
564 lines
18 KiB

tables, hashes, sets,
eth/[common, rlp], eth/trie/[hexary, db, trie_defs],
../constants, ../utils, storage_types,
AccountFlag = enum
AccountFlags = set[AccountFlag]
RefAccount = ref object
account: Account
flags: AccountFlags
code: seq[byte]
originalStorage: TableRef[UInt256, UInt256]
overlayStorage: Table[UInt256, UInt256]
WitnessData* = object
storageKeys*: HashSet[UInt256]
codeTouched*: bool
AccountsCache* = ref object
db: TrieDatabaseRef
trie: SecureHexaryTrie
savePoint: SavePoint
witnessCache: Table[EthAddress, WitnessData]
isDirty: bool
ReadOnlyStateDB* = distinct AccountsCache
TransactionState = enum
SavePoint* = ref object
parentSavepoint: SavePoint
cache: Table[EthAddress, RefAccount]
accessList: access_list.AccessList
state: TransactionState
emptyAcc = newAccount()
resetFlags = {
proc beginSavepoint*(ac: var AccountsCache): SavePoint {.gcsafe.}
# The AccountsCache is modeled after TrieDatabase for it's transaction style
proc init*(x: typedesc[AccountsCache], db: TrieDatabaseRef,
root: KeccakHash, pruneTrie: bool = true): AccountsCache =
new result
result.db = db
result.trie = initSecureHexaryTrie(db, root, pruneTrie)
result.witnessCache = initTable[EthAddress, WitnessData]()
discard result.beginSavepoint
proc init*(x: typedesc[AccountsCache], db: TrieDatabaseRef, pruneTrie: bool = true): AccountsCache =
init(x, db, emptyRlpHash, pruneTrie)
proc rootHash*(ac: AccountsCache): KeccakHash =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
# make sure all cache already committed
doAssert(ac.isDirty == false)
proc beginSavepoint*(ac: var AccountsCache): SavePoint =
new result
result.cache = initTable[EthAddress, RefAccount]()
result.state = Pending
result.parentSavepoint = ac.savePoint
ac.savePoint = result
proc rollback*(ac: var AccountsCache, sp: Savepoint) =
# Transactions should be handled in a strictly nested fashion.
# Any child transaction must be committed or rolled-back before
# its parent transactions:
doAssert ac.savePoint == sp and sp.state == Pending
ac.savePoint = sp.parentSavepoint
sp.state = RolledBack
proc commit*(ac: var AccountsCache, sp: Savepoint) =
# Transactions should be handled in a strictly nested fashion.
# Any child transaction must be committed or rolled-back before
# its parent transactions:
doAssert ac.savePoint == sp and sp.state == Pending
# cannot commit most inner savepoint
doAssert not sp.parentSavepoint.isNil
ac.savePoint = sp.parentSavepoint
for k, v in sp.cache:
sp.parentSavepoint.cache[k] = v
sp.state = Committed
proc dispose*(ac: var AccountsCache, sp: Savepoint) {.inline.} =
if sp.state == Pending:
proc safeDispose*(ac: var AccountsCache, sp: Savepoint) {.inline.} =
if (not isNil(sp)) and (sp.state == Pending):
proc getAccount(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, shouldCreate = true): RefAccount =
# search account from layers of cache
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.cache.getOrDefault(address)
if not result.isNil:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
# not found in cache, look into state trie
let recordFound = ac.trie.get(address)
if recordFound.len > 0:
# we found it
result = RefAccount(
account: rlp.decode(recordFound, Account),
flags: {IsAlive}
if not shouldCreate:
# it's a request for new account
result = RefAccount(
account: newAccount(),
flags: {IsAlive, IsNew}
# cache the account
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
proc clone(acc: RefAccount, cloneStorage: bool): RefAccount =
result.account = acc.account
result.flags = acc.flags + {IsClone}
result.code = acc.code
if cloneStorage:
