq[Cell]] = @[]
var proofs: seq[seq[KzgProof]] = @[]
for i in 0..<blobCount:
var sidecars: seq[DataColumnSidecar] = @[]
for columnIndex in 0..<NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS:
var column: DataColumn
var cellsForColumn: seq[Cell] = @[]
for rowIndex in 0..<blobCount:
column = DataColumn(cellsForColumn)
var kzgProofOfColumn: seq[KzgProof] = @[]
for rowIndex in 0..<blobCount:
var sidecar = DataColumnSidecar(
index: columnIndex,
column: column,
kzgCommitments: blck.body.blob_kzg_commitments,
kzgProofs: kzgProofOfColumn,
signed_block_header: signed_block_header,
kzg_commitments_inclusion_proof: kzgCommitmentInclusionProof
proc verify_data_column_sidecar_kzg_proofs* (sidecar: DataColumnSidecar): Result[bool, cstring] =
# Verifying if the KZG proofs are correct
# Check if the data column sidecar index < NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS
if not (sidecar.index < NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS):
return err("EIP7549: Data column sidecar index exceeds the NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS")
# Check is the sidecar column length == sidecar.kzg_commitments length == sidecar.kzg_proofs mixInLength
if not (sidecar.column.len == sidecar.kzg_commitments.len and sidecar.kzg_commitments.len == sidecar.kzg_proofs.len):
return err("EIP7549: Data column sidecar column length does not match the kzg_commitments length or kzg_proofs length")
# Iterate through the row indices
var rowIndices: seq[RowIndex] = @[]
for i in 0..<sidecar.column.len:
# Iterate through the column indices
var colIndices: seq[ColumnIndex] = @[]
for i in 0..<sidecar.column.len:
# KZG batch verifies that the cells match the corresponding commitments and KZG proofs
var res = verifyCellKzgProofBatch(