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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
tables, macros,
vm/interpreter/[opcode_values, opcodes_impl, vm_forks, gas_costs, gas_meter, utils/macros_gen_opcodes],
vm/code_stream, vm/nvm_types, errors, precompiles, vm/stack,
terminal # Those are only needed for logging
topics = "vm opcode"
func invalidInstruction*(c: Computation) {.inline.} =
raise newException(InvalidInstruction, "Invalid instruction, received an opcode not implemented in the current fork.")
let FrontierOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = block:
fill_enum_table_holes(Op, newIdentNode("invalidInstruction")):
Stop: newIdentNode "toBeReplacedByBreak",
Add: newIdentNode "add",
Mul: newIdentNode "mul",
Sub: newIdentNode "sub",
Div: newIdentNode "divide",
Sdiv: newIdentNode "sdiv",
Mod: newIdentNode "modulo",
Smod: newIdentNode "smod",
Addmod: newIdentNode "addmod",
Mulmod: newIdentNode "mulmod",
Exp: newIdentNode "exp",
SignExtend: newIdentNode "signExtend",
# 10s: Comparison & Bitwise Logic Operations
Lt: newIdentNode "lt",
Gt: newIdentNode "gt",
Slt: newIdentNode "slt",
Sgt: newIdentNode "sgt",
Eq: newIdentNode "eq",
IsZero: newIdentNode "isZero",
And: newIdentNode "andOp",
Or: newIdentNode "orOp",
Xor: newIdentNode "xorOp",
Not: newIdentNode "notOp",
Byte: newIdentNode "byteOp",
# 20s: SHA3
Sha3: newIdentNode "sha3",
# 30s: Environmental Information
Address: newIdentNode "address",
Balance: newIdentNode "balance",
Origin: newIdentNode "origin",
Caller: newIdentNode "caller",
CallValue: newIdentNode "callValue",
CallDataLoad: newIdentNode "callDataLoad",
CallDataSize: newIdentNode "callDataSize",
CallDataCopy: newIdentNode "callDataCopy",
CodeSize: newIdentNode "codeSize",
CodeCopy: newIdentNode "codeCopy",
GasPrice: newIdentNode "gasPrice",
ExtCodeSize: newIdentNode "extCodeSize",
ExtCodeCopy: newIdentNode "extCodeCopy",
# ReturnDataSize: introduced in Byzantium
# ReturnDataCopy: introduced in Byzantium
# 40s: Block Information
Blockhash: newIdentNode "blockhash",
Coinbase: newIdentNode "coinbase",
Timestamp: newIdentNode "timestamp",
Number: newIdentNode "blockNumber",
Difficulty: newIdentNode "difficulty",
GasLimit: newIdentNode "gasLimit",
# 50s: Stack, Memory, Storage and Flow Operations
Pop: newIdentNode "pop",
Mload: newIdentNode "mload",
Mstore: newIdentNode "mstore",
Mstore8: newIdentNode "mstore8",
Sload: newIdentNode "sload",
Sstore: newIdentNode "sstore",
Jump: newIdentNode "jump",
JumpI: newIdentNode "jumpI",
Pc: newIdentNode "pc",
Msize: newIdentNode "msize",
Gas: newIdentNode "gas",
JumpDest: newIdentNode "jumpDest",
# 60s & 70s: Push Operations.
Push1: newIdentNode "push1",
Push2: newIdentNode "push2",
Push3: newIdentNode "push3",
Push4: newIdentNode "push4",
Push5: newIdentNode "push5",
Push6: newIdentNode "push6",
Push7: newIdentNode "push7",
Push8: newIdentNode "push8",
Push9: newIdentNode "push9",
Push10: newIdentNode "push10",
Push11: newIdentNode "push11",
Push12: newIdentNode "push12",
Push13: newIdentNode "push13",
Push14: newIdentNode "push14",
Push15: newIdentNode "push15",
Push16: newIdentNode "push16",
Push17: newIdentNode "push17",
Push18: newIdentNode "push18",
Push19: newIdentNode "push19",
Push20: newIdentNode "push20",
Push21: newIdentNode "push21",
Push22: newIdentNode "push22",
Push23: newIdentNode "push23",
Push24: newIdentNode "push24",
Push25: newIdentNode "push25",
Push26: newIdentNode "push26",
Push27: newIdentNode "push27",
Push28: newIdentNode "push28",
Push29: newIdentNode "push29",
Push30: newIdentNode "push30",
Push31: newIdentNode "push31",
Push32: newIdentNode "push32",
# 80s: Duplication Operations
Dup1: newIdentNode "dup1",
