244 lines
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244 lines
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[sequtils, sets, tables],
eth/[common, p2p, trie/nibbles],
stew/[byteutils, interval_set],
"."/[hexary_desc, hexary_error, hexary_nearby, hexary_paths]
RangeLeaf* = object
key*: NodeKey ## Leaf node path
data*: Blob ## Leaf node data
RangeProof* = object
leafs*: seq[RangeLeaf]
leafsSize*: int
proof*: seq[SnapProof]
proofSize*: int
proc hexaryRangeRlpLeafListSize*(blobLen: int; lstLen = 0): (int,int) {.gcsafe.}
proc hexaryRangeRlpSize*(blobLen: int): int {.gcsafe.}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc convertTo(key: RepairKey; T: type NodeKey): T =
## Might be lossy, check before use (if at all, unless debugging)
(addr result.ByteArray32[0]).copyMem(unsafeAddr key.ByteArray33[1], 32)
proc rlpPairSize(aLen: int; bRlpLen: int): int =
## Size caclualation for an RLP encoded pair `[<a>,<rb>]` for blobs `a` and
## rlp encoded `rb` argument length `aLen` and `bRlpLen`.
let aRlpLen = hexaryRangeRlpSize(aLen)
if bRlpLen < high(int) - aRlpLen:
hexaryRangeRlpSize(aRlpLen + bRlpLen)
proc nonLeafPathNodes(
baseTag: NodeTag; # Left boundary
rootKey: NodeKey|RepairKey; # State root
db: HexaryGetFn|HexaryTreeDbRef; # Database abstraction
): HashSet[SnapProof]
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError]} =
## Helper for `updateProof()`
.hexaryPath(rootKey, db)
.filterIt(it.kind != Leaf)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template collectLeafs(
db: HexaryGetFn|HexaryTreeDbRef; # Database abstraction
rootKey: NodeKey|RepairKey; # State root
iv: NodeTagRange; # Proofed range of leaf paths
nSizeLimit: int; # List of RLP encoded data must be smaller
nSizeUsed: var int; # Updated size counter for the raw list
): auto =
## Collect trie database leafs prototype. This directive is provided as
## `template` for avoiding varying exceprion annotations.
var rc: Result[seq[RangeLeaf],HexaryError]
block body:
nodeTag = minPt(iv)
prevTag: NodeTag
rls: seq[RangeLeaf]
# Fill leaf nodes from interval range unless size reached
while nodeTag <= maxPt(iv):
# The following logic might be sub-optimal. A strict version of the
# `next()` function that stops with an error at dangling links could
# be faster if the leaf nodes are not too far apart on the hexary trie.
xPath = block:
let rx = nodeTag.hexaryPath(rootKey,db).hexaryNearbyRight(db)
if rx.isErr:
rc = typeof(rc).err(rx.error)
break body
rightKey = getPartialPath(xPath).convertTo(NodeKey)
rightTag = rightKey.to(NodeTag)
# Prevents from semi-endless looping
if rightTag <= prevTag and 0 < rls.len:
# Oops, should have been tackeled by `hexaryNearbyRight()`
rc = typeof(rc).err(FailedNextNode)
break body # stop here
let (pairLen,listLen) =
hexaryRangeRlpLeafListSize(xPath.leafData.len, nSizeUsed)
if listLen < nSizeLimit:
nSizeUsed += pairLen
rls.add RangeLeaf(
key: rightKey,
data: xPath.leafData)
prevTag = nodeTag
nodeTag = rightTag + 1.u256
rc = typeof(rc).ok(rls)
# End body
template updateProof(
db: HexaryGetFn|HexaryTreeDbRef; # Database abstraction
rootKey: NodeKey|RepairKey; # State root
baseTag: NodeTag; # Left boundary
leafList: seq[RangeLeaf]; # Set of collected leafs
nSizeUsed: int; # To be stored into the result
): auto =
## Complement leafs list by adding proof nodes. This directive is provided as
## `template` for avoiding varying exceprion annotations.
var proof = nonLeafPathNodes(baseTag, rootKey, db)
if 0 < leafList.len:
proof.incl nonLeafPathNodes(leafList[^1].key.to(NodeTag), rootKey, db)
var rp = RangeProof(
leafs: leafList,
proof: toSeq(proof))
if 0 < nSizeUsed:
rp.leafsSize = hexaryRangeRlpSize nSizeUsed
if 0 < rp.proof.len:
rp.proofSize = hexaryRangeRlpSize rp.proof.foldl(a + b.to(Blob).len, 0)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc hexaryRangeLeafsProof*(
db: HexaryGetFn|HexaryTreeDbRef; # Database abstraction
rootKey: NodeKey; # State root
iv: NodeTagRange; # Proofed range of leaf paths
nSizeLimit = high(int); # List of RLP encoded data must be smaller
): Result[RangeProof,HexaryError]
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError]} =
## Collect trie database leafs prototype and add proof.
var accSize = 0
let rc = db.collectLeafs(rootKey, iv, nSizeLimit, accSize)
if rc.isErr:
ok(db.updateProof(rootKey, iv.minPt, rc.value, accSize))
proc hexaryRangeLeafsProof*(
db: HexaryGetFn|HexaryTreeDbRef; # Database abstraction
rootKey: NodeKey; # State root
baseTag: NodeTag; # Left boundary
leafList: seq[RangeLeaf]; # Set of already collected leafs
): RangeProof
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError]} =
## Complement leafs list by adding proof nodes to the argument list
## `leafList`.
db.updateProof(rootKey, baseTag, leafList, 0)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc to*(
rl: RangeLeaf;
T: type SnapAccount;
): T
{.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError]} =
## Convert the generic `RangeLeaf` argument to payload type.
T(accHash: rl.key.to(Hash256),
accBody: rl.data.decode(Account))
proc hexaryRangeRlpSize*(blobLen: int): int =
## Returns the size of RLP encoded <blob> of argument length `blobLen`.
if blobLen < 56:
return blobLen + 1
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 1)):
return blobLen + 2
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 2)):
return blobLen + 3
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 3)):
return blobLen + 4
when sizeof(int) < 8:
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 4)):
return blobLen + 5
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 5)):
return blobLen + 6
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 6)):
return blobLen + 7
if blobLen < (1 shl (8 * 7)):
return blobLen + 8
if blobLen < high(int) - (1 + sizeof(int)):
blobLen + 1 + sizeof(int)
proc hexaryRangeRlpLeafListSize*(blobLen: int; lstLen = 0): (int,int) =
## Size caclualation for an RLP encoded list `[[<key>,<blob>],a,b,..]`
## where a,b,.. are from a sequence of the same format `[<keyA>,<blobA>]`,
## `[<keyB>,<blobB>]`,... The size of blob is the argument size `blobLen`,
## and the toral size of the sequence is `listLen`.
## The fuction returns `(x,y)`, the size `x` of the RLP encoded pair
## `[<key>,<blob>]` and the total size `y` of the complete RLP encoded list
## `[[<key>,<blob>],a,b,..]`.
let pairLen = blobLen.rlpPairSize(33)
if lstLen == 0:
(pairLen, hexaryRangeRlpSize(pairLen))
elif lstLen < high(int) - lstLen:
(pairLen, hexaryRangeRlpSize(pairLen + lstLen))
(pairLen, high(int))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------