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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
os, sequtils, strutils, options, json, terminal,
chronos, chronicles, confutils, stint, json_serialization,
web3, web3/confutils_defs, eth/keys, eth/p2p/discoveryv5/random2,
disentangle eth2 types from the ssz library (#2785) * reorganize ssz dependencies This PR continues the work in, as well as past issues with serialization and type, to disentangle SSZ from eth2 and at the same time simplify imports and exports with a structured approach. The principal idea here is that when a library wants to introduce SSZ support, they do so via 3 files: * `ssz_codecs` which imports and reexports `codecs` - this covers the basic byte conversions and ensures no overloads get lost * `xxx_merkleization` imports and exports `merkleization` to specialize and get access to `hash_tree_root` and friends * `xxx_ssz_serialization` imports and exports `ssz_serialization` to specialize ssz for a specific library Those that need to interact with SSZ always import the `xxx_` versions of the modules and never `ssz` itself so as to keep imports simple and safe. This is similar to how the REST / JSON-RPC serializers are structured in that someone wanting to serialize spec types to REST-JSON will import `eth2_rest_serialization` and nothing else. * split up ssz into a core library that is independendent of eth2 types * rename `bytes_reader` to `codec` to highlight that it contains coding and decoding of bytes and native ssz types * remove tricky List init overload that causes compile issues * get rid of top-level ssz import * reenable merkleization tests * move some "standard" json serializers to spec * remove `ValidatorIndex` serialization for now * remove test_ssz_merkleization * add tests for over/underlong byte sequences * fix broken seq[byte] test - seq[byte] is not an SSZ type There are a few things this PR doesn't solve: * like #2646 this PR is weak on how to handle root and other dontSerialize fields that "sometimes" should be computed - the same problem appears in REST / JSON-RPC etc * Fix a build problem on macOS * Another way to fix the macOS builds Co-authored-by: Zahary Karadjov <>
2021-08-18 18:57:58 +00:00
2019-11-05 18:16:10 +00:00
# Compiled version of /scripts/ in this repo
# The contract was compiled in Remix ( with vyper (remote) compiler.
const contractCode = staticRead "deposit_contract_code.txt"
Eth1Address = web3.Address
StartUpCommand {.pure.} = enum
CliConfig = object
web3Url* {.
defaultValue: "",
desc: "URL of the Web3 server to observe Eth1"
2019-11-11 14:43:12 +00:00
name: "web3-url" }: string
privateKey* {.
defaultValue: ""
2019-11-11 14:43:12 +00:00
desc: "Private key of the controlling account"
name: "private-key" }: string
askForKey {.
defaultValue: false
desc: "Ask for an Eth1 private key interactively"
name: "ask-for-key" }: bool
eth2Network* {.
desc: "The Eth2 network preset to use"
name: "network" }: Option[string]
case cmd* {.command.}: StartUpCommand
of deploy:
of drain:
drainedContractAddress* {.
2019-11-11 14:43:12 +00:00
desc: "Address of the contract to drain"
name: "deposit-contract" }: Eth1Address
of sendEth:
toAddress {.name: "to".}: Eth1Address
2019-11-11 14:43:12 +00:00
valueEth {.name: "eth".}: string
of generateSimulationDeposits:
simulationDepositsCount {.
desc: "The number of validator keystores to generate"
name: "count" }: Natural
outValidatorsDir {.
desc: "A directory to store the generated validator keystores"
name: "out-validators-dir" }: OutDir
outSecretsDir {.
desc: "A directory to store the generated keystore password files"
name: "out-secrets-dir" }: OutDir
outDepositsFile {.
desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file to write"
name: "out-deposits-file" }: OutFile
of sendDeposits:
depositsFile {.
desc: "A LaunchPad deposits file"
name: "deposits-file" }: InputFile
depositContractAddress {.
desc: "Address of the deposit contract"
name: "deposit-contract" }: Eth1Address
minDelay {.
defaultValue: 0.0
desc: "Minimum possible delay between making two deposits (in seconds)"
name: "min-delay" }: float
maxDelay {.
defaultValue: 0.0
desc: "Maximum possible delay between making two deposits (in seconds)"
name: "max-delay" }: float
proc deposit(pubkey: Bytes48,
withdrawalCredentials: Bytes32,
signature: Bytes96,
deposit_data_root: FixedBytes[32])
proc drain()
proc deployContract*(web3: Web3, code: string): Future[ReceiptObject] {.async.} =
var code = code
if code[1] notin {'x', 'X'}:
code = "0x" & code
let tr = EthSend(
source: web3.defaultAccount,
data: code,
gas: Quantity(3000000).some,
gasPrice: 1.some)
let r = await web3.send(tr)
result = await web3.getMinedTransactionReceipt(r)
proc sendEth(web3: Web3, to: Eth1Address, valueEth: int): Future[TxHash] =
let tr = EthSend(
source: web3.defaultAccount,
gas: Quantity(3000000).some,
gasPrice: 1.some,
value: some(valueEth.u256 * 1000000000000000000.u256),
to: some(to))
DelayGenerator* = proc(): chronos.Duration {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
proc ethToWei(eth: UInt256): UInt256 =
eth * 1000000000000000000.u256
proc initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey: string): Future[Web3] {.async.} =
result = await newWeb3(web3Url)
if privateKey.len != 0:
result.privateKey = some(PrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey)[])
let accounts = await result.provider.eth_accounts()
doAssert(accounts.len > 0)
result.defaultAccount = accounts[0]
# TODO: async functions should note take `seq` inputs because
# this leads to full copies.
proc sendDeposits*(deposits: seq[LaunchPadDeposit],
web3Url, privateKey: string,
depositContractAddress: Eth1Address,
delayGenerator: DelayGenerator = nil) {.async.} =
notice "Sending deposits",
web3 = web3Url,
depositContract = depositContractAddress
var web3 = await initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey)
let depositContract = web3.contractSender(DepositContract,
Address depositContractAddress)
for i, launchPadDeposit in deposits:
let dp = launchPadDeposit as DepositData
while true:
let tx = depositContract.deposit(
let status = await tx.send(value = 32.u256.ethToWei, gasPrice = 1)
info "Deposit sent", status = $status
if delayGenerator != nil:
await sleepAsync(delayGenerator())
except CatchableError:
await sleepAsync(60.seconds)
web3 = await initWeb3(web3Url, privateKey)
{.pop.} # TODO confutils.nim(775, 17) Error: can raise an unlisted exception: ref IOError
proc main() {.async.} =
var conf = CliConfig.load()
let rng = keys.newRng()
if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.generateSimulationDeposits:
mnemonic = generateMnemonic(rng[])
seed = getSeed(mnemonic, KeyStorePass.init "")
cfg = getRuntimeConfig(conf.eth2Network)
let vres = secureCreatePath(string conf.outValidatorsDir)
2020-08-27 18:23:41 +00:00
if vres.isErr():
warn "Could not create validators folder",
path = string conf.outValidatorsDir, err = ioErrorMsg(vres.error)
2020-08-27 18:23:41 +00:00
let sres = secureCreatePath(string conf.outSecretsDir)
2020-08-27 18:23:41 +00:00
if sres.isErr():
warn "Could not create secrets folder",
path = string conf.outSecretsDir, err = ioErrorMsg(sres.error)
let deposits = generateDeposits(
0, conf.simulationDepositsCount,
string conf.outValidatorsDir,
string conf.outSecretsDir)
if deposits.isErr:
fatal "Failed to generate deposits", err = deposits.error
quit 1
let launchPadDeposits =
mapIt(deposits.value, LaunchPadDeposit.init(cfg, it))
Json.saveFile(string conf.outDepositsFile, launchPadDeposits)
notice "Deposit data written", filename = conf.outDepositsFile
quit 0
var deposits: seq[LaunchPadDeposit]
if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.sendDeposits:
deposits = Json.loadFile(string conf.depositsFile, seq[LaunchPadDeposit])
if conf.askForKey:
privateKey: TaintedString
reasonForKey = ""
if conf.cmd == StartUpCommand.sendDeposits:
depositsWord = if deposits.len > 1: "deposits" else: "deposit"
totalEthNeeded = 32 * deposits.len
reasonForKey = " in order to make your $1 (you'll need access to $2 ETH)" %
[depositsWord, $totalEthNeeded]
echo "Please enter your Goerli Eth1 private key in hex form (e.g. 0x1a2...f3c)" &
if not readPasswordFromStdin("> ", privateKey):
error "Failed to read an Eth1 private key from standard input"
if privateKey.len > 0:
conf.privateKey = privateKey.string
let web3 = await initWeb3(conf.web3Url, conf.privateKey)
case conf.cmd
of StartUpCommand.deploy:
let receipt = await web3.deployContract(contractCode)
echo receipt.contractAddress.get, ";", receipt.blockHash
of StartUpCommand.drain:
let sender = web3.contractSender(DepositContract,
2019-11-05 18:16:10 +00:00
discard await sender.drain().send(gasPrice = 1)
of StartUpCommand.sendEth:
echo await sendEth(web3, conf.toAddress, conf.valueEth.parseInt)
of StartUpCommand.sendDeposits:
var delayGenerator: DelayGenerator
if not (conf.maxDelay > 0.0):
conf.maxDelay = conf.minDelay
elif conf.minDelay > conf.maxDelay:
echo "The minimum delay should not be larger than the maximum delay"
quit 1
if conf.maxDelay > 0.0:
delayGenerator = proc (): chronos.Duration =
minDelay = (conf.minDelay*1000).int64
maxDelay = (conf.maxDelay*1000).int64
chronos.milliseconds (rng[].rand(maxDelay - minDelay) + minDelay)
await sendDeposits(deposits, conf.web3Url, conf.privateKey,
conf.depositContractAddress, delayGenerator)
of StartUpCommand.generateSimulationDeposits:
# This is handled above before the case statement
when isMainModule: waitFor main()