Dup2: newIdentNode "dup2",
Dup3: newIdentNode "dup3",
Dup4: newIdentNode "dup4",
Dup5: newIdentNode "dup5",
Dup6: newIdentNode "dup6",
Dup7: newIdentNode "dup7",
Dup8: newIdentNode "dup8",
Dup9: newIdentNode "dup9",
Dup10: newIdentNode "dup10",
Dup11: newIdentNode "dup11",
Dup12: newIdentNode "dup12",
Dup13: newIdentNode "dup13",
Dup14: newIdentNode "dup14",
Dup15: newIdentNode "dup15",
Dup16: newIdentNode "dup16",
# 90s: Exchange Operations
Swap1: newIdentNode "swap1",
Swap2: newIdentNode "swap2",
Swap3: newIdentNode "swap3",
Swap4: newIdentNode "swap4",
Swap5: newIdentNode "swap5",
Swap6: newIdentNode "swap6",
Swap7: newIdentNode "swap7",
Swap8: newIdentNode "swap8",
Swap9: newIdentNode "swap9",
Swap10: newIdentNode "swap10",
Swap11: newIdentNode "swap11",
Swap12: newIdentNode "swap12",
Swap13: newIdentNode "swap13",
Swap14: newIdentNode "swap14",
Swap15: newIdentNode "swap15",
Swap16: newIdentNode "swap16",
# a0s: Logging Operations
Log0: newIdentNode "log0",
Log1: newIdentNode "log1",
Log2: newIdentNode "log2",
Log3: newIdentNode "log3",
Log4: newIdentNode "log4",
# f0s: System operations
Create: newIdentNode "create",
Call: newIdentNode "call",
CallCode: newIdentNode "callCode",
Return: newIdentNode "returnOp",
# StaticCall: introduced in Byzantium
# Revert: introduced in Byzantium
# Invalid: newIdentNode "invalid",
SelfDestruct: newIdentNode "selfDestruct"
proc genHomesteadJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[DelegateCall] = newIdentNode "delegateCall"
let HomesteadOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genHomesteadJumpTable(FrontierOpDispatch)
proc genTangerineJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[SelfDestruct] = newIdentNode "selfDestructEIP150"
let TangerineOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genTangerineJumpTable(HomesteadOpDispatch)
proc genSpuriousJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[SelfDestruct] = newIdentNode "selfDestructEIP161"
let SpuriousOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genSpuriousJumpTable(TangerineOpDispatch)
proc genByzantiumJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[Revert] = newIdentNode "revert"
result[ReturnDataSize] = newIdentNode "returnDataSize"
result[ReturnDataCopy] = newIdentNode "returnDataCopy"
result[StaticCall] = newIdentNode"staticCall"
let ByzantiumOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genByzantiumJumpTable(SpuriousOpDispatch)
proc genConstantinopleJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[Shl] = newIdentNode "shlOp"
result[Shr] = newIdentNode "shrOp"
result[Sar] = newIdentNode "sarOp"
result[ExtCodeHash] = newIdentNode "extCodeHash"
result[Create2] = newIdentNode "create2"
result[SStore] = newIdentNode "sstoreEIP1283"
let ConstantinopleOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genConstantinopleJumpTable(ByzantiumOpDispatch)
proc genPetersburgJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[SStore] = newIdentNode "sstore" # disable EIP-1283
let PetersburgOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genPetersburgJumpTable(ConstantinopleOpDispatch)
proc genIstanbulJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[ChainId] = newIdentNode "chainId"
result[SelfBalance] = newIdentNode "selfBalance"
result[SStore] = newIdentNode "sstoreEIP2200"
let IstanbulOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genIstanbulJumpTable(PetersburgOpDispatch)
proc genBerlinJumpTable(ops: array[Op, NimNode]): array[Op, NimNode] {.compileTime.} =
result = ops
result[BeginSub] = newIdentNode "beginSub"
result[ReturnSub] = newIdentNode "returnSub"
result[JumpSub] = newIdentNode "jumpSub"
result[Balance] = newIdentNode "balanceEIP2929"
