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# beacon_chain
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
# Standard library
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
std/[algorithm, math, parseutils, strformat, strutils, typetraits, unicode,
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
# Third-party libraries
# Status libraries
2022-08-07 21:53:20 +00:00
stew/[results, bitops2, base10, io2], stew/shims/macros,
eth/keyfile/uuid, blscurve,
json_serialization, json_serialization/std/options,
nimcrypto/[sha2, rijndael, pbkdf2, bcmode, hash, scrypt],
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
# Local modules
libp2p/crypto/crypto as lcrypto,
./datatypes/base, ./signatures
export base, uri, io2, options
# We use `ncrutils` for constant-time hexadecimal encoding/decoding procedures.
import nimcrypto/utils as ncrutils
results, burnMem, writeValue, readValue
{.localPassC: "-fno-lto".} # no LTO for crypto
2020-05-20 07:01:20 +00:00
KeystoreMode* = enum
Secure, Fast
ChecksumFunctionKind* = enum
sha256Checksum = "sha256"
Sha256Params* = object
Sha256Digest* = MDigest[256]
ChecksumBytes* = distinct seq[byte]
Checksum* = object
case function*: ChecksumFunctionKind
of sha256Checksum:
params*: Sha256Params
message*: Sha256Digest
Aes128CtrIv* = distinct seq[byte]
Aes128CtrParams* = object
iv*: Aes128CtrIv
CipherFunctionKind* = enum
aes128CtrCipher = "aes-128-ctr"
CipherBytes* = distinct seq[byte]
Cipher* = object
case function*: CipherFunctionKind
of aes128CtrCipher:
params*: Aes128CtrParams
message*: CipherBytes
KdfKind* = enum
kdfPbkdf2 = "pbkdf2"
kdfScrypt = "scrypt"
ScryptSalt* = distinct seq[byte]
ScryptParams* = object
dklen*: uint64
n*, p*, r*: int
salt*: ScryptSalt
Pbkdf2Salt* = distinct seq[byte]
PrfKind* = enum # Pseudo-random-function Kind
HmacSha256 = "hmac-sha256"
Pbkdf2Params* = object
dklen*: uint64
c*: uint64
prf*: PrfKind
salt*: Pbkdf2Salt
DecryptionStatus* = enum
Success = "Success"
InvalidPassword = "Invalid password"
InvalidKeystore = "Invalid keystore"
Wallet* = object
uuid*: UUID
name*: WalletName
version*: uint
walletType* {.serializedFieldName: "type"}: string
# TODO: The use of `JsonString` can be removed once we
# solve the serialization problem for `Crypto[T]`
crypto*: Crypto
nextAccount* {.serializedFieldName: "nextaccount".}: Natural
Kdf* = object
case function*: KdfKind
of kdfPbkdf2:
pbkdf2Params* {.serializedFieldName: "params".}: Pbkdf2Params
of kdfScrypt:
scryptParams* {.serializedFieldName: "params".}: ScryptParams
message*: string
Crypto* = object
kdf*: Kdf
checksum*: Checksum
cipher*: Cipher
Keystore* = object
crypto*: Crypto
description*: Option[string]
pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey
path*: KeyPath
uuid*: string
version*: int
KeystoreKind* = enum
Local, Remote
RemoteKeystoreFlag* {.pure.} = enum
HttpHostUri* = distinct Uri
RemoteSignerInfo* = object
url*: HttpHostUri
id*: uint32
pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey
2022-08-07 21:53:20 +00:00
FileLockHandle* = ref object
ioHandle*: IoLockHandle
opened*: bool
KeystoreData* = object
version*: uint64
pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey
description*: Option[string]
2022-08-07 21:53:20 +00:00
handle*: FileLockHandle
case kind*: KeystoreKind
