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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Read vertex record on the layered Aristo DB delta architecture
## ==============================================================
{.push raises: [].}
"."/[aristo_desc, aristo_layers]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getIdgUBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
): Result[seq[VertexID],AristoError] =
## Get the ID generator state from the unfiltered backened if available.
let be = db.backend
if not be.isNil:
return be.getIdgFn()
proc getFqsUBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
): Result[seq[(QueueID,QueueID)],AristoError] =
## Get the list of filter IDs unfiltered backened if available.
let be = db.backend
if not be.isNil:
return be.getFqsFn()
proc getVtxUBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
vid: VertexID;
): Result[VertexRef,AristoError] =
## Get the vertex from the unfiltered backened if available.
let be = db.backend
if not be.isNil:
return be.getVtxFn vid
err GetVtxNotFound
proc getKeyUBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
vid: VertexID;
): Result[HashKey,AristoError] =
## Get the merkle hash/key from the unfiltered backend if available.
let be = db.backend
if not be.isNil:
return be.getKeyFn vid
err GetKeyNotFound
proc getFilUBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
qid: QueueID;
): Result[FilterRef,AristoError] =
## Get the filter from the unfiltered backened if available.
let be = db.backend
if not be.isNil:
return be.getFilFn qid
err GetFilNotFound
# ------------------
proc getIdgBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
): Result[seq[VertexID],AristoError] =
## Get the ID generator state the `backened` layer if available.
if not db.roFilter.isNil:
return ok(db.roFilter.vGen)
proc getVtxBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
vid: VertexID;
): Result[VertexRef,AristoError] =
## Get the vertex from the (filtered) backened if available.
if not db.roFilter.isNil and db.roFilter.sTab.hasKey vid:
let vtx = db.roFilter.sTab.getOrVoid vid
if vtx.isValid:
return ok(vtx)
return err(GetVtxNotFound)
db.getVtxUBE vid
proc getKeyBE*(
db: AristoDbRef;
vid: VertexID;
): Result[HashKey,AristoError] =
## Get the merkle hash/key from the (filtered) backend if available.
if not db.roFilter.isNil and db.roFilter.kMap.hasKey vid:
let key = db.roFilter.kMap.getOrVoid vid
if key.isValid:
return ok(key)
return err(GetKeyNotFound)
db.getKeyUBE vid
# ------------------
proc getLeaf*(
db: AristoDbRef;
lty: LeafTie;
): Result[VidVtxPair,AristoError] =
## Get the leaf path from the cache layers and look up the database for a
## leaf node.
let vid = db.lTab.getOrVoid lty
if not vid.isValid:
return err(GetLeafNotFound)
block body:
let vtx = db.layersGetVtx(vid).valueOr:
break body
if vtx.isValid:
return ok(VidVtxPair(vid: vid, vtx: vtx))
# The leaf node cannot be on the backend. It was produced by a `merge()`
# action. So this is a system problem.
proc getLeafVtx*(db: AristoDbRef; lty: LeafTie): VertexRef =
## Variant of `getLeaf()` returning `nil` on error (while ignoring the
## detailed error type information.)
let rc = db.getLeaf lty
if rc.isOk:
return rc.value.vtx
# ------------------
proc getVtxRc*(db: AristoDbRef; vid: VertexID): Result[VertexRef,AristoError] =
## Cascaded attempt to fetch a vertex from the cache layers or the backend.
block body:
# If the vertex marked is to be deleted on the backend, a `VertexRef(nil)`
# entry is kept in the local table in which case it isis returned as the
# error symbol `GetVtxNotFound`.
let vtx = db.layersGetVtx(vid).valueOr:
break body
if vtx.isValid:
return ok vtx
return err(GetVtxNotFound)
db.getVtxBE vid
proc getVtx*(db: AristoDbRef; vid: VertexID): VertexRef =
## Cascaded attempt to fetch a vertex from the cache layers or the backend.
## The function returns `nil` on error or failure.
db.getVtxRc(vid).valueOr: VertexRef(nil)
proc getKeyRc*(db: AristoDbRef; vid: VertexID): Result[HashKey,AristoError] =
## Cascaded attempt to fetch a Merkle hash from the cache layers or the
## backend.
block body:
let key = db.layersGetKey(vid).valueOr:
break body
# If there is a zero value label, the entry is either marked for being
# updated or for deletion on the database. So check below.
if key.isValid:
return ok key
# The zero value label does not refer to an update mark if there is no
# valid vertex (either on the cache or the backend whatever comes first.)
let vtx = db.layersGetVtx(vid).valueOr:
# There was no vertex on the cache. So there must be one the backend (the
# reason for the key lable to exists, at all.)
return err(GetKeyUpdateNeeded)
if vtx.isValid:
return err(GetKeyUpdateNeeded)
# The vertex is to be deleted. So is the value label.
return err(GetKeyNotFound)
db.getKeyBE vid
proc getKey*(db: AristoDbRef; vid: VertexID): HashKey =
## Cascaded attempt to fetch a vertex from the cache layers or the backend.
## The function returns `nil` on error or failure.
db.getKeyRc(vid).valueOr: VOID_HASH_KEY
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------