result.originalStorage = acc.originalStorage
# it's ok to clone a table this way
result.overlayStorage = acc.overlayStorage
proc isEmpty(acc: RefAccount): bool =
result = acc.account.codeHash == EMPTY_SHA3 and
acc.account.balance.isZero and
acc.account.nonce == 0
template exists(acc: RefAccount): bool =
IsAlive in acc.flags
template createTrieKeyFromSlot(slot: UInt256): auto =
# XXX: This is too expensive. Similar to `createRangeFromAddress`
# Converts a number to hex big-endian representation including
# prefix and leading zeros:
# Original py-evm code:
# pad32(int_to_big_endian(slot))
# morally equivalent to toByteRange_Unnecessary but with different types
template getAccountTrie(db: TrieDatabaseRef, acc: RefAccount): auto =
# TODO: implement `prefix-db` to solve issue #228 permanently.
# the `prefix-db` will automatically insert account address to the
# underlying-db key without disturb how the trie works.
# it will create virtual container for each account.
# see nim-eth#9
initSecureHexaryTrie(db, acc.account.storageRoot, false)
proc originalStorageValue(acc: RefAccount, slot: UInt256, db: TrieDatabaseRef): UInt256 =
# share the same original storage between multiple
# versions of account
if acc.originalStorage.isNil:
acc.originalStorage = newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
acc.originalStorage[].withValue(slot, val) do:
return val[]
# Not in the original values cache - go to the DB.
slotAsKey = createTrieKeyFromSlot slot
accountTrie = getAccountTrie(db, acc)
foundRecord = accountTrie.get(slotAsKey)
result = if foundRecord.len > 0:
rlp.decode(foundRecord, UInt256)
acc.originalStorage[slot] = result
proc storageValue(acc: RefAccount, slot: UInt256, db: TrieDatabaseRef): UInt256 =
acc.overlayStorage.withValue(slot, val) do:
return val[]
result = acc.originalStorageValue(slot, db)
proc kill(acc: RefAccount) =
acc.flags.excl IsAlive
acc.originalStorage = nil
acc.account = newAccount()
acc.code = default(seq[byte])
PersistMode = enum
proc persistMode(acc: RefAccount): PersistMode =
result = DoNothing
if IsAlive in acc.flags:
if IsNew in acc.flags or IsDirty in acc.flags:
result = Update
if IsNew notin acc.flags:
result = Remove
proc persistCode(acc: RefAccount, db: TrieDatabaseRef) =
if acc.code.len != 0:
when defined(geth):
db.put(, acc.code)
db.put(contractHashKey(acc.account.codeHash).toOpenArray, acc.code)
proc persistStorage(acc: RefAccount, db: TrieDatabaseRef, clearCache: bool) =
if acc.overlayStorage.len == 0:
# TODO: remove the storage too if we figure out
# how to create 'virtual' storage room for each account
if not clearCache and acc.originalStorage.isNil:
acc.originalStorage = newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
var accountTrie = getAccountTrie(db, acc)
for slot, value in acc.overlayStorage:
let slotAsKey = createTrieKeyFromSlot slot
if value > 0:
let encodedValue = rlp.encode(value)
accountTrie.put(slotAsKey, encodedValue)
# TODO: this can be disabled if we do not perform
# accounts tracing
# map slothash back to slot value
# see iterator storage below
# slotHash can be obtained from accountTrie.put?
let slotHash = keccakHash(slotAsKey)
db.put(slotHashToSlotKey(, rlp.encode(slot))
if not clearCache:
# if we preserve cache, move the overlayStorage
# to originalStorage, related to EIP2200, EIP1283
for slot, value in acc.overlayStorage:
if value > 0:
acc.originalStorage[slot] = value
acc.account.storageRoot = accountTrie.rootHash
proc makeDirty(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, cloneStorage = true): RefAccount =
ac.isDirty = true
result = ac.getAccount(address)
if address in ac.savePoint.cache:
# it's already in latest savepoint
result.flags.incl IsDirty
# put a copy into latest savepoint
result = result.clone(cloneStorage)
result.flags.incl IsDirty
ac.savePoint.cache[address] = result
proc getCodeHash*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): Hash256 {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.codeHash
else: acc.account.codeHash
proc getBalance*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): UInt256 {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.balance
else: acc.account.balance
proc getNonce*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): AccountNonce {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.nonce
else: acc.account.nonce
proc getCode*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): seq[byte] =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
if CodeLoaded in acc.flags or CodeChanged in acc.flags:
result = acc.code
when defined(geth):
let data = ac.db.get(
let data = ac.db.get(contractHashKey(acc.account.codeHash).toOpenArray)
acc.code = data
acc.flags.incl CodeLoaded
result = acc.code
proc getCodeSize*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): int {.inline.} =
proc getCommittedStorage*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.originalStorageValue(slot, ac.db)
proc getStorage*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.storageValue(slot, ac.db)
proc hasCodeOrNonce*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
acc.account.nonce != 0 or acc.account.codeHash != EMPTY_SHA3
proc accountExists*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
proc isEmptyAccount*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool {.inline.} =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
doAssert not acc.isNil
doAssert acc.exists()
result = acc.isEmpty()
proc isDeadAccount*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil:
result = true
if not acc.exists():
result = true
result = acc.isEmpty()
proc setBalance*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, balance: UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {IsTouched, IsAlive}
if acc.account.balance != balance:
ac.makeDirty(address).account.balance = balance
proc addBalance*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, delta: UInt256) {.inline.} =
ac.setBalance(address, ac.getBalance(address) + delta)
proc subBalance*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, delta: UInt256) {.inline.} =
ac.setBalance(address, ac.getBalance(address) - delta)
proc setNonce*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, nonce: AccountNonce) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {IsTouched, IsAlive}
if acc.account.nonce != nonce:
ac.makeDirty(address).account.nonce = nonce
proc incNonce*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) {.inline.} =
ac.setNonce(address, ac.getNonce(address) + 1)
proc setCode*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, code: seq[byte]) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {IsTouched, IsAlive}
let codeHash = keccakHash(code)
if acc.account.codeHash != codeHash:
var acc = ac.makeDirty(address)
acc.account.codeHash = codeHash
acc.code = code
acc.flags.incl CodeChanged
proc setStorage*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot, value: UInt256) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {IsTouched, IsAlive}
let oldValue = acc.storageValue(slot, ac.db)
if oldValue != value:
var acc = ac.makeDirty(address)
acc.overlayStorage[slot] = value
acc.flags.incl StorageChanged
proc clearStorage*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
acc.flags.incl {IsTouched, IsAlive}
if acc.account.storageRoot != emptyRlpHash:
# there is no point to clone the storage since we want to remove it
ac.makeDirty(address, cloneStorage = false).account.storageRoot = emptyRlpHash
proc deleteAccount*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) =
# make sure all savepoints already committed
let acc = ac.getAccount(address)
proc persist*(ac: var AccountsCache, clearCache: bool = true) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
var cleanAccounts = initHashSet[EthAddress]()
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
case acc.persistMode()
of Update:
if CodeChanged in acc.flags:
if StorageChanged in acc.flags:
# storageRoot must be updated first
# before persisting account into merkle trie
acc.persistStorage(ac.db, clearCache)
ac.trie.put address, rlp.encode(acc.account)
of Remove:
ac.trie.del address
if not clearCache:
cleanAccounts.incl address
of DoNothing:
acc.flags = acc.flags - resetFlags
if clearCache:
for x in cleanAccounts:
ac.savePoint.cache.del x
# EIP2929
ac.isDirty = false
iterator storage*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): (UInt256, UInt256) =
# beware that if the account not persisted,
# the storage root will not be updated
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if not acc.isNil:
let storageRoot = acc.account.storageRoot
var trie = initHexaryTrie(ac.db, storageRoot)
for slotHash, value in trie:
if slotHash.len == 0: continue
let keyData = ac.db.get(slotHashToSlotKey(slotHash).toOpenArray)
if keyData.len == 0: continue
yield (rlp.decode(keyData, UInt256), rlp.decode(value, UInt256))
proc getStorageRoot*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): Hash256 =
# beware that if the account not persisted,
# the storage root will not be updated
let acc = ac.getAccount(address, false)
if acc.isNil: emptyAcc.storageRoot
else: acc.account.storageRoot
func update(wd: var WitnessData, acc: RefAccount) =
wd.codeTouched = CodeChanged in acc.flags
if not acc.originalStorage.isNil:
for k, v in acc.originalStorage:
if v == 0: continue
wd.storageKeys.incl k
for k, v in acc.overlayStorage:
if v == 0 and k notin wd.storageKeys:
if v == 0 and k in wd.storageKeys:
wd.storageKeys.excl k
wd.storageKeys.incl k
func witnessData(acc: RefAccount): WitnessData =
result.storageKeys = initHashSet[UInt256]()
update(result, acc)
proc collectWitnessData*(ac: var AccountsCache) =
# make sure all savepoint already committed
# usually witness data is collected before we call persist()
for address, acc in ac.savePoint.cache:
ac.witnessCache.withValue(address, val) do:
update(val[], acc)
ac.witnessCache[address] = witnessData(acc)
func multiKeys(slots: HashSet[UInt256]): MultikeysRef =
if slots.len == 0: return
new result
for x in slots:
result.add x.toBytesBE
proc makeMultiKeys*(ac: AccountsCache): MultikeysRef =
# this proc is called after we done executing a block
new result
for k, v in ac.witnessCache:
result.add(k, v.codeTouched, multiKeys(v.storageKeys))
proc accessList*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress) {.inline.} =
proc accessList*(ac: var AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256) {.inline.} =
ac.savePoint.accessList.add(address, slot)
func inAccessList*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress): bool =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.accessList.contains(address)
if result:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
func inAccessList*(ac: AccountsCache, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): bool =
var sp = ac.savePoint
while sp != nil:
result = sp.accessList.contains(address, slot)
if result:
sp = sp.parentSavepoint
proc rootHash*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB): KeccakHash {.borrow.}
proc getCodeHash*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): Hash256 {.borrow.}
proc getStorageRoot*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): Hash256 {.borrow.}
proc getBalance*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): UInt256 {.borrow.}
proc getStorage*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.borrow.}
proc getNonce*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): AccountNonce {.borrow.}
proc getCode*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): seq[byte] {.borrow.}
proc getCodeSize*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): int {.borrow.}
proc hasCodeOrNonce*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc accountExists*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc isDeadAccount*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc isEmptyAccount*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
proc getCommittedStorage*(db: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): UInt256 {.borrow.}
func inAccessList*(ac: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress): bool {.borrow.}
func inAccessList*(ac: ReadOnlyStateDB, address: EthAddress, slot: UInt256): bool {.borrow.}