> ⚠️ This page concerns the Medalla testnet. If you have made a mainnet deposit, you do not need to connect to eth2 quite yet. Mainnet [Genesis](https://hackmd.io/@benjaminion/genesis) date has been set to [December 1st](https://blog.ethereum.org/2020/11/04/eth2-quick-update-no-19/). This page will be updated nearer the time.
As it stands, we are continuously making improvements to both stability and memory usage. So please make sure you keep your client up to date! This means restarting your node and updating your software regularly from the `master` branch. If you can't find a solution to your problem here, feel free to hit us up on our [discord](https://discord.com/invite/XRxWahP)!
> **Note:** While the `master` branch of the `nimbus-eth2` repository is more stable, the latest updates happen in the `devel` branch which is (usually) merged into master every week on Tuesday. If you choose to run Nimbus directly from the `devel` branch, be prepared for instabilities!
make medalla # Restart using same keys as last run
If you find that `make update` causes the console to hang for too long, try running `make update V=1` or `make update V=2` instead (these will print a more verbose output to the console which may make it easier to diagnose the problem).
>**Note:** rest assured that when you restart the beacon node, the software will resume from where it left off, using the validator keys you have already imported.
The directory that stores the blockchain data of the testnet is `build/data/shared_medalla_0` (if you're connecting to another testnet, replace `medalla` with that testnet's name). Delete this folder to start over (for example, if you started building medalla with the wrong private keys).
If you’re experiencing sync problems, we recommend running `make clean-medalla` to delete the database and restart your sync (make sure you’ve updated to the latest `master` first though).
> **Warning**: `make clean-medalla` will erase all of your syncing progress so far, so it should only be used as a last resort -- if your client gets stuck for a long time (because it's unable to find the right chain and/or stay with the same head value) and a normal restart doesn't improve things.
### Pruning the database
If you're running out of storage, you can [prune](https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/06/26/state-tree-pruning/) the database of unnecessary blocks and states by running:
This will create `nbc_pruned.sqlite3` files in `build/data/shared_medalla_0/db`, which you can use in place of the orginal `nbc.sqlite3` files. We recommend you hold onto the originals until you've verified that your validator is behaving as expected with the pruned files.
-`--keepOldStates` (boolean): Keep pre-finalisation states; defaults to `true`.
-`--verbose` (boolean): Print a more verbose output to the console; defaults to `false`.
As it stands, logging seems to be slowing down the client, and quite a few users are experiencing trouble either catching up or keeping up with the head of the chain. You can use either the `LOG_LEVEL=INFO` or `LOG_LEVEL=NOTICE` options to reduce verbosity and speed up the client (`NOTICE` is even less verbose than `INFO`).
If you're experiencing a low peer count, you may be behind a firewall. Try restarting your client and passing `NODE_PARAMS="--nat:\"extip:$EXT_IP_ADDRESS\""` as an option to `make medalla`, where `$EXT_IP_ADDRESS` is your real IP. For example, if your real IP address is ``, you'd run:
make NODE_PARAMS="--web3-url=<YOUR_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT>" medalla
Importantly, make sure you pass in a websocket (`wss`) endpoint, not `https`. If you're not familiar with Infura, we recommend reading through our [Infura guide](./infura-guide) first.
### Running multiple nodes on the same computer
If you're running different testnets on the same computer, you'll need to specify a different `NODE_ID` to avoid port conflicts (the default is `NODE_ID=0`).