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<h1>Premix Report Page</h1>
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<ul class="uk-subnav uk-subnav-divider" uk-switcher="connect:#switcherSection">
<li><a id="opCodeMenu" href="#">OpCode</a></li>
<li><a id="transactionsMenu" href="#">Transactions</a></li>
<li><a id="headerMenu" href="#">Header</a></li>
<li class="uk-active"><a href="#">Help</a></li>
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<h3>Opcode Trace <span id="opCodeTitle" class="uk-text-primary uk-text-small">Tx #</span></h3>
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<h2>Have You Found The Bug?</h2>
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<h3>Transaction's Receipts <span id="transactionsTitle" class="uk-text-primary uk-text-small">Tx #</span></h3>
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<h3>Header Post State Accounts <span id="headerTitle" class="uk-text-primary uk-text-small">Block #</span></h3>
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Work your way through the top-right menu, left to right, to find out where the bug might be located.
If you see <span class="uk-text-danger">red colored text</span>, it means you already found the difference between Nimbus and the other Ethereum
client's tracing result.
If there is no red colored text in the <strong>OPCODE</strong> section, it means the bug might be located in the <strong>TRANSACTIONS</strong> section, or in the <strong>HEADER</strong> section.
Once you locate the bug, you can use the <span class="uk-text-primary">./build/debug</span> tool
to sort things out until there are no more errors and the block passes validation.
Blocks with multiple transactions will have submenus in the navigation bar.
Usually, only the first transaction with red colored text is problematic, but it might affect the
other transactions. In the <strong>OPCODE</strong> section, the same thing happens. Perhaps only the first red-colored instruction
is problematic, but it will affect the other instructions.
Transactions in the <strong>TRANSACTIONS</strong> section are marked as: <span class="uk-text-warning">Regular, ContractCreation, or ContractCall</span>.
Each kind is processed separately by Nimbus, in different procedures.
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