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synced 2025-01-28 21:16:29 +00:00
410 lines
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410 lines
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NewPayloads* = ref object of TestStep
# Payload Count
payloadCount*: int
# Number of blob transactions that are expected to be included in the payload
expectedIncludedBlobCount*: int
# Blob IDs expected to be found in the payload
expectedBlobs*: seq[BlobID]
# Delay between FcU and GetPayload calls
getPayloadDelay*: int
# GetPayload modifier when requesting the new Payload
getPayloadCustomizer*: GetPayloadCustomizer
# ForkchoiceUpdate modifier when requesting the new Payload
fcUOnPayloadRequest*: ForkchoiceUpdatedCustomizer
# Extra modifications on NewPayload to potentially generate an invalid payload
newPayloadCustomizer*: NewPayloadCustomizer
# ForkchoiceUpdate modifier when setting the new payload as head
fcUOnHeadSet*: ForkchoiceUpdatedCustomizer
# Expected responses on the NewPayload call
expectationDescription*: string
func getPayloadCount(step: NewPayloads): int =
var payloadCount = step.payloadCount
if payloadCount == 0:
payloadCount = 1
return payloadCount
proc verifyPayload(step: NewPayloads,
com: CommonRef,
client: RpcClient,
blobTxsInPayload: openArray[Transaction],
shouldOverrideBuilder: Option[bool],
payload: ExecutionPayload,
previousPayload = none(ExecutionPayload)): bool =
parentExcessBlobGas = 0'u64
parentBlobGasUsed = 0'u64
if previousPayload.isSome:
let prevPayload = previousPayload.get
if prevPayload.excessBlobGas.isSome:
parentExcessBlobGas = prevPayload.excessBlobGas.get.uint64
if prevPayload.blobGasUsed.isSome:
parentBlobGasUsed = prevPayload.blobGasUsed.get.uint64
parent = common.BlockHeader(
excessBlobGas: some(parentExcessBlobGas),
blobGasUsed: some(parentBlobGasUsed)
expectedExcessBlobGas = calcExcessBlobGas(parent)
if com.isCancunOrLater(payload.timestamp.EthTime):
if payload.excessBlobGas.isNone:
error "payload contains nil excessDataGas"
return false
if payload.blobGasUsed.isNone:
error "payload contains nil dataGasUsed"
return false
if payload.excessBlobGas.get.uint64 != expectedExcessBlobGas:
error "payload contains incorrect excessDataGas",
return false
if shouldOverrideBuilder.isNone:
error "shouldOverrideBuilder was not included in the getPayload response"
return false
totalBlobCount = 0
expectedBlobGasPrice = getBlobGasPrice(expectedExcessBlobGas)
for tx in blobTxsInPayload:
let blobCount = tx.versionedHashes.len
totalBlobCount += blobCount
# Retrieve receipt from client
let r = client.txReceipt(tx.rlpHash)
let expectedBlobGasUsed = blobCount.uint64 * GAS_PER_BLOB
if totalBlobCount != step.expectedIncludedBlobCount:
error "expected blobs in transactions",
return false
if not verifyBeaconRootStorage(client, payload):
return false
if payload.excessBlobGas.isSome:
error "payload contains non-nil excessDataGas pre-fork"
return false
if payload.blobGasUsed.isSome:
error "payload contains non-nil dataGasUsed pre-fork"
return false
return true
proc verifyBlobBundle(step: NewPayloads,
blobDataInPayload: openArray[BlobWrapData],
payload: ExecutionPayload,
blobBundle: BlobsBundleV1): bool =
if blobBundle.blobs.len != blobBundle.commitments.len or
blobBundle.blobs.len != blobBundle.proofs.len:
error "unexpected length in blob bundle",
return false
if len(blobBundle.blobs) != step.expectedIncludedBlobCount:
error "expected",
return false
# Verify that the calculated amount of blobs in the payload matches the
# amount of blobs in the bundle
if len(blobDataInPayload) != len(blobBundle.blobs):
error "expected blobs in the bundle",
return false
for i, blobData in blobDataInPayload:
let bundleCommitment = blobBundle.commitments[i].bytes
let bundleBlob = blobBundle.blobs[i].bytes
let bundleProof = blobBundle.proofs[i].bytes
if bundleCommitment != blobData.commitment:
error "KZG mismatch at index of the bundle", index=i
return false
if bundleBlob != blobData.blob:
error "blob mismatch at index of the bundle", index=i
return false
if bundleProof != blobData.proof:
error "proof mismatch at index of the bundle", index=i
return false
if len(step.expectedBlobs) != 0:
# Verify that the blobs in the payload match the expected blobs
for expectedBlob in step.expectedBlobs:
var found = false
for blobData in blobDataInPayload:
if not expectedBlob.verifyBlob(blobData.blob):
return false
found = true
if not found:
error "could not find expected blob", expectedBlob
return false
return true
Shadow = ref object
p: int
payloadCount: int
prevPayload: ExecutionPayload
method execute*(step: NewPayloads, ctx: CancunTestContext): bool =
# Create a new payload
# Produce the payload
let env = ctx.env
var originalGetPayloadDelay = env.clMock.payloadProductionClientDelay
if step.getPayloadDelay != 0:
env.clMock.payloadProductionClientDelay = step.getPayloadDelay
var shadow = Shadow(
payloadCount: step.getPayloadCount(),
prevPayload: env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt
for p in 0..<shadow.payloadCount:
shadow.p = p
let pbRes = env.clMock.produceSingleBlock(BlockProcessCallbacks(
onPayloadAttributesGenerated: proc(): bool =
#[if step.fcUOnPayloadRequest != nil:
payloadAttributes = env.clMock.latestPayloadAttributes
forkchoiceState = env.clMock.latestForkchoice
expectedError *int
expectedStatus = test.Valid
err error
testEngine = t.TestEngine.WithEngineAPIVersionResolver(step.FcUOnPayloadRequest)
payloadAttributes, err = step.FcUOnPayloadRequest.getPayloadAttributes(payloadAttributes)
if err != nil {