of KeystoreKind.Local:
privateKey*: ValidatorPrivKey
path*: KeyPath
uuid*: string
of KeystoreKind.Remote:
flags*: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag]
remotes*: seq[RemoteSignerInfo]
threshold*: uint32
NetKeystore* = object
crypto*: Crypto
description*: Option[string]
pubkey*: lcrypto.PublicKey
uuid*: string
version*: int
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
RemoteSignerType* {.pure.} = enum
RemoteKeystore* = object
version*: uint64
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
description*: Option[string]
remoteType*: RemoteSignerType
pubkey*: ValidatorPubKey
flags*: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag]
remotes*: seq[RemoteSignerInfo]
threshold*: uint32
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
KsResult*[T] = Result[T, string]
Eth2KeyKind* = enum
signingKeyKind # Also known as voting key
UUID* = distinct string
WalletName* = distinct string
Mnemonic* = distinct string
KeyPath* = distinct string
KeySeed* = distinct seq[byte]
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
KeystorePass* = object
str*: string
Credentials* = object
mnemonic*: Mnemonic
keystore*: Keystore
signingKey*: ValidatorPrivKey
withdrawalKey*: ValidatorPrivKey
SimpleHexEncodedTypes* = ScryptSalt|ChecksumBytes|CipherBytes
keyLen = 32
2020-05-20 07:22:21 +00:00
scryptParams = ScryptParams(
dklen: uint64 keyLen,
n: 2^18,
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
p: 1,
r: 8
pbkdf2Params = Pbkdf2Params(
dklen: uint64 keyLen,
c: uint64(2^18),
prf: HmacSha256
eth2KeyPurpose = 12381
eth2CoinType* = 3600
baseKeyPath* = [Natural eth2KeyPurpose, eth2CoinType]
wordListLen = 2048
maxWordLen = 16
UUID.serializesAsBaseIn Json
KeyPath.serializesAsBaseIn Json
WalletName.serializesAsBaseIn Json
template `$`*(u: HttpHostUri): string =
template `==`*(lhs, rhs: HttpHostUri): bool =
Uri(lhs) == Uri(rhs)
template `<`*(lhs, rhs: HttpHostUri): bool =
$Uri(lhs) < $Uri(rhs)
template `$`*(m: Mnemonic): string =
template `==`*(lhs, rhs: WalletName): bool =
string(lhs) == string(rhs)
template `$`*(x: WalletName): string =
# TODO: `burnMem` in nimcrypto could use distinctBase
# to make its usage less error-prone.
template burnMem*(m: var (Mnemonic|string)) =
2020-08-20 14:59:59 +00:00
ncrutils.burnMem(string m)
template burnMem*(m: var KeySeed) =
ncrutils.burnMem(distinctBase m)
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
template burnMem*(m: var KeystorePass) =
func longName*(wallet: Wallet): string =
if == wallet.uuid.string:
else: & " (" & wallet.uuid.string & ")"
macro wordListArray*(filename: static string,
maxWords: static int = 0,
minWordLen: static int = 0,
maxWordLen: static int = high(int)): untyped =
result = newTree(nnkBracket)
let words = slurp(filename.replace('\\', '/')).splitLines()
for word in words:
if word.len >= minWordLen and word.len <= maxWordLen:
result.add newCall("cstring", newLit(word))
if maxWords > 0 and result.len >= maxWords:
englishWords = wordListArray("english_word_list.txt",
maxWords = wordListLen,
maxWordLen = maxWordLen)
englishWordsDigest =
proc checkEnglishWords(): bool =
if len(englishWords) != wordListLen:
var ctx: sha256
for item in englishWords:
ctx.finish() == englishWordsDigest
doAssert(checkEnglishWords(), "English words array is corrupted!")
