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synced 2025-03-04 08:00:59 +00:00
use v1.3.0-rc.2 consensus spec test vectors (#4564)
This commit is contained in:
@ -284,6 +284,8 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-mainnet
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_activation_at_fork_epoch [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_attester_slashing_right_after_fork [Preset: ma OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_attester_slashing_right_before_fork [Preset: m OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_btec_right_after_fork [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_btec_right_before_fork [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_deposit_right_after_fork [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_deposit_right_before_fork [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_finality [Preset: mainnet] OK
@ -444,6 +446,8 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-mainnet
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - mainnet/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
@ -701,6 +705,7 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-mainnet
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__empty [Preset OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__full [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__half [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - top_up_and_partial_withdrawable_validator [Pres OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - withdrawal_success_two_blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Finality - finality_no_updates_at_genesis [Preset: mainnet] OK
@ -765,6 +770,7 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-mainnet
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__empty [Preset OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__full [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__half [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - top_up_and_partial_withdrawable_validator [Pres OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - withdrawal_success_two_blocks [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ [Valid] EF - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_no_updates_at_genesis [Preset: mainnet] OK
@ -813,7 +819,7 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-mainnet
+ [Valid] EF - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - slash_and_exit_diff_index [Preset: mainnet] OK
+ [Valid] EF - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: mainnet] OK
OK: 801/810 Fail: 0/810 Skip: 9/810
OK: 807/816 Fail: 0/816 Skip: 9/816
## Attestation
+ [Invalid] EF - Altair - Operations - Attestation - invalid_after_epoch_slots OK
@ -2546,7 +2552,7 @@ OK: 63/63 Fail: 0/63 Skip: 0/63
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_all_partially_withdrawable_in_ OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_excess_balance_but_no_max_effe OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_partial_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_per_slot OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_mixed_fully_and_partial_withdr OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_excess_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_max_effective_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_one_full_withdrawal OK
@ -2577,7 +2583,7 @@ OK: 63/63 Fail: 0/63 Skip: 0/63
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_all_partially_withdrawable_in_ OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_excess_balance_but_no_max_effe OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_partial_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_per_slot OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_mixed_fully_and_partial_withdr OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_excess_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_max_effective_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_one_full_withdrawal OK
@ -2596,4 +2602,4 @@ OK: 63/63 Fail: 0/63 Skip: 0/63
OK: 100/100 Fail: 0/100 Skip: 0/100
OK: 2293/2302 Fail: 0/2302 Skip: 9/2302
OK: 2299/2308 Fail: 0/2308 Skip: 9/2308
@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-minimal
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_activation_at_fork_epoch [Preset: minimal] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_attester_slashing_right_after_fork [Preset: mi OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_attester_slashing_right_before_fork [Preset: m OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_btec_right_after_fork [Preset: minimal] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_btec_right_before_fork [Preset: minimal] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_deposit_right_after_fork [Preset: minimal] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_deposit_right_before_fork [Preset: minimal] OK
+ EF - EIP4844 - Transition - transition_with_finality [Preset: minimal] OK
@ -508,16 +510,26 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-minimal
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/capella/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Single merkle proof - minimal/eip4844/light_client/single_merkle_proof/Beac OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/altair/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/advance_finality_witho OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/altair/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/capella_store_with_leg OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/altair/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/eip4844_store_with_leg OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/altair/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/light_client_sync OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/altair/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/supply_sync_committee_ OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/advance_finality_wi OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/capella_eip4844_for OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/capella_fork OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/capella_store_with_ OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/eip4844_store_with_ OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/light_client_sync OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/supply_sync_committ OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/capella/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/advance_finality_with OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/capella/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/eip4844_fork OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/capella/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/eip4844_store_with_le OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/capella/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/light_client_sync OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/capella/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/supply_sync_committee OK
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/eip4844/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/advance_finality_with OK
@ -525,8 +537,8 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-minimal
+ Light client - Sync - minimal/eip4844/light_client/sync/pyspec_tests/supply_sync_committee OK
+ Light client - Update ranking - minimal/altair/light_client/update_ranking/pyspec_tests/up OK
+ Light client - Update ranking - minimal/bellatrix/light_client/update_ranking/pyspec_tests OK
Light client - Update ranking - minimal/capella/light_client/update_ranking/pyspec_tests/u Skip
Light client - Update ranking - minimal/eip4844/light_client/update_ranking/pyspec_tests/u Skip
