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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Helpers to treat persistent and in-memory database in a similar way
{.push raises: [].}
std/[sequtils, tables],
eth/[common, trie/nibbles],
"."/[hexary_desc, hexary_error]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc isZeroLink*(a: Blob): bool =
## Persistent database has `Blob` as key
a.len == 0
proc isZeroLink*(a: RepairKey): bool =
## Persistent database has `RepairKey` as key
proc `==`*(a, b: XNodeObj): bool =
if a.kind == b.kind:
case a.kind:
of Leaf:
return a.lPfx == b.lPfx and a.lData == b.lData
of Extension:
return a.ePfx == b.ePfx and a.eLink == b.eLink
of Branch:
return a.bLink == b.bLink
# ------------------
proc toBranchNode*(
rlp: Rlp
): XNodeObj
{.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError]} =
var rlp = rlp
XNodeObj(kind: Branch, bLink:[17,Blob]))
proc toLeafNode*(
rlp: Rlp;
pSegm: NibblesSeq
): XNodeObj
{.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError]} =
XNodeObj(kind: Leaf, lPfx: pSegm, lData: rlp.listElem(1).toBytes)
proc toExtensionNode*(
rlp: Rlp;
pSegm: NibblesSeq
): XNodeObj
{.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError]} =
XNodeObj(kind: Extension, ePfx: pSegm, eLink: rlp.listElem(1).toBytes)
# ------------------
proc getNode*(
nodeKey: RepairKey; # Node key
db: HexaryTreeDbRef; # Database
): Result[RNodeRef,HexaryError]
{.gcsafe, raises: [KeyError].} =
## Fetch root node for given path
return ok([nodeKey])
proc getNode*(
nodeKey: openArray[byte]; # Node key
getFn: HexaryGetFn; # Database abstraction
): Result[XNodeObj,HexaryError]
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Variant of `getRootNode()`
let nodeData = nodeKey.getFn
if 0 < nodeData.len:
let nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes nodeData
case nodeRlp.listLen:
of 17:
return ok(nodeRlp.toBranchNode)
of 2:
let (isLeaf,pfx) = hexPrefixDecode nodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes
if isleaf:
return ok(nodeRlp.toLeafNode pfx)
return ok(nodeRlp.toExtensionNode pfx)
return err(NearbyGarbledNode)
proc getNode*(
nodeKey: NodeKey; # Node key
getFn: HexaryGetFn; # Database abstraction
): Result[XNodeObj,HexaryError]
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Variant of `getRootNode()`
# ------------------
proc branchNibbleMin*(node: XNodeObj|RNodeRef; minInx: int8): int8 =
## Find the least index for an argument branch `node` link with index
## greater or equal the argument `nibble`.
if node.kind == Branch:
for n in minInx .. 15:
if not node.bLink[n].isZeroLink:
return n
proc branchNibbleMax*(node: XNodeObj|RNodeRef; maxInx: int8): int8 =
## Find the greatest index for an argument branch `node` link with index
## less or equal the argument `nibble`.
if node.kind == Branch:
for n in maxInx.countDown 0:
if not node.bLink[n].isZeroLink:
return n
# --------------------
proc padPartialPath*(pfx: NibblesSeq; dblNibble: byte): NodeKey =
## Extend (or cut) `partialPath` nibbles sequence and generate `NodeKey`.
## This function must be handled with some care regarding a meaningful value
## for the `dblNibble` argument. Using values `0` or `255` is typically used
## to create the minimum or maximum envelope value from the `pfx` argument.
# Pad with zeroes
var padded: NibblesSeq
let padLen = 64 - pfx.len
if 0 <= padLen:
padded = pfx & dblNibble.repeat(padlen div 2).initNibbleRange
if (padLen and 1) == 1:
padded = padded & @[dblNibble].initNibbleRange.slice(1)
let nope = seq[byte].default.initNibbleRange
padded = pfx.slice(0,64) & nope # nope forces re-alignment
let bytes = padded.getBytes
(addr result.ByteArray32[0]).copyMem(unsafeAddr bytes[0], bytes.len)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------