func validateKeyPath*(path: string): Result[KeyPath, cstring] =
var digitCount: int
var number: BiggestUInt
for elem in path.string.split("/"):
# TODO: doesn't "m" have to be the first character and is it the only
# place where it is valid?
if elem == "m":
# parseBiggestUInt can raise if overflow
digitCount = elem.parseBiggestUInt(number)
if digitCount == 0:
return err("Invalid derivation path")
except ValueError:
return err("KeyPath contains invalid number(s)")
return ok(KeyPath path)
iterator pathNodes(path: KeyPath): Natural =
# TODO: we have exceptions there
# and this iterator is used to derive secret keys
# if we fail we want to scrub secrets from memory
for elem in path.string.split("/"):
if elem == "m": continue
yield parseBiggestUInt(elem)
except ValueError:
doAssert false, "Make sure you've validated the key path with `validateKeyPath`"
func makeKeyPath*(validatorIdx: Natural,
keyType: Eth2KeyKind): KeyPath =
let use = case keyType
of withdrawalKeyKind: "0"
of signingKeyKind: "0/0"
KeyPath &"m/{eth2KeyPurpose}/{eth2CoinType}/{validatorIdx}/{use}"
except ValueError:
raiseAssert "All values above can be converted successfully to strings"
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
func isControlRune(r: Rune): bool =
let r = int r
(r >= 0 and r < 0x20) or (r >= 0x7F and r < 0xA0)
proc init*(T: type KeystorePass, input: string): T =
for rune in toNFKD(input):
if not isControlRune(rune):
result.str.add rune
func getSeed*(mnemonic: Mnemonic, password: KeystorePass): KeySeed =
2020-10-02 16:08:57 +00:00
let salt = toNFKD("mnemonic" & password.str)
KeySeed sha512.pbkdf2(mnemonic.string, salt, 2048, 64)
template add(m: var Mnemonic, s: cstring) =
m.string.add s
proc generateMnemonic*(
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
rng: var HmacDrbgContext,
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
words: openArray[cstring] = englishWords,
entropyParam: openArray[byte] = @[]): Mnemonic =
## Generates a valid BIP-0039 mnenomic:
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
var entropy =
if entropyParam.len == 0:
doAssert entropyParam.len >= 128 and
entropyParam.len <= 256 and
entropyParam.len mod 32 == 0
checksumBits = entropy.len div 4 # ranges from 4 to 8
mnemonicWordCount = 12 + (checksumBits - 4) * 3
checksum = sha256.digest(entropy)
entropy.add byte( ..< checksumBits))
# Make sure the string won't be reallocated as this may
# leave partial copies of the mnemonic in memory:
result = Mnemonic newStringOfCap(mnemonicWordCount * maxWordLen)
result.add words[entropy.getBitsBE(0..10)]
for i in 1 ..< mnemonicWordCount:
firstBit = i*11
lastBit = firstBit + 10
result.add " "
result.add words[entropy.getBitsBE(firstBit..lastBit)]
proc cmpIgnoreCase(lhs: cstring, rhs: string): int =
# TODO: This is a bit silly.
# Nim should have a `cmp` function for C strings.
cmpIgnoreCase($lhs, rhs)
proc validateMnemonic*(inputWords: string,
outputMnemonic: var Mnemonic): bool =
## Accept a case-insensitive input string and returns `true`
## if it represents a valid mnenomic. The `outputMnemonic`
## value will be populated with a normalized lower-case
## version of the mnemonic using a single space separator.
## The `outputMnemonic` value may be populated partially
## with sensitive data even in case of validator failure.
## Make sure to burn the received data after usage.
# TODO consider using a SecretString type for inputWords
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
let words = strutils.strip(inputWords.string.toNFKD).split(Whitespace)
if words.len < 12 or words.len > 24 or words.len mod 3 != 0:
return false
# Make sure the string won't be re-allocated as this may
# leave partial copies of the mnemonic in memory:
outputMnemonic = Mnemonic newStringOfCap(words.len * maxWordLen)
for word in words:
let foundIdx = binarySearch(englishWords, word, cmpIgnoreCase)
if foundIdx == -1:
return false
if outputMnemonic.string.len > 0:
outputMnemonic.add " "
outputMnemonic.add englishWords[foundIdx]
return true
proc deriveChildKey*(parentKey: ValidatorPrivKey,
index: Natural): ValidatorPrivKey =
2020-06-08 14:56:56 +00:00
let success = derive_child_secretKey(SecretKey result,
SecretKey parentKey,
uint32 index)
