Updated Understanding and debugging Nimbus EVM JSON tests (markdown)

andri lim 2020-02-19 21:38:17 +07:00
parent 0a03b2d43f
commit 6e6269dcc5
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ Addition input path prefix are:
## Legacy tests
Both General State Tests and Block Chain Tests contains legacy test suite and new test suite. If you want to select legacy test suite, please use `--legacy:true`. Default configuration will new test suite. Legacy test suite contains test data for Frontier up to Constantinople. New test suite contains test data for Istanbul onward.
nim c -d:release -r tests/test_generalstate_json.nim stSStoreTest/InitCollision.json --index:1 --legacy:true
## VMTests