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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
chronicles, chronos, metrics,
../spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest],
../consensus_object_pools/[block_clearance, blockchain_dag, exit_pool, attestation_pool],
./gossip_validation, ./gossip_to_consensus,
../beacon_clock, ../conf, ../ssz/sszdump
# Metrics for tracking attestation and beacon block loss
declareCounter beacon_attestations_received,
"Number of beacon chain attestations received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_aggregates_received,
"Number of beacon chain aggregate attestations received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_blocks_received,
"Number of beacon chain blocks received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_attester_slashings_received,
"Number of beacon chain attester slashings received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_proposer_slashings_received,
"Number of beacon chain proposer slashings received by this peer"
declareCounter beacon_voluntary_exits_received,
"Number of beacon chain voluntary exits received by this peer"
declareCounter doppelganger_detection_activated,
"Number of times doppelganger detection was activated"
const delayBuckets = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, Inf]
declareHistogram beacon_attestation_delay,
"Time(s) between slot start and attestation reception", buckets = delayBuckets
declareHistogram beacon_aggregate_delay,
"Time(s) between slot start and aggregate reception", buckets = delayBuckets
declareHistogram beacon_block_delay,
"Time(s) between slot start and beacon block reception", buckets = delayBuckets
declareHistogram beacon_store_block_duration_seconds,
"storeBlock() duration", buckets = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, Inf]
Eth2Processor* = object
config*: BeaconNodeConf
getWallTime*: GetWallTimeFn
# Local sources of truth for validation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
chainDag*: ChainDAGRef
attestationPool*: ref AttestationPool
validatorPool: ref ValidatorPool
doppelgangerDetection*: DoppelgangerProtection
# Gossip validated -> enqueue for further verification
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
verifQueues: ref VerifQueueManager
# Validated with no further verification required
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
exitPool: ref ExitPool
# Missing information
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
quarantine*: QuarantineRef
# Initialization
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc new*(T: type Eth2Processor,
config: BeaconNodeConf,
verifQueues: ref VerifQueueManager,
chainDag: ChainDAGRef,
attestationPool: ref AttestationPool,
exitPool: ref ExitPool,
validatorPool: ref ValidatorPool,
quarantine: QuarantineRef,
getWallTime: GetWallTimeFn): ref Eth2Processor =
(ref Eth2Processor)(
config: config,
getWallTime: getWallTime,
verifQueues: verifQueues,
chainDag: chainDag,
attestationPool: attestationPool,
exitPool: exitPool,
validatorPool: validatorPool,
quarantine: quarantine
# Gossip Management
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc blockValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock): ValidationResult =
signedBlock = shortLog(signedBlock.message)
blockRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.root)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
return ValidationResult.Ignore # not an issue with block, so don't penalize
logScope: wallSlot
let delay = wallTime - signedBlock.message.slot.toBeaconTime
if signedBlock.root in self.chainDag:
# The gossip algorithm itself already does one round of hashing to find
# already-seen data, but it is fairly aggressive about forgetting about
# what it has seen already
debug "Dropping already-seen gossip block", delay
return ValidationResult.Ignore # "[IGNORE] The block is the first block ..."
# Start of block processing - in reality, we have already gone through SSZ
# decoding at this stage, which may be significant
debug "Block received", delay
let blck = self.chainDag.isValidBeaconBlock(
self.quarantine, signedBlock, wallTime, {})
self.verifQueues[].dumpBlock(signedBlock, blck)
if not blck.isOk:
return blck.error[0]
# Block passed validation - enqueue it for processing. The block processing
# queue is effectively unbounded as we use a freestanding task to enqueue
# the block - this is done so that when blocks arrive concurrently with
# sync, we don't lose the gossip blocks, but also don't block the gossip
# propagation of seemingly good blocks
trace "Block validated"
self.verifQueues[].addBlock(SyncBlock(blk: signedBlock))
proc checkForPotentialDoppelganger(
self: var Eth2Processor, attestationData: AttestationData,
attesterIndices: openArray[ValidatorIndex], wallSlot: Slot) =
let epoch = wallSlot.epoch
# Only check for current epoch, not potential attestations bouncing around
# from up to several minutes prior.
if attestationData.slot.epoch < epoch:
if epoch < self.doppelgangerDetection.broadcastStartEpoch:
let tgtBlck = self.chainDag.getRef(attestationData.target.root)
doAssert not tgtBlck.isNil # because attestation is valid above
let epochRef = self.chainDag.getEpochRef(
tgtBlck, attestationData.target.epoch)
for validatorIndex in attesterIndices:
let validatorPubkey = epochRef.validator_keys[validatorIndex]
if self.validatorPool[].getValidator(validatorPubkey) !=
warn "Duplicate validator detected; would be slashed",
attestationSlot = attestationData.slot
if self.config.doppelgangerDetection:
warn "We believe you are currently running another instance of the same validator. We've disconnected you from the network as this presents a significant slashing risk. Possible next steps are (a) making sure you've disconnected your validator from your old machine before restarting the client; and (b) running the client again with the gossip-slashing-protection option disabled, only if you are absolutely sure this is the only instance of your validator running, and reporting the issue at https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/issues."
quit QuitFailure
proc attestationValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor,
attestation: Attestation,
committeeIndex: uint64,
checksExpensive: bool = true): ValidationResult =
attestation = shortLog(attestation)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
notice "Attestation before genesis"
return ValidationResult.Ignore
logScope: wallSlot
# Potential under/overflows are fine; would just create odd metrics and logs
let delay = wallTime - attestation.data.slot.toBeaconTime
debug "Attestation received", delay
let v = self.attestationPool[].validateAttestation(
attestation, wallTime, committeeIndex, checksExpensive)
if v.isErr():
debug "Dropping attestation", err = v.error()
return v.error[0]
self.checkForPotentialDoppelganger(attestation.data, v.value, wallSlot)
trace "Attestation validated"
self.verifQueues[].addAttestation(attestation, v.get())
proc aggregateValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor,
signedAggregateAndProof: SignedAggregateAndProof): ValidationResult =
aggregate = shortLog(signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregate)
signature = shortLog(signedAggregateAndProof.signature)
wallTime = self.getWallTime()
(afterGenesis, wallSlot) = wallTime.toSlot()
if not afterGenesis:
notice "Aggregate before genesis"
return ValidationResult.Ignore
logScope: wallSlot
# Potential under/overflows are fine; would just create odd logs
let delay =
wallTime - signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregate.data.slot.toBeaconTime
debug "Aggregate received", delay
let v = self.attestationPool[].validateAggregate(
signedAggregateAndProof, wallTime)
if v.isErr:
debug "Dropping aggregate",
err = v.error,
aggregator_index = signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregator_index,
selection_proof = signedAggregateAndProof.message.selection_proof,
return v.error[0]
signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregate.data, v.value, wallSlot)
trace "Aggregate validated",
aggregator_index = signedAggregateAndProof.message.aggregator_index,
selection_proof = signedAggregateAndProof.message.selection_proof,
self.verifQueues[].addAggregate(signedAggregateAndProof, v.get())
proc attesterSlashingValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor, attesterSlashing: AttesterSlashing):
ValidationResult =
attesterSlashing = shortLog(attesterSlashing)
let v = self.exitPool[].validateAttesterSlashing(attesterSlashing)
if v.isErr:
debug "Dropping attester slashing", err = v.error
return v.error[0]
proc proposerSlashingValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor, proposerSlashing: ProposerSlashing):
ValidationResult =
proposerSlashing = shortLog(proposerSlashing)
let v = self.exitPool[].validateProposerSlashing(proposerSlashing)
if v.isErr:
debug "Dropping proposer slashing", err = v.error
return v.error[0]
proc voluntaryExitValidator*(
self: var Eth2Processor, signedVoluntaryExit: SignedVoluntaryExit):
ValidationResult =
signedVoluntaryExit = shortLog(signedVoluntaryExit)
let v = self.exitPool[].validateVoluntaryExit(signedVoluntaryExit)
if v.isErr:
debug "Dropping voluntary exit", err = v.error
return v.error[0]