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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
../../../misc/[best_pivot, block_queue, sync_ctrl, ticker],
"../.."/[range_desc, worker_desc],
../db/[snapdb_desc, snapdb_persistent],
FullPassCtxRef = ref object of RootRef
## Pass local descriptor extension for full sync process
startNumber: Option[BlockNumber] ## History starts here (used for logging)
pivot: BestPivotCtxRef ## Global pivot descriptor
bCtx: BlockQueueCtxRef ## Global block queue descriptor
suspendAt: BlockNumber ## Suspend if persistent head is larger
FullPassBuddyRef = ref object of RootRef
## Pass local descriptor extension for full sync process
pivot: BestPivotWorkerRef ## Local pivot worker descriptor
queue: BlockQueueWorkerRef ## Block queue worker
extraTraceMessages = false # or true
## Enabled additional logging noise
dumpDatabaseOnRollOver = false # or true # <--- will go away (debugging only)
## Dump database before switching to full sync (debugging, testing)
when dumpDatabaseOnRollOver: # <--- will go away (debugging only)
import ../../../../../tests/replay/undump_kvp
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template logTxt(info: static[string]): static[string] =
"Full worker " & info
template ignoreException(info: static[string]; code: untyped) =
except CatchableError as e:
error "Exception at " & info & ":", name=($, msg=(e.msg)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private getter/setter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pass(pool: SnapCtxData): auto =
## Getter, pass local descriptor
proc pass(only: SnapBuddyData): auto =
## Getter, pass local descriptor
proc `pass=`(pool: var SnapCtxData; val: FullPassCtxRef) =
## Setter, pass local descriptor
pool.full = val
proc `pass=`(only: var SnapBuddyData; val: FullPassBuddyRef) =
## Getter, pass local descriptor
only.full = val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc resumeAtNumber(ctx: SnapCtxRef): BlockNumber =
## Resume full sync (if any)
const nBackBlocks = maxHeadersFetch div 2
let bestNumber = ctx.chain.db.getCanonicalHead().blockNumber
if nBackBlocks < bestNumber:
return bestNumber - nBackBlocks
proc tickerUpdater(ctx: SnapCtxRef): TickerFullStatsUpdater =
result = proc: TickerFullStats =
let full = ctx.pool.pass
var stats: BlockQueueStats
let suspended = 0 < full.suspendAt and full.suspendAt <= stats.topAccepted
pivotBlock: ctx.pool.pass.startNumber,
topPersistent: stats.topAccepted,
nextStaged: stats.nextStaged,
nextUnprocessed: stats.nextUnprocessed,
nStagedQueue: stats.nStagedQueue,
suspended: suspended,
reOrg: stats.reOrg)
proc processStaged(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): bool =
## Fetch a work item from the `staged` queue an process it to be
## stored on the persistent block chain.
ctx = buddy.ctx
peer = buddy.peer
chainDb = buddy.ctx.chain.db
chain = buddy.ctx.chain
bq = buddy.only.pass.queue
# Get a work item, a list of headers + bodies
wi = block:
let rc = bq.blockQueueFetchStaged()
if rc.isErr:
return false
#startNumber = wi.headers[0].blockNumber -- unused
# Store in persistent database
if chain.persistBlocks(wi.headers, wi.bodies) == ValidationResult.OK:
return true
except CatchableError as e:
error logTxt "storing persistent blocks failed", peer, range=($wi.blocks),
name=($, msg=(e.msg)
# Something went wrong. Recycle work item (needs to be re-fetched, anyway)
parentHash = wi.headers[0].parentHash
# Check whether hash of the first block is consistent
var parent: BlockHeader
if chainDb.getBlockHeader(parentHash, parent):
# First block parent is ok, so there might be other problems. Re-fetch
# the blocks from another peer.
trace "Storing persistent blocks failed", peer, range=($wi.blocks)
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
except CatchableError as e:
error logTxt "failed to access parent blocks", peer,
blockNumber=wi.headers[0].blockNumber.toStr, name=($, msg=e.msg
# Parent block header problem, so we might be in the middle of a re-org.
# Set single mode backtrack following the offending parent hash.
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = false
if wi.topHash.isNone:
# Assuming that currently staged entries are on the wrong branch
notice logTxt "starting chain re-org backtrack work item", peer,
# Leave that block range in the staged list
trace logTxt "resuming chain re-org backtrack work item", peer,
return false
proc suspendDownload(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): bool =
## Check whether downloading should be suspended
ctx = buddy.ctx
full = ctx.pool.pass
# Update from RPC magic
if full.suspendAt < ctx.pool.beaconHeader.blockNumber:
full.suspendAt = ctx.pool.beaconHeader.blockNumber
# Optionaly, some external update request
if ctx.exCtrlFile.isSome:
# Needs to be read as second line (index 1)
let rc = ctx.exCtrlFile.syncCtrlBlockNumberFromFile(1)
if rc.isOk and full.suspendAt < rc.value:
full.suspendAt = rc.value
# Return `true` if download should be suspended
if 0 < full.suspendAt:
return full.suspendAt <= buddy.only.pass.queue.topAccepted
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions, full sync admin handlers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc fullSyncSetup(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
# Set up descriptor
let full = FullPassCtxRef()
ctx.pool.pass = full
# Initialise full sync, resume from previous download (if any)
let blockNumber = ctx.resumeAtNumber()
if 0 < blockNumber:
full.startNumber = some(blockNumber)
full.bCtx = BlockQueueCtxRef.init(blockNumber + 1)
full.bCtx = BlockQueueCtxRef.init()
# Initialise peer pivots in relaxed mode (not waiting for agreeing peers)
full.pivot = BestPivotCtxRef.init(rng=ctx.pool.rng, minPeers=0)
# Update ticker
ctx.pool.ticker.init(cb = ctx.tickerUpdater())
proc fullSyncRelease(ctx: SnapCtxRef) =
ctx.pool.pass = nil
proc fullSyncStart(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): bool =
ctx = buddy.ctx
peer = buddy.peer
if peer.supports(protocol.eth) and peer.state(protocol.eth).initialized:
let p = ctx.pool.pass
buddy.only.pass = FullPassBuddyRef()
buddy.only.pass.queue = BlockQueueWorkerRef.init(p.bCtx, buddy.ctrl, peer)
buddy.only.pass.pivot = BestPivotWorkerRef.init(p.pivot, buddy.ctrl, peer)
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = false # confirm default mode for soft restart
buddy.only.errors = GetErrorStatsRef()
return true
proc fullSyncStop(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions, full sync action handlers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc fullSyncDaemon(ctx: SnapCtxRef) {.async.} =
ctx.daemon = false
proc fullSyncPool(buddy: SnapBuddyRef, last: bool; laps: int): bool =
let ctx = buddy.ctx
# There is a soft re-setup after switch over to full sync mode if a pivot
# block header is available initialised from outside, i.e. snap sync swich.
if ctx.pool.fullHeader.isSome:
stateHeader = ctx.pool.fullHeader.unsafeGet
initFullSync = ctx.pool.pass.startNumber.isNone
# Re-assign start number for logging (instead of genesis)
ctx.pool.pass.startNumber = some(stateHeader.blockNumber)
if initFullSync:
# Reinitialise block queue descriptor relative to current pivot
ctx.pool.pass.bCtx = BlockQueueCtxRef.init(stateHeader.blockNumber + 1)
# Store pivot as parent hash in database
ctx.pool.snapDb.kvDb.persistentBlockHeaderPut stateHeader
# Instead of genesis. = stateHeader.blockHash
when dumpDatabaseOnRollOver: # <--- will go away (debugging only)
# Dump database ... <--- will go away (debugging only)
let nRecords = # <--- will go away (debugging only)
ctx.pool.snapDb.rockDb.dumpAllDb # <--- will go away (debugging only)
trace logTxt "dumped block chain database", nRecords
# Kick off ticker (was stopped by snap `release()` method)
# Reset so that this action would not be triggered, again
ctx.pool.fullHeader = none(BlockHeader)
# Soft re-start buddy peers if on the second lap.
if 0 < laps and ctx.pool.pass.startNumber.isSome:
if not buddy.fullSyncStart():
# Start() method failed => wait for another peer
buddy.ctrl.stopped = true
if last:
trace logTxt "soft restart done", peer=buddy.peer, last, laps,
pivot=ctx.pool.pass.startNumber.toStr,, state= buddy.ctrl.state
return false # does stop magically when looping over peers is exhausted
# Mind the gap, fill in if necessary (function is peer independent)
true # Stop after running once regardless of peer
proc fullSyncSingle(buddy: SnapBuddyRef) {.async.} =
pv = buddy.only.pass.pivot
bq = buddy.only.pass.queue
bNum = bq.bestNumber.get(otherwise = bq.topAccepted + 1)
# Negotiate in order to derive the pivot header from this `peer`.
if await pv.pivotNegotiate(some(bNum)):
# Update/activate `bestNumber` from the pivot header
bq.bestNumber = some(pv.pivotHeader.value.blockNumber)
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = true
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "pivot accepted", peer=buddy.peer,
minNumber=bNum.toStr, bestNumber=bq.bestNumber.unsafeGet.toStr
if buddy.ctrl.stopped:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "single mode stopped", peer=buddy.peer
return # done with this buddy
# Without waiting, this function repeats every 50ms (as set with the constant
# `sync_sched.execLoopTimeElapsedMin`.)
await sleepAsync 300.milliseconds
proc fullSyncMulti(buddy: SnapBuddyRef): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Full sync processing
ctx = buddy.ctx
bq = buddy.only.pass.queue
if buddy.suspendDownload:
# Sleep for a while, then leave
await sleepAsync(10.seconds)
# Fetch work item
let rc = await bq.blockQueueWorker()
if rc.isErr:
if rc.error == StagedQueueOverflow:
# Mind the gap: Turn on pool mode if there are too may staged items.
ctx.poolMode = true
trace logTxt "error", peer=buddy.peer, error=rc.error
# Update persistent database
while buddy.processStaged() and not buddy.ctrl.stopped:
trace logTxt "multi processed", peer=buddy.peer
# Allow thread switch as `persistBlocks()` might be slow
await sleepAsync(10.milliseconds)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc passFull*: auto =
## Return full sync handler environment
setup: fullSyncSetup,
release: fullSyncRelease,
start: fullSyncStart,
stop: fullSyncStop,
pool: fullSyncPool,
daemon: fullSyncDaemon,
single: fullSyncSingle,
multi: fullSyncMulti)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------