# TODO `derive_child_secretKey` is reporting pre-condition
# failures with return values. We should turn the checks
# into asserts inside the function.
doAssert success
proc deriveMasterKey*(seed: KeySeed): ValidatorPrivKey =
2020-06-08 14:56:56 +00:00
let success = derive_master_secretKey(SecretKey result,
seq[byte] seed)
# TODO `derive_master_secretKey` is reporting pre-condition
# failures with return values. We should turn the checks
# into asserts inside the function.
doAssert success
proc deriveMasterKey*(mnemonic: Mnemonic,
password: KeystorePass): ValidatorPrivKey =
deriveMasterKey(getSeed(mnemonic, password))
proc deriveChildKey*(masterKey: ValidatorPrivKey,
path: KeyPath): ValidatorPrivKey =
result = masterKey
for idx in pathNodes(path):
result = deriveChildKey(result, idx)
proc deriveChildKey*(masterKey: ValidatorPrivKey,
path: openArray[Natural]): ValidatorPrivKey =
result = masterKey
for idx in path:
# TODO: we have exceptions in pathNodes unless `validateKeyPath`
# was called,
# and this iterator is used to derive secret keys
# if we fail we want to scrub secrets from memory
result = deriveChildKey(result, idx)
proc keyFromPath*(mnemonic: Mnemonic,
password: KeystorePass,
path: KeyPath): ValidatorPrivKey =
deriveChildKey(deriveMasterKey(mnemonic, password), path)
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
proc shaChecksum(key, cipher: openArray[byte]): Sha256Digest =
var ctx: sha256
result = ctx.finish()
2020-05-20 07:22:21 +00:00
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
proc writeJsonHexString(s: OutputStream, data: openArray[byte])
{.raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
s.write '"'
s.write ncrutils.toHex(data, {HexFlags.LowerCase})
s.write '"'
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Pbkdf2Salt)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
let s = r.readValue(string)
if s.len == 0 or s.len mod 16 != 0:
"The Pbkdf2Salt salt must have a non-zero length divisible by 16")
2020-05-27 14:05:32 +00:00
value = Pbkdf2Salt ncrutils.fromHex(s)
let length = len(seq[byte](value))
if length == 0 or (length mod 8) != 0:
"The Pbkdf2Salt must be a valid hex string")
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Aes128CtrIv)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
let s = r.readValue(string)
if s.len != 32:
"The aes-128-ctr IV must be a string of length 32")
value = Aes128CtrIv ncrutils.fromHex(s)
if len(seq[byte](value)) != 16:
"The aes-128-ctr IV must be a valid hex string")
proc readValue*[T: SimpleHexEncodedTypes](r: var JsonReader, value: var T) {.
raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
value = T ncrutils.fromHex(r.readValue(string))
if len(seq[byte](value)) == 0:
r.raiseUnexpectedValue("Valid hex string expected")
proc readValue*(r: var JsonReader, value: var Kdf)
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
functionSpecified = false
paramsSpecified = false
for fieldName in readObjectFields(r):
case fieldName
of "function":
value.function = r.readValue(KdfKind)
functionSpecified = true
of "params":
if functionSpecified:
case value.function
of kdfPbkdf2:
of kdfScrypt:
"The 'params' field must be specified after the 'function' field")
paramsSpecified = true
of "message":
r.raiseUnexpectedField(fieldName, "Kdf")
if not (functionSpecified and paramsSpecified):
"The Kdf value should have sub-fields named 'function' and 'params'")
# HttpHostUri
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var HttpHostUri) {.
raises: [IOError, SerializationError, Defect].} =
let svalue = reader.readValue(string)
let res = parseUri(svalue)
if res.scheme != "http" and res.scheme != "https":
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Incorrect URL scheme")
if len(res.hostname) == 0:
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Missing URL hostname")
value = HttpHostUri(res)
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: HttpHostUri) {.
raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
# RemoteKeystore
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: RemoteKeystore)
{.raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
writer.writeField("version", value.version)
writer.writeField("pubkey", "0x" & value.pubkey.toHex())
writer.writeField("remotes", value.remotes)
writer.writeField("threshold", value.threshold)
case value.remoteType
of RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer:
writer.writeField("type", "web3signer")
if value.description.isSome():
writer.writeField("description", value.description.get())
if RemoteKeystoreFlag.IgnoreSSLVerification in value.flags:
writer.writeField("ignore_ssl_verification", true)
template writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter,
value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv) =
writeJsonHexString(, distinctBase value)
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var RemoteKeystore)
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
{.raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
version: Option[uint64]
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
description: Option[string]
remote: Option[HttpHostUri]
remotes: Option[seq[RemoteSignerInfo]]
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
remoteType: Option[string]
ignoreSslVerification: Option[bool]
pubkey: Option[ValidatorPubKey]
threshold: Option[uint32]
implicitVersion1 = false
# TODO: implementing deserializers for versioned objects
# manually is extremely error-prone. This should use
# the auto-generated deserializer from nim-json-serialization
for fieldName in readObjectFields(reader):
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
case fieldName:
of "pubkey":
if pubkey.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `pubkey` fields found",
pubkey = some(reader.readValue(ValidatorPubKey))
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
of "remote":
if version.isSome and version.get > 1:
"The `remote` field is valid only in version 1 of the remote keystore format",
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
if remote.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `remote` fields found",
remote = some(reader.readValue(HttpHostUri))
implicitVersion1 = true
of "remotes":
if remotes.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `remote` fields found",
remotes = some(reader.readValue(seq[RemoteSignerInfo]))
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
of "version":
if version.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `version` fields found",
version = some(reader.readValue(uint64))
if implicitVersion1 and version.get > 1'u64:
"Remote keystore format doesn't match the specified version number")
if version.get > 2'u64:
"Remote keystore version " & $version.get &
" requires a more recent version of Nimbus")
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
of "description":
let res = reader.readValue(string)
if description.isSome():
description = some(description.get() & "\n" & res)
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
description = some(res)
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
of "ignore_ssl_verification":
if ignoreSslVerification.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple conflicting options found",
ignoreSslVerification = some(reader.readValue(bool))
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
of "type":
if remoteType.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `type` fields found",
remoteType = some(reader.readValue(string))
of "threshold":
if threshold.isSome():
reader.raiseUnexpectedField("Multiple `threshold` fields found",
threshold = some(reader.readValue(uint32))
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
# Ignore unknown field names.
if version.isNone():
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Field `version` is missing")
if remotes.isNone():
if remote.isSome and pubkey.isSome:
remotes = some @[RemoteSignerInfo(
pubkey: pubkey.get,
id: 0,
url: remote.get
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Field `remotes` is missing")
