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# Clone repos
git clone
# On the thegostep/docs branch
git checkout 977d487e6eae38afbc9e4108e8c5c24689a8c222
diff --git a/lib/service.go b/lib/service.go
index cd3e88e..b477fb5 100644
--- a/lib/service.go
+++ b/lib/service.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+ "math/big"
@@ -165,6 +166,11 @@ func (m *RelayService) ProposeBlindedBlockV1(r *http.Request, args *SignedBlinde
blockHash = body.ExecutionPayloadCamel.BlockHashCamel
+ var foo ExecutionPayloadWithTxRootV1
+ foo = ExecutionPayloadWithTxRootV1{BaseFeePerGas: big.NewInt(4)}
+ *result = foo
+ return nil
payloadCached :=
if payloadCached != nil {
log.Println(green("ProposeBlindedBlockV1: ✓ revealing previous payload from execution client: "), payloadCached.BlockHash, payloadCached.Number, payloadCached.TransactionsRoot)
@@ -197,6 +203,11 @@ var nilHash = common.Hash{}
// GetPayloadHeaderV1 TODO
func (m *RelayService) GetPayloadHeaderV1(r *http.Request, args *string, result *ExecutionPayloadWithTxRootV1) error {
+ var foo ExecutionPayloadWithTxRootV1
+ foo = ExecutionPayloadWithTxRootV1{BaseFeePerGas: big.NewInt(4)}
+ *result = foo
+ return nil;
executionResp, executionErr := makeRequest(m.executionURL, "engine_getPayloadV1", []interface{}{*args})
relayResp, relayErr := makeRequest(m.relayURL, "engine_getPayloadV1", []interface{}{*args})
if one wants to just test the RPC without a relay or execution client, only the builder.
# Build and run the mev-boost command
In the `mev-boost/cmd/mev-boost` directory, run `go build . && ./mev_boost`:
$ go build . && ./mev-boost
mev-boost: 2022/02/23 06:45:07 main.go:29: listening on: 18550
# Run the Nimbus-side RPC test
This currently accesses a field in eth1_monitor directly:
diff --git a/beacon_chain/eth1/eth1_monitor.nim b/beacon_chain/eth1/eth1_monitor.nim
index b2cebda8..06d55f15 100644
--- a/beacon_chain/eth1/eth1_monitor.nim
+++ b/beacon_chain/eth1/eth1_monitor.nim
@@ -127,3 +127,3 @@ type
url: string
- web3: Web3
+ web3*: Web3
ns: Sender[DepositContract]
Pending further integration into eth1_monitor.
If that's in place, run:
$ ./ nim c --hints:off -r scripts/test_mev_boost
[Suite] mev-boost RPC
DBG 2022-02-23 06:47:19.710+01:00 Message sent to RPC server topics="JSONRPC-HTTP-CLIENT" tid=635228 file=httpclient.nim:68 address="ok((id: \"\", scheme: NonSecure, hostname: \"\", port: 18550, path: \"\", query: \"\", anchor: \"\", username: \"\", password: \"\", addresses: @[]))" msg_len=553
[OK] builder_ProposeBlindedBlockV1
DBG 2022-02-23 06:47:19.713+01:00 Message sent to RPC server topics="JSONRPC-HTTP-CLIENT" tid=635228 file=httpclient.nim:68 address="ok((id: \"\", scheme: NonSecure, hostname: \"\", port: 18550, path: \"\", query: \"\", anchor: \"\", username: \"\", password: \"\", addresses: @[]))" msg_len=94
[OK] builder_getPayloadHeaderV1
The RPC traffic looks like:
POST / HTTP/1.1\r
Accept: */*\r
Content-Length: 553\r
Content-Type: application/json\r
Connection: keep-alive\r
User-Agent: nim-chronos/3.0.2 (amd64/linux)\r
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"builder_proposeBlindedBlockV1","params":[{"message":{"slot":"0x0","proposer_index":"0x0","parent_root":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","state_root":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000","body":{"execution_payload_header":{"blockHash":""}}},"signature":"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}],"id":1}< 2022/02/23 06:28:43.588446 length=887 from=0 to=886
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 05:28:43 GMT\r
Content-Length: 730\r
> 2022/02/23 06:28:43.590617 length=264 from=0 to=263
POST / HTTP/1.1\r
Accept: */*\r
Content-Length: 94\r
Content-Type: application/json\r
Connection: keep-alive\r
User-Agent: nim-chronos/3.0.2 (amd64/linux)\r
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"builder_getPayloadHeaderV1","params":["0x0000000000000000"],"id":1}< 2022/02/23 06:28:43.591736 length=887 from=0 to=886
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 05:28:43 GMT\r
Content-Length: 730\r
This exercises the RPC serialization and deserialization.