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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
stew/[assign2, results],
../extras, ../beacon_clock,
../spec/[crypto, datatypes, digest, helpers, signatures, signatures_batch, state_transition],
./block_pools_types, ./blockchain_dag, ./block_quarantine
Revamp attestation pool This is a revamp of the attestation pool that cleans up several aspects of attestation processing as the network grows larger and block space becomes more precious. The aim is to better exploit the divide between attestation subnets and aggregations by keeping the two kinds separate until it's time to either produce a block or aggregate. This means we're no longer eagerly combining single-vote attestations, but rather wait until the last moment, and then try to add singles to all aggregates, including those coming from the network. Importantly, the branch improves on poor aggregate quality and poor attestation packing in cases where block space is running out. A basic greed scoring mechanism is used to select attestations for blocks - attestations are added based on how much many new votes they bring to the table. * Collect single-vote attestations separately and store these until it's time to make aggregates * Create aggregates based on single-vote attestations * Select _best_ aggregate rather than _first_ aggregate when on aggregation duty * Top up all aggregates with singles when it's time make the attestation cut, thus improving the chances of grabbing the best aggregates out there * Improve aggregation test coverage * Improve bitseq operations * Simplify aggregate signature creation * Make attestation cache temporary instead of storing it in attestation pool - most of the time, blocks are not being produced, no need to keep the data around * Remove redundant aggregate storage that was used only for RPC * Use tables to avoid some linear seeks when looking up attestation data * Fix long cleanup on large slot jumps * Avoid some pointers * Speed up iterating all attestations for a slot (fixes #2490)
2021-04-12 20:25:09 +00:00
from libp2p/protocols/pubsub/pubsub import ValidationResult
export results, ValidationResult
2020-05-21 17:08:31 +00:00
# Clearance
# ---------------------------------------------
# This module is in charge of making the
# "quarantined" network blocks
# pass the firewall and be stored in the chain DAG
topics = "clearance"
template asSigVerified(x: SignedBeaconBlock): SigVerifiedSignedBeaconBlock =
## This converts a signed beacon block to a sig verified beacon clock.
## This assumes that their bytes representation is the same.
## At the GC-level, the GC is type-agnostic it's all type erased so
## casting between seq[Attestation] and seq[TrustedAttestation]
## will not disrupt GC operations.
## This SHOULD be used in function calls to avoid expensive temporary.
## see
cast[ptr SigVerifiedSignedBeaconBlock](signedBlock.unsafeAddr)[]
template asTrusted(x: SignedBeaconBlock or SigVerifiedBeaconBlock): TrustedSignedBeaconBlock =
## This converts a sigverified beacon block to a trusted beacon clock.
## This assumes that their bytes representation is the same.
## At the GC-level, the GC is type-agnostic it's all type erased so
## casting between seq[Attestation] and seq[TrustedAttestation]
## will not disrupt GC operations.
## This SHOULD be used in function calls to avoid expensive temporary.
## see
cast[ptr TrustedSignedBeaconBlock](signedBlock.unsafeAddr)[]
func getOrResolve*(dag: ChainDAGRef, quarantine: var QuarantineRef, root: Eth2Digest): BlockRef =
## Fetch a block ref, or nil if not found (will be added to list of
## blocks-to-resolve)
result = dag.getRef(root)
if result.isNil:
proc batchVerify(quarantine: var QuarantineRef, sigs: openArray[SignatureSet]): bool =
var secureRandomBytes: array[32, byte]
# TODO: For now only enable serial batch verification
return batchVerifySerial(quarantine.sigVerifCache, sigs, secureRandomBytes)
proc addRawBlock*(
dag: var ChainDAGRef, quarantine: var QuarantineRef,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock, onBlockAdded: OnBlockAdded
): Result[BlockRef, (ValidationResult, BlockError)] {.gcsafe.}
proc addResolvedBlock(
dag: var ChainDAGRef, quarantine: var QuarantineRef,
state: var StateData, trustedBlock: TrustedSignedBeaconBlock,
parent: BlockRef, cache: var StateCache,
onBlockAdded: OnBlockAdded
) =
# TODO move quarantine processing out of here
doAssert getStateField(state, slot) == trustedBlock.message.slot,
"state must match block"
doAssert state.blck.root == trustedBlock.message.parent_root,
"the StateData passed into the addResolved function not yet updated!"
