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New validator client using REST API. (#2651) * Initial commit. * Exporting getConfig(). * Add beacon node checking procedures. * Post rebase fixes. * Use runSlotLoop() from nimbus_beacon_node. Fallback implementation. Fixes for ETH2 REST serialization. * Add beacon_clock.durationToNextSlot(). Move type declarations from beacon_rest_api to json_rest_serialization. Fix seq[ValidatorIndex] serialization. Refactor ValidatorPool and add some utility procedures. Create separate version of validator_client. * Post-rebase fixes. Remove CookedPubKey from validator_pool.nim. * Now we should be able to produce attestations and aggregate and proofs. But its not working yet. * Debugging attestation sending. * Add durationToNextAttestation. Optimize some debug logs. Fix aggregation_bits encoding. Bump chronos/presto. * Its alive. * Fixes for launch_local_testnet script. Bump chronos. * Switch client API to not use `/api` prefix. * Post-rebase adjustments. * Fix endpoint for publishBlock(). * Add CONFIG_NAME. Add more checks to ensure that beacon_node is compatible. * Add beacon committee subscription support to validator_client. * Fix stacktrace should be an array of strings. Fix committee subscriptions should not be `data` keyed. * Log duration to next block proposal. * Fix beacon_node_status import. * Use jsonMsgResponse() instead of jsonError(). * Fix graffityBytes usage. Remove unnecessary `await`. Adjust creation of SignedBlock instance. Remove legacy files. * Rework durationToNextSlot() and durationToNextEpoch() to use `fromNow`. * Fix race condition for block proposal and attestations for same slot. Fix local_testnet script to properly kill tasks on Windows. Bump chronos and nim-http-tools, to allow connections to (basic auth). * Catch services errors. Improve performance of script on Windows. Fix race condition when attestation producing. * Post-rebase fixes. * Bump chronos and presto. * Calculate block publishing delay. Fix pkill in one more place. * Add error handling and timeouts to firstSuccess() template. Add onceToAll() template. Add checkNodes() procedure. Refactor firstSuccess() template. Add error checking to api.nim calls. * Deprecated usage onceToAll() for better stability. Address comment and send attestations asap. * Avoid unnecessary loop when calculating minimal duration.
2021-07-13 11:15:07 +00:00
import common, api
import chronicles
logScope: service = "block_service"
proc publishBlock(vc: ValidatorClientRef, currentSlot, slot: Slot,
validator: AttachedValidator) {.async.} =
validator = validator.pubKey
slot = slot
wallSlot = currentSlot
genesisRoot = vc.beaconGenesis.genesis_validators_root
graffiti =
if vc.config.graffiti.isSome():
fork = vc.fork.get()
debug "Publishing block", validator = validator.pubKey,
delay = vc.getDelay(ZeroDuration),
genesis_root = genesisRoot,
graffiti = graffiti, fork = fork, slot = slot,
wall_slot = currentSlot
let randaoReveal = await validator.genRandaoReveal(fork, genesisRoot, slot)
let beaconBlock =
await vc.produceBlock(slot, randaoReveal, graffiti)
except ValidatorApiError as exc:
error "Unable to retrieve block data", slot = currentSlot,
validator = validator.pubKey
let blockRoot = hash_tree_root(beaconBlock)
var signedBlock = SignedBeaconBlock(message: beaconBlock,
root: hash_tree_root(beaconBlock))
# TODO: signing_root is recomputed in signBlockProposal just after
let signing_root = compute_block_root(fork, genesisRoot, slot,
let notSlashable = vc.attachedValidators
validator.pubKey, slot, signing_root)
if notSlashable.isOk():
let signature = await validator.signBlockProposal(fork, genesisRoot, slot,
let signedBlock = SignedBeaconBlock(message: beaconBlock, root: blockRoot,
signature: signature)
let res =
await vc.publishBlock(signedBlock)
except ValidatorApiError:
error "Unable to submit block", slot = currentSlot,
validator = validator.pubKey, block_root = blockRoot,
deposits = len(signedBlock.message.body.deposits),
attestations = len(signedBlock.message.body.attestations),
graffiti = graffiti
if res:
notice "Block published", slot = currentSlot,
validator = validator.pubKey, validator_index = validator.index.get(),
deposits = len(signedBlock.message.body.deposits),
attestations = len(signedBlock.message.body.attestations),
graffiti = graffiti
warn "Block was not accepted by beacon node", slot = currentSlot,
validator = validator.pubKey, validator_index = validator.index.get(),
deposits = len(signedBlock.message.body.deposits),
attestations = len(signedBlock.message.body.attestations),
graffiti = graffiti
warn "Slashing protection activated for block proposal",
slot = currentSlot, validator = validator.pubKey,
validator_index = validator.index.get(),
existingProposal = notSlashable.error
except CatchableError as exc:
error "Unexpected error happens while proposing block",
error_name =, error_msg = exc.msg
proc proposeBlock(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot,
proposerKey: ValidatorPubkey) {.async.} =
let (inFuture, timeToSleep) = vc.beaconClock.fromNow(slot)
if inFuture:
debug "Proposing block", timeIn = timeToSleep, validator = proposerKey
await sleepAsync(timeToSleep)
debug "Proposing block", timeIn = 0.seconds, validator = proposerKey
let sres = vc.getCurrentSlot()
if sres.isSome():
let currentSlot = sres.get()
# We need to check that we still have validator in our pool.
let validator = vc.attachedValidators.getValidator(proposerKey)
if isNil(validator):
debug "Validator is not present in pool anymore, exiting",
validator = proposerKey
await vc.publishBlock(currentSlot, slot, validator)
except CancelledError:
debug "Proposing task was cancelled", slot = slot, validator = proposerKey
proc spawnProposalTask(vc: ValidatorClientRef,
duty: RestProposerDuty): ProposerTask =
let future = proposeBlock(vc, duty.slot, duty.pubkey)
ProposerTask(future: future, duty: duty)
proc contains(data: openArray[RestProposerDuty], task: ProposerTask): bool =
for item in data:
if (item.pubkey == task.duty.pubkey) and (item.slot == task.duty.slot):
return true
proc contains(data: openArray[ProposerTask], duty: RestProposerDuty): bool =
for item in data:
if (item.duty.pubkey == duty.pubkey) and (item.duty.slot == duty.slot):
return true
proc addOrReplaceProposers*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, epoch: Epoch,
dependentRoot: Eth2Digest,
duties: openArray[RestProposerDuty]) =
let epochDuties = vc.proposers.getOrDefault(epoch)
if not(epochDuties.isDefault()):
if epochDuties.dependentRoot != dependentRoot:
warn "Proposer duties re-organization",
prior_dependent_root = epochDuties.dependentRoot,
dependent_root = dependentRoot
let tasks =
var res: seq[ProposerTask]
var hashset = initHashSet[Slot]()
for task in epochDuties.duties:
if task notin duties:
# Task is no more relevant, so cancel it.
debug "Cancelling running proposal duty task",
slot = task.duty.slot, validator = task.duty.pubkey
# If task is already running for proper slot, we keep it alive.
debug "Keep running previous proposal duty task",
slot = task.duty.slot, validator = task.duty.pubkey
for duty in duties:
if duty notin res:
debug "New proposal duty received", slot = duty.slot,
validator = duty.pubkey
let task = vc.spawnProposalTask(duty)
if duty.slot in hashset:
error "Multiple block proposers for this slot, " &
"producing blocks for all proposers", slot = duty.slot
vc.proposers[epoch] = ProposedData.init(epoch, dependentRoot, tasks)
# Spawn new proposer tasks and modify proposers map.
let tasks =
var hashset = initHashSet[Slot]()
var res: seq[ProposerTask]
for duty in duties:
debug "New proposal duty received", slot = duty.slot,
validator = duty.pubkey
let task = vc.spawnProposalTask(duty)
if duty.slot in hashset:
error "Multiple block proposers for this slot, " &
"producing blocks for all proposers", slot = duty.slot
vc.proposers[epoch] = ProposedData.init(epoch, dependentRoot, tasks)
proc waitForBlockPublished*(vc: ValidatorClientRef, slot: Slot) {.async.} =
## This procedure will wait for all the block proposal tasks to be finished at
## slot ``slot``
let pendingTasks =
var res: seq[Future[void]]
let epochDuties = vc.proposers.getOrDefault(slot.epoch())
for task in epochDuties.duties:
if task.duty.slot == slot:
if not(task.future.finished()):
if len(pendingTasks) > 0:
await allFutures(pendingTasks)