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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
options, stew/endians2,
../beacon_chain/spec/[beaconstate, crypto, datatypes, digest, presets,
helpers, validator, signatures, state_transition]
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
func makeFakeValidatorPrivKey(i: int): ValidatorPrivKey =
# 0 is not a valid BLS private key - 1000 helps interop with rust BLS library,
# lighthouse.
# TODO: switch to
var bytes = uint64(i + 1000).toBytesLE()
copyMem(addr result, addr bytes[0], sizeof(bytes))
func makeFakeHash*(i: int): Eth2Digest =
var bytes = uint64(i).toBytesLE()
static: doAssert sizeof(bytes) <= sizeof(
copyMem(addr[0], addr bytes[0], sizeof(bytes))
func hackPrivKey*(v: Validator): ValidatorPrivKey =
## Extract private key, per above hack
var bytes: array[8, byte]
static: doAssert sizeof(bytes) <= sizeof(
addr bytes, unsafeAddr[0], sizeof(bytes))
let i = int(uint64.fromBytesLE(bytes))
func makeDeposit*(i: int, flags: UpdateFlags = {}): DepositData =
## Ugly hack for now: we stick the private key in withdrawal_credentials
## which means we can repro private key and randao reveal from this data,
## for testing :)
privkey = makeFakeValidatorPrivKey(i)
pubkey = privkey.toPubKey()
withdrawal_credentials = makeFakeHash(i)
result = DepositData(
pubkey: pubkey,
withdrawal_credentials: withdrawal_credentials,
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
if skipBLSValidation notin flags:
result.signature = get_deposit_signature(
defaultRuntimePreset, result, privkey).toValidatorSig()
proc makeInitialDeposits*(
n = SLOTS_PER_EPOCH, flags: UpdateFlags = {}): seq[DepositData] =
for i in 0..<
result.add makeDeposit(i, flags)
func signBlock(
fork: Fork, genesis_validators_root: Eth2Digest, blck: BeaconBlock,
privKey: ValidatorPrivKey, flags: UpdateFlags = {}): SignedBeaconBlock =
let root = hash_tree_root(blck)
message: blck,
root: root,
if skipBlsValidation notin flags:
fork, genesis_validators_root, blck.slot, root, privKey).toValidatorSig()
proc addTestBlock*(
state: var HashedBeaconState,
parent_root: Eth2Digest,
cache: var StateCache,
eth1_data = Eth1Data(),
attestations = newSeq[Attestation](),
deposits = newSeq[Deposit](),
graffiti = default(GraffitiBytes),
Revamp attestation pool This is a revamp of the attestation pool that cleans up several aspects of attestation processing as the network grows larger and block space becomes more precious. The aim is to better exploit the divide between attestation subnets and aggregations by keeping the two kinds separate until it's time to either produce a block or aggregate. This means we're no longer eagerly combining single-vote attestations, but rather wait until the last moment, and then try to add singles to all aggregates, including those coming from the network. Importantly, the branch improves on poor aggregate quality and poor attestation packing in cases where block space is running out. A basic greed scoring mechanism is used to select attestations for blocks - attestations are added based on how much many new votes they bring to the table. * Collect single-vote attestations separately and store these until it's time to make aggregates * Create aggregates based on single-vote attestations * Select _best_ aggregate rather than _first_ aggregate when on aggregation duty * Top up all aggregates with singles when it's time make the attestation cut, thus improving the chances of grabbing the best aggregates out there * Improve aggregation test coverage * Improve bitseq operations * Simplify aggregate signature creation * Make attestation cache temporary instead of storing it in attestation pool - most of the time, blocks are not being produced, no need to keep the data around * Remove redundant aggregate storage that was used only for RPC * Use tables to avoid some linear seeks when looking up attestation data * Fix long cleanup on large slot jumps * Avoid some pointers * Speed up iterating all attestations for a slot (fixes #2490)
2021-04-12 20:25:09 +00:00
flags: set[UpdateFlag] = {},
nextSlot = true): SignedBeaconBlock =
# Create and add a block to state - state will advance by one slot!
Revamp attestation pool This is a revamp of the attestation pool that cleans up several aspects of attestation processing as the network grows larger and block space becomes more precious. The aim is to better exploit the divide between attestation subnets and aggregations by keeping the two kinds separate until it's time to either produce a block or aggregate. This means we're no longer eagerly combining single-vote attestations, but rather wait until the last moment, and then try to add singles to all aggregates, including those coming from the network. Importantly, the branch improves on poor aggregate quality and poor attestation packing in cases where block space is running out. A basic greed scoring mechanism is used to select attestations for blocks - attestations are added based on how much many new votes they bring to the table. * Collect single-vote attestations separately and store these until it's time to make aggregates * Create aggregates based on single-vote attestations * Select _best_ aggregate rather than _first_ aggregate when on aggregation duty * Top up all aggregates with singles when it's time make the attestation cut, thus improving the chances of grabbing the best aggregates out there * Improve aggregation test coverage * Improve bitseq operations * Simplify aggregate signature creation * Make attestation cache temporary instead of storing it in attestation pool - most of the time, blocks are not being produced, no need to keep the data around * Remove redundant aggregate storage that was used only for RPC * Use tables to avoid some linear seeks when looking up attestation data * Fix long cleanup on large slot jumps * Avoid some pointers * Speed up iterating all attestations for a slot (fixes #2490)
2021-04-12 20:25:09 +00:00
if nextSlot:
doAssert process_slots(state, + 1, cache, flags)
proposer_index = get_beacon_proposer_index(, cache)
privKey = hackPrivKey([proposer_index.get])
randao_reveal =
if skipBlsValidation notin flags:
message = makeBeaconBlock(
# Keep deposit counts internally consistent.
deposit_root: eth1_data.deposit_root,
deposit_count: + deposits.lenu64,
block_hash: eth1_data.block_hash),
doAssert message.isSome(), "Should have created a valid block!"