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
if pubkey.isNone():
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Field `pubkey` is missing")
let keystoreType =
if remoteType.isSome():
let res = remoteType.get()
case res.toLowerAscii()
of "web3signer":
reader.raiseUnexpectedValue("Unsupported remote signer `type` value")
let keystoreFlags =
var res: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag]
if ignoreSslVerification.isSome():
value = RemoteKeystore(
version: 2'u64,
pubkey: pubkey.get,
description: description,
remoteType: keystoreType,
remotes: remotes.get,
threshold: threshold.get(1),
2021-11-30 01:20:21 +00:00
template writeValue*(w: var JsonWriter,
value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv) =
writeJsonHexString(, distinctBase value)
template bytes(value: Pbkdf2Salt|SimpleHexEncodedTypes|Aes128CtrIv): seq[byte] =
distinctBase value
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
func scrypt(password: openArray[char], salt: openArray[byte],
N, r, p: int; keyLen: static[int]): array[keyLen, byte] =
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
let (xyvLen, bLen) = scryptCalc(N, r, p)
var xyv = newSeq[uint32](xyvLen)
var b = newSeq[byte](bLen)
discard scrypt(password, salt, N, r, p, xyv, b, result)
func areValid(params: Pbkdf2Params): bool =
if params.c == 0 or params.dklen < 32 or params.salt.bytes.len == 0:
return false
let hLen = case params.prf
of HmacSha256: 256 / 8
params.dklen <= high(uint32).uint64 * hLen.uint64
func areValid(params: ScryptParams): bool =
static: doAssert scryptParams.dklen >= 32
params.dklen == scryptParams.dklen and
params.n == scryptParams.n and
params.r == scryptParams.r and
params.p == scryptParams.p and
params.salt.bytes.len > 0
proc decryptCryptoField*(crypto: Crypto,
password: KeystorePass,
outSecret: var seq[byte]): DecryptionStatus =
if crypto.cipher.message.bytes.len == 0:
return InvalidKeystore
let decKey = case crypto.kdf.function
of kdfPbkdf2:
template params: auto = crypto.kdf.pbkdf2Params
if not params.areValid or params.c > high(int).uint64:
return InvalidKeystore
int params.c,
int params.dklen)
of kdfScrypt:
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
template params: auto = crypto.kdf.scryptParams
if not params.areValid:
return InvalidKeystore
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
int scryptParams.dklen))
let derivedChecksum = shaChecksum(decKey.toOpenArray(16, 31),
if derivedChecksum != crypto.checksum.message:
return InvalidPassword
var aesCipher: CTR[aes128]
aesCipher.init(decKey.toOpenArray(0, 15), crypto.cipher.params.iv.bytes)
aesCipher.decrypt(crypto.cipher.message.bytes, outSecret)
return Success
func cstringToStr(v: cstring): string = $v
template parseKeystore*(jsonContent: string): Keystore =
Json.decode(jsonContent, Keystore,
requireAllFields = true,
allowUnknownFields = true)
template parseNetKeystore*(jsonContent: string): NetKeystore =
Json.decode(jsonContent, NetKeystore,
requireAllFields = true,
allowUnknownFields = true)
template parseRemoteKeystore*(jsonContent: string): RemoteKeystore =
Json.decode(jsonContent, RemoteKeystore,
requireAllFields = false,
allowUnknownFields = true)
proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: Keystore,
password: KeystorePass): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] =
var secret: seq[byte]
defer: burnMem(secret)
let status = decryptCryptoField(keystore.crypto, password, secret)
case status
of Success:
err $status
proc decryptKeystore*(keystore: JsonString,
password: KeystorePass): KsResult[ValidatorPrivKey] =
let keystore = try: parseKeystore(string keystore)
except SerializationError as e:
return err e.formatMsg("<keystore>")
decryptKeystore(keystore, password)
proc writeValue*(writer: var JsonWriter, value: lcrypto.PublicKey) {.
inline, raises: [IOError, Defect].} =
proc readValue*(reader: var JsonReader, value: var lcrypto.PublicKey) {.
raises: [SerializationError, IOError, Defect].} =
let res = init(lcrypto.PublicKey, reader.readValue(string))
if res.isOk():
value = res.get()
# TODO: Can we provide better diagnostic?
raiseUnexpectedValue(reader, "Valid hex-encoded public key expected")
proc decryptNetKeystore*(nkeystore: NetKeystore,
password: KeystorePass): KsResult[lcrypto.PrivateKey] =
var secret: seq[byte]
defer: burnMem(secret)
let status = decryptCryptoField(nkeystore.crypto, password, secret)
case status
of Success:
let res = lcrypto.PrivateKey.init(secret)
if res.isOk:
ok res.get
err "Invalid key"
err $status
proc decryptNetKeystore*(nkeystore: JsonString,
password: KeystorePass): KsResult[lcrypto.PrivateKey] =
let keystore = parseNetKeystore(string nkeystore)
return decryptNetKeystore(keystore, password)
except SerializationError as exc:
return err(exc.formatMsg("<keystore>"))
proc createCryptoField(kdfKind: KdfKind,
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
rng: var HmacDrbgContext,
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
secret: openArray[byte],
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
password = KeystorePass.init "",
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
salt: openArray[byte] = @[],
iv: openArray[byte] = @[],
mode = Secure): Crypto =
type AES = aes128
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
let kdfSalt =
if salt.len > 0:
doAssert salt.len == keyLen
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
let aesIv = if iv.len > 0:
doAssert iv.len == AES.sizeBlock
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
var decKey: seq[byte]
let kdf = case kdfKind
of kdfPbkdf2:
var params = pbkdf2Params
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
params.salt = Pbkdf2Salt kdfSalt
if mode == Fast: params.c = 1
decKey = sha256.pbkdf2(password.str,
int params.c,
int params.dklen)
Kdf(function: kdfPbkdf2, pbkdf2Params: params, message: "")
of kdfScrypt:
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
var params = scryptParams
params.salt = ScryptSalt kdfSalt
if mode == Fast: params.n = 1
decKey = @(scrypt(password.str, kdfSalt,
params.n, params.r, params.p, keyLen))
2020-08-02 18:46:12 +00:00
Kdf(function: kdfScrypt, scryptParams: params, message: "")
aesCipher: CTR[AES]
cipherMsg = newSeq[byte](secret.len)
2020-05-20 07:22:21 +00:00
aesCipher.init(decKey.toOpenArray(0, 15), aesIv)
aesCipher.encrypt(secret, cipherMsg)
let sum = shaChecksum(decKey.toOpenArray(16, 31), cipherMsg)
kdf: kdf,
checksum: Checksum(
function: sha256Checksum,
message: sum),
cipher: Cipher(
function: aes128CtrCipher,
params: Aes128CtrParams(iv: Aes128CtrIv aesIv),
message: CipherBytes cipherMsg))
proc createNetKeystore*(kdfKind: KdfKind,
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
rng: var HmacDrbgContext,
privKey: lcrypto.PrivateKey,
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
password = KeystorePass.init "",
description = "",
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
salt: openArray[byte] = @[],
iv: openArray[byte] = @[]): NetKeystore =
secret = privKey.getBytes().get()
cryptoField = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, secret, password, salt, iv)
pubkey = privKey.getPublicKey().get()
uuid = uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available")
crypto: cryptoField,
pubkey: pubkey,
description: if len(description) > 0: some(description)
else: none[string](),
uuid: $uuid,
version: 1
proc createKeystore*(kdfKind: KdfKind,
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
rng: var HmacDrbgContext,
privKey: ValidatorPrivKey,
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
password = KeystorePass.init "",
path = KeyPath "",
2020-08-02 17:54:48 +00:00
description = "",
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
salt: openArray[byte] = @[],
iv: openArray[byte] = @[],
mode = Secure): Keystore =
secret = privKey.toRaw[^32..^1]
cryptoField = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, secret, password, salt, iv, mode)
pubkey = privKey.toPubKey()
uuid = uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available")
crypto: cryptoField,
pubkey: pubkey.toPubKey(),
path: path,
description: if len(description) > 0: some(description)
else: none[string](),
uuid: $uuid,
version: 4)
proc createRemoteKeystore*(pubKey: ValidatorPubKey, remoteUri: HttpHostUri,
version = 1'u64, description = "",
remoteType = RemoteSignerType.Web3Signer,
flags: set[RemoteKeystoreFlag] = {}): RemoteKeystore =
let signerInfo = RemoteSignerInfo(
url: remoteUri,
pubkey: pubKey,
id: 0
version: version,
description: if len(description) > 0: some(description)
else: none[string](),
remoteType: remoteType,
pubkey: pubKey,
remotes: @[signerInfo],
flags: flags
proc createWallet*(kdfKind: KdfKind,
2022-06-21 08:29:16 +00:00
rng: var HmacDrbgContext,
seed: KeySeed,
name = WalletName "",
2020-10-28 18:35:31 +00:00
salt: openArray[byte] = @[],
iv: openArray[byte] = @[],
2020-10-02 15:46:05 +00:00
password = KeystorePass.init "",
nextAccount = none(Natural),
pretty = true): Wallet =
uuid = UUID $(uuidGenerate().expect("Random bytes should be available"))
crypto = createCryptoField(kdfKind, rng, distinctBase seed,
password, salt, iv)
uuid: uuid,
name: if name.string.len > 0: name
else: WalletName(uuid),
version: 1,
walletType: "hierarchical deterministic",
crypto: crypto,
nextAccount: nextAccount.get(0))
func makeWithdrawalCredentials*(k: ValidatorPubKey): Eth2Digest =
var bytes = eth2digest(k.toRaw())[0] = BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX.uint8
proc makeWithdrawalCredentials*(k: CookedPubKey): Eth2Digest =
Implement split preset/config support (#2710) * Implement split preset/config support This is the initial bulk refactor to introduce runtime config values in a number of places, somewhat replacing the existing mechanism of loading network metadata. It still needs more work, this is the initial refactor that introduces runtime configuration in some of the places that need it. The PR changes the way presets and constants work, to match the spec. In particular, a "preset" now refers to the compile-time configuration while a "cfg" or "RuntimeConfig" is the dynamic part. A single binary can support either mainnet or minimal, but not both. Support for other presets has been removed completely (can be readded, in case there's need). There's a number of outstanding tasks: * `SECONDS_PER_SLOT` still needs fixing * loading custom runtime configs needs redoing * checking constants against YAML file * yeerongpilly support `build/nimbus_beacon_node --network=yeerongpilly --discv5:no --log-level=DEBUG` * load fork epoch from config * fix fork digest sent in status * nicer error string for request failures * fix tools * one more * fixup * fixup * fixup * use "standard" network definition folder in local testnet Files are loaded from their standard locations, including genesis etc, to conform to the format used in the `eth2-networks` repo. * fix launch scripts, allow unknown config values * fix base config of rest test * cleanups * bundle mainnet config using common loader * fix spec links and names * only include supported preset in binary * drop yeerongpilly, add altair-devnet-0, support boot_enr.yaml
2021-07-12 13:01:38 +00:00
proc prepareDeposit*(cfg: RuntimeConfig,
withdrawalPubKey: CookedPubKey,
signingKey: ValidatorPrivKey, signingPubKey: CookedPubKey,
amount = MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE.Gwei): DepositData =
var res = DepositData(
amount: amount,
pubkey: signingPubKey.toPubKey(),
withdrawal_credentials: makeWithdrawalCredentials(withdrawalPubKey))
Implement split preset/config support (#2710) * Implement split preset/config support This is the initial bulk refactor to introduce runtime config values in a number of places, somewhat replacing the existing mechanism of loading network metadata. It still needs more work, this is the initial refactor that introduces runtime configuration in some of the places that need it. The PR changes the way presets and constants work, to match the spec. In particular, a "preset" now refers to the compile-time configuration while a "cfg" or "RuntimeConfig" is the dynamic part. A single binary can support either mainnet or minimal, but not both. Support for other presets has been removed completely (can be readded, in case there's need). There's a number of outstanding tasks: * `SECONDS_PER_SLOT` still needs fixing * loading custom runtime configs needs redoing * checking constants against YAML file * yeerongpilly support `build/nimbus_beacon_node --network=yeerongpilly --discv5:no --log-level=DEBUG` * load fork epoch from config * fix fork digest sent in status * nicer error string for request failures * fix tools * one more * fixup * fixup * fixup * use "standard" network definition folder in local testnet Files are loaded from their standard locations, including genesis etc, to conform to the format used in the `eth2-networks` repo. * fix launch scripts, allow unknown config values * fix base config of rest test * cleanups * bundle mainnet config using common loader * fix spec links and names * only include supported preset in binary * drop yeerongpilly, add altair-devnet-0, support boot_enr.yaml
2021-07-12 13:01:38 +00:00
res.signature = get_deposit_signature(cfg, res, signingKey).toValidatorSig()
return res