fatal "Error getting custom payload attributes (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
expectedError, err = step.FcUOnPayloadRequest.getExpectedError()
if err != nil {
fatal "Error getting custom expected error (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
if step.FcUOnPayloadRequest.getExpectInvalidStatus() {
expectedStatus = test.Invalid
r = env.client.ForkchoiceUpdated(&forkchoiceState, payloadAttributes, env.clMock.LatestHeader.Time)
r.ExpectationDescription = step.ExpectationDescription
if expectedError != nil {
if r.Response.PayloadID != nil {
env.clMock.AddPayloadID(t.Engine, r.Response.PayloadID)
return true
onRequestNextPayload: proc(): bool =
# Get the next payload
#[if step.GetPayloadCustomizer != nil {
var (
payloadAttributes = env.clMock.latestPayloadAttributes
payloadID = env.clMock.NextPayloadID
expectedError *int
err error
testEngine = t.TestEngine.WithEngineAPIVersionResolver(step.GetPayloadCustomizer)
# We are going to sleep twice because there is no way to skip the CL Mock's sleep
time.Sleep(time.Duration(step.GetPayloadDelay) * time.Second)
payloadID, err = step.GetPayloadCustomizer.getPayloadID(payloadID)
if err != nil {
fatal "Error getting custom payload ID (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
expectedError, err = step.GetPayloadCustomizer.getExpectedError()
if err != nil {
fatal "Error getting custom expected error (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
r = env.client.GetPayload(payloadID, payloadAttributes)
r.ExpectationDescription = step.ExpectationDescription
if expectedError != nil {
return true
onGetPayload: proc(): bool =
# Get the latest blob bundle
blobBundle = env.clMock.latestBlobsBundle
payload = env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt
if not env.engine.com.isCancunOrLater(payload.timestamp.EthTime):
# Nothing to do
return true
if blobBundle.isNone:
fatal "Error getting blobs bundle", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount
return false
let res = getBlobDataInPayload(ctx.txPool, payload)
if res.isErr:
fatal "Error retrieving blob bundle", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, msg=res.error
return false
let blobData = res.get
if not step.verifyBlobBundle(blobData.data, payload, blobBundle.get):
fatal "Error verifying blob bundle", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount
return false
return true
onNewPayloadBroadcast: proc(): bool =
#[if step.NewPayloadCustomizer != nil {
# Send a test NewPayload directive with either a modified payload or modifed versioned hashes
var (
payload = env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt
r *test.NewPayloadResponseExpectObject
expectedError *int
expectedStatus test.PayloadStatus = test.Valid
err error
# Send a custom new payload
testEngine = t.TestEngine.WithEngineAPIVersionResolver(step.NewPayloadCustomizer)
payload, err = step.NewPayloadCustomizer.customizePayload(payload)
if err != nil {
fatal "Error customizing payload (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
expectedError, err = step.NewPayloadCustomizer.getExpectedError()
if err != nil {
fatal "Error getting custom expected error (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
if step.NewPayloadCustomizer.getExpectInvalidStatus() {
expectedStatus = test.Invalid
r = env.client.NewPayload(payload)
r.ExpectationDescription = step.ExpectationDescription
if expectedError != nil {
if step.FcUOnHeadSet != nil {
var (
forkchoiceState api.ForkchoiceStateV1 = env.clMock.latestForkchoice
expectedError *int
expectedStatus test.PayloadStatus = test.Valid
err error
testEngine = t.TestEngine.WithEngineAPIVersionResolver(step.FcUOnHeadSet)
expectedError, err = step.FcUOnHeadSet.getExpectedError()
if err != nil {
fatal "Error getting custom expected error (payload %d/%d): %v", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, err)
if step.FcUOnHeadSet.getExpectInvalidStatus() {
expectedStatus = test.Invalid
forkchoiceState.HeadBlockHash = env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt.blockHash
r = env.client.ForkchoiceUpdated(&forkchoiceState, nil, env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt.Timestamp)
r.ExpectationDescription = step.ExpectationDescription
if expectedError != nil {
return true
onForkchoiceBroadcast: proc(): bool =
# Verify the transaction receipts on incorporated transactions
let payload = env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt
let res = getBlobDataInPayload(ctx.txPool, payload)
if res.isErr:
fatal "Error retrieving blob bundle", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount, msg=res.error
return false
let blobData = res.get
if not step.verifyPayload(env.engine.com, env.engine.client,
blobData.txs, env.clMock.latestShouldOverrideBuilder,
payload, some(shadow.prevPayload)):
fatal "Error verifying payload", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount
return false
shadow.prevPayload = env.clMock.latestPayloadBuilt
return true
testCond pbRes
info "Correctly produced payload", payload=shadow.p+1, count=shadow.payloadCount
if step.getPayloadDelay != 0:
# Restore the original delay
env.clMock.payloadProductionClientDelay = originalGetPayloadDelay
return true
method description*(step: NewPayloads): string =
TODO: Figure out if we need this.
if step.VersionedHashes != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("NewPayloads: %d payloads, %d blobs expected, %s", step.getPayloadCount(), step.ExpectedIncludedBlobCount, step.VersionedHashes.Description())
"NewPayloads: $1 payloads, $2 blobs expected" % [
$step.getPayloadCount(), $step.expectedIncludedBlobCount