- via `topicBeaconBlocks` (`&"/eth2/{$forkDigest}/{topicBeaconBlocksSuffix}"`). They are then validated by `blockValidator` (in `eth2_processor.nim`) which calls `validateBeaconBlock`
- via RequestManager (when Nimbus needs ancestor blocks)
- the NBC database
- a local validator block proposal
- Devtools: test suite, ncli, fuzzing
The related base types are:
- BeaconBlockBody
- BeaconBlock
- BeaconBlockBody
- + metadata (slot, blockchain state before/after, proposer)
- BeaconBlockHeader
- metadata (slot, blockchain state before/after, proposer)
- merkle hash of the BeaconBlockBody
- SignedBeaconBlock
- BeaconBlock
- + BLS signature
The base types are defined in the Eth2 specs.
On top, Nimbus builds new types to represent the level of trust and validation we have with regards to each BeaconBlock.
Those types allow the Nim compiler to help us ensure proper usage at compile-time and zero runtime cost.
#### BeaconBlocks
Those are spec-defined types.
On deserialization the SSZ code guarantees that BeaconBlock are correctly max-sized
according to:
#### TrustedBeaconBlocks
A block that has been fully checked to be sound
both in regards to the blockchain protocol and its cryptographic signatures is known as a `TrustedBeaconBlock` or `TrustedSignedBeaconBlock`.
This allows skipping expensive signature checks.
Blocks are considered trusted if they come from:
- the NBC database
- produced by a local validator
#### SigVerifiedBeaconBlocks
A block with a valid cryptographic signature is considered SigVerified.
This is a weaker guarantee than Trusted as the block might still be invalid according to the state transition function.
Such a block are produced if incoming gossip blocks' signatures are batched together for batch verification **before** being passed to state transition.
#### TransitionVerifiedBeaconBlocks
A block that passes the state transition checks and can be successfully applied to the beacon chain is considered `TransitionVerified`.
Such a block can be produced if incoming blocks' signatures are batched together for batch verification **after** successfully passing state transition.
_This is not used in Nimbus at the moment_
## Block processing architecture
How the various modules interact with block is described in a diagram:

It is important to note that 3 data structures are sharing the same `AsyncQueue[BlockEntry]`:
- validated by `blockValidator()` in the Eth2Processor by `validateBeaconBlock()` according to spec https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.1.9/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beacon_block
- After validation in `blockValidator()` in the Eth2Processor by `validateBeaconBlock()` according to spec https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v1.1.9/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md#beacon_block
There is no backpressure handling at the RequestManager and Gossip level with regards to the SharedBlockQueue
There is backpressure handling at the Quarantine level:
- Blocks in the SharedBlockQueue that are missing parents
are put in quarantine, only 16 can be stored and new candidate are dropped as long as the older ones are unresolved.
##### Latency & Throughput sensitiveness
When synced, blocks are a small part of the whole processing compared to attestations, there is no more throughput constraint however a single block should be processed ASAP as it blocks attestation flow.
Furthermore to ensure the stability of the gossip mesh, blocks should be validated and rebroadcasted ASAP as well.