result[ExtCodeHash] = newIdentNode "extCodeHashEIP2929"
result[ExtCodeSize] = newIdentNode "extCodeSizeEIP2929"
result[ExtCodeCopy] = newIdentNode "extCodeCopyEIP2929"
result[SelfDestruct] = newIdentNode "selfDestructEIP2929"
result[SLoad] = newIdentNode "sloadEIP2929"
result[SStore] = newIdentNode "sstoreEIP2929"
let BerlinOpDispatch {.compileTime.}: array[Op, NimNode] = genBerlinJumpTable(IstanbulOpDispatch)
proc opTableToCaseStmt(opTable: array[Op, NimNode], c: NimNode): NimNode =
let instr = quote do: `c`.instr
result = nnkCaseStmt.newTree(instr)
# Add a branch for each (opcode, proc) pair
# We dispatch to the next instruction at the end of each branch
for op, opImpl in opTable.pairs:
let asOp = quote do: Op(`op`) # TODO: unfortunately when passing to runtime, ops are transformed into int
let branchStmt = block:
if op == Stop:
quote do:
trace "op: Stop"
if not `c`.code.atEnd() and `c`.tracingEnabled:
# we only trace `REAL STOP` and ignore `FAKE STOP`
`c`.opIndex = `c`.traceOpCodeStarted(`asOp`)
`c`.traceOpCodeEnded(`asOp`, `c`.opIndex)
if BaseGasCosts[op].kind == GckFixed:
quote do:
if `c`.tracingEnabled:
`c`.opIndex = `c`.traceOpCodeStarted(`asOp`)
`c`.gasMeter.consumeGas(`c`.gasCosts[`asOp`].cost, reason = $`asOp`)
if `c`.tracingEnabled:
`c`.traceOpCodeEnded(`asOp`, `c`.opIndex)
quote do:
if `c`.tracingEnabled:
`c`.opIndex = `c`.traceOpCodeStarted(`asOp`)
if `c`.tracingEnabled:
`c`.traceOpCodeEnded(`asOp`, `c`.opIndex)
when `asOp` in {Return, Revert, SelfDestruct}:
result.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(
# Wrap the case statement in while true + computed goto
result = quote do:
if `c`.tracingEnabled:
while true:
`instr` = `c`
# computed goto causing stack overflow, it consumes a lot of space
# we could use manual jump table instead
# TODO lots of macro magic here to unravel, with chronicles...
# `c`.logger.log($`c`.stack & "\n\n", fgGreen)
macro genFrontierDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(FrontierOpDispatch, c)
macro genHomesteadDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(HomesteadOpDispatch, c)
macro genTangerineDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(TangerineOpDispatch, c)
macro genSpuriousDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(SpuriousOpDispatch, c)
macro genByzantiumDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(ByzantiumOpDispatch, c)
macro genConstantinopleDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(ConstantinopleOpDispatch, c)
macro genPetersburgDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(PetersburgOpDispatch, c)
macro genIstanbulDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(IstanbulOpDispatch, c)
macro genBerlinDispatch(c: Computation): untyped =
result = opTableToCaseStmt(BerlinOpDispatch, c)
proc frontierVM(c: Computation) =
proc homesteadVM(c: Computation) =
proc tangerineVM(c: Computation) =
proc spuriousVM(c: Computation) {.gcsafe.} =
proc byzantiumVM(c: Computation) {.gcsafe.} =
proc constantinopleVM(c: Computation) {.gcsafe.} =
proc petersburgVM(c: Computation) {.gcsafe.} =
proc istanbulVM(c: Computation) {.gcsafe.} =
proc berlinVM(c: Computation) {.gcsafe.} =
proc selectVM(c: Computation, fork: Fork) {.gcsafe.} =
# TODO: Optimise getting fork and updating opCodeExec only when necessary
case fork
of FkFrontier:
of FkHomestead:
of FkTangerine:
of FkSpurious:
of FkByzantium:
of FkConstantinople:
of FkPetersburg:
of FkIstanbul:
proc executeOpcodes(c: Computation) =
let fork = c.fork
if c.execPrecompiles(fork):
except CatchableError as e:
c.setError(&"Opcode Dispatch Error msg={e.msg}, depth={c.msg.depth}", true)
if c.isError():
if c.tracingEnabled: c.traceError()
debug "executeOpcodes error",