new_block = signBlock(,, message.get(), privKey, flags)
proc makeTestBlock*(
state: HashedBeaconState,
parent_root: Eth2Digest,
cache: var StateCache,
eth1_data = Eth1Data(),
attestations = newSeq[Attestation](),
deposits = newSeq[Deposit](),
graffiti = default(GraffitiBytes)): SignedBeaconBlock =
# Create a block for `state.slot + 1` - like a block proposer would do!
# It's a bit awkward - in order to produce a block for N+1, we need to
# calculate what the state will look like after that block has been applied,
# because the block includes the state root.
var tmpState = assignClone(state)
tmpState[], parent_root, cache, eth1_data, attestations, deposits,
proc makeAttestation*(
state: BeaconState, beacon_block_root: Eth2Digest,
committee: seq[ValidatorIndex], slot: Slot, index: CommitteeIndex,
validator_index: ValidatorIndex, cache: var StateCache,
flags: UpdateFlags = {}): Attestation =
# Avoids state_sim silliness; as it's responsible for all validators,
# transforming, from monotonic enumerable index -> committee index ->
# montonoic enumerable index, is wasteful and slow. Most test callers
# want ValidatorIndex, so that's supported too.
validator = state.validators[validator_index]
sac_index = committee.find(validator_index)
data = makeAttestationData(state, slot, index, beacon_block_root)
doAssert sac_index != -1, "find_beacon_committee should guarantee this"
var aggregation_bits = CommitteeValidatorsBits.init(committee.len)
2019-12-20 13:25:33 +00:00
aggregation_bits.setBit sac_index
sig =
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
if skipBLSValidation notin flags:
get_attestation_signature(state.fork, state.genesis_validators_root,
data, hackPrivKey(validator)).toValidatorSig()
data: data,
aggregation_bits: aggregation_bits,
signature: sig
proc find_beacon_committee(
state: BeaconState, validator_index: ValidatorIndex,
cache: var StateCache): auto =
let epoch = compute_epoch_at_slot(state.slot)
for epoch_committee_index in 0'u64 ..< get_committee_count_per_slot(
state, epoch, cache) * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH:
slot = ((epoch_committee_index mod SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) +
index = CommitteeIndex(epoch_committee_index div SLOTS_PER_EPOCH)
committee = get_beacon_committee(state, slot, index, cache)
if validator_index in committee:
return (committee, slot, index)
doAssert false
proc makeAttestation*(
state: BeaconState, beacon_block_root: Eth2Digest,
validator_index: ValidatorIndex, cache: var StateCache): Attestation =
let (committee, slot, index) =
find_beacon_committee(state, validator_index, cache)
makeAttestation(state, beacon_block_root, committee, slot, index,
validator_index, cache)
proc makeFullAttestations*(
state: BeaconState, beacon_block_root: Eth2Digest, slot: Slot,
cache: var StateCache,
flags: UpdateFlags = {}): seq[Attestation] =
# Create attestations in which the full committee participates for each shard
# that should be attested to during a particular slot
let committees_per_slot =
get_committee_count_per_slot(state, slot.epoch, cache)
for index in 0'u64..<committees_per_slot:
2020-04-15 09:01:36 +00:00
committee = get_beacon_committee(
state, slot, index.CommitteeIndex, cache)
data = makeAttestationData(state, slot, index.CommitteeIndex, beacon_block_root)
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
doAssert committee.len() >= 1
# Initial attestation
var attestation = Attestation(
aggregation_bits: CommitteeValidatorsBits.init(committee.len),
data: data)
var agg {.noInit.}: AggregateSignature
state.fork, state.genesis_validators_root, data,
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
# Aggregate the remainder
attestation.aggregation_bits.setBit 0
for j in 1 ..< committee.len():
attestation.aggregation_bits.setBit j
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
if skipBLSValidation notin flags:
state.fork, state.genesis_validators_root, data,
2020-03-04 21:27:11 +00:00
attestation.signature = agg.finish().toValidatorSig()
result.add attestation
iterator makeTestBlocks*(
state: HashedBeaconState,
parent_root: Eth2Digest,
cache: var StateCache,
blocks: int,
attested: bool): SignedBeaconBlock =
state = assignClone(state)
parent_root = parent_root
for _ in 0..<blocks:
let attestations = if attested:
state[].data, parent_root,
state[].data.slot, cache)
let blck = addTestBlock(
state[], parent_root, cache, attestations = attestations)
yield blck
parent_root = blck.root