blockRoot = trustedBlock.root
blockRef = BlockRef.init(blockRoot, trustedBlock.message)
blockEpoch = blockRef.slot.compute_epoch_at_slot()
link(parent, blockRef)
var epochRef = dag.findEpochRef(parent, blockEpoch)
if epochRef == nil:
let prevEpochRef =
if blockEpoch < 1: nil else: dag.findEpochRef(parent, blockEpoch - 1)
epochRef = EpochRef.init(, cache, prevEpochRef)
dag.addEpochRef(blockRef, epochRef)
trace "Populating block dag", key = blockRoot, val = blockRef
# Resolved blocks should be stored in database
var foundHead: BlockRef
for head in dag.heads.mitems():
if head.isAncestorOf(blockRef):
head = blockRef
foundHead = head
if foundHead.isNil:
foundHead = blockRef
debug "Block resolved",
blck = shortLog(trustedBlock.message),
blockRoot = shortLog(blockRoot),
heads = dag.heads.len()
state.blck = blockRef
# Notify others of the new block before processing the quarantine, such that
# notifications for parents happens before those of the children
if onBlockAdded != nil:
onBlockAdded(blockRef, trustedBlock, epochRef,
# Now that we have the new block, we should see if any of the previously
# unresolved blocks magically become resolved
# TODO This code is convoluted because when there are more than ~1.5k
# blocks being synced, there's a stack overflow as `add` gets called
# for the whole chain of blocks. Instead we use this ugly field in `dag`
# which could be avoided by refactoring the code
# TODO unit test the logic, in particular interaction with fork choice block parents
if not quarantine.inAdd:
quarantine.inAdd = true
defer: quarantine.inAdd = false
var entries = 0
while entries != quarantine.orphans.len:
entries = quarantine.orphans.len # keep going while quarantine is shrinking
var resolved: seq[SignedBeaconBlock]
for _, v in quarantine.orphans:
if v.message.parent_root in dag:
for v in resolved:
discard addRawBlock(dag, quarantine, v, onBlockAdded)
proc addRawBlockCheckStateTransition(
dag: ChainDAGRef, quarantine: var QuarantineRef,
signedBlock: SomeSignedBeaconBlock, cache: var StateCache
): (ValidationResult, BlockError) =
## addRawBlock - Ensure block can be applied on a state
func restore(v: var HashedBeaconState) =
# TODO address this ugly workaround - there should probably be a
# `state_transition` that takes a `StateData` instead and updates
# the block as well
doAssert v.addr == addr
assign(dag.clearanceState, dag.headState)
var rewards: RewardInfo
if not state_transition(dag.runtimePreset,, signedBlock,
cache, rewards, dag.updateFlags + {slotProcessed}, restore):
info "Invalid block"
return (ValidationResult.Reject, Invalid)
return (ValidationResult.Accept, default(BlockError))
proc addRawBlockKnownParent(
dag: var ChainDAGRef, quarantine: var QuarantineRef,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
parent: BlockRef,
onBlockAdded: OnBlockAdded
): Result[BlockRef, (ValidationResult, BlockError)] =
## addRawBlock - Block has a parent
if parent.slot >= signedBlock.message.slot:
# A block whose parent is newer than the block itself is clearly invalid -
# discard it immediately
debug "Invalid block slot",
parentBlock = shortLog(parent)
return err((ValidationResult.Reject, Invalid))
if (parent.slot < dag.finalizedHead.slot) or
(parent.slot == dag.finalizedHead.slot and
parent != dag.finalizedHead.blck):
# We finalized a block that's newer than the parent of this block - this
# block, although recent, is thus building on a history we're no longer
# interested in pursuing. This can happen if a client produces a block
# while syncing - ie it's own head block will be old, but it'll create
# a block according to the wall clock, in its own little world - this is
# correct - from their point of view, the head block they have is the
# latest thing that happened on the chain and they're performing their
# duty correctly.
debug "Unviable block, dropping",
finalizedHead = shortLog(dag.finalizedHead),
tail = shortLog(dag.tail)
return err((ValidationResult.Ignore, Unviable))
# The block might have been in either of `orphans` or `missing` - we don't
# want any more work done on its behalf
# The block is resolved, now it's time to validate it to ensure that the
# blocks we add to the database are clean for the given state
# TODO if the block is from the future, we should not be resolving it (yet),
# but maybe we should use it as a hint that our clock is wrong?
var cache = StateCache()
dag, dag.clearanceState, parent.atSlot(signedBlock.message.slot), true, cache)
# First batch verify crypto
if skipBLSValidation notin dag.updateFlags:
# TODO: remove skipBLSValidation
var sigs: seq[SignatureSet]
if not sigs.collectSignatureSets(signedBlock,, cache):
# A PublicKey or Signature isn't on the BLS12-381 curve
return err((ValidationResult.Reject, Invalid))
if not quarantine.batchVerify(sigs):
return err((ValidationResult.Reject, Invalid))
static: doAssert sizeof(SignedBeaconBlock) == sizeof(SigVerifiedSignedBeaconBlock)
let (valRes, blockErr) = addRawBlockCheckStateTransition(
dag, quarantine, signedBlock.asSigVerified(), cache)
if valRes != ValidationResult.Accept:
return err((valRes, blockErr))
# Careful, has been updated but not blck - we need to
# create the BlockRef first!
dag, quarantine, dag.clearanceState,
parent, cache,
return ok dag.clearanceState.blck
proc addRawBlockUnresolved(
dag: var ChainDAGRef,
quarantine: var QuarantineRef,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock
): Result[BlockRef, (ValidationResult, BlockError)] =
## addRawBlock - Block is unresolved / has no parent
# This is an unresolved block - add it to the quarantine, which will cause its
# parent to be scheduled for downloading
if not quarantine.add(dag, signedBlock):
debug "Block quarantine full"
if signedBlock.message.parent_root in quarantine.missing or
2020-09-04 06:39:46 +00:00
containsOrphan(quarantine, signedBlock):
debug "Unresolved block (parent missing or orphaned)",
orphans = quarantine.orphans.len,
missing = quarantine.missing.len
return err((ValidationResult.Ignore, MissingParent))
# TODO if we receive spam blocks, one heurestic to implement might be to wait
# for a couple of attestations to appear before fetching parents - this
# would help prevent using up network resources for spam - this serves
# two purposes: one is that attestations are likely to appear for the
# block only if it's valid / not spam - the other is that malicious
# validators that are not proposers can sign invalid blocks and send
# them out without penalty - but signing invalid attestations carries
# a risk of being slashed, making attestations a more valuable spam
# filter.
debug "Unresolved block (parent missing)",
orphans = quarantine.orphans.len,
missing = quarantine.missing.len
return err((ValidationResult.Ignore, MissingParent))
2020-05-21 17:08:31 +00:00
proc addRawBlock*(
dag: var ChainDAGRef, quarantine: var QuarantineRef,
signedBlock: SignedBeaconBlock,
onBlockAdded: OnBlockAdded
): Result[BlockRef, (ValidationResult, BlockError)] =
## Try adding a block to the chain, verifying first that it passes the state
## transition function and contains correct cryptographic signature.
## Cryptographic checks can be skipped by adding skipBLSValidation to dag.updateFlags
blck = shortLog(signedBlock.message)
blockRoot = shortLog(signedBlock.root)
template blck(): untyped = signedBlock.message # shortcuts without copy
template blockRoot(): untyped = signedBlock.root
if blockRoot in dag:
debug "Block already exists"
# We should not call the block added callback for blocks that already
# existed in the pool, as that may confuse consumers such as the fork
# choice. While the validation result won't be accessed, it's IGNORE,
# according to the spec.
return err((ValidationResult.Ignore, Duplicate))
# If the block we get is older than what we finalized already, we drop it.
# One way this can happen is that we start resolving a block and finalization
# happens in the meantime - the block we requested will then be stale
# by the time it gets here.
if blck.slot <= dag.finalizedHead.slot:
debug "Old block, dropping",
finalizedHead = shortLog(dag.finalizedHead),
tail = shortLog(dag.tail)
# Doesn't correspond to any specific validation condition, and still won't
# be used, but certainly would be IGNORE.
return err((ValidationResult.Ignore, Unviable))
let parent = dag.getRef(blck.parent_root)
if parent != nil:
return addRawBlockKnownParent(dag, quarantine, signedBlock, parent, onBlockAdded)
return addRawBlockUnresolved(dag, quarantine, signedBlock)