+ Light client - Update ranking - minimal/capella/light_client/update_ranking/pyspec_tests/u OK
+ Light client - Update ranking - minimal/eip4844/light_client/update_ranking/pyspec_tests/u OK
+ Sync - minimal/bellatrix/sync/optimistic/pyspec_tests/from_syncing_to_invalid OK
+ Sync - minimal/capella/sync/optimistic/pyspec_tests/from_syncing_to_invalid OK
+ Sync - minimal/eip4844/sync/optimistic/pyspec_tests/from_syncing_to_invalid OK
@ -796,6 +808,7 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-minimal
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__empty [Preset OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__full [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__half [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - top_up_and_partial_withdrawable_validator [Pres OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Sanity - Blocks - withdrawal_success_two_blocks [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Finality - finality_no_updates_at_genesis [Preset: minimal] OK
@ -865,6 +878,7 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-minimal
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__empty [Preset OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__full [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - sync_committee_committee_genesis__half [Preset: OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - top_up_and_partial_withdrawable_validator [Pres OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Sanity - Blocks - withdrawal_success_two_blocks [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] EF - Phase 0 - Finality - finality_no_updates_at_genesis [Preset: minimal] OK
@ -918,7 +932,7 @@ ConsensusSpecPreset-minimal
+ [Valid] EF - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - slash_and_exit_diff_index [Preset: minimal] OK
+ [Valid] EF - Phase 0 - Sanity - Blocks - voluntary_exit [Preset: minimal] OK
OK: 904/915 Fail: 0/915 Skip: 11/915
OK: 920/929 Fail: 0/929 Skip: 9/929
## Attestation
+ [Invalid] EF - Altair - Operations - Attestation - invalid_after_epoch_slots OK
@ -2711,8 +2725,8 @@ OK: 68/68 Fail: 0/68 Skip: 0/68
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_all_partially_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_excess_balance_but_no_max_effe OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_partial_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_per_slot OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_plus_one_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_mixed_fully_and_partial_withdr OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_excess_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_max_effective_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - Capella - Operations - Withdrawals - success_one_full_withdrawal OK
@ -2743,8 +2757,8 @@ OK: 68/68 Fail: 0/68 Skip: 0/68
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_all_partially_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_excess_balance_but_no_max_effe OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_partial_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_per_slot OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_max_plus_one_withdrawable OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_mixed_fully_and_partial_withdr OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_excess_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_no_max_effective_balance OK
+ [Valid] EF - EIP4844 - Operations - Withdrawals - success_one_full_withdrawal OK
@ -2763,4 +2777,4 @@ OK: 68/68 Fail: 0/68 Skip: 0/68
OK: 102/102 Fail: 0/102 Skip: 0/102
OK: 2442/2453 Fail: 0/2453 Skip: 11/2453
OK: 2458/2467 Fail: 0/2467 Skip: 9/2467
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export
tables, results, json_serialization, timer, sszTypes, beacon_time, crypto,
digest, presets
const SPEC_VERSION* = "1.3.0-rc.1"
const SPEC_VERSION* = "1.3.0-rc.2"
## Spec version we're aiming to be compatible with, right now
@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ suite "EF - Capella - SSZ consensus objects " & preset():
of "HistoricalSummary": checkSSZ(HistoricalSummary, path, hash)
of "IndexedAttestation": checkSSZ(IndexedAttestation, path, hash)
of "LightClientBootstrap":
discard # checkSSZ(capella.LightClientBootstrap, path, hash)
checkSSZ(capella.LightClientBootstrap, path, hash)
of "LightClientHeader":
discard # checkSSZ(capella.LightClientHeader, path, hash)
checkSSZ(capella.LightClientHeader, path, hash)
of "LightClientUpdate":
discard # checkSSZ(capella.LightClientUpdate, path, hash)
checkSSZ(capella.LightClientUpdate, path, hash)
of "LightClientFinalityUpdate":
discard # checkSSZ(capella.LightClientFinalityUpdate, path, hash)
checkSSZ(capella.LightClientFinalityUpdate, path, hash)
of "LightClientOptimisticUpdate":
discard # checkSSZ(capella.LightClientOptimisticUpdate, path, hash)
checkSSZ(capella.LightClientOptimisticUpdate, path, hash)
of "PendingAttestation": checkSSZ(PendingAttestation, path, hash)
of "PowBlock": checkSSZ(PowBlock, path, hash)
of "ProposerSlashing": checkSSZ(ProposerSlashing, path, hash)
@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ suite "EF - EIP4844 - SSZ consensus objects " & preset():
of "HistoricalSummary": checkSSZ(HistoricalSummary, path, hash)
of "IndexedAttestation": checkSSZ(IndexedAttestation, path, hash)
of "LightClientBootstrap":
discard # checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientBootstrap, path, hash)
checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientBootstrap, path, hash)
of "LightClientHeader":
discard # checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientHeader, path, hash)
checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientHeader, path, hash)
of "LightClientUpdate":
discard # checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientUpdate, path, hash)
checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientUpdate, path, hash)
of "LightClientFinalityUpdate":
discard # checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientFinalityUpdate, path, hash)
checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientFinalityUpdate, path, hash)
of "LightClientOptimisticUpdate":
discard # checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientOptimisticUpdate, path, hash)
checkSSZ(eip4844.LightClientOptimisticUpdate, path, hash)
of "PendingAttestation": checkSSZ(PendingAttestation, path, hash)
of "PowBlock": checkSSZ(PowBlock, path, hash)
of "ProposerSlashing": checkSSZ(ProposerSlashing, path, hash)
@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ type
proc runTest(path: string, lcDataFork: static LightClientDataFork) =
test "Light client - Update ranking - " & path.relativePath(SszTestsDir):
when lcDataFork >= LightClientDataFork.Capella:
let meta = block:
var s = openFileStream(path/"meta.yaml")
defer: close(s)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ proc runTest(
`testImpl _ blck _ testName`()
from std/strutils import contains
template runForkBlockTests(
forkDirName, forkHumanName: static[string], BeaconStateType,
BeaconBlockType: untyped) =
@ -76,6 +78,13 @@ template runForkBlockTests(
suite "EF - " & forkHumanName & " - Sanity - Blocks " & preset():
for kind, path in walkDir(SanityBlocksDir, relative = true, checkDir = true):
if path.contains("top_up_to_fully_withdrawn_validator") or
path.contains("activate_and_partial_withdrawal_overdeposit") or
# TODO when GitHub Actions CI returns and can verify the hotfix working
# within Windows `MAX_PATH` constraints, not, try updating and enabling
# these tests.
BeaconStateType, BeaconBlockType,
"EF - " & forkHumanName & " - Sanity - Blocks", SanityBlocksDir, path)
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a2f938198ab94fcd3fdadd5b31881c454309e1c8
Subproject commit 44d1593893d2b63f482411a2a08f79b05dfcb158
Reference in